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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 778 KB, 800x600, toosoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57036140 No.57036140 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we try to guess the next massive crypto trend.

>> No.57036145

wtf is ITT? ITT Technical Institute?

>> No.57036151
File: 1.57 MB, 207x209, old snake smoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking newfag

i hate this website. why can't I leave

holy shit I'm 32, bald and have grey hairs in my beard.

>> No.57036152

RIP, too soon

>> No.57036154

How about use case first. Lol

>> No.57036156

hello newfag

>> No.57036165

It means "Indian Tech Talk" it means it's a thread for bhaarat ke achchhe log to come and talk about tech.

>> No.57036180

Maybe big block doge getting ordinal tokens natively on twitter app?
If not that then utxo native tokens on gaming platforms
If not that then the handy old “deflation” greed game

>> No.57036207

parallelized evms
same but 31 years
wow kys

>> No.57036216

Love how there's newfags in here calling newfags newfags and not saying this

>> No.57036226

Get baited newfags

>> No.57036257


>> No.57036273

>too soon
That's stopped being funny 10 years ago

>> No.57036481

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it an 8/8

>> No.57036587
File: 23 KB, 448x252, IMG_8003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you edit the man out?

Also I saved this picture because I am a short ricecel like this man , it is unlikely I will ever get a hot girl to love me , I’ll be stuck buying whores forever

>> No.57036700

way too soon you fucker

>> No.57036903

You know she died right? The man in the pic is a sickening pest.

>> No.57036938

What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Why the fuck would you post that image you sick motherfucker. Too soon what the actual fuck.

>> No.57037363

Explain the original pic for me pls

>> No.57037383

/biz/ convinced her to drink bleach about two weeks ago. She’s dead in that pic and there are three more pics

>> No.57037447
File: 67 KB, 1024x717, 1700525571686958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't I leave
Despite being a hollowed out shell of its past iteration, this place is the closest thing to the old internet since it was captured and killed
This place is fake and gay, but everything else is faker and gayer and in your soul you can feel it just browsing the web
>t. 38

>> No.57037622

I knew she would wake up and smile if we just waited patiently. Not soon enough bro!

>> No.57037629
File: 664 KB, 1138x1388, Serena_and_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Been on 4chan since 2004
>Been on here for almost 2 decades
Wow. I never thought it would turn out like this.

>> No.57037639

It rumored that there was a photo taken before this guy showed up and she’s actually alone in bed. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.57037651

look closer retards

>> No.57037659

It's going to be the same shit as before, a bunch of eth clones trying to solve the problem of high gas fees and failing

>> No.57038735

Next trend is QVM, devs will love this one for sure. It basically allows devs code smart contracts in any programming language

>> No.57038750


>> No.57038764


>> No.57038783

> FTX? Gone. Jail pending.
> Binance? Out of US. Jail pending for CEO.
> Celsius? Gone. Trial pending
> Tera Luna? Gone. Do Kwan on the run.
> 3 arrows? Gone.

That era is over, anon. Just stick with a real coin like BTC.

>> No.57038857

>trolls trolling trolls

>> No.57038858

It's probably fine to post this now

Do you have any advice for someone who's just hit the 15 year mark on this website?

>> No.57038921

>Do Kwan on the run.
shiet I just got back here from a 1 year hiatus. They still haven't caught him?

>> No.57038937

Account abstraction.

>> No.57039197

Idk where you heard that from anon, but it's not true. Sometimes people go on the internet and tell lies.

>> No.57040729

AI will get bags filled.

>> No.57040773

Seek professional help on /adv/

>> No.57040787

Quantum computing

>> No.57040804

I fucking hate that img, because of how true it is.

>> No.57040839
File: 286 KB, 498x492, 1620398147742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-P2E vidya like Blocklords, but you wouldn't get it even if I explained, you're retarded

>> No.57040865

I took aderall today

>> No.57040877

I'm so glad I'm still alive to see the downfall of crypto

>> No.57040893

Kek nah, NFTs are unironically dead by now, so idts

>> No.57040898

Then this is not your board, go back to /v/

>> No.57040916

They caught him, but he has a all his BTC on a trezzor that he shoved up his ass and they’ve been having difficulties finding it atm

>> No.57040925

>Not sure if this is bait
How the fuck are you not able to see the poor photoshop???
Are your eyes disconnected from your brain?

>> No.57040927

VEIL privacy swaps, pays the fees to holders of the token. DYOR

>> No.57042144

delet this bitch basterd

>> No.57042170

Too soon, very disrespectful

>> No.57042982

Unironically see a good therapist if you need to.

>> No.57043436

You have to go back

>> No.57043475

what are you talking about? Her hand is clearly caressing his ear. No way this is photoshop

>> No.57043521

>NFTs are unironically dead by now,
Not when Adlunam is at the top of it, its super allocation strategy is classy, another thing to look at is their unique Engage-To-Earn principle which is second to none other

>> No.57043543

It's the last bullrun. A final bonanza of meme and shitcoins. After this, governments around the world will probably crack down hard on anything that isn't BTC. Meanwhile, BTC will continue its ascend (and maybe ETH).

>> No.57043617

You're gonna die poor as crypto is evolving into something huge and rewarding. Prepare to be blown away by Funarcade's thrilling casino games and the multitude of rewards awaiting players.

>> No.57044628

Could have had a eye on this but right now I'm feeling comfy with Adlunam's super allocation strategy and the unique Engage-To-Earn principle. This is what gives an edge against whales.

>> No.57045860
File: 322 KB, 1000x500, food truck girl is 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is shitposting, saved

>> No.57046632

Too soon OP, wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.57046712

>guaranteed replies

>> No.57046727

indian toe tapioca

>> No.57046894

too son

>> No.57047211

I can tell you what it isn't and that's gaming