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57028941 No.57028941 [Reply] [Original]

I can't scale

>> No.57029036
File: 47 KB, 400x400, arbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why im here, little bro.

>> No.57029051
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That is why i integrated you, sister network.

>> No.57029055

>You just need to use """"""layer 2 solutions""""""". I know it completely defeats the point of using a blockchain but it keeps the scam running for a few more years

>> No.57029248

Is there legitimately anyone who can?

>> No.57029425

Hedera but you could also just tip moar, goy

>> No.57029532

>goes offline for hours after a few hours of inscription mania

>> No.57029549

Coins to trade on Arb:
1. Joe
2. WinR
7. EQU

>> No.57029555
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Fixes the scaling problem and every problem. The next evolution of crypto. Avax

>> No.57029560

BSV is the only blockchain that scales. Everyone can cope however they like, but it's literally true. Go as any AI or search for records regarding transactions done in a day, in a block, block size, data in a block, etc.


>> No.57029604
File: 71 KB, 640x819, BITCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the US government shills hedera because they invented it and used leemon as a front man.
and instead you would rather use BSV, maintained by Craig Wright, AKA Satoshi nakamoto, who had NO RELATIONSHIP to the BITCOIN project.
what a joke. bro, you are ngmi.

>> No.57029611

Avax solves this.

Avax has solved the blockchain trilemma

>> No.57029628

How about I just disregard all of that trash and keep trading shitcoins on SOL?

>> No.57029688
File: 50 KB, 739x522, hbag.3.17.2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about you just 'give up' on a NATO/WEF conspiracy
>and buy shitcoins on SOL
no, I don't think I will.
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!
ps: a make it bag is still only $80k.

>> No.57029700

Leemon is applying decades old tech to a blockchain hype market. He's banking on the fact that BTC fucked up Bitcoin by not scaling and he's providing a shit solution that doesn't actually solve the original Byzantine General's problem as DAGs don't allow for actual decentralized consensus or mining. Nor do they function at all like a blockchain. It's a horizontal data structure that is completely unreliable for record keeping.

As for BSV, yeah you're coping with the fact of the matter exactly like I said.

>> No.57029780

oh, ha! you seriously like bsv!
craig wright copy + pasted the btc repo and is still, after many years, far inferior performance then the decades old tech, leemon is has repurposed.
in fact, any 'crypto' that is going to continue to exist, is going to be a dag.
you may not like it, but that is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.57029855

Stop being a frantic moron and actually look at the records. Nothing and I mean nothing holds a candle to BSVs scalability. Stop being so emotional over Craig. It's only going to hurt more when he wins COPA.

DAGs are horizontal, guy. The fall flat when pushed as demonstrated with ever DAG actually used. Secondly they can only do small data transactions. They're worthless for our purposes. You can push a ton of unordered A to B simple transactions without signatures or order. It's completely useless in finance.

>> No.57029939

Clearly you haven't tried to use the C-Chain this week.

>> No.57030055

>Nothing and I mean nothing holds a candle to BSVs scalability.
BSV can do 100k tps? I don't know, you tell me. don't give me some bullshit sharding number, because then everyone says they have infinite tps and that's retarded.
but Hedera does 500k tps unthrottled.
surely you understand 500 is bigger then 100.
>DAGs are horizontal, guy. The fall flat when pushed as demonstrated with ever DAG actually used. Secondly they can only do small data transactions. They're worthless for our purposes. You can push a ton of unordered A to B simple transactions without signatures or order. It's completely useless in finance.
I'm not sure what this is but I think you're just joking because this is all pretty retarded.
like are you insinuating BSV can only be used... for finance?
most cryptocurrencies are used for many things.
and dags are indisputably the most performant algo.
you're either just fucking around or you have absolutely no idea what you're on about.
so like maybe double check your work.
and shit, you can't possibly actually believe craig is satoshi.
satoshi's dead. he got CIA'd a long time ago.

>> No.57030072

The problem with bsv is its never actually had the volume of bitcoin until then it all just seem theoretical, not that it'd ever be as bad as the bloated piece of shit btc is

>> No.57030140

C-Chain isn't Avalanche, It's an old unoptimized EVM subnet from 2020, And it still perform very well, Nearly 8M daily tx from non stop ordinals spam (C-Chain got spammed far hatder than any other chain out there in the past 2 weeks) while maintaining sub 1s finality and scaling 1700 consensus participating validators.

