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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 698 KB, 907x1263, Picsart_23-12-16_09-36-05-085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57022891 No.57022891 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57023091

Loaded up 4 of these bad boys. They were selling for 500 icp floor and now they're 100-130, no brainer 4-5x

>> No.57023101


these aren't some shitty flip.

>> No.57023151

>he married his bags
i'm selling mine as soon as it doubles in icp but thanks >>57022891 for letting us know they were on a fire sale

>> No.57023158

$3m market cap right now lmao... if ICP does become the next internet only 2009 people will ever own one of the greatest flexes imaginable

>> No.57023430

Greatest flexes. Lol glad I own a prestigious one because some dumbshit with too much money will gladly take it off me at an absurd price.

>> No.57023504

They don't know the rumor and what will happen yet..
Accumulated some badass flowers at cheap prices the last few days.
You can screencap this, but every BTC whale will want their flower when native BTC will invade the ICP ecosystem.

Also, ICP will become a major leader for DeFi : native BTC, native ETH.. You'll be able to earn native reward for every token you own... Bullish AF.

>> No.57023641

What rumour?

>> No.57023672

The rumored one

>> No.57023691

If he told you, he would have to kill you.

>> No.57023732

I already got a prestigious one, so I don't really gaf, ill find out eventually.

>> No.57023812

ludo saturated his supply, motoko the only one i would bother with these days and nfts are dead as fuck. Better off saving ur money for alts until nfts revive if they even do, this next bullrun will focus more on AI web 3

>> No.57024075

i am still not sure if bioniq will get that much traction, whats the point if the ordinal isnt even inscribed

>> No.57024109

Are you counting punks? Without punks all the flowers combined have less supply, but add in punks and they have more. I agree with you mostly but I think it's worth picking up a couple flowers and a couple motokos, because if nfts come back those will be the ones to pump hands down

>> No.57024487

Motokos are the obvious blue chip on icp. Ludo is a cuck faggot and his “art” is shit.

>> No.57024661

They will revive, it's always the case with these things.

>> No.57024861

the btc flowers in particular will always have some kind of value because its one of the first legit art NFTs on ICP, bots, motokos and flowers would be the safest bets

>> No.57024901
File: 1.54 MB, 406x720, ICP Village.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sers pls do not redeem flower of internet computer!!!

>> No.57025503

motokos are garbage. I feel sorry for anyone bagholding that rubbish

>> No.57025523

You feel sorry for missing out on making money? Who wouldn't!

>> No.57025532

samefagging brownoid confirmed. disappear scumbag

>> No.57025535

it's hilarious how when jeets are priced out from a $2k floor they begin shilling some cheap dogshit. kill yourself already nigger

>> No.57025547

Bagholding? Hahahahahahahahahhaahhh flowers have done nothing but depreciate since they got shilled by raj and his gang of faggots. Motokos were airdropped by dfinity and are the ONLY bluechip on icp. You would be retarded to pick some faggy rugpull “art” over the official dfinity nft.

>> No.57025552

classic samefagging pinoy baggie lmao

>> No.57025560

Ow, the truth hurts don't it?

Maybe the day I run out of fun. For the meantime. Cope and seethe small timer!

>> No.57025617

Motokos are by far the number 1 NFT anyone can hold. They were issued by Dfinity themselves and will explode in value soon, all other shit is a very distant 2nd

>> No.57025736

Lol mokotos are good but stop pretending you're not priced out of flowers.

>> No.57025761

How do you get priced out on an nft who’s floor price went from 300icp to 100icp?

>> No.57025862

Dollar value is more or less the same numbnuts

>> No.57025932

If this was true (it’s not) how do you get priced out of an asset that stayed the same in price?

May 31st 2022 (launch) icp price $7.6 floor price 360icp dollar price $2736

Today icp price $10.18 floor price 118icp dollar price $1201

>> No.57025941
File: 45 KB, 1227x507, Annotation 2023-12-18 232552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the asset that everyone is priced out of LMAO

>> No.57026388

Whatever dude, you do you. I'll be sure to remind you when the inevitable happens.

>> No.57026500

What isnative btc and native ETH?

>> No.57026516

i have like 7 of each of these flowers and i hope ludo kills himself what a grade A faggot

>> No.57026621

lmao at these motokos baggots. icp official is bad, not good. they look and smell like shit

flowers are a masterpiece. seethe jeet niggers

>> No.57027453
File: 20 KB, 398x505, jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots have no idea. pic related is the real moonshot. flowers and motokos have already mooned. if dom pulls off the greatest comeback in crypto history, these will 100x

>> No.57027496

kill yourself not joking

>> No.57027603

you sound mad