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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 408 KB, 783x947, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57029674 No.57029674 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57007680

Buy XRP on Uphold/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling (Powerful)

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57029706

Im interested in theories on why XLM's price mirrors XRP's so closely, so instantly
its an interesting topic I've yet to be convinced one way or another one
And if your first reaction is to mention retail in any way, shape, or form.....please just don't say anything.

>> No.57029740

bots. that was easy.

>> No.57029748
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>> No.57029754

that's a very superficial answer

>> No.57029758

Can't even hold .60 it's joever for real this time bros ...

>> No.57029761

They've always did so because XLM is XRP fork and its held by the same people/bots

>> No.57029767

at least you didnt say it was wrong

>> No.57029798

well its not wrong
it just doesn't go any deeper
its obviously not people, which is why I said "don't mention retail" in the initial post
I bring it up because Schwartz was recently asked and his answer was weak, seemed like he wanted to side step the issue. What's he hiding?

>> No.57030064

And already back above

I really wonder if i'm gonna be able to accumulate 15k XRP before the inevitable moon. The original plan was only 10k XRP

>> No.57030076

aren't you like 400 off?
You don't have 200 dollars lying around?
oh....oh no....

>> No.57030086

I could if I wanted to

>> No.57030098

well no rush, you have until 2027 or so until XRP is around $1.50 or so
take your time, enjoy life, win the mean time

>> No.57030111

lol just smoke weed and fast forward time while talking to girls, is that easy

>> No.57030118

What makes you come to these targets?

No thanks man. Maybe a few times a year is fun but I hate regular weed smokers also its bad for you

>> No.57030145

>it's bad for you
nah, the only bad thing for you is the despair you're suffering since 4 years ago.

that said, are you, or anyone in this thread, familiar with academic hierarchy? let's say I am graduating from a specific field, but the director refused a specific thing that would help the student advance, would going to the dean of students / academic department help in any way whatsoever, even as to having a stronger voting decision when it comes to a final say? thanks

>> No.57030147

Xlm used to be valued around 33% of xrp so it has gone down, but I think it'll hang tough forever against xrp.
Coke and bepis, democrats and republicans, apple and Android. All examples that our system runs on dialectic opposition.
Xlm is the yang to xrp's yin.
When the freight train that is xrp demolishes all the roadblocks in its path to worldwide adoption there will still be xlm.
A viable alternative to xrp.
I think that's why the ripple guys are eternally pissed at jed and don't want to talk about it.

>> No.57030150
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>while talking to girls

huuuuuuuuuuuuuh............ Anon, I....

>> No.57030155

>talking to girls
Get a load of this faggot

>> No.57030168

pretty sure he's just baiting. Smoking weed does the opposite of making you talkative. And stoners are cringe. Nothing wrong with getting drunk or stoned occasionally as in few times a year, but if smoking weed is a big part of your lifestyle you are a faggot

>> No.57030175

you use it to fast forward time , although I'm more interested in >>57030145

>> No.57030177


weed is for retards like you

>> No.57030188

I hold 100 XRP

>> No.57030198

Bots. Everything is rigged.
Nothing is real.
All is fake.
Not just in business and finance.
The faster you understand/accept this, the better.

>> No.57030238

>would going to the dean of students / academic department help in any way whatsoever, even as to having a stronger voting decision when it comes to a final say? thanks
Yes, when it comes to students , specially if they're graduate candidates the Dean of Academics (if it's even call that where you are) can and will do everything to make your case a winning one. If you have a good GPA and good working relation with other professors that helps to. You're likely to succeed in whatever dealings you're trying to achieve, best of success.

>> No.57030417

definitely bots, as mentioned, but to what end? what's the deeper need for it?
there's been lots of theorizing that XRP needs to prove itself stable to institutions, so maybe there's a need to show that XRP and XLM can be held in a stable price relationship?
the fake ETF news spiked XRP and XLM only, in tandem, to the second
I simply don't believe retail had anything to do with that. It doesn't hold up to the most basic scrutiny.
I think the fake ETF news was to show that XRP and XLM can be reliably held in tandem with each other. Why? Im not sure

>> No.57030436

>you use it to fast forward time

sorry I literally could not fool my brain like that

I mean I wish I could, but i'm too 'sober' or 'sentient' for that shit

>> No.57030630
File: 60 KB, 1024x697, frogblanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to go back to the times I could entertain myself with weed and videogames, life seemed much easier and happier

I know it's all bullshit and that that is not what an adult is supposed to do, but damn was life so much better when you didnt have any worries

>> No.57030633
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>> No.57030665


>> No.57030691
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>> No.57030716

Remember this board the 13th of July? That was comfy as shit

>> No.57030751

Hmmmmmm isn't this cuuuuuuh-white interesting guys? My penis is rippling and swelling bros?! WHAT is even HAPPENING? You can not make this stuff up guys! Very very fascinating stuff to say the least

>> No.57030769

I literally couldn't keep up. I had to my do deliveries, and every 5 minutes a new thread popped up. Was fantastic change of mood. I can't wait when we're finally OFFICALLY in the post SEC era of XRP.

>> No.57030852
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Retail has no power over XRP. Our combined bag are nothing compared to Ripple, Ripple Bigwhigs and Institutions. Our investment is in the hands of entities much greater than we Baggies. We will be comfy when they decide we will be comfy.

>> No.57030906

True, I just find funny how hard they want us peasants to not make it. Which makes me want to hold for even longer

>> No.57031719

this look at the 5 and 15 on all crypto associated with this and them.
you literally buy and it dumps buy and it dumps .. they're harvesting your energy

>> No.57031731

and all the coins you considered buying but didn't will pump

>> No.57031824

So the bear changed his banner slightly. 6 years and now we have a fucking sunflower on the snowball hill! So worth it! Said nobody ever

>> No.57031875

hinting at a spring happening
pretty heavy handed, honestly
never been into the riddles, personally

>> No.57031990

I can safely say absolutely nothing will happen in spring. It's all bullshit.

>> No.57032126

Fuck jbaiwibuahqixhqoejuxbaksc
I'm pissed now guys. Something changed. We have to do something.