>> No.57030205

>Hedera does 500k tps
Nigger, their own website claims they can only do 2k.

>I'm not sure what this is

DAGs are shit. You don't even understand how it's handling the data and you're going to sit here and tell me it's the most amazing tech in the sector. Read a book.

As in trading volume? Because if you're talking about transactions and data it's processed more than literally every other blockchain and could absorb all their data without falling over.

>> No.57030219

>C-chain isn't AVAX
>Is literally AVAX
>thinks using the chain is spam
Lol lmao

BSV processed 12m and more data the other day and fees are still the same as ever.

>> No.57030231

That's great. I can jack off to the tps, finality and validator metrics while I wait for Avalanche DeFi to become usable again.

>> No.57030261
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>> No.57030294

>Nigger, their own website claims they can only do 2k.
really thought you were being serious until this post.

>> No.57030388

I'm sorry, what website is this?


>> No.57030585

holy shit are you actually just retarded? now I'm back believing you're being serious lmao.
that's the *current tps, as in, the actual network bandwidth.
as in, real usage, not theoretical. e.g. https://hederatxns.com/
for BSV its like 300 tps.

>> No.57030699

Lmao. You can literally kiss my ass. BSV has well over 2k on mainnet and 50k on testnet. The later not being theoretical. Theoretically it doesn't have a scale ceiling.

Also on mainnet BSV achieved 128,000,000 transactions in a single day. That's a sustained (not peak, sustained) TPS of 1400. Literally nobody else has done that. It's also processed almost 100gb in a single day, another feat NOBODY has come close to and a DAG could absolutely never do.

>> No.57030798
File: 63 KB, 1276x623, bsvtps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a sustained (not peak, sustained) TPS of 1400.
no no no, anon. you're too retarded. listen.
hedera's doing 2100 tps, right now, this second.
it's been running at 1500+ tps for about 24 months now.
the only other crypto that can argue with hedera currently is SOL.
but bsv, what a joke.
I mean, shit, look at this. most of these days are only 25 tps.
the generous 300 tps is an average.
and no, your 1400 tps wasn't sustained, looking at the graph it was like 1 day.

>> No.57030968

HBAR has only ever achieved 99m in a single day. You have to remember HBAR is premined proof of stake scam. The team have no limit on pushing transactions as it costs them nothing. In Bitcoin the costs of pushing over a hundred million transactions is quite high as the distribution is a product of PoW.

So yes it was sustained. How else do you achieve the world record for transactions done in a single day?

>> No.57031037
File: 13 KB, 585x471, hbag.12.19.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HBAR has only ever achieved 99m in a single day.
huh. that's weird. because the graph shows it's doing like 140+M transactions almost every day.
one of those bars is 260M transactions lol.

>> No.57031058

>So yes it was sustained. How else do you achieve the world record for transactions done in a single day?
lol can you show me on the graph where it was sustained? bahahaha

>> No.57031095
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thanks for playing

>> No.57031114

Unironically true. However, layer 2 only makes sense on the Bitcoin timechain since it’s indelible. ETH rolling the chain back completely screwed the project that could have been great

>> No.57031197

I stand corrected. My point still stands though. It's nonviable for all the other reasons I've gone over in this thread.

Besides, BSV didn't hit any limit on mainnet. It's just that spinning up transactions on a non premined PoW system is expensive. As much as you hate CSW he doesn't have the luxury of pushing transactions and data for free.

>> No.57031221

Just do the math, dude. 128M in a day is what TPS on average?

>> No.57031365

>Just do the math, dude. 128M in a day is what TPS on average?
haha what the fuck are you talking about?
what do you mean by 'sustained'? there are a handful of days the tps ran over 30 lmao.
and what does this mean >>57031197
>As much as you hate CSW he doesn't have the luxury of pushing transactions and data for free.
are you telling me those aren't even real transactions?
craig just sent a bunch of bullshit messages on the mainnet to test it's max possible performance? that's even more hilarious and retarded.
>It's nonviable for all the other reasons I've gone over in this thread.
you haven't given any reason. you just said bsv is the most performant, it's not, hell it's not even slightly close, and 'dags are bad' but clearly dags are superior in every way lol.

