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File: 99 KB, 1200x810, IMG_5891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57025577 No.57025577 [Reply] [Original]

My gf just dumped me and I started going bald a year ago. I’ll just say this, being bald and single is infinitely more depressing than being bald and married

>> No.57025582

shut up pussy

>> No.57025585

Balding is literally the wall for men. Only like 1% of men can pull off the bald look and still be a chad

>> No.57025596

Eh ... Implants it is then. Stop being such a sissy.

>> No.57025608
File: 653 KB, 1242x692, IMG_6191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get smp and go to the gym. Cheap, quick, reliable, no meds. The opposite of a transplant basically

>> No.57025609

Be tall and in shape and not a pussy and it doesn’t matter
>t. 6’4”, in shape, not a pussy, bald and married to a woman you’d jerk off to while thinking about if you saw her

>> No.57025615

>Get smp

>> No.57025625

As a bald and married man, I disagree

>> No.57025634

Sucks to suck. I've been getting more female attention since I've lost my hair. The reality is if you're a loser with hair, you'll still be a loser without hair.

>> No.57025638
File: 551 KB, 1242x1426, IMG_5089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s permanent pigment giving the illusion of stubble. What makes you look old and fucked up is not having no hair, it’s having no hairline. With smp you look like you have a full head of hair, but chose to buzz it off because it looks good. Think about it as a hair tattoo. I don’t have it myself but one of my buddies got it done and it looks fucking good, i’m almost looking forward to going bald one day lol.

>> No.57025649
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>> No.57025656

To add to this, being tall isn’t even necessary if you’re a funny extrovert (and still in shape)
My buddy is like 5’6” and bald (in good shape), and he does fine.
Truth hurts, but it’s more that you’re just a loser rather than that youre bald

>> No.57025662

I could pull it off its not hard.

well attractive people look good anyway

>> No.57025673

Ill just take fin

>> No.57025686

Fly to Istanbul, come back with lustrous hair.

>> No.57025701

This looks like ass like he has pepper shaken on his head. Not natural looking at all

>> No.57025725

You do you lad, I prefer the first one I posted also but it shows how individual this works. You wouldn’t believe the amount of people who get a transplant that doesn’t work out in the end

>> No.57025747
File: 277 KB, 463x583, IMG_4989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, lots of cueball cope in this thread. Baby head lookin asses lmao

>> No.57025772

wide angle
short angle

>> No.57025929

Balding has been a blessing. Weeds out the retarded and vain women. And if you just want sex, who cares what the woman thinks? Get yours and move on fucking fairies.

>> No.57025942

I’m 35 and still have a full head of hair. Balding isn’t in my future.

>> No.57025954

>Weeds out the retarded and vain women
So all of them? Are you gay now?

>> No.57025965

Shave your head, get to gym get ripped, get some entertaining and money from any web3 related shit that is currently gaining space on this next year narrative. (Blocklords is a good example of that since even epic games is supporting it)
And then be ready to make it, your GF woull regret dumping you.

>> No.57025978

Go bald and kill your captors. A woman will never love you hair or not. Live in despair or glory you have one choice

>> No.57025984

Some females are attracted to a guy with a strong presence and have some kind of power/authority/status in their lives. A useless pretty boy gets old after a while, the woman is supposed to be the pretty one, not the man.

>> No.57026031

>A useless pretty boy gets old after a while
Sure but a late teens early 20s girl will still be drawn to those pretty boys ie. when women are actually in their prime and worth marrying. My suspicion is that this is because of a combination of social and hormonal (birth control) factors. But if it's possible to be a Norwood 3/4 cradle snatcher then sure by all means

>> No.57026042
File: 29 KB, 915x915, IMG_3800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when women are actually in their prime and worth marrying

>> No.57026053

>basedjack posting
Late teens is an exaggeration. Explain how an early 20s is not the most marriageable period for a woman

>> No.57026170

I never stood a chance to find a woman due to being ugly. Balding us just a nice bonus

>> No.57026180

I guarantee standing next to him in broad daylight looks really weird and not natural at all

>> No.57026676

good friend of mine got smp and it looks great to me in real life. Just like shaved stubble. Not shilling here, I could care less and still have my hair but I absolutely get this shit done when I look like an egg. Just need to be careful when chosing who does it, otherwise it will look painted on but same goes for everything

>> No.57026697

I have a full head of thick hair and I'm a kissless virgin so it really makes no difference to me even if I do go bald, life is still exactly the same

>> No.57026761

>link thread
>balding thread
>housing thread
>wagie thread
come in biz, we can do better

>> No.57026766

shut up pussy

>> No.57026770

That looks completly retarded.