To answer your question.

There, there's your fucking answer, you are all retarded weak faggots and we must change this or everything that has ever happened will have been FOR FUCKING NOTHING. Every drop of blood sweat and tears spilled throughout all of our known history, every effort your ancestors have ever made, all of your effort will be for NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.

It's all a game, the "good side" just wants to do the right thing.

Here, will make it easiest for all of you AGAIN.

There are 3 main enemies humanity faces.
1. Cyclical cataclysmic events, this is the natural filter all species must pass through, the least of our worries if everything goes well.
2. Demons/negative flows of energy influencing people to be pieces of shit due to their traumas and other nonsense, aka (ourselves)
3. Aliens/demons (corporal, real physical entities), actual advanced non earth human civilizations that view us as their cattle due to the nature of our brains and nervous system. These are the "gods" of all the Abrahamic religions and really, all religions, they are the original source of all of the evil.

Clif, the person chosen for initial soft woo disclosure beginnings with the "conspiracy Schizo's" wants us to believe that these aliens created us and genetically modified us but that's besides the point.

>> No.57032134

The "insurgency" going on is because one side of the "elite" (piece of shit selfish people generally) don't want to just bend over and take it again so they betrayed their brothers of retardism (darkness oooOoOOOOOoooOOOoO) and favored us omega alpha schizo psychic autistic real human royalty individuals scattered throughout the world because many years ago on this site, during launch year on the b board, many of us were children.... We figured it all out, devised a plan for long term for them to pick up (in case we were not going to be allowed to save humanity, the likely scenario due to the conditions of the battlefield) and began decentralized special operations from fucking /b involving multiple different countries/factions and that's when they shut it down and we all became targeted individuals.

The "bad team" (kikes/khazarians and by proxy all mudslimes and biblians ("Christians") just want to keep shit the same until the alien/demons come back, keeping everyone in the dark, as their masters told them to (that's why they were "the chosen") and basically trading all of our lives so they can save themselves, so they think, of course. Fucking idiots. Only reason why we've allowed the conservatives into this game is because we need their rage to arise for battle and so they can wake the fuck up. From this we'll wake up the liberal faggots who are unironically smarter and more useful for this but they've been totally mentally compromised by the bad teams bullshit propaganda.

You will all be forced to wake up sooner rather than later for, nothing can stop what is coming.... Anyway.

There, there's the entire game. From this, you can answer "why" to all non technical questions. Go tell everyone, make memes, spread the word and trigger some religioniggers.

>> No.57032240

damn, I think the XRP-XLM connection is more significant than I thought. For it trigger such a sperged out response from ol' barrqn
This XRP-XLM connection could be the key in unraveling the entire puzzle
I won't be looking into it, though. I have other things to do and I'm not really interested in this sort of thing.
Its just an interesting observation.

>> No.57032252

I had a dream.
They've received an update.
They will bring more forces.
We must have as many children as possible or we will lose.

>> No.57032303
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>So the bear changed his banner slightly
Thanks for the heads up. Really made me think (not)

>> No.57032336

>I just find funny how hard they want us peasants to not make it.
Definitely. They think they can wait us out lmao

>> No.57032361

there is only one timeline
one outcome
we win
light prevails
darkness exists to be illuminated
how? surprise
why? entertainment
the cycle is repeated infinite

>> No.57032376 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57032400

>there is only one timeline
Did I say there was more, retard?
>one outcome
>we win
>light prevails
Correct, but that doesn't mean my vision means nothing, quite the contrary, I was meant to see what I saw.
I know there are "good" aliens demons (inter dimensional entities) out there that will come to our aid. What you are not thinking of is the conditions needed to be met for such aid.
>the cycle is repeated infinite
Correct, but this has nothing to do with it right now, in the end, yes, it doesn't matter due to the nature of the fabric of reality and the eternal force within it which is God, the creator, the real one "God" of everything in existence.

Why not win here too?

>> No.57032404

I genuinely think that we've ruined their plans. XRP is mostly conservatives and actual right wingers, while leftists broke for bitcoin.
If that wasn't the case, the new system would be a lot closer. We have stopped them lmao

>> No.57032423

Anyone see those music notes? >>57032404
Incorrect, read here, they have an internal struggle going because some finally mustered the courage to stand up to their masters >>57032126

This is what's going on. I've explained this many, many times.

>> No.57032451

I'm at 14k XRPs

Tomorrow is the day frens

>> No.57032463

>Anyone see those music notes?
That’s “the final countdown” song, but those notes been there for years, so it’s more like “the final two weeks”

>> No.57032521

source on your proclamations?

>> No.57032542

>two more weeks
DYOR, I'm not here to spoonfeed, I'm here for when you finally come around and seek more guidance.

I have my signal now.
This next year is THE year.

>> No.57032552

Also, get good at knowing things without sources, by just being able to understand things to a level where you can understand the probabilities of things.... You can discern the base validity of something.

>> No.57032567

I don't really enjoy barrens ramblings, but this is very true
the "SoUrCe" fags are the biggest NPCs
they lack the ability of discernment
I think its connected to how powerful your soul is, and NPCs basically have no soul

>> No.57032590

>contradicts baslessly
>no source

>> No.57032598

>people should believe asinine ramblings without question
>if they want a source then they must be an NPC

>> No.57032662

this is what I mean, thank you for demonstrating it
>people should believe
No, buddy, absolutely not what I said. I said you should be able to discern without the "sOuRcE" faggotry

>> No.57032677

Most statements, especially complex ones, are derived from YEARS of deep knowledge and researched gathered from a wild variety of places
Thinking that there is a simple, singular, "source" for something is laughable
peak NPC
peak midwit

>> No.57032844

you said
>or we will lose
I say in this timeline (The only one) we win and there is no other way around it, it's inescapable
so don't panic, nothing you do or don't do can change that
we win here

>> No.57033018

the inevitable , dna and cell memory is already onboarding. other lines all collapse , echoes in the forms of dreams of cataclysm or plight yet here nothing but failed attempt of theirs one after the other .. until eventually bammo , momentum is reached and well
good times ahead.
stress less about money , beers at the parade.