>> No.57031478

>Muh ghost chain without users has a gorillion transactions somehow
>no community
>no defi
>nobody actually uses it for anything

kek @ shitters shilling their dead scam chains and fake tx

>> No.57031629

>haha what the fuck are you talking about?
I mean the average. It's a basic concept in mathematics.

>are you telling me those aren't even real transactions?
All transactions in a nonpremine PoW are real, dumbass. The assertion made is your DAG is not limited by that because it's a premine PoS that allows them to spin up transactions without cost. Meaning the latter actually aren't real transactions lmao. Further I already explained to you that BSV has proven to do 50k TPS on testnet which isn't a theoretical like your previous claims about HBAR, which are entirely theoretical.

I've given you a ton of reasons. One of the first is it isn't usable as actual money because it doesn't provide accurate logs of account because DAGs are horizontal data structures and it is further unable to do complex scripting or even low level scripting that involves larger bits of data. It can only push lots of small simple transactions horizontally. Calling data for a smart contract is a nightmare because the data structure, not that you can fit anything worth a fuck in DAG transactions anyway, but still. Theres no digital signatures. It's premined, will always be a security, PoS which is essentially how contemporary banking works, etc.

DAGs are for brownskins who didn't understand the initial breakthrough of blockchain.

>> No.57031860

>I mean the average. It's a basic concept in mathematics.
you say it's a simple concept, but you don't seem to understand bsv only has an average of 300 tps, which is incredibly generous, given the vast majority of the time it only runs 25 tps.
>he assertion made is your DAG is not limited by that because it's a premine PoS that allows them to spin up transactions without cost.
you still have to come to consensus. you just come to consensus faster and more efficiently.
>Further I already explained to you that BSV has proven to do 50k TPS on testnet which isn't a theoretical like your previous claims about HBAR, which are entirely theoretical.
testnet transactions are not real transactions. they don't actually do anything nor do they have any value. they're just for testing.
whereas hedera's mainnet transactions, the near constant 2ktps, daily, for almost 2 years straight, by atma.io, which is a supply chain tracking application.
>One of the first is it isn't usable as actual money because it doesn't provide accurate logs of account
no idea how you could come to that conclusion. every transactions timestamped and fairly ordered.
>DAGs are horizontal data structures
it doesn't need to scale vertically, it already dwarfs bsv's performance. again it runs at 500k tps unthrottled, out of the box, by default.
>further unable to do complex scripting or even low level scripting that involves larger bits of data.
it has smart contracts and a file service. are you just not aware?
>It can only push lots of small simple transactions horizontally.
that's how consensus mechanism works you stupid dumbass. you do the same thing on bsv except it's inefficient and has a shitty finality.
which, yea it's funny, bsv runs time to finality at 1 hour, compared to hbag at 7 second finality lol.
hold on continued

>> No.57031922

>NATO bad
>proceeds to stay in NATO instead of move to le heckin based third world

Why can't polcels stand by their beliefs?

>> No.57031952

bitcoin has been rolled back too retard. and it was all transactions that got rolled back. on eth it was just a single smart contract that got rolled back and not the whole chain.

>> No.57031960

>Calling data for a smart contract is a nightmare because the data structure, not that you can fit anything worth a fuck in DAG transactions anyway, but still.
bro you can store 1MB per transaction. that's like 500 pages of text. if that's not enough PER TRANSACTION, something seriously fucked up with whatever software you're complaining you can't implement.
>Theres no digital signatures.
yes, there are? you can even multisig natively. and there are products developed for DIDs.
>It's premined, will always be a security, PoS which is essentially how contemporary banking works, etc.
that's the first not retarded criticism that sticks.
hedera is definitely an unregistered financial security, in many ways, but so is bsv and every other cryptocurrency in existence.
blockchain & PoW, is also a financial security.
and even if you argue about btc and say oh btc's a commodity, guess what, it can be both a commodity and financial security.
>DAGs are for brownskins who didn't understand the initial breakthrough of blockchain.
show hand.

>> No.57031975

What the fuck was the point of switching it to (((PoS))) if it didn't even improve the fee/scaling situation?

>> No.57031979

I wouldn't be invested in hbag if I wasn't pro NATO.

>> No.57032047

>thinks 128 million transactions in 24 hours can be accomplished with 300tps

>you still have to come to consensus
So what? A premine PoS ensures the issuer maintains a winning edge. Transactions are free for them. Control of the network is total.

>testnet transactions are not real transactions
Its more real than your theoretical ones which was the point. BSV has done more 2k on mainnet for christ sake.