>> No.57026783
File: 18 KB, 645x770, polchudsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late teens is an exaggeration. Explain how an early 20s is not the most marriageable period for a woman

>> No.57026892
File: 949 KB, 2318x1839, IMG_9569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick baldies, got a 1k graft hair transplant 7 months ago. Gonna get another one for density in 5 months. I feel so fuckin smug when I look at ugly old bald faggots
>but you were balding before!
Don’t care, nobody can fucking tell. Sick my fuckin cock baldies LOL

Being a bald faggot is instant disqualification from fucking any tight pink teen snatch.

>> No.57026917

A hair transplant isn't mega expensive, people who whine probably spend more on gayming or something in a year than the cost of getting it done.

>> No.57026994

>retard yakuza wannabe tattoos
you've already lost

>> No.57027034

>he wont pull his hairline back

Its over for you

>> No.57027076

Hair transplants aren't magical one time things, first you have to pray for the transplant to be successful, then you have to take finasteride and minoxdil regularly for life and STILL get additional transplants every few years

>> No.57027099

I didn't say they were magical one time things, who are you replying to?

>> No.57027121

5'6 bald and hot wife seems cope unless he's heavily tatted rich and or flips drugs

>> No.57027138

Bro you're still balding 1k isn't enough for that pic you also seem like a terrible candidate bc thin straight dark hair

>> No.57027152

Adam Lanza tier hair

>> No.57027203
File: 20 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-153487114-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is not being bald. The problem is having drapes. You need to go 100% bald.

>> No.57027246
File: 532 KB, 706x1400, edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went bald at 25 and still somewhat pull women, the key thing is to try and stay fit and get wider shoulders.

>> No.57027298

nta but are you coping with having married late or something, i don't get it.

>> No.57027299

You would look much better without the glasses but yes you mog that utter subhuman next to you. I'm bald also, I had SMP 10 years ago and it still looks good because it was very subtle, not the shoe polish type you see often. I do great with women. But I have a very good jaw and strong facial features, and a skull that is an ok shape. I believe baldness is a look that can only be pulled off with a good skull and strong masculine physique. Pretty boys or beta male physiognomies absolutely should never go bald, it's a death sentence for them.

>> No.57027386

My baby momma is 22 having met her at 17
I am White and work from home

>> No.57027705
File: 1006 KB, 3024x4032, 387598957_2060124474334958_3195718896494840362_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I'm considering SMP too for this year actually.
In some ways I'm thankful for being bald as I know that I will look like a fat dad if I don't stay in shape. Some decent sports hats like under armour in pic rel can give you a hot dad look, but as you say it all comes down to having a masculine physique.

>> No.57027735

That's my only worry, what will it look like in 10 years. Does the stubble get bigger? Normal tattoos fade and get thicker.

>> No.57029398

Hair transplants may be the cure to balding since a new drug called verteporfin has been used in conjunction with the surgeries. It can regrow hair from your donor area (this is the hair that will fall out of your head last) which allows you theoretically infinite transplants. You only take finasteride to prevent unnatural balding patterns, like having a transplanted hairline while your crown continues to thin.

The drug was originally used for treating macular degradation in the retinas, and it helped to repair blood vessels in the eye. It's already being used in practice by a few surgeons, and the drug is already FDA approved, and there are no sexual side effects/hormonal changes like with finasteride, so the only issue is cost/availability of the drug.

>> No.57029429

lots of men start balding from 35-40
looks way better than before
wtf is this, just shave it dude
and to have a face that plays nicely with a bald head, which you have.
you don't really need it, might actually look worse

>> No.57029432

Lol... it looks very fake, people arent THAT stupid that they will not figure it out

>> No.57029541

Bald guy here. I have spent years researching the options, medications, surgery, wigs, smp,..

I tried minoxidil, finasteride, dutasteride, didn't work (yes prescription and pharmacy)

If you cant stop hairloss with meds, you arent a good candidate for a transplant.

So what else was left? Wigs and hair tattoo. Both are easily spotted by a discerning eye and you look like even more of an insecure loser that way.

In the end I accepted my fate and am just an ugly bald cuck. I did find love and am married (after baldness). Baldness is very terrible, but luckily I am 6' tall and make a good living. It's about the total package you represent vs a woman's options.

So forget about pulling perfect 10's. You will get maybe a 5 or a 6 if you are bald. Learn to live with it.

Good luck to all of you.

>> No.57029562

chicks love bald dudes though

>> No.57030714

howd you meet?

>30yo here with 3 year journey to maintain a NW3, finally getting a little grow back along hairline, but not in back.
>thinking of saying fuck it and go on T.
>5'10 and already pretty built
>still pull beautiful women overseas with hair
>invisible in America/Europe

>> No.57031610

>the key thing is to try and stay fit and get wider shoulders.
yeah I'm sure that's it. can't be the fact that you're like 6'2'' or taller.