>> No.57033059

I've seen all the spoilers but was hit with amnesia
vague remnants linger in my mind's eye over a decade later
total victory and paradise are promised
not long now, maybe some struggle in the interim
everything can be endured

>> No.57033071
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-11-12T040023.411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beers at the parade

>> No.57033123

interesting choice of render
I'll be flying to Germany tomorrow for a Christmas holiday

>> No.57033166

They're just brainwashed midwit normies. Much of what is done is only done with the intent to un-normify the normies.
Prove that we should give a fuck about any of the aforementioned "holy" books without citing the holy books themselves.
Based and redpilled.
I'm not panicking. I'm telling you that the win is assured yes, but only because we (certain people) can see through the fabric of reality and thus the future.

In other words, this is the only reason it us assured so it still requires action to secure the victory. Even just slight adjustments in the social order can secure an even greater victory post war.
Seeing the end doesn't give you the insight to see the the ins and outs of the battles and struggles thereby making you fixate on the inevitable victory instead of maximizing the potential post victory for another enemy will arise so on and so forth.

The way we win matters.

>> No.57033172
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-11-30T124554.476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57033189

>The way we win matters.
well, what do you advise? I'm always glad to listen and learn

>> No.57033212
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.oia0LS8Oxb_IiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way we win matters.
checked and correct. i call that the second filter

>> No.57033235

this conversation has reinvigorated my faith in the future
we are so fuckin back boys
schizos win every time
total victory

>> No.57033465

We need a heavily increased human population in order to salvage much of the wrecks that will be on the earth as well as reclaim many parts of the world from radiation and such.

Also need to jump start the "ancap" utopia through massively increased personal responsibility (hyper un normifying normies) so that this can work.

Originally, I believe, the idea was to get there during the war. Now I believe we must accomplish this BEFORE the event (real "ayyyy lmao" war) so that we can prepare for what comes next, or maybe send out a larger force of our own.

>> No.57033485

I see the necessity for a surprise pincer maneuver post immediate El threat, or rather, I know we will need help from not earth to save this place (and it won't be other friendly ayyys as they will be preoccupied with something).

>> No.57033505

Save earth post "El" if that's what we're calling them.

For the sake of my favorite science fiction series.

I'd rather call them buggers.
Or maybe the insectoids come next.

>> No.57033627
File: 310 KB, 2040x1536, silver acoomulator wojak meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57033661

These are different twatter accounts

>> No.57033747

The "gods" of the dessert religions are demons (inter dimensional corporeal beings) or aliens, like actual ayyyy lmaos.

This gets deeper, the ins and outs are allowed to seep into the mainstream through the will of the schizos via their selected (doesn't mean aligned, they could just be like "fuck it, let him do it." Or they who are evil humans can no longer execute their plans against us) peak based and redpilled /bro; Clif High.

Point is.
We will have to fight.
And we will win.

But we must do it with greatness, excellence, we must hold true dominion over the space and time around us.

>> No.57033970
File: 82 KB, 570x806, IMG_4158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jed definitely has something to do with all this and what he is doing with the fortune he was allowed to amass via his sale of XRP and laundering facility: the Stellar Foundation. If XRP was going to rise significantly, it would have happened when it was declared not a security. We are all wandering around now with a new toy we were allowed to buy but no batteries to operate/play with it. Like lost fucking children trying to make sense of obvious economic technological advancement/improvement being put on a shelf so the raising of the public treasury by the Khazarian mafia deep state can continue until the shitstorm that will be the 2024/25 election (selection) circus. Remember, they want us dead as proven by the mRNA Injection PsyOp. Yellen is trying to figure a way to tax unrealized capital gains; that’s probably for US! Until they can tax unrealized gain, no major crypto gains. The Bankers are pissed so many evaded them from 2016-2020. Unless you, dear reader, have some real inside information from the international banking scene or shadowy halls of government, think critically and ask, “Qui Bono?” Who Benefits? They don’t want us benefiting from a goddamn thing, they want us DEAD.

>> No.57033986
File: 55 KB, 1024x630, IMG_4130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking and dealing with bitches days are over, Son. Any other bright ideas?

>> No.57033997
File: 76 KB, 739x770, NNNXRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

owen benjamin mentioned XRP again


>> No.57034147


>> No.57034154

Fuck the bear.
What has he actually predicted in the last few years that has amounted to anything?

>> No.57034209

he is never wrong, you just don't know how to decode

>> No.57034330
File: 55 KB, 960x540, gurdjieff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok are you referring to Elohim? Enki/Enlil?

damn cool, Owen is one of the basest schizos there are

>> No.57034352

Any ideas about his latest drawing? What could the flower symbolise?

>> No.57034571
File: 231 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-12-19T180628.479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winter turning to spring

>> No.57034672

i don't know if you have seen these yet but if not, enjoy

>> No.57034745

try some lateral thinking. avoid machiavellian stuff. maybe look into what free resources the university provides in terms of career counseling. i went to a midwestern state school and before i graduated i went and talked to somebody in their career counseling department, i remember them being pretty helpful. i assume your school and/or department might have some similar people.

i would say: avoid fucking over or pissing off the director who refused you, and try to think creatively about capitalizing on other resources you haven't tried yet

>> No.57034762

i'd say if you go over the director's head in the chain of command, it should be alright and maybe helpful but be sure not to frame it as "this person sucks and is trying to screw me over" and more "i wanted a second or third opinion because i feel like this could be really important for my career" type of thing

>> No.57034789

Unfortunately, no. Fund artificial womb tech? We need more GOOD, high personal responsibility type people.
The El, it's too deep to get into and I'd rather not. Basically all the "magic" in the old testament, which is based off of the Talmud and the leadership that use the Talmud as their guide book for life basically (khazarian rabbis).... Anyway, all the angels and arch angels, all the "special" humans all the "magic" is basically alien demon tech and genetic modifications. Which is something I've always known because fucking duhhh, only brainwashed midwit normies would just accept that it was anything else. We, as we are now, have obviously been modified because our brains are so much more advanced than all the other things on this world, it doesn't make sense for us to be as advanced as we are.

