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57038730 No.57038730 [Reply] [Original]

on these questions? Thanks in advance

>> No.57038766

another fudcuck thread, didn't read never selling pools closed kiddo, only fudcucks talk about advocates, how's your sex life?

>> No.57038767

pool's closed
try having sex incel

>> No.57038770

it's always funny when some basement dweller with no life experience comes in and embarrasses themselves with a giant wall of text that no one reads

>> No.57038819

anons, you sound mad

>> No.57038830

you sound gay (and you are)

>> No.57038854

I guess Sergey really is only hiring roasties now. Hey bitch, I hope you took the vax. Enjoy your miscarriages.

>> No.57038856

Take the sportsball posts elsewhere, this is a discussion thread. Try being an adult for once

>> No.57038860

You are not a shareholder. They dont owe you anything lol. Incel twitter virgins are the worst.

>> No.57038880

kek fudcuck fuddies

>> No.57038884

you've never conducted business
you've never solved a technical problem
this is immediately evident every time you open your mouth and vomit out paragraphs of elementary grade questions
you are not an adult and shouldn't be treated like one

>> No.57038898

fudcuck btfo!

>> No.57038914

explain to an oldfag who bought LINK back in 2017, and then sold when it was around $25, why should anyone give a fuck about this token after that? its obviously never hitting its ATH again

>> No.57038920

pools closed
how's your sex life?

>> No.57038931

haha, I run my own business. Look if this is such a sensitive discussion for you, just bow out of the thread and I'll discuss with others

>> No.57038952

nobody's selling, fudcuck

>> No.57038991
File: 2.57 MB, 1536x2048, Sergey and Ari at Cornell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will clarify things for you:

The LINK token is the gas token for the chainlink decentralized oracle network.
The LINK token is not a security representing ownership share of the chainlink company.

I don't know why some Chainlink holders seem to believe that they've bought shares in a company.
You don't see this same attitude toward other crypto tokens and shitcoins.

>> No.57038993

Look man, Link is the coin that's shilled to gullible newfags here. It's a meme on this board that's more than 5 years old at this point.

>hyping up the tech
>hyping up "partnerships" (whatever happened to things like their Swift partnership on their site?)
>hyping up use cases

There is a point when you've just been lurking that you start to see it's the same people shilling it relentlessly and shamelessly over those years. Because people are Anon they can just keep making failed predictions or outright lies over and over because they can.

If link was such a good project with a bright future, they wouldn't take criticism personally or sperg out. Same reason why you wouldn't give a shit if some normie told you Bitcoin is a scam or whatever, that would be THEIR loss if they didn't buy it. Linkies never react that way because a lot of them are holding bags, sometimes for many years. They know if they just bought Eth or Bitcoin instead they would've made more, but it's a sunk cost. Which is why they take it so personally when you criticise the shitcoin, it forces them confront the fact they made a bad investment.

>> No.57039018

You come across so ugly that even dogs cross the sidewalk when they see you coming

>> No.57039045

LINK has outperformed BTC and ETH since inception, try again, fudcuck!
stop projecting, fuddie, how's your sex life?

>> No.57039070

The first few questions are good. When he starts asking about if the LINK token is used that’s when it gets cringe. Obviously the token isn’t used for anything except the daily Big Mac lunch ordering for the 1,000 roastie HR harem Fat Serg has amassed.

>> No.57039081

Kill advocates. Behead advocates. Roundhouse kick an advocate into the concrete. Slam dunk a advocate baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy advocate. Defecate in an advocate food. Launch advocates into the sun. Stir fry advocates in a wok. Toss advocates into active volcanoes. Urinate into an advocate gas tank. Judo throw advocates into a wood chipper. Twist advocates heads off. Report advocates to the IRS. Karate chop advocates in half. Curb stomp pregnant advocates. Trap advocates in quicksand. Crush advocates in the trash compactor. Liquefy advocates in a vat of acid. Eat advocates. Dissect advocates. Exterminate advocates in the gas chamber. Stomp advocate skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate advocates in the oven. Lobotomize advocates. Mandatory advocates for advocates. Grind advocate fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown advocates in fried chicken grease. Vaporize advocates with a ray gun. Kick old advocates down the stairs. Feed advocates to alligators. Slice advocates with a katana.

>> No.57039091

I'm well aware of the SEC security status of a crypto token versus a stock. What I don't understand is why that prevents even a discussion on some of these questions, especially from the team that is pushing a transparency narrative in the space. Again, I fully understand there's a lack of required disclosures from a legal standpoint.

I'm not asking for the team to provide price targets before someone brings up they can't talk price. Again I understand that. Just some more transparency on these talking points.

>> No.57039093




You're welcome.