>> No.57031627

> I've been getting more female attention since I've lost my hair.
30+ single moms dont count

>> No.57031639

>I could pull it off its not hard.
probably delusion, and you would look better with hair anyway

>> No.57031681

I started balding with 18 (42 now). I just did cut my hair to 3mm and lived happy ever since. Why would I tattoo points on my head like a retard?

>> No.57031733

Fpbp. No surprise she dumped him

>> No.57031792

>howd you meet?
She's best friends with a chick I banged for a while then savagely dumped. That chick sent me her number and pics and said I should consider dating her friend. It all worked out believe it or not.

>> No.57031820

>he doesn't embrace his baldness
Fuck what peehole sardine meat thinks about my fucking hair
They are all whores anyways, I just pay them to give me a blowjob
Also, pay rhymes with rape.

>> No.57031859

just want to add that if you are bald and can pull 8+ then you are a legend but realistically you will pull 5-7 tops

learn to live with the cards you are dealt you are a 5 anyway so why do you feel you deserve better?

>> No.57031917

>just want to add that if you are bald and can pull 8+ then you are a legend
That's cope. You just are not funny enough.

>> No.57032035

>if you were a stand up comedian you would get hotter girls!
well duh but the point of the thread is that balding is always worse than not balding

>> No.57032057

Imagine not taking finastride

>> No.57032062

ZAMN chudjak got an ear? Good look!

>> No.57032074

>well duh but the point of the thread is that balding is always worse than not balding
What I got from this thread is that some retard thinks that tattooing points on your head solves a problem.
It looks retarded.
Having hair is cool and all but it's not a game changer.

>> No.57032323

>That's cope. You just are not funny enough.

>> No.57032346

>some retard thinks that tattooing points on your head solves a problem
and he doesn't even seem to care that the pics he is posting are specifically done in a way to look the before look as bad as possible and the after as good as possible (angles, camera lens type, sometimes they flat out photoshop the after pics to make the head smaller, etc etc etc)

pathetic delusions

>> No.57032379

Keep coping. I hope you make it.

>> No.57032421
File: 219 KB, 2021x1601, hjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol you can tell by his face in the after that he knows he fucked up

>> No.57032456
File: 277 KB, 2657x1714, AER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matthew Iulo, the guy who is doing the tattooing in this pic is the only person i have ever seen where the tattoo looks realistic, all of his colleagues look weird as fuck.

>> No.57032599

Baldness is a death sentence, I went from women being easy mode and them approaching me and going out of their way to talk to me to becoming invisible. Everybody is much meaner to you, really makes you feel like a piece of trash when you make comparisons to how you used to be treated before, made me super black pilled on looks. I finally got a great hair transplant with crypto money and now I'm back in the game but I definitely have some mental scarring from the experience. If you were ugly your entire life you wouldn't get it.

>> No.57032614

>Everybody is much meaner to you
and even the biggest dorks now feel confident to insult you, worst is the "up and coming" 20 something guys at work who feel the urge to always make bald jokes

>> No.57032618

>finasteride and minoxdil
that shit kills your sex drive

>> No.57032648

I was with my gf for over 9 years and she left me, and I'm not bald. Women just get bored over time.

>> No.57032652

You have 0 appeal to women as a bald man. I'm a 6'1 tall, 12% bf with wide frame, light almond shaped blue eyes, great lower third, everybody always asked me if I modelled etc. Balding ruined all of that, it's like switching difficulty from easy mode to nightmare mode.

>> No.57032672
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hanoitransplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get hair transplant in Vietnam for $2k
>don't ever have to worry about hair problems again
It doesn't need to be so difficult guys

>> No.57032679

it can also cause birth defects, infertility, penile shrinkage, brain fog, depression, suicide, impotence, and is not going to solve your hairloss problems, at best it will slow down the inevitable progression of your hairloss

make no mistake, the norwood reaper only takes second place after the ultimate enemy (death), meaning you can only avoid going bald if the grim reaper beats the norwood reaper to the punch and you die with hair before all is lost

no fucking magic potion is going to save you once he has you in his crosshairs, you are done, the earlier you accept your fate, the better off you will be

may fortune favor you

>> No.57032685

just take fin

side effects are literally nonexistent for 99% of guys, it's just fud by guys whose dicks didnt work before fin and still dont after

>> No.57032756

not everyone is an ideal candidate for a good hair transplant result. depends mostly on the amount of hair you have left over and are still expected to lose

>> No.57032770

>just be 6'4 bro

>> No.57032789

Not really, it boosts your test by like 10% cause it doesn't get turned into DHT anymore, gives you higher libido. I do feel you get weaker erections on it at first, take 0.5mg a day and sides are practically nonexistent once your body gets used to it.

>> No.57032796

you have gay mouth

>> No.57032811

If you want to nuke your sex drive smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, that does way more damage than fin.