Alas, I don't want to go into the actual research work anymore as I've lost all interest in that as of late. Just know that all religions keep you from a true spiritual connection to God, the fabric of reality and the ability to orient yourself in our material existence, thus keeping you a blind sheep in the dark waiting to be harvested by the demon space alien buggers or their "chosen people" the Jews, aka, khazarians in the modern day.

Look up Clif high if you want to know more, he's the designated/allowed redpiller on the subject.

>> No.57034822
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are we ready for the big memedate tomorrow guys? Jack Sarfatti says something big will happen tomorrow too

>> No.57034839

where would you recommend starting with Clif High? i've watched some interviews and he seems like a pretty good source of schizo knowledge but nothing convinced me that he is The Messiah or whatever. can you link me to your favorite videos from his channel or interviews or articles?

>> No.57034867

I am pretty sure there is a DNA upgrade coming, so many of us will be granted super human abilities and these demons won't stand a chance
we are the angels

>> No.57034921
File: 173 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-29T083532.656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super human abilities
roll for 3 powers and post here

>> No.57034938
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-29T080723.347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ability To Live Forever. This May Be Complete Immortality Encompassing Invulnerability, Partial Invulnerability To All But Specific Events (I.E., Decapitation Or Exposure To A Specific Chemical Such As Kryptonite), Or Simply An Inability To Age Normally.
Force Field Generation
Ability To Project Powerful Fields Of Manipulated Energy
Ability To Transform Into A Gaseous, Mist, Or Fog-Like Form

>> No.57035007

>the messiah
Stop thinking like this, there is no messiah, no moschiach or whatever, Jesus is NOT king, commendable story but you can't count on it for anything of substance. There is no antichrist, etc.

Just go on bitchute, and watch the last few (like, 30) videos that he's uploaded and to just go right into it go to his X (Twitter) and just scroll back to the last few months for more reading, less watching but faster information intake.

There will be advancements but it'll be physical and psychic, not like actual superpowers like fireballs and flying like marvel nonsense. On this topic, Clif seems to think it's due to energies from space that pass through to us that cause changes overtime. I also think, however, that due to the nature of the human condition, the fabric of reality favors our advancement over time. So IMO, energies from galactic center or not, humans will continue to evolve and the only thing we can evolve with is due to the pressures we find ourselves under.

We are not "angels" angels are genetically modified borderline zombie robot humans loyal to the demon aliens or just grunt worker demon aliens. Not some heaven sent, holy, awe inspiring magic people/beings. Jesus' conception being without sex SCREAMS advanced tech that impregnated his mom. Clif seems to think the angels and arch angels are like the lowest rungs of the demon aliens and that Jesus was just another GMO human like us, but made more advanced.... But Jesus knew that what they were doing was evil. Understandable.

The faster all of you drop your lovecfor kike/khazarian, death worship, divide and conquer, authoritarian, normie creating organizations (religions).... The better.

>> No.57035017

Best I can do is precognition.
Take it or leave it lmao.

>> No.57035047
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sounds like high-level noticing to me

>> No.57035064
File: 968 KB, 1070x1431, biblical kabbalah islamic prophecy middle east.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shaken not stirred
brother I'm not going to sit through 30hrs of schizo
schizo babble should never be recorded, it should be experienced in real-time face to face
does clif high discuss picrel?

Current status:
>Cold walleted.

>> No.57035099

If you think Clif is schizo babble then you aren't high IQ enough to get it. I'm sorry.
Yes. But not how you or the average pol user thinks because what the average pol user thinks is what we needed to give them to inch them closer to the real truth.

If you want him to say
>gas the kikes, race war now
In order to like him, you should go back to watching that cringe faggot Spick Fuentes and become a future casualty of war due to your own actions.

>> No.57035110

Precognition is pretty OP
Also, living forever would be torture for your soul
Massively increased lifespan is different though

>> No.57035144

own actions. Just like those that died during the vaxocide and the day of the covid pillow due to ventilator-CIDE. Or the 41% trannies..... Can't wait for the mass suicides from religioniggers as well, and then the roastpocalypse when the 30-40 year old women realize....
It's over. And i did this to myself.

Good riddance to all. The weight was necessary to shed.

>> No.57035161
File: 64 KB, 800x814, nolege is power tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that reply, spoken like a true glowniggger
fool you played yourself

>> No.57035206

You didn't research those prophecies. That's just a screencap.

What did you want me to say about your khazarian demon/alien worship guide books and their predictions?

You're so right, Christ is king, the Jews are God's chosen people and I'm soooooo wrong. The return of Jesus awaits us! Repent sinners!

Or did you want me to take the sand nigger route?

>> No.57035580

I feel like we’ll be at 70 cents by friday
Call it a hunch

>> No.57035620

for someone who assumes the persona of an enlightened person, you sure have a lot of harsh psychological baggage, friend.

you just called for/justified the deaths of billions of innocent people, what exactly separates you from the evil globalists you rail against? you sound like a bad caricature of Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger or Bill Gates.

>> No.57035627

Remember when you're rich because of XRP, there is an equal and opposite holder who wants to join the evil elite.
>did you let him accumulate more than you?

>> No.57035651

yikes, so much uncalled for projection, big oof

>> No.57035682
File: 23 KB, 490x339, karbala imam hussain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was recently traveling in a Sunni country where a lot of the hired help are Shia and got the chance to learn a lot about twelver eschatology, with the return of the Mahdi etc...honestly my interactions with them gave me a high opinion of Pakistani/Balochs and Shia metaphysics in general. It's a very schizo-friendly way of viewing the world.

As it was explained to me, Shiism is largely based on the sanctity of standing up to injustice, even if it means giving your life, as a way of honoring God who is the Truth and through whom all things are possible.

One cab driver was telling me about a foundational event in Shiite history, the battle of Karbala, where basically the corrupt empire of the day (Umayyid?) were trying to make Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)'s descendents kneel and kiss the ring, but they said fuck that, so decided to face the caliph in battle even with a tiny army even though they were up against an impossibly large force and it was a suicide mission.