>every transactions timestamped and fairly ordered.
Accept their not. AVAX attempts to get around this with linearization, but it still falls flat because it doesn't matter what you do after the fact.

>again it runs at 500k tps
No it doesn't.

>has smart contracts
And it's more limited.

>bsv runs time to finality at 1 hour
What the fuck are you talking about? Payments are instant and settle in 10 mins. Saying something is final in 3 seconds is a worthless statement. It's not trustworthy.

>> No.57032112

>1MB per transaction
That's fucking tiny. People push Gigabyte transactions on BSV and again that's not a limit lmao.

>yes, there are?
I could be wrong about that. I can't keep track of every fucking DAG.

>Bitcoin is a security
It's literally a commodity.

>> No.57032187

>thinks 128 million transactions in 24 hours can be accomplished with 300tps
mhmmm. you have around 70 million transactions over the last 30 days.
for the last 30 days, bsv has averaged 27 transactions per second.
whereas hedera has had... 5.4 billion transactions.
for the last 30 days, hbag has averaged 2067 transactions per second.
is this making any sense?

>> No.57032223

>128 million in 24 hour period on a day in the past = 70 million over the previous 30 days

Guy, how many times do I need to explain this to you? Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.57032337

yea, explain what 'sustained' means.
is my cable internet 'sustained' when it jumps to 100 Mb/s down and then falls to nothing 10 seconds later?
the average 300 tps for bsv is a generous because it incorporates the obvious random outliers where bsv ran some bullshit transactions on it's mainnet for a day.
>That's fucking tiny. People push Gigabyte transactions on BSV and again that's not a limit lmao.
bsv has a 4gb limit, but you'd be completely retarded if they used it.
it's the btc ordinals problem. you let people put lots of data on the transaction, which is completely unnecessary, all you do is slow down the network for everyone, because now you've got to propagate 1gb of data out to everyone and the vast majority everyone won't give a shit about whatever you uploaded.
respectfully, you're basically misinformed about everything.
I'm legit blown away by your ignorance, I really thought you were just trolling.
at this point, I've lost interest in attempting to educate you, I don't care anymore.
so, I hope you buy more bsv. I hope you triple stack.
good luck anon, you're really going to need it.

>> No.57032427

Dude, you're an absolute fucking idiot. I'm talking about the day BSV processed 128 million transactions. The average of that. Why is this so hard to get through your fucking head?

>ordinals problem
It's not a problem for BSV. Again you fail to understand it's the only one capable of processing large data. It doesn't slow down the network lmao. BSV is run on a laptop with shitty Pajeet Internet connection.

You can't rebut anything because you have no ability to do so. I hope you continue to buy your securities fraud coin, faggot.

>> No.57032514

>I can't scale
Ethereum does not need to scale. It is integrated with ICP, and ICP can scale.

>> No.57032519

Came here to say this.

>> No.57032541

hey you think you'll ever get another one of those 1k tps days again?
that was pretty cool.
maybe if you buy more bsv craig can do it again.

>> No.57032569

You're a lying kike. That never happened.

>> No.57032637
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>> No.57032673

buttcoiner cope lmao

>> No.57032746

I thought you were leaving, faggot? Is what's his face going to shutdown HBAR again for "network irregularities"?

>> No.57032764

Powerful cabal of evil bitcoin miners saved entire project when price was (checks notes) $0.003

>> No.57032803

wow, you sound pretty assmad.
I said I was done attempting to educate you.
now I just mock you.

>> No.57032816

>You're a lying kike. That never happened. (checks notes)
>well OK it did
>b- but btc was really cheap back then!

>> No.57032833

Why would I be assmad over some retard who buys premined scam tokens using tech that isn't even relevant and constantly breaks?

>> No.57032927

I'm sure when craig wins that lawsuit next week, your counterfeit btc will be worth millions.

>> No.57032949

get a grip dude, you're the most deluded faggot on biz because I know you're the only anon who keeps creating the nutty BSV narrative threads. You must actually be Craig himself smearing shit on your walls right now.

>> No.57032974

nobody uses ETH either because a $100 transaction incurs a $93 fee

>> No.57033050

Next month, but yes. The copyright claim becomes iron clad. Exchanges and developers get btfo'd if they continue to pass off BTC as Bitcoin.

>> No.57033052
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>> No.57033231
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