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57033682 No.57033682 [Reply] [Original]

So now that we know AVAX can’t scale, what are we buying next? It’s either SOL or HBAR

>> No.57033688
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cope harder loool

>> No.57033714

huh? you know AVAX has fees the price as ETH's right? It's over for shitvax

>> No.57033734
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loool cope harder

>> No.57033745

its showing less overall fees because its used less than ETH is, not because the individual fee per person is lower you absolute retard

>> No.57033763
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HOLY SHIT you are coping so hard lmao. Just buy already or kys.

>> No.57033838

>the baggie rages as the prospects for financial recovery prove even more elusive than he previously thought possible
Avax is trash. Not paying those fees. Sol is also trash too. Guess that leaves Hbar.

>> No.57033929
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All the SOL pairing are pumping, that''s where im headed

>> No.57033948

Has been running inscriptions non stop and still coping
Also sonic update will make it the fastest evm by far

AVAX has its place. Subnets are useful

>> No.57033957

Fantom is dogshit compared to HBAR

>> No.57033961
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not sure why that other anon is too retarded to post transactions, here you go

>> No.57033991

you can either have very beefy validators and do a lot of cheap transactions but it huts decentralization or you can have very low specs to run a validator which is good for decentralization but you can't do as many cheap tps. can't have it all and you have to make design choice. avax will be the middle ground between solana and ethereum

>> No.57033996
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ICP is the only chain that can handle a massive influx of transactions per second without raping you on fees, which were unchanged.

>> No.57034008

bro it's common knowledge that AVAX cant scale. it got exposed when people tried to send AVAX and it cost $150

>> No.57034009


>> No.57034014
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also heres the full timeseries
AVAX is currently handling as many tx as ETH during its all-time peak for several days straight and still like 13x cheaper

>> No.57034022

Wrong, HBAR is much faster than ICP and even cheaper.

>> No.57034032

avax will soon integrate a hyperchain doing >50k tps in the main network retard. going the solana route and needing a whole nuclear plant to run a validator is still what they're trying to avoid

>> No.57034035

Still a 1000x to much.

>> No.57034063

>one day

Yeah except the bull run is here now and you can’t scale. That shits going to underperform while HBAR takes the lead

Look at developer activity for each big L1, HBAR has the most

>> No.57034110

>want to give it a chance
>check out saucerswap
>its literally a carbon copy of spookyswap v1
i hope this is just the same devs anon, otherwise this is even more pathetic than i expected

>> No.57034121

by one day i mean in Q1 2024. it absolutely can scale.
can anybody become a node provider?
that's what i thought
you're aware avax can easily surpass hbar tps if they just decided to beef up the validators specs? unlike hbar they still cared for decentralization and anybody being able to validate the network

>> No.57034133

Hbar scales cause it’s a DAG, not cause it’s not decentralized. You keep sounding like ethereum fags saying “one day we’ll be able to scale!”

>> No.57034153

can you handle massive tps increases without getting raped on gas fees?
that's what i thought

>> No.57034155
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HBAR has more developer activity than your shit coins.

Cardano doesnt count cause it doesnt have smart contracts. Kusama is just a testnet play ground for DOT.

DOT is #1, HBAR is #2 in developer activity, but DOT doesn't have Smart Nodes and isn't as scalable

>> No.57034166

what are some projects running on hbar
defillama literally lists 8
>muh bullrun just started
you guys had 2 years

>> No.57034183

doesn't matter about quantity it's about quality. i would rather have 1 killer dapp than a million random useless dapps.

Karate Combat is running on HBAR. It's a UFC IRL event that big names go to fight and people use the KARATE token to gamble on the fights. You don't lose money when you gamble if you hold the token but you make money if you correctly guess the winner.

>> No.57034188

the avax x-chain is a dag too. avax can already do 4500 tps
icp is not decentralized, the whole point of blockchains

>> No.57034197

HBAR is US military, SOL is pajeet customer service

>> No.57034199

>"hbar has the most devs"
>"what are they working on"

>> No.57034202
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>> No.57034215

ethereum has the most dapps, and guess what? no one uses 99.99% of them. KARATE is the biggest dapp right now on HBAR, the NFT games and mobile action game dapps are the next two biggest

>> No.57034222
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>> No.57034242

Yeah you’re real quiet now

>> No.57034251

off the grid, shrapnel, have their own subnets on avalanche. you know who else? some of the biggest financial institutions. seethe all you want

>> No.57034274

video games are so 2021, where's the real shit? HBAR is IRL

>> No.57034329

there are no real video games using blockchains yet. axie infinity and the likes dont count, they were gamified defi. your karate thing is cool but we're onboarding the biggest financial institutions where the real money is. big money isn't building on hbar they want their own chain

>> No.57034393

so is not double spending, unlike avax lol!

>> No.57034418

SOL is great if you like a shit ton of spam NFTs clogging up your shit. messes with your accounting if you have automated software

>> No.57034694

Avalanche C-Chain is running on microwave level hardware requirements and is still handling 7.5m daily tx (Compared to 1M on Ethereum for example) at 950TPS and sub 1s finality. And contrary to trash like BSC/Polygon the C-Chain is scaling 1700 validators (Second most decentralized EVM by far).

The C-Chain is the most impressive EVM if you account for the conditions above, And the C-Chain is literally, 100%, The least innovative and robust thing on Avalanche (Basically late 2020 tech).

>> No.57034912

Dog poop.

>> No.57036511

RAIL, this could be the best bet before the next cycle.

>> No.57036537
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Last bull markets were done by ETH miners, so the olny question is, what will they mine this time >>57034903

>> No.57036595

Why not SUPRA because of lightning-fast oracles and innovative tech

>> No.57036727

I don't care, so far I can play games and get rich. I'm cool.

>> No.57036739

Avax is shit, HBAR looks better it's still shit.

>> No.57036813

I sold them off and jumped on RAIL and MATIC train. Going pretty well

>> No.57036963

>either SOL or HBAR
Both will break ath this run. SOL to $1000+, HBAR to $1.50-$2.00.

>> No.57037485
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>> No.57038119

Get in on OGBX and enjoy early access at a lower price, potential staking rewards and be part of web3 and metaverse evolution

>> No.57038322

I'm putting everything into quantum resistant blockchain

>> No.57038497

DOT has maxed out

>> No.57038590

QANplatform is the best QR blockchain RN, its so funny how many are sleeping on this gold mine