Now, reading the press releases from the Houthis as they dismantle the world economy, I understand where they (and Iran and the other shiite militias) are coming from. UAE, house of Saud (i saw a funny telegram post today pointing out that Saud rhymes with Yahud), Jordan, all the Sunni gulf countries are pussyfooting around, meanwhile the Shiite countries are ready to get it on. This world holds no allure for them- in fact, the sooner it ends, the sooner their hidden Imam will come back and set things straight again.

Unexpected part of my conversations with the Shia philosopher-kings (disguised as cab drivers, hotel clerks, construction workers of course) was the immense devotion they render to Jesus aka Isa bin Miryam and his mother.

All this bullshit about Muslims wanting to kill Christians is divide and conquer propaganda- every Muslim I've ever met (including Salafists/extreme orthodox Sunnis with the tinted beards) consider Christians to be their brothers. Muslims are bros

>> No.57035714

Miss the xrpl airdrop days boys, will we ever see another airdrop season like this again

>> No.57035736
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-15T053936.262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 powers:
>probability manipulation
>concussion waves
>acid generation
this is actually weirdly accurate. because IRL my main "superpower" appears to be connected to manipulation of reality through synchronicity and coincidences, which i view as a mechanism of interacting with the information layer of reality.

in other words, the main way i "use" magic or that my will manifests into reality seems to be an ability to manipulating entropy into negentropy, or in other words, causing extremely unlikely things to happen at the exact right time.
so power 1: accurate.

i don't give off shockwaves or spit acidic liquid so 2 and 3 are less accurate but actually if you read them using Green Language or the Language of the Birds/symbolic understanding, they are right on the nose because:

the two main things that led me to consciousness of the active role magic plays in my life were
a) a severe concussion Near Death Experience after a motorcycle accident
b) a few good acid trips

or maybe my pattern recognition is just overly active and i am good at making up stories. who knows?

>> No.57035764

I can be more "enlightened" than you and still type kike and nigger. And shit post. This is another skill, not a detriment to my personality. It's a plus! You nigger kike.
I can't put on a suit and play fancy with some annoying posh faggot then put on my Jordan's, go shoot some hoops and be allowed to say nigga because I'm not actually racist then I can come on 4chan and type kike whenever.
>you just called for/justified the deaths of billions of innocent people
All of this is already in motion, I'm just making the best of it.
>called for
LMAO, this was always inevitable since the population shot up inorganically due to ponzi fiat central banking. B bb u but my fee fees!!!!
Get over it retard, I'd rather kids not chop their dicks and tits off too but it's still happening so we save who can can and who we can't oh well, gotta move on to the next task.

Never forget this is WAR.

You still haven't explained what that picture means TO YOU. You just posted it and are arguing aimlessly.

So, anon, tell me about your pic? What do you personally think about it?

>> No.57035780

>not addressing the demon/alien influence issue
Fuck Islam, fuck Christianity and especially fuck kikes. You are a mind virus and it shall be removed from your heart, soul and mind if you like it or not.

If you wait for the conditions of the world to force it upon you, you will have a very bad time.

>> No.57035786

I can* lmao

>> No.57035885

brother no offense but you are a naive victim of taqiyya (kitman)

>> No.57035899

Damn he’s still going?

>> No.57035903

>You just posted it and are arguing aimlessly.
peepeepoopoo I never argued, only reacted after you projected /pol/cel values onto me

my mahdi geopol pic is probably happening in realtime

>> No.57036192

They aren't innocent, and eugenics is based

>> No.57036229


>> No.57036242

BEFORE the 20th meant it actually had to happen yesterday

>> No.57036245

I see Barrqn is off his medication again

>> No.57036284
File: 883 KB, 2340x976, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 09.36.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did /ourboy/ Garry mean by this?

>> No.57036296
File: 88 KB, 632x390, !!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57036315
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>> No.57036318

>i really hoped xrp would have mooned when I woke up

why do I keep falling for this

>> No.57036327
File: 208 KB, 700x545, 1640068204085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute fact

>> No.57036406

I just want to make it so I no longer have to wage slave and can focus on becoming healthy and do something good for the people I care about and the people i dont know but also deserve it is that so much to ask

>> No.57036417

Consider that making it takes some effort beyond buying an obvious scam kek

>> No.57036432

what obvious scam?

>> No.57036436
File: 157 KB, 1192x800, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 10.11.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57036476

why do these people even keep tweeting without shame?

>> No.57036750


>> No.57036785

How does stuff like INJ not correct at all, and we can't even get a 5% pump. It's a fucking joke

>> No.57036786

Yes because you didn't say anything so I attacked the first thing I thought you were aligned with. We do this all the time anon, you think it makes you successful in idk, making me look dumb? I don't care, I post for the valuable lurkers, it's kind of an optics game for me. So your "win" by not actually stating an opinion/thought so it can never be scrutinized, thus leading me in circles/projection just actually allows me to help the lurkers. Your win is childish, my win affects the fabric of reality through cognitive dissonance in the lurkers.
Fuck you spammy
*leaves, never replies*

>> No.57036815
File: 63 KB, 1467x787, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barrqn my faggot i notice you are struggling a bit internally, everything alright?

>> No.57036846
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 20200421-psycho-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57036857

How much 37.5k * 100?
>yagmi, friend

>> No.57036872

I know it's hard to imagine, but I'm not on /xsg/ to 'win' against other schizos. It's so easy to out the fakers and glowniggers. Can you at least send a qt svelte undercover spy girl my way, her boss will be happy to know that I have a line on used fertilizer from a friend of a friend... uwu

>> No.57036898

why would they spy on you? youre not that interesting

>> No.57036921

ladies and gentlemen this is the attitude of a person who has never been and will never be spied on

>> No.57036924

Come to think of it ever since I got alot of XRP suddenly i am in a relationship with a beautiful young girl, do you think she has been planted in my life?

