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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57023164 No.57023164 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s discuss this image

>> No.57023172

Chainlink will do a 10x this year

>> No.57023195
File: 62 KB, 680x659, IMG_7698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it will buddy. In case you didn’t know. INJ has done a 37x. You missed the boat on Link by a couple years. It already had its massive pump now it’s Injective’s turn to rule as king.

>> No.57023225

Based subliminal $NINJA poster, I'm so early

>> No.57023419 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, GBDs_7IXUAAY8gQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INJ will reach $100. Suck it losers!

>> No.57023424

Enjoy your 3x lmao

>> No.57023438

> Enjoy your 3x lmao
Except you’re crying. 3x short term 30x medium term. $1000 inj is happening

>> No.57023455 [DELETED] 
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I bought 5,000 INJ at $1 you stupid cunt. HAHAHA

>> No.57023486

I didn't miss. Sold around $14 and after that I have gained same with other coins. How does that make you feel?

>> No.57023490

I made 500k with ENJ

>> No.57023653
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>bought at $4-5
Feels good bros. Just wished I bought when it was crabbing in the 1-2USD range instead of procrastinating.

Very nice

>> No.57023692

I need ropium.
What was the marketcap when it was shilled here and how long ago?
It was prob called a jeet scam

>> No.57023746

How do I trade on the inj network? What swap, wallet etc

>> No.57023807 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, Ninja-Masters-Ambassador-Program14-122-12-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use Metamask, Keplr, Ledger and other wallets and connect to the Injective Bridge on the hub and swap your ETH for native INJ. Then stake for 15.5%

>> No.57023811

Guys help me out here.. i am going crazy..
I sold 90% of my bag two days ago.. got 30k USD now..

So.. i made some nice gains but i have not thought that INJ would literally moon 2 times in a row..

Should i buy them back even with a loss or wait for the small dip.

Seriously.. i got noone else to talk to and i feel like i made a serious mistake.

I kneel and kindly ask for some advice!

>> No.57023837
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INJ has had occasional threads probably since it was created in late 2020, I first learned about it here and bought some in early 2021.

MC during that bullrun was 150-450m although price per token was like 10-24 as it's had a high inflation rate, although it's slowing down and we're getting close to the end of the release schedule (~100% should be released around mid 2024). There was a decent period in the later half of 2022 where price per token was 1-2USD and the MC was like 100-150m.

INJ has never had tons of attention on /biz/ prior to this recent pump though, just threads every now and then as not that many /biz/lets were holding it.

>> No.57023897 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1170x1169, GA_tzB6X0AAbJq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the remaining 17M tokens being released in January 2024 or am I reading the unlock schedule wrong. Either way with 100% of the supply in circulation and 50% being staked this is a recipe for absolute parabolic growth. $100 INJ is coming.

>> No.57023903
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join the femboy hype train on basedlana instead


>> No.57023964
File: 131 KB, 811x812, IMG_7650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get lost tranny kike. INJ is running this forum now. Everyone who doesn’t own INJ tokens can suck my cock you peasants.

>> No.57024009
File: 161 KB, 1025x513, 1_g9Fe1jfgnqhoBu1ThlU15g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially as per >>57023807. Easiest way is to buy INJ on whatever CEX, withdraw to Metamask/Keplr/Ledger as an ERC20 token, then on the injective bridge -
Connect your wallet (use the Ethereum network) and convert to INJ on the injective chain and you can then use for whatever.

Binance supports direct to injective chain withdrawals which are easier and won't need the bridging however taking a look that is currently suspended for whatever reason. Other CEXes may also support direct to injective chain but not too sure, Binance supports Injective and pretty sure have funded them in the past so they may be an exception in this regard.

I generally think this is the case, although the exact schedule the team is going with may be a bit different. Can't find a schedule directly on the Injective site or anything like that, and most I could find look like pic related which indicate we should be at ~95m circulating instead of ~83m.

But yeah as per the explorer 47.7m of the 83.6m are currently staked, further 5.7m has been burned due to auctions so only ~30.2m are actually able to be bought and sold currently.

>> No.57024230

It's up to you senpai, I would just look at things from the perspective of a new investment, don't let emotions get the better of you and accept whatever decision you go with. Buying a graph like what INJ is currently usually isn't a great idea as most tokens in that position shoot back down as hype dies, issues scaling, etc.

On the flipside Injective does seem to be scaling fairly well (regarding both the network and team supporting new users), has the burn mechanism, high percentage of tokens staked, close to end of release schedule, emerging memetokens, etc. It could be the next BNB but with more aggressive tokenomics or it could collapse. I'm going to keep on holding, not that I can sell since everything is staked kek.

>> No.57024314
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I thought it was July 2024, but I will try to find it.

