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57027148 No.57027148 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me honestly.

>> No.57027169
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if you want to lead things and grind upwards instead of sideways on your career, yes

>> No.57027177

If you're not a brainlet (i.e. you got a SAT score in the top 1%) and you get a STEM degree it can supercharge your career and elevate you to places that you wouldn't even dream of as a non-graduate. Student debt in this circumstance would be negligible as you'll end up earning a salary an order of magnitude larger than your debt load within a few years of graduation.

If you're a brainlet it'll put you deep in debt with nil real prospects to earn exceptional money. Brainlets (the lesser 99% of society) are far better off going to trade school or driving trucks or something. Grind out as much work as possible, live frugally, and you might have a chance of retiring semi-comfortably.

>> No.57027179

Yes, but make it a worthwhile one. If you're going to do Journalism or Media just save your money.

>> No.57027192

I'm a 38 year old boomer millennial. Please, for the love of God, get a good degree at any half way decent university and work hard. I can tell you from personal experience, my peers who worked hard, got a stem/useful degree, and played the game are doing fabulous right now. It's a lot easier to invest in crypto when you've got thousands of disposable in one each month versus eating rice and beans and stealing utensils from your job at McDonald's to save pennies to invest in dogchm coin.

>> No.57027223

I have a degree, work in finance in a major company, can comfortably say if i had my time again I'd go to trade school and become an electrician. In demand, recession proof job where you can make absolute bucket loads of cash and once you're established you can easily pick your own hours.

>> No.57027550

imagine having trade skills and business skills! I don't have to! kek

>> No.57027914

It takes about 15 years of waging to breakeven on your degree investment

>> No.57027989

Take actual classes and not these bootcamp stuff

>> No.57028035

If you want people to think you're not a retard yeah

>> No.57028046

Only if you study something that leads to a high paying job with minimal effort.

>> No.57028062

This is always such a funny fallacy
>I'm smart and educated
>bc I'm smart and educated i realize I should have done trades and invested everything

>> No.57028068

Statisically, there is no contest, a degree means better lifetime earnings by a margin that seems inpossible.
Go to a regular non retarded costing uni and get a non pozzed degree with minimal student loans in a field you can reasonably get a job in that field on graduation, then yes.

>> No.57028516

Wrong, about to pay off my entire private university loan, with no scholarships (120k) in under 7 years of working.

All it takes is being frugal and not being a retard with your money

>> No.57028535



>> No.57028572

If you are 18-20 go to any state or cheap uni filtered by most beautiful campus because your environment is what makes you suffer, pick any major you want preferably electrical engineering but anything is fine, what you need to do is loanmaxx because federal student loans never ever need to be paid unless you make income and take those "living expenses" and move it into crypto
Don't be a fucking retard and do a trade or something, the trades meme means your extracting resources at the risk of your life so boomers and Mr shekelstein can live in a 72 degrees heated mcmansion year round and then they live in their vacation home with a country club bill
Student debtmaxx into crypto, hang around college to have fun, but secretly be stacking digital gold and don't tell anyone except your cryptobro circle

>> No.57028629

>If you're not a brainlet (i.e. you got a SAT score in the top 1%) and you get a STEM degree it can supercharge your career and elevate you to places that you wouldn't even dream of as a non-graduate
False. It takes a day for anyone who has never touched a computer to pick it up and write a few lines that make them billions of dollars or notoriety in CS.
The trick is to LIE. Do what "hireable" resumes look like to your own character, then LIE and say you are native American or a faggot or run a Jewish organization and so on and so on. Do not be honest in STEM unless you are an actual nuclear physicist going to work on a reactor. If you just want a job that pays money for makework then fucking LIE LIE LIE

>> No.57028661

>recession proof job
absolute meme. ask anyone over the age of 40 and in the trades what 2008 was like.

>> No.57028710

School is how they filter field nigs from house nigs. How many doggie hoops are you willing to jump through? If none, pick up a shovel. If some, youll be setting down silverware on the dinner table so the owners can chow down on the blood and gold of your people. Good luck.