>> No.57036925
File: 67 KB, 1125x725, GBwuS9hakAAvaUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57036931

nice 1 minute chart

>> No.57036933
File: 2.04 MB, 1790x1280, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 12.05.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats B A R R Q N with the lawyer of the year title. You deserve it! You're real food stamp warrior!! (knuckle emoji)

>> No.57036939 [DELETED] 

>nice 1 minute chart
nice 1 inch dick, troonyjew

>> No.57036944

>do you think she has been planted in my life?
be honest with yourself, you already know the answer

>> No.57036955

I've known from the beginning i'm just playing along cause it's fun and i'm actually insane like that. Amazing how much effort they put into it, hiring actors to play the roles of her family and friends and everything.

>> No.57036968

she might even be trained to act excited about getting pregnant with your baby, it's all just part of her mission

>> No.57036986

I'm sure she is just waiting for the moment XRP moons. Then i'll be happy and tell her i'm taking her on a holiday. And then she tells me something like

>Oh but I already have other plans, spammy

before stabbing my in the chest as I die with utter confusion in my eyes

sounds comfy

>> No.57036995
File: 25 KB, 256x256, garlic-bread-house79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem so bad.
Have a garlic bread house.

>> No.57037006

One thing im curious about is how have they trained her at such a young age? Even the mothers love seemed real and everything when I met her parents. She must have been secretly recruited and been living a double life like the shit you see in james bond

>> No.57037015

You're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, 006.

>> No.57037021
File: 80 KB, 1387x589, 20231220_131841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57037022

The schizo way

>> No.57037024

>Dec 20th 2023
>Tomorrow is the day frens
Is it?
Were the two-more-weeks-posters from two weeks ago finally correct?

The effort they put into this is insane, m80

>> No.57037026

fake and gay sol is at 31b and xrp is at 33b

>> No.57037039
File: 36 KB, 862x260, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 11-24-51 Live Cryptocurrency Prices Charts & Portfolio Live Coin Watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57037043
File: 9 KB, 351x340, !memelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme line accuracy is crazy why dont i trade this

>> No.57037051

Kek baggies

>> No.57037055

xrpsisters.... our response?

>> No.57037056

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.57037110

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Although sure, we might have lost financially. I still like to remind you all of all the fun times we had together here and all the great laughs we shared.

>> No.57037140

I mean, even if we lose top 10 coin status, we might still recover in a few years are are back at rank #5 then. This is all part of the plan. One final attempt to get the non-believers to dump their bags and buy into sol or some other shit before burning it all to the ground and flipping the xrp switch. Stay strong my brethren.

>> No.57037162
File: 117 KB, 500x370, 1702707596979087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last test before the storm, hodl the line soldiers

>> No.57037170

I wanna test something

>> No.57037173

I just sold my 14600 XRP and bought almost 9000usd worth of SOL!

WAGMI bros

>> No.57037181
File: 5 KB, 100x100, look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57037185

How the fuck you changed your mind in less than 10 minutes?

I'm long, holding strong my 14k XRPs

Not selling until April, extreme autist mode kicked in.

>> No.57037189

I said I was gonna test something, but it wasn't me holding us back faggots so stop blaming me.

I just noticed Avax is on it's way to flipping ADA too.

We have reached peak clownworld if Avax is gonna flip XRP

>> No.57037197

SEC case has to be closed.

XRP has real utility for cross-border payments.

What's the utility of AVAX? Other than spamming BIZ with red waifus

>> No.57037200

It's utility is it being a tool to fud people out of xrp

>> No.57037203

your digits confirm it

> Verification not required.

>> No.57037276


why is he always so exited two times a day

>> No.57037373
File: 23 KB, 1291x247, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it

>> No.57037384

As I said, now we are behind SOL.

>> No.57037392

but our market cap (yes mcap is a meme) is higher, so how come its 5 and we are 6

>> No.57037399
File: 154 KB, 1318x1474, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.57037413
File: 226 KB, 720x795, Screenshot_20231220-054555_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop replying to spammy.

>> No.57037418

Look how AVAX stands out
The only coin from you shit stack to be up in double digits %

>> No.57037419


>> No.57037429

I honestly regret not buying some Avax or SOL back in November last year. I thought about previous cycles and how many good coins weren't gonna be getting another cycle, but I thought to myself the market is more mature and sol and avax were gonna have a run next (this) cycle. But I let myself get fudded out of it.

I had buy orders for avax just below $10 but cancelled them

I could have made an easy 4x or 5x

>> No.57037444

oh wait and sol even went as low as $7 too kek

i wish i just bought some, but i thought meh that shit aint never coming close to $100 again so it's not worth the risk

boy oh boy

>> No.57037449

Your post is really fucking retarded you know that right? This place is dead without me. When I was gone few threads ago one thread even 404d. Maybe instead of complaining you could actually talk about something interesting

>> No.57037474
File: 27 KB, 602x581, 1702475710447103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spammy you make these threads difficult to look at. Your comments are like advertisements on a webpage. I train my eyes to just skip right past them but eventually you put so much bullshit on the screen that it gives me a headache to avoid you. You are scum incarnate spammy. If you were gone, this board would be a better place and we could actually participate in these threads. Fuck you spammy.

>> No.57037490

I respectfully disagree with your opinion and since you post nothing else i just think your entire post is a shitpost

>> No.57037499
File: 390 KB, 720x949, Screenshot_20231220-060438_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry spammy but Im still not unfiltering you. Lol. Fuckin scum bag.

>> No.57037505

Yes i'm sure these posts add alot

>> No.57037506

SOL chad here
kek baggies

>> No.57037520


>> No.57037661

SOL will be the next FTX/LUNA implosion.

>> No.57037772


>> No.57037776
File: 220 KB, 568x479, greenwojk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it happening? The meme date has arrived

>> No.57037781









>> No.57037786

and its over

>> No.57037788


>> No.57037800
File: 68 KB, 840x540, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 14-06-32 XRP USD (XRP-USD) Price Value News & History - Yahoo Finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to oooooooooo?

