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57022194 No.57022194 [Reply] [Original]

>hoomers are locked in to stagnant home prices for the next 30 years while bitcoin goes parabolic into the multi millions to tens of millions per coin
kek baggies

>> No.57022211

>gorillions of immigrants
>stagnant home prices
I come to biz for economics for the same reason I watch Jim Cramer

>> No.57022214

My smug co workers have been bragging about their new houses and how they're just going to refinance lower soon

>> No.57022246

>he thinks favelas are expensive

>> No.57022636

>average burger priced out of mobile homes

>> No.57022687

I used to think this when I had 10 bitcoin and my brother bought a house for 900k with a 700k mortgage

But I ended up leverage trading and losing all the bitcoin, my brother still has the house

The freedom you get with bitcoin can also work against you in that its so easy to move around and do stuff with it, that you can lose it very quickly if you fuck around too much. At least with a house you cant do anything bad because its such a slow moving asset class that making mistakes is nearly impossible.

Its so easy to just transfer your Bitcoin to an exchange and open up a 100X position on it, takes 5 minutes and lose it all.

>> No.57022698

>But I ended up leverage trading and losing all the bitcoin
this has literally nothing to do with the bitcoin though and everything to do with yourself moron, do you think people do not also leverage their homes and lose them??

>> No.57022716

Yes I was a moron, but it was a single moment out of years and years of holding bitcoin in cold storage, for me to end up fucking it all up.

I know people do similar things with their home, but it takes way longer for them to make that fuck up, like weeks/months of organizing the fuck up, for me the fuckup with getting into leverage trading took a few minutes.

>> No.57022723
File: 106 KB, 680x383, purchasingpower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be willing to get a home for the price of a single coin, but a seller better consider themselves lucky to fetch that price.

>but I leverage traded it all away!
not a valid point, you could get drunk and burn your home down by mistake. It is easy for most to just not leverage trade.

>> No.57022810

>But I ended up leverage trading
not our problem lol

>> No.57023026

>while bitcoin goes parabolic into the multi millions to tens of millions per coin
lel, imagine believing this.

>> No.57023045

>being a retard works against you
Wow that's crazy!

>> No.57023057
File: 20 KB, 317x330, 1651728740928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i lit my money on fire lmao so if you think about bitcoin is a bad investment

>> No.57023116
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother bought a house for 900k with a 700k mortgage
the bank owns the house, your brother owns fuck all
miss one mortgage payment and poof! to the fucking curve.
imagine being a nocoiner, kek

>> No.57023337


housing market will never crash. Accept it.

>> No.57023413

You lost money because you made bad trades, your story could have easily gone I made 100x for another person.

>> No.57023491

>imagine being a nocoiner, kek
imagine being a late fag with 5 figure entry priced bags and still thinking you're early, kek

>> No.57023605

I didn't say it will crash, but it's going to stay stagnant for at least 10+ years

>> No.57023621


Well sucks for the hoomers.

>> No.57023643


The point I was trying to make is how easy is was for me to lose my Bitcoin due to being stupid for a few minutes out of years of holding Bitcoin.

It doesn't have the "logistical" issues that other assets have which make them cumbersome and slow to move around, but this is a double-edge and can work against you ( as it did for me )

>> No.57023669

lose your job and you lose your paid off house due to taxes and insurance

>> No.57024997

buy house at $305,000
less money than renting.
now worth $485,000
have roommates to lower my costs even more.

imagine not owning a house.

>> No.57025616
File: 179 KB, 1280x1280, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they're just going to refinance lower soon
They better be praying values don't drop in their area. Or hope the banks don't tell them to fuck off.

>> No.57025620

yeah just pay MORE for rent goyim

two bad options