>> No.57028755


and to answer your question, a college degree is "worth it" provided you aren't a massive retard. study something applicable and useful (engineering, healthcare, accounting, IT). get good grades and strive to learn. work your ass off to do internships or co-ops. work your ass off for the first 1-2 years of your career so you can job hop to a higher paying job.

working in the hot and the cold fucking sucks. relying on the well-being of your physical body to make money fucking sucks. risking injury or disability, no matter how careful and deliberate you are, fucking sucks. most trades suck. they aren't recession proof. they involve a lot of driving and travel and long hours. they are inundated with faggot retards who employ elaborate hazing rituals to make you "pay your dues." unless you're a union trades worker you will likely never make good money.

>> No.57028800


Yes, if your IQ is over 100. You may need military detour first if you are really poor. Puck a good major. For some careers, you have to go to a target school.

>> No.57028827

Btw, this thread has exceptional replies by biz standards OP. Read them carefully, they answer your q.

Don't expect college to be a silver bullet is another key. It doesn't guarantee anything, which is why you are asking the question. It does, sometimes, give you a shot.

>> No.57028848

I will continue to post this in every degree thread, but I make $80k/year working at an investment bank and I dropped out of highschool. I staunchly believe degree’s are the degradation of learning and that it’s a complete cattle mindset to think you’re only capable of learning things and proving it by getting a degree. You’re a sovereign individual with free will, act like it and learn something that matters to you, the momentum of truly enjoying what you’re learning will carry you much farther than the greed of wanting to buy yourself a job on the easy path.

>> No.57028863

>A-grades student going for STEM
yes absolutely
>same going for any other degree
maybe, probably, anything better than women studies crap and you'll do okay
>B-grades student going for STEM
you'll struggle but be okay
>same for any other degree
unless you have connections don't bother, go to trade school and make loads of money owning your own company eventually
>C grades or lower
higher education isn't your thing retard, just go to trade school, eat your goyslop, and hope you float above inflation wagie

>> No.57028874

women won't date down.
most women have college degrees.

do you want to have sex? also these threads are stupid, just go to a public university (do first 2 years at community college) and get a degree. If you are incapable of paying of 55k(public loan max limit) over 20 years which it shouldnt even take you that long in the first place you deserve to be in debt forever.

dont go to jewish private colleges. just go to public college and get a 4 year for under 30k. its not that hard. your opinions on how valuable your degree is from a 'learning' perspetive are completely irrelevant. all that matters is the people who run the show at companies deem that they are important, so you will tow the line or you will be a dumb fuck stuck on this board forever trying to make it off chainlink

>> No.57028883

There is no such thing as "a degree". There are hundreds of different degrees with varying levels of worth and profitability. The dumbest thing to do is pretend like college is a monolith. There are people there maximizing their potential and investing time/money into a highly lucrative major and there are people there in shit degrees guaranteeing a lifetime of debt serfdom and underemployment.

Look at what's in demand job wise, look at typical entry level qualifications, find something that you can tolerate and that will make you a good living, and then find the cheapest and most efficient way to qualify for that. Work backwards from the job, not forwards from the major.

>> No.57028993
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>exceptional replies by biz standards OP. Read them carefully, they answer your q.

>> No.57029070

Get an associate in a technical field and the work as a contractor for different projects

>> No.57029223

No, degrees are worthless. It's the ultimate grifter's club participation award.

> I got a degree, now I can fool people into thinking I care.

That's the majority attitude of college grads. If you want job security, get state certifications.

For example, a dentist MD degree is nonsense, it's the certification that is what shows the dental student can perform such work. It's the verification for the passing the tests and showing proof of work.

Same goes for welding, the state certification is a stamp of approval which hire managers recognize that the welder can perform at a specific level of quality.

>> No.57030741
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as long as you don't have student loans, otherwise it would have been the worst mistake of your life
I'm here because I needed something to pay for my shit, $CORN is useful but every day it's getting harder and harder to do anything

>> No.57030845

just lie about having a mediocre one

>> No.57031050

>be 18
>Work any job while living with your parents
>Invest every last cent
>Learn to trade in the meantime
>retire early.