>> No.57037804

I think? Something strange is going on for sure. Or someone really didnt want XRP to become #6

>> No.57037821

I was going to buy BTC miners once I freed up some cash. Seems I already missed a reent multiple.
This fucking coin is poison

>> No.57037837

xlm acting funny

>> No.57038070
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, 1701654619554884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not a drill!!!!

>> No.57038398

We can't even rally back to where we were when BTC was 43k a week ago lemeow

>> No.57038557


>> No.57038942

(I’m not using capitalized oooo’s until we’re over one dollar)

>> No.57039079

Btc back to 44.2k where it was on the 9th ... we should be back to .67 ... oooo indeed ...

>> No.57039112

Maybe if you cry more it’ll go up faster

>> No.57039576

Why is going down? Any news?

>> No.57039592

nothing's happening it's just weakly emulating BTC

>> No.57039685
File: 56 KB, 803x339, Screenshot_77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.57039707
File: 6 KB, 253x142, Showing up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP schizos, our response?

>> No.57039714

It means that moot is behind all of this price manipulation and he's allowing believers to buy at a discount before the switch flips

>> No.57039725

Fuck me sideways arrrgggg

>> No.57039889

Absolute shitcoin

>> No.57039914

Morale is too high. It needs to go lower and be bypassed by FTX.

>> No.57039975

Maybe they were right maybe we are retards for holding this shit but at this point I am in the sunk cost fallacy stage. Thankfully though I have stopped buying more xrp and started buying other things so at least I can get my dopamine from Algo and HBAR lately.

>> No.57040050

Solana was supposed to be the scam token arrrggg

>> No.57040062

It could be said that Jeb created xlm for the purpose of microtransactions making a new market for the new ISO20022 financial system.
Others will argue that bits are being used to keep the price lower but in parallel because XLM will be the actual token of the new financial system.
But in reality everything sun's up to one thing; it's the jews

>> No.57040063

The opportunity cost here has been devastating.
I don't think anyone can dent that. Same with silver. This is starting to feel like the same type of 'investment'.
Not selling now though, l'm also a sunk cost cunt.

>> No.57040087
File: 848 KB, 2160x2160, 1673960606907553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even break >62c

>> No.57040099

Also, fuck these jewtuber clowns saying an XRP etf is inevitable.
They ALREADY exist. Who wants to buy that? That won't make any difference if more eventually come.
Always jam tomorrow, jam tomorrow
We need to fuck ripple up and make them burn the escrow out of spite

>> No.57040162

It's a exit liquidity scam

>> No.57040198

Crypto Sniper says it's legit, with good news being kept undercover.
He's also calling for a 16 dollar XRP in the bull run though, so who knows

>> No.57040232

But which "institution" will legitimately invest in SOL after the Same Bank man scandal? Everyone talks about "institutional investors" coming in (whatever that means) yet SOL seems the least likely for that due to the connection with FX

>> No.57040368

I agree. But if we're using logic, why are BTC and ETH still a thing? Fucking garbage.
But they're winning

>> No.57040410

its over
the schizos lost

>> No.57040434

on the bright side no one else is going to flip us
Cardano would have to be about a dollar to do it, and that's not going to happen
that's....not going to happen......right?

>> No.57040591

Reminder that people pushing to burn the escrow are bad actors trying to destroy the XRPL

>> No.57040607

anyone wanting the escrow burned is a monkey brained retard
without it, XRP has no future

>> No.57040609

reminder that this general is entirely inorganic and paid for by ripple

>> No.57040624

no without it Ripple has no future.
XRP can pivot to 'a store of value' like BTC
Fuck ripple and the con artists at the helm

>> No.57040642

you whine a lot
sell your XRP

>> No.57040653

And then stop red pilling people?
Nah I'll stay right here you worthless piece of shit

>> No.57040664

>he's still crying

>> No.57040681

>62 cents
>I repeat 62 CENTS

>> No.57040699

Burn the escrow
Shills dont like that. Good to know.
You better tell your con artist bosses to stop suppressing the price or their company is in for aggro

>> No.57040714

the above poster weighs in excess of 400 pounds

>> No.57040717

Burn the escrow

>> No.57040754

post about burning escrow all you want, its not going to happen
see....nobody cares

>> No.57040780

Burn the escrow

>> No.57040835

so Christmas day will be 3 years and 3 days since the lawsuit started?
quwhite interesting guys

>> No.57040905

That guy needs a beating as well.
'bitcoin has to go away guise. The riddlers have told us'
Misled a lot of people.

>> No.57041036

Solana is literally going to hit triple digits before we break above $0.64 cents

>> No.57041039

>18 posts by this ID
>calling others shills
Lmao. You are a bad actor.

>> No.57041060

Kill yourself you piece of shit

Reminder that this general is entirely inorganic and paid for by ripple

>> No.57041082

The institution meme is fucking fake and ghey. Who gives a rats ass, Solana has already pumped to $250 at peak and will outperform the high again this cycle.Thats without institutional money. Institutional money or not xrp isnt hitting $250 anytime soon therefore Solana holders who got in cheap win. And we will continue to be bagholders for eternity. Why can't anyone on this board admit weve been had by holding onto this dog shit for so long

>> No.57041094

just love seeing the baggies whinge

>> No.57041104

if solana has more or les the same marketcap than xrp how is it 100$ and xrp only .60c ?

>> No.57041118

Circulating supply you dunce

>> No.57041119

based retard

>> No.57041236
File: 74 KB, 800x719, IMG_2398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies don’t understand, that when XRP hit its ATH, there was way less in circulating supply. How many billions Ripple dumped since then? A LOT. XRP will stay under one dollar forever.
>muh price manipulation

>> No.57041252

Typical room temp iq baggie lmao

>> No.57041358

Everyone's in profit here you retarded scrap of dog vomit.
It's the opportunity cost.


We must burn the escrow

>> No.57041373

>Why can't anyone on this board admit weve been had by holding onto this dog shit for so long
They are paid shills. I mean that quite literally. Ripple is paying them for their cup of gutter grease this evening.

>> No.57041407

Ripple claim that's going directly into the hand of institutions.
I no longer believe anything coming from them, but everyone is entitled to trust them, I could be wrong.
I think we should force them to burn the escrow.
They might be planning to pivot away from XRP anyway. It's served its purpose.

