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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57023959 No.57023959 [Reply] [Original]

>other chains getting rekt by ordinal spam
>gas prices increasing, blockchains pulling a Solana and going offline
>Cardano fees same as always, transactions not impacted
>Charles telling ordiniggers to come to Cardano because cardano can handle it
Cardano stays winning

>> No.57023987
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Yeah but, is Cardano moon tho?

>> No.57024054
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This thread has been peer reviewed.

>> No.57024089
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lol crapdano

>> No.57024127

>ordinals locked out of transactions due to cardano's max tps of 2

thanks mushroom farmer Charles, you are our savior. love parade is so cool yeaahhh

>> No.57024157
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Based and peer reviewpilled
Charles is a based gigachad genius

>> No.57024704

Based and Cardano pilled

>> No.57024977
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>> No.57026344

the fud has failed
ada is the eth sucessor

>> No.57026351

two dubs in a row to confirm

>> No.57026356

I’ve been down $7500 for 3 years now thanks to ADA

>> No.57026371

>2 tps
>Retard, who doesn't know what he's on about.
Nice one, Anon.
You sure showed us!

>> No.57026886

don´t sell and you will be fine

>> No.57026957

Yes when nobody uses dogshit your network it's very difficult for it to become congested. Truly Charles is a genius of our time

>> No.57026972

Oh no nobody is using dogshit our network, bros

>> No.57027638
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I'm glad no one uses dogshit our network desu

>> No.57027684

You actually don't. Look up Hydra and pipelining.

>> No.57027695

We peer reviewed Charles and found he's a lying retard that appeals to the lowest common denominator (reddit neckbeards)

>> No.57027728

We peer reviewed your mom's anus and found that it has been absolutely rekt by miles and miles of diseased nigger cock.

>Verification not required.

>> No.57028444

Cardano has barely anything on it. IOG has to sockpuppet new companies to build out side chains (which they have to rebrand constantly to make them seem better than what they are) to even give the illusion of wider adoption or the possibility of scalability. Now they're apparently giving up with their own ecosystem standards and are integrating Polkadot SDK instead.

I'm sure it'll pump because it's a midwit magnet but don't try to blow smoke up our asses, the tech is in just as much of a shambles as ethereum.

>> No.57028493
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tldr coping and seething

>> No.57028528

>1 year ago
CARDANO HAS NO DAPPS!! (even though it does)
CARDANO HAS LIKE BARELY ANYTHING!! (TVL is consistently growing month over month)
>in 1 year

>> No.57028586

TVL is the gayest metric. Everyone pointed to terra lunas TVL like it meant anything as well. Charles promoted DID protocols, proof of origin protocols, AI protocols, fucking african farmer protocols. Polkadot, Cosmos, avax, near all have this kind of stuff now. Cardanos usecases are 2020 tier defi and ???? Yeah great, midwits love it. So what? Cardanos failed under it's own estimations against its competitors.

>> No.57028981
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>Was never listed on FTX
With the amount of shilling and FUD'ing here It's safe to reccomend people just to do the opposite of what /biz/ says. But by all means people should not just dig this shit themselves self, right? Since it's oh so overdocumented on the interwebs anyway. Those for fall for ad hominems are too weak to stand for themselves in this world in a lot of ways, and are already fallen. Those are the ones you're speaking to.

Funny how much money that's been put into keeping shit like this down. I smell a golden goose any time this amount of shitting is structured around one person and is an obvious case of scapegoating. It's orange man bad tactics all the way, and you already lost the moment you believed that tactic did any good. Those in positions of power who buy your services intend to keep you down as well.

I know polkadot for once saw reason to collaborate with iog, and that's good for poth parties. Good for them. The poaching continues. People learn.

>> No.57028989

meant for

>> No.57029066
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>Charles telling ordiniggers to come to Cardano because cardano can handle it
Charles is desperate for anything to drive the ghosts from his chain

>> No.57029091

If this is some schizo post claiming I'm a paid fudder, I'm not, even if you're unlikely to believe me. Otherwise, there's little actual information in here. Charles is scapegoated? He's honestly irrelevant, his words are just useful to contrast the gulf in progress between cardano and its competitors. He has continuously overpromised, drawn unfavourable comparisons and it has made cardano look extremely lethargic. And FYI polkadot is not "collaborating" with cardano. IOG is integrating the polkadot SDK into cardano sidechains. The same way a company is "collaborating" with HTTP when they build a website.

>> No.57029156

Such extreme hoskinsoy baggie cope

>> No.57029331

>Cardano fees same as always, transactions not impacted
of course because there was no activity and no spam

>> No.57030067

Cope and seethe trannies

>> No.57030491

Which is why you should simply look for that info yourself instead. Are you denying there is an actual effort being put into obscuring what's being done with cardano?
I know the PoS protocol that polkadot implemented was developed by iog. I could back that up but dyor.
The tech iog writes apparently is that good?
Charles has is in a lot of ways kept his position irrelevant and I'm grateful for that. He knows he should give way for others to take up leadership when they're able. He believes in contribution and open source and that's enough for me.
Charles navigates well. He picks up the shits too low for anyone to bother sometimes, even. He uses his rage and empathy when it's proper and it's bound to upset anyone enchrenched enough in some hellhole they've dug for themselves to screech and throw curse words from because he can look at things very entrenched from his own point, too. And people continue to shart and rage over his opinion. I believe some of the most capable and promising coders just left polkadot before it was too late to switch sides if the tibalism continues to grow.. Politics are sneaking into everything.
I think it was rather fortunate he drew his bad rep at the times he did it just to pop the baloons directed at him. People are suckers for slander sometimes and it sure is better to make those players reveal themselves before they'd do real, irrepairable damage to something or someone. I hope he can take a day off sometime, in gratitude for what he has been able to achieve because if cardano fails at least it has made some contributions to the so-called 'space' of crypto.

>> No.57030525

Does cardano have dapps yet?

>> No.57030641

>know the PoS protocol that polkadot implemented was developed by iog.

Ouroboros is a tiny component of polkadot that was heavily modified for fit. This is constantly mentioned by cardano maxis but it reeks of cope, as does the reams and reams of bullshit you just typed.

>> No.57030653

Buy TRTL on minswap:

>> No.57031797
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I feel like most sane people can sense what is typed in good faith and what diliberately is twisted and tuned to project an image in favor of certain interests. As long you know these exist you can connect the dots yourself. The consensus algorithm somehow being a tiny component. Constantly mentioned. Cardano maxis and cope. Beyond bullshit if you ask me. You project what you spew and what goes around comes around.
Seems like there is no need to go technical on this forum when 80% of posters are on duty like you when all you reduce things to are personal attacks, bad acting and favoratism instead of talking points, advantages and scope.
It literally only takes one thread a day to derail 5 of your humiliation attempts with a few lines of facts and honest hype. You need to know what's true before you can counter it with your coordinated lies, so you actually get here to become better at lying it seems.
Meanwhile you don't even have metrics for how much you're influencing. You're just paid without real effort or any measurable, reliable effect. Its easy to observe, really.
I wonder if you get the bads news from your superiors or you have to find out yourself as well here, too.

>> No.57032875

>Ouroboros is a tiny component of polkadot
Holy mother of cope. The thing the entire chain is based on is a tiny component. Lmao