>> No.57039160

Fuck I miss biz pre 2020. This board is just sportsball fanatics going back and forth at each other with copy paste "burns". On twitter some of these convos can be had but you get blocked for asking questions. Same with telegram, discord, etc. Plebbit actually at one point had good crypto posters but now is god awful. Man the internet fucking sucks for information now versus even 5 years ago. I feel bad for anyone under 30, you completely missed the good years. I'm out

>> No.57039181

>I'm well aware...
You say this but you don't actually seem to believe it.

>> No.57039194

Very excellent thread OP. Shills ITT are going nuts. I hold LINK but if I don't get some answers soon I am selling. Not going to baghold this cryptic "trust the plan" shit all through the bullrun. All I hear from advocates is
>hows your sex life
>kek fuddies
It only works for so long fellas

>> No.57039204

OP posts simple questions deserving of simple answers and gets dragged through the dirt by shills.
Next course of action will inevitably be LINK advocate jannies purging the thread

>> No.57039209

It's called investing

>> No.57039227

>The LINK token is the gas token for the chainlink decentralized oracle network.

Its used as much for this as it is a stock, which is too say zero. The Link token is to scale the Chainlink Labs team, not the network.

>> No.57039231

kek, fuddies are samefagging like crazy today
pools closed fuddie cuckies

>> No.57039265

>same bait nigger OP as yesterday
If anything, concern trolling is the lowest form of sportsball posting there is.

>> No.57039283


tl:dr is:


>> No.57039315
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1679749973339912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does LINKS native token need to be used by those partnering or leveraging LINKS oracles / CCIP

How retarded do you have to be to STILL not know to this day how the token is used in the network.
Absolutely insane how early we really are.

>> No.57039341
File: 29 KB, 600x414, Screenshot 2023-12-18 115121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57039349

All this shitstorm of derision and ridicule, and not ONE answer. It really is just a vaporwave isn't it?

>> No.57039370

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

>> No.57039401

there is no answer to silly fud, fudcuck

>> No.57039422

Asking a question is only FUD if the answer (or lack thereof) induces FUD.

>> No.57039450

that looks like a lot of coffee cup sales for a small town

>> No.57039480

asking fud is fud, fudcuck

>> No.57039520

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.57039537

Yeah, I would hate to go from $20000 to $6000 again and be forced to gamble and lose the rest like the first time I bought BTC, boy these normalfags don’t know what they’re missing out on!

>> No.57039567

You will be missed samefag, just sold my link stack a week ago.

I should’ve seen the situation coming up from a mile ago when technical answers like OP’s couldn’t or wouldn’t be answered by the community managers.

Even worse, all huge accounts on X put linkies with the likes of lunc and xrp holders. There are a lot of accounts with bios like:
>link holder and father of four!
>le link kittie girl check out my OF
>chainlink grandma on her quest to 20k link

When these laggards have bought into the project is over.

For the rest of the marines that will stay in here, have fun being psyopped by Johnny and the advocates samefagging.


>> No.57039618

fudcuckies are hell bent on making us sell today, looks like the CCIP derivatives trading launched today really got them riled up

>> No.57039634

Funny thing is even though I only have a suicide stack left I am never selling until $81,000 a coin.

>> No.57040004

>inb4 no source

>> No.57040029

there is no source, I literally made that up since I deliberately post as an unhinged retarded shill, and retards like him>>57039634 are actually falling for it
holy fuck the OP is absolutely right, this shit is resembling vaporware dogshit with each passing day

>> No.57040038

Honestly, the advocates deserve the piss. It’s been fun reading their posts over the last couple days.

>> No.57040049

yeah but tbf I'm responsible for most of the shitposting itt, so at least this thread is not the best example lol

>> No.57040076

Buddy, you know your BTC and ETH and even SOL is going down to 0 and never returning again if you don’t get me at least 400k this next bull run right

>> No.57040089


>> No.57040096

the warchest is not for reinvesting into the company. it's the total amount milked from retail and is under sergeys direct control

>> No.57040106


>> No.57040118

why so mad though, your bags are going to $81k by EOD(ecade), shouldn't that make you happy?

>> No.57040131

I want my youth to be good, I don’t care if I’m old and have money

>> No.57040152

then buy something else?
you sounded much more confident here>>57039634
what happened?

>> No.57040178

What happened is I realized this shit is a meme coin. TLoZ? Oracles? Really?

>> No.57040215


>> No.57040226

Kek but I’m still poor(luckily I’m a NEET so my life is good)

>> No.57040285

But I’m gonna have to go back to college if you don’t get me a bunch of money, I hope you realize that, and the deadline is in like 6 months

>> No.57040349

Dumb nigger

>> No.57040364

>still no answers
Oh my god... you staked, didn't you?

>> No.57040375

I staked cause I’m too deep in sunk cost just so you know

>> No.57040414

>I think these issues really sit at the core of what some people and holders in the community are seeking more clarity on.
The core issue is that it will never be addressed, there will be no clarity.
Anyone that holds chainlink holds on the basis of blind trust that Sergey will deliver - and will deliver in such a fashion that there will be appreciation of the token (these two are not mutual assured, Chainlink can become a huge success with a token that is valued at 0).