>> No.57041409

>Everyone's in profit here you retarded scrap of dog vomit.
How much? I highly doubt you started buying xrp below 10 cents lmao

>> No.57041433

>price is 60c
>to be in profit you would have to have been buying below 10 cents
Dear me, ripple aren't hiring the best out there.

>> No.57041440

if weve been had then why dont we just dump into oblivion already? right now its not the lack of a positive conclusion that is cheezing me, its the lack of a conclusion period.

>> No.57041445

>Ripple claim that's going directly into the hand of institutions.
all of their sales are going to exchanges like bitrue. Maybe they have some back door deals, but people would’ve traced them. Idk, it seems that these idiots are just dumping on retail and there are no “ODL sales” at all.

>> No.57041464

Sunk cost fallacy?
I'm hoping the case will conclude in 2024 and that might get us above a dollar.
But, yeah I am reallocating my trading bag from XRP to BTC and miners on any dips. I don't know enough about SOL and the rest, and it looks like that ship has sailed anyway.
Not selling my core holding until as you say, we get a conclusive answer as to whether we have been completely conned, or only slightly conned.

>> No.57041467
File: 76 KB, 750x752, IMG_3442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if your average is 30 cents and you’re holding for 2 or 3 years, how much fiat lost its purchasing power in that timeframe? And I don’t want to hear “official” inflation numbers.

>> No.57041483

Yeah... true

>> No.57041490

Yea the opportunity cost is a major issue. Even if we hit $10-13 in comparison it would be seriously poor. Don't worry though Twitter and the xrp army will be sucking everyone off and it will be the greatest achievement in crypto history

>> No.57041497

3 long long years

if you could go back in time to talk to yourself on December 20 2020 what would you say?

>> No.57041528

yes i do think Solana's price is being manipulated with something to do with the FTX lawsuit settlement/making depositors whole but also Solana does appear to be one of the chosen chains along with AVAX and maybe a few other L2s for centralized regulated DeFi. don't count HBAR out either.

>> No.57041538

already cashed out of crypto but my XRP bag still remains. im just waiting for something to happen good or bad since ive already held and waited so long.

>> No.57041545

what the meaning, XRP?!
i ask myself this every morning when i check Coingecko charts

i think this to myself every morning when i check Coingecko charts


>> No.57041557

it's been a while since their chain stopped working. it would be funny if that happened again randomly when everyone was all bullish on it and sol shitcoins were popping off and everything went to zero. not that i am hoping that will happen because a lot of people would lose their money but still .

>> No.57041583

They have shit ton of confiscated solana to dump, so they’re pumping it before selling. Maybe I’m buggin, but this “bull run” seems fake as fuck.
>muh etfs
Like everyone is talking about ETF on a daily basis: sec, tv news stations, blackrock, influencers, they’re hyping it up as much as they can. Why? Why would (((investors))) want to pour their money into btc at inflated prices? I don’t understand this.

>> No.57041612
File: 205 KB, 561x562, theyre laughing at us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that Gary Gensler bearable guytweet is something else. 33rd chair of the sec, youngest ever partner at Goldman Sachs. net worth $180mill (not counting Swiss/offshore accounts)

>> No.57041655

Avax Polygon and Solana are the chosen chains for corporate DeFi (ex: JPMcoin knockoffs, proprietary RWA tokenization/settlement platforms)

the real generational wealth is the maladaptive cognitive-behavioral patterns and harmful coping mechanisms we formed along the way

didn't age well

thank you

that thing with Neyeroff saying ETH Foundation (Joe Lubin) did the DAO hack is crazy. Deaton looked like he almost stroked out when he said it lol, like "oh shit i'm about to get car bombed for this, i didn't sign up for this when i agreed to be the XRPL Army Boomer Influencer"

>> No.57041720

XRP is for losers. Real men by chain link and avalanche.

>> No.57041722

>this bull run seems fake as fuck
i agree, i just wonder when they're going to pull the rug, and how. i might just be trauma-based mind controlled but i think Elizabeth Warren is foreshadowing a Tether fuckening especially with FBI and secret service being "onboarded" to their platform, the proliferation of "pig butchering" scam stories and Hamas funding FUD. anybody else notice that right after the FBI/tether story came out, Tether started depegging and repegging for the first time in its history? Go look at the USDT chart right now, there's more sudden pegging happening than a K Street public restroom

>> No.57041775

almost 275 posts guys. are we ready for a new thread? what do you think will happen by the end of the next installment of /xsg/?

>> No.57041860
File: 72 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_3446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, tether is still on the menu. First it was hamas, well, ok, but then new about Russia using tether? That’s when I knew that rugpull is coming pretty soon. I mean, it’s all in their logo. The pain “xrp army” will feel will be immense, kek.

>> No.57041876

I hope portal anon will show up and shows his December minimoon gains.

>> No.57041909
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 1703019876413125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, let's switch to a new thread.
WAGMI in two weeks edition

>> No.57041950

Use a pic of a crying baby for the new thread
it represents the typical XRP baggie quite well

>> No.57041985

This is your typical baggie >>57036933, old goldbug who just discovered crypto.

>> No.57042278


OOOOOOOOOOOO We’re pooom- oh wait…

>> No.57042783

Burn the escrow

>> No.57043344

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.57043479

whatever, shill

>> No.57045060

I have not been advocating for the escrow to be burned.
What I've been advocating for is the threat of the escrow being burned.
The first vote for forcing Ripple to burn their xrp in escrow, should only have 1 validator vote in favor of it, and the vote fails.
Then each subsequent vote, will have 1 additional validator voting in favor.
The goal isn't to actually burn the escrow.
The goal is to scare the shit out of Ripple, the banks, and the US government, and force them to accelerate their plans.
It's to light a fire under their asses.
They've had enough years of us being patient, we're all really tired of how long this bullshit is taking.

>> No.57046103
File: 39 KB, 485x546, worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to anyone for more than just information to consider
pic related in general but somehow completely unrelated in personal life