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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5703043 No.5703043 [Reply] [Original]

I've got $250 worth of XRP right now. It's supposed to hit coinbase bretty soon no? That'll cause a pump? But y'all seem to be going crazy over Deep Brain Chain rn, would it be advisable for me to go ahead and pull out of Ripple for Deep Brain Chain or stick to Ripple?

>inb4 jewcoin
>inb4 fiat crypto
>inb4 muh centralization
idc about the principle of it i'm trying to get comfy

>> No.5703054

both shit buy XRB under $20 for free money

>> No.5703143
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fuck ripple, owned by the bank you tard!

ripple is cripple, sold my share ath

you still hold bags?

>> No.5703149

Stay with XRP, you'll make more with that than trying to "hop" between currencies. Atleast at that price point.

>> No.5703174


Why even bother?
How broke are you?

>> No.5703205
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another pajeet shilling for a scamcoin

XRP cant be mined and owned by the banks
paying fiat for fiat

shoo shoo! fucking normies

>> No.5703251

I was given, for free, $50 worth by a friend who bought 2 BTC at ~$20 and just cashed out at the peak ~$17,000 and was getting into it himself. So it's at $250 now

>> No.5703261

Apparently the CEO said he's happy with the price stabilizing at $2 when it was climbing. Believe him, and understand that the climb to $2 was probably insider/bank/institutional money.

Obviously this coin can't fail for aforementioned reasons, I missed this moon entirely and I'm glad I did. But lesson learned for me here is that insider coins tend to do this and will continue to do so.

We can probably exploit this going forward, that much said my evidence is pretty weak and my opinion is based on my analysis of bernake era bail outs happening in the (((knick of time))) between 09-11.

They'll invert the rules to prevent any of their guys failing.

>> No.5703272

$250, Why even start a thread? Why are we even replying?

>> No.5703275

XRB's already mooned tho hasn't it?

>> No.5703300
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Here we go again!

>> No.5703329

Yeah I'm uncomfortable with the fact Ripple can change the rules or "print" more whenever they please. It's not a long term holding for me.

That being said, I'm just trying to make money in the short term and I was gifted $50 of ripple which has now mooned to $250, and I'm just trying to manage that as best as I can before I invest my own money into it, learning the ropes and all.

>> No.5703415

Putting it on a bingo board don't make it not true

>> No.5703441

Good luck anon, hopefully we'll all make it :) congratulations for getting in, we're participating in the biggest event the world's ever seen.

I think cryptos are that important because I consider all things to be downstream of finance. Wars, ideology, socialism, any gubberment intervention, regulations etc. If we take away their financial control, things will definitely get interesting.

>> No.5703466

Just learning the ropes on how to read the scene! I was gifted $50 of XRP and that's now $250, I'm just wondering the best move going forward. That's all, I mean the same advice would apply if I put a few more zeroes at the end so what's the harm?

>> No.5703490
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All I have to say is that it'll continue to moon. Whether you like it or not. Screencap this, anon. You'll realize soon enough.

>> No.5703597

I'm hoping so. Everyone's just hating on it right now so it had me doubting and wondering if holding onto it for the time being was the best use of my money, opportunity cost and all.
Why is there so much FUD surrounding XRP right now anyway?

>> No.5703638

Because they're afraid of losing their gainz.

>> No.5703651

Thank you :)
It was a gift from a friend who hit the jackpot on the BTC stuff, so I'm just trying to learn the ropes.
It is an exciting thing! Unprecedented, something like this wasn't possible before. I wonder if in +50 years it's going to be in schoolbooks and whatnot, if it really takes hold. Won't that be cool, history in the making and all sorts of people getting rich from nearly nothing.

>> No.5703690

Actually, it's because ripple isn't crypto newfriend.

>> No.5703712

Are there any less... extremist ways to get info/discussion on this stuff? /biz/ is all planet of the apes yelling over each other this is shit that is shit and you never know who to believe, and all the reddit boards are just big positive circlejerks with no skepticism or useful market knowledge

>> No.5703795

ffs go back to plebbit

ripple is crippled.. move your money elsewhere like BNTY

>> No.5703814

I think we'll all be telling stories of this period in time for the rest of our lives, all that's missing now is an on ramp for Fiat money to enter into any token/coin that can be exchanged for btc/eth.

Then all hell will break loose as mortgage equity floods in, immigrants will max their credit on buying cryptos and then heading home to buy their village and the neighbors up. This is what the banks are trying to prevent, hey.. when I was new an anon shared this link with me;


Check him out, he's one of us and he called icx a 95% investment grade winner before they'd even released their ico. I'm off to visit friends now, see you around :)

>> No.5704572


>> No.5704587


>> No.5704690
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DBC is mooning very soon, currently in a dip