>> No.57032846

You're norwooding bro :/

>> No.57032940

Baldcel cope
Completely stopped and recovered my hair for over 10 years now

>> No.57033120

I wouldn't worry so much about what little pathetic hair you're holding on to. That small fragile beta incel cuck skull you have is an even bigger problem.

>> No.57033153

Own it and go full skinhead/aryan brotherhood mode with a handle bar mustache, tattoos and get jacked. Yea if you’re a tubby manlet cubicle drone though you’re in trouble if you’re bald.

>> No.57033226

what norwood stage is too for hair transplant to even matter because it is too late to transfer enough hair? I'm thinking of getting a transplant next year. already doing finasteride and get no side effects. I hate using minoxidil though so never do.

>> No.57033239

*too late to matter?

>> No.57033248


>> No.57033447
File: 922 KB, 885x1098, norwood 5 before and after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh I looked it up and it looks like stage 5 can benefit just fine, although yeah i still think it is preferable to do it earlier than that. im more like a 3 so i shouldn't risk waiting longer than a year i think.

>> No.57033464

Nobody cares we don’t chase women here bud just money and intellectual growth

>> No.57033489

>intellectual growth
Based /fitlit/

>> No.57033504

>m more like a 3 so i shouldn't risk waiting longer than a year i think
If it's any hope some people just go to an NW 2/3 and stay like that for a while. But definitely keep an eye on it. I take photos every few months

>> No.57033550

The first one of those is definitely not Norwood 5 kek

>> No.57033563

I got my wife pregnant and I started losing my hair years ago. I just wear a hat all the time.

>> No.57033693

Those pics are also not much grafts. If you pay for more grafts you can get better results if you have good donor areas

>> No.57033738

3000 hairs seems like a lot to find just in the donor area in the back of your head, kinda trippy that amount is taken to be moved. But at the back of my head it doesn't seem any less thicker than it used to be. So I guess it would be fine.

>> No.57033843
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That's why you gotta invest in being bald, single but full of sex buddies. Im getting a hair transplant next week tho so im not gonna be part of the grind anymore, but tl;dr i used to be married, bald and with a large pool of investments. Turns out the stress from investing made me go bald and i kept neglecting my wife so she cheated on me. Now im doing the opossite, left the investment scenario to copytrade using dexscreener, im getting the hair transplant plus a healthy amount of sex buddies to be completely entertained. This is the actual life

>> No.57034722

Why the fuck didn’t you retards take meds? The second I noticed my hair thinning I hopped on propecia and regrew it and have been good to go ever since. This was like 15 years ago and I was able to live my entire twenties and thirties as a total Chad with great hair fucking so many beautiful women. I would have roped being so handsome and balding in my early twenties

>> No.57034727

I have good hair genetics

>> No.57034738

Grow the rest of your beard bud.

>> No.57034765

i dont get it explain.

>> No.57034772

>copytrade using dexscreener
tell me about this anon.

>> No.57034779

Im 30 yo and have over 90% of my hair, is that good?

>> No.57034786

>dysgenic mongrels like this post on /biz/
Please leave

>> No.57035294

>Late teens is an exaggeration.
that isn't an exaggeration. 18 is the perfect age for a women to marry. 30-35 year old man with an 18 year old wife he has courted for a few years

>> No.57035374

>Yeah bro it worked for me just get fit
Maybe it had something to do with your height?

>> No.57036228

I got cucked mid 30s
NW1 to 5 in like 3 years but I cbf now anyways

>> No.57036307

Omg... so youa re a literal peadophile? Gross dudde

>> No.57036331

sorry demoralizer, andrew tate has single handedly debunked this fud. baldness doesnt matter

>> No.57036428

Someone made fun of me for balding earlier this pay weekend kek. Not like I found love when I had a full hairline anyways.

>> No.57036768

I wont go bald. Does that mean I dont have to find a woman?

>> No.57037036

Worst is when you meet a girl while wearing a hat and have a great conversation but then take it off and get a look of absolute shock and revulsion. Other than that being bald hasn't been that bad for me, I have a decent skull for it though.

>> No.57037285
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at least post a ''good'' result

>> No.57037352

But then you have to always shave your head ?

>> No.57038152

Why would you date a woman for 9 years without deciding whether or not she's worth marrying lol

>> No.57038171

>Gf dumped me
>Bald and married
Make your mind up OP you colossus of a bum sniffer. Did you get divorced or dumped?

>> No.57038192
File: 3.42 MB, 2336x3504, hasidicJew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy answer, anon. Just find a hat you like and never take it off

>> No.57038271

My hair started thinning in my mid twenties.

I've styled it in a way that girls love the shit out of and also hides the emerging bald spot. Helps that I'm taller than them anyway.

Be more pragmatic.