INJ is an insane hold... like having you own personal money printer.

>> No.57024324
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I really appraciate you elaborate answer on this anon.
At this point i kinda hope for it to fall to reinvest. Cuz i also think it will go to 100 USD at one point. I just figured that wouldnt be this month.

In any case, thank you and merry christmas.

>> No.57024596

OSMO is the other big Cosmos coin to watch, it's going to $10 easily.

>> No.57024698

I say this in every INJ thread: my only regrets are not buying earlier than I did when my gut was screaming at me to do so, and also I should've bought more.

>> No.57024712

feels bad I got stuck buying SOL. But INJ is not at the level of SOL anyways, at most it can do a 2X from here while SOL can reach 5X. SOL's ecosystem is a lot Bigger.

>> No.57024784

>buy some of this crap to make yet another terrible bet on another terrible shitcoin
>infrastructure so terrible I can't even buy the shitcoin
yeah this is really going places lol

>> No.57024817

>INJ team makes another thread on 4chan
Buy an ad. Obvious forced shilling is obvious

>> No.57024855


>> No.57024860

You are in every. Single. Thread. Top fucking kek. And you’ve been here since $7 at least, maybe earlier.

>> No.57024890

I bought a poverty bag at $26. Feels good.

>> No.57026096

bought a fucking ton of $talis, that is all fellow anons

>> No.57026143

It's cool, I got in on an hours old INJ shitcoin at $3m marketcap

>> No.57026158
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, 50c53c0e02f71fcce1695875d47596b0593348f561b8d7f0cbf49cea89a1bebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good, merry christmas anon. Yeah who knows, I wasn't expecting things to pump this early in general.

>> No.57026169

I planned to dca into INJ during the bear and then somehow forgot about it. So this image makes me seethe. fuck you op

>> No.57026544

christmas came early this year
quit my job and now enjoying financial freedom
very nice INJ

>> No.57026636

>some random crypto does a x37
>anon shills it on /biz/
>other anons desperately buy the top
>crypto dumps

>> No.57026642

Pretty bad because this shit has 17 millions in TVL and soon rank 20 while GMX has close to 600 millions and is falling in the 100s
Once again proves that crypto is just one big coin toss, nothing really matters when it comes to pick a token

>> No.57026657
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Random coin..One that’s been backed and funded by Binance and Pantera Capital since 2018. You are a complete dork and a virgin. Have fun watching INJ hit $100 while you’re empty handed.

>> No.57026669


>> No.57026751

That's highly possible considering the bullish circumstances surrounding the project. There is no denial that this will melt the faces of many, along with sol, dua, gas, and kas. Those retards can blab; I dont fking care.

>> No.57026875
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ive been spreading the word on biz about inj since nov 2020. A fellow link marine here said to buy it back then so i did, researched and never looked back.

>> No.57026958
File: 24 KB, 500x581, IMG_6592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man. The amount of coping & seething that will be done by the retards that inhabit biz will be legendary. They are being cocked in real time by INJ every day it makes new all time highs. $100 INJ is coming soon.

>> No.57027007

Every shitcoin is backed and funded by Binance and Pantera

>> No.57027012


>> No.57027512

/biz/ refuses to buy coins at the bottom or those that are just starting to pump so the cycle continues

>> No.57027526

Pretty much most alts will do a 10x just by reaching ath. But like others said inj did a 30x already. You could have dumped link and been retired right now.

>> No.57027545

>Just guess which coins will moon at what time bro

>> No.57027560

The next coin to pump 30x will be Rose. Screencap this.

>> No.57027672

>You could have dumped link and been retired right now.
He couldn't because THE POOL IS LOCKED hahahaha

>> No.57027784

>will go to 100 USD
100 is for sure an easy target. It's almost half way already and btc hasn't even broken ath. By 2025 in the full bullrun I'm feeling inj at 300-400.

>> No.57028720

Not bad, I've bought SUPRA at public sale. That's a 200x target

>> No.57028770
File: 200 KB, 2436x1125, IMG_7715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea my estimates were more conservative at INJ hitting $100 when it was $20 but now it’s almost
Halfway to $100 so it’s going higher. Linktards will be crying on their wait to their wagecuck job while I’m on the beach chilling.

>> No.57030658
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is it too late? I've been buying $50-$100 worth every friday for the last 2 or 3 months, I'm sort of hesitant to after this recent pump though and thinking I may wait for it to cool off a bit and buy something else in the meantime.

>> No.57030690

what airdrops to look out for on INJ?
ive used Helix exchange so far

>> No.57031906

Red pill me on why i should buy this instead of solana ? im am droping 2k on sol but maybe ill go 50/50 sol/inj

>> No.57032442

talis, black panther, hydro, injective pepes, neptune