>> No.57040554

Yes, and I will continue to do so. Missing early access really broke you, didn't it little pigeon.

>> No.57040895

He bought in ‘17/18 tho. You need 30+ years of sub bank interest staking to make for the last 24 months of opportunity cost

>> No.57041100

$1k eoy

>> No.57041128

The people who still care about it now are the latecomers you dumped your bags on after making a 100x. That's how it works

>> No.57041175

Since staking's inception, LINK is up more than 100%. So on top of the 4% interest, the staked asset's value increased by 100%. Pretty good if you ask me.

>> No.57041651

show proof of sale

>> No.57041874
File: 14 KB, 655x279, chainlink verbal retardation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe someone can know all these dates and details and still not know that CCIP requires the use of the LINK token.

>> No.57042346

In this case it's investing into securities fraud.

>> No.57042740
File: 147 KB, 516x502, 1697370622913117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a brainlet, i could btfo all of this low tier fud but i have a bad case of hemorrhoids right now and my butthurt is super itchy so i wont bother typing it out, i hope all my fellow ogs are comfy in the pool even though jonny is liquid sharting in the pool again, have a happy new year but trust me go easy on the spicy food

>> No.57043022
File: 56 KB, 680x497, GBslr-UaMAA6RbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill advocates. Behead advocates. Roundhouse kick an advocate into the concrete. Slam dunk a advocate baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy advocate. Defecate in an advocate food. Launch advocates into the sun. Stir fry advocates in a wok. Toss advocates into active volcanoes. Urinate into an advocate gas tank. Judo throw advocates into a wood chipper. Twist advocates heads off. Report advocates to the IRS. Karate chop advocates in half. Curb stomp pregnant advocates. Trap advocates in quicksand. Crush advocates in the trash compactor. Liquefy advocates in a vat of acid. Eat advocates. Dissect advocates. Exterminate advocates in the gas chamber. Stomp advocate skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate advocates in the oven. Lobotomize advocates. Mandatory advocates for advocates. Grind advocate fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown advocates in fried chicken grease. Vaporize advocates with a ray gun. Kick old advocates down the stairs. Feed advocates to alligators. Slice advocates with a katana.

>> No.57043054

gonna see A LOT of links rage in the coming months and years
Its entirely misdirected. They should be mad at Sirgay and Chainlink Labs
poor bastards

>> No.57043461

Conveniently sidelining all the other valid points as if you have some grand dunk on OP

>> No.57043604

damn those are all really good questions. its just sad chainlink holders, even including me, have been brainwashed to immediately defend the team from these questions because they have so much trust for them. i remember back in 2018 when we thought we would be rich by the time staking came out, and uhhh..here we are..

>> No.57043614

which one of those questions is fud? do you realize these questions are ones you would ask for ANY investment? this is EXACTLY what i meant by my first post. i hold link too and i want some fucking answers.

>> No.57043686

Yeah, what I thought. But I guess that's "fud".

>> No.57043710


>> No.57043754

These are weak questions designed to confuse people who don't know how numbers work.

For example. Staking is not meant to combat inflation. What kind of retard thinks they are making -8% per year when the token hasn't even been priced in yet?

Do they even understand how inflation works? it's tied to whatever currency is in question. Link didn't just dump an extra 12% of coins into the pile.

>> No.57043826

If you don't know why you are holding the token, why are you holding the token?

It's only fud if you have been hyped in and have no certainty about the projects goals. Do some fucking research.

>> No.57043876

LPL team member here... official.
Won't dox myself but let me just say that you don't HODL enough LPL
Good god you crazy kiddos I'm so excited for you

>> No.57043959

Stupid jew nigger

>> No.57043996

Never not steaking dammit

>> No.57044187

Not much confusing about them, pretty straighforward imo. The staking question is asking what is the financial incentive to buy. The loss is way more than 8 when you factor in opportunity cost, which is enormous

On inflation you can reframe to win a semantics argument, the problem from an investing standpoint is the price doesnt go up and you dont make money (thats the goal of investing)

>> No.57044206

No LPL poolers will absolute yeet their stupid heads off their chad necks when they realize what will happen in exactly 14 days. few.

good god I am so excited for you crazy kiddos.

Won't dox myself but yeah big things are coming for LPL and this is the moment anon when you could stack enough LPL to change your life. But you won't realize until its too late and by that time you will had already realized that you don't hold enough.

>> No.57044295

>hyping up "partnerships" (whatever happened to things like their Swift partnership on their site?)
Oh you mean like this one?

>> No.57044388

LPL official team member here...

won't dox myself but if you look through the official LPL marketing crumbs and connect the dots to this article well...

You will soon learn in about two weeks that you simply do not hold enough LPL. By that time it will be too late.

>> No.57045362
File: 36 KB, 400x400, IMG_7565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pool’s closed bud.