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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57019480 No.57019480 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57019511

That's C-Chain only. X-chain is still cheap to send/receive AVAX... the beauty of subnet architecture.
BTW in the coming months they will partially solve this issue of high tx fees on the C-Chain by implementing their new database.

>> No.57019544

X-chain is not secure and your funds will most likely be stolen in the process

>> No.57019571

lmao stuttering faggot gtfo

>> No.57019585

shut the fuck up brownoid shill

>> No.57019592

X-chain is DAG faggotry.

>> No.57019753
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>> No.57019854
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>Put in a buy order for COQ while gas was cheap
>Realize it's never dropping that low again
>10 bucks to cancel the order

Fuck you.

>> No.57019869
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Jeets absolutely malding and shitting themselves right now

>> No.57019884

The goddamn chinks are behind this, I hope they all die

>> No.57019897

>t. poor

>> No.57019950

basically all the volume on AVAX right now is COQInu kek. cexes have started listing it so the avax volume will start to decrease

>> No.57019954

>Have to hop chains and use layers upon layers
Crypto in 2023 is pozzed. It's not practical so it won't be adopted. Maybe in years when Eth niggers build a giga tower of layers it will be usable by mainstream. But personaly I would bet some pow breakthrough will replace this collage of code eventually

>> No.57019986

I missed avax last bull market but was looking at investing a small sum into it recently. What is op on about here? Just today I paid $60 for a uniswap v2 trade on eth. Is it that europoors and other turd world shitskins can't afford to use it now?

>> No.57020005

>Have to hop chains and use layers upon layers
you wouldnt even notice because Subnet to Subnet is still sub second.

>> No.57020007
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>> No.57020020

go read up on the inscription DDOS, then you will know why fees are high.
literally all chains are under attack by the ordinal niggers.

>> No.57020312

So this is basically ordinals on avax? Who cares? They're paying fees to do what they want. Tbh I think it's based to squeeze poorfags out. It limits how much poojeet scam bs we get flooded with

>> No.57020537

I love these copes. Wanting a chain that actually scales and works makes you poor.

>> No.57020554
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>using the network and paying the fees associated is a DDOS attack

BSV processes more transactions and data than all other chains and doesn't have this problem. Such mystery.

>> No.57020564

not having any issues with ICP while people mint ckbtc ordinals, tech that actually works.

>> No.57020592

>BSV processes more transactions and data than all other chains
Avalanche is doing more already. and faster.
>and doesn't have this problem.
has no users and no DeFi and zero TVL.

>> No.57020630

>while people mint
all 3 of them? ICPoor has no users and there is no demand for it so nobody cares.
also the token isnt needed.

>> No.57020667

double spend roach chain can't even handle one guy making ordinals hahahahahaha you're so fucked

>> No.57020751

>can't even handle
The C-Chain handled it fine, no crashes and no downtimes.
Arbitrum for example died and didnt even last a day under the spam.

>> No.57020775


>> No.57020869

fantom sonic solves this, and its 1/15th the market cap of avax

>> No.57020949

>a-avalanche is d-doing j-just fine p-please stop ddosing us :(

Nigger, the most recent data has BSV over 12 million transactions a day and over 33gigs of data. While still costing less than a penny to do a transaction.

>> No.57021068

>BTC on chain: 133
Fucking kek. ICjeets see the first little pump ever and think that means people are actually using their centralized VC dump chain.

>> No.57021427

Has no DeFi and is overall useless. also >muh fake transactions
>BTC on chain: 133
top kek, meanwhile Avalanche has 3722 BTC.b

>> No.57021573
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why are ordinals niggers even doing this shit
i understood btc ordinals since it had data but these inscriptions literally just have ticker names

>> No.57021637


You mean token scams? Yeah... People actually do that on BSV too, but it's not really something I particularly care for.


You can scoop up ordinals there too, stop being a dumb nigger.

>fake transactions
Sick cope bro.

>> No.57021735

LMAO the future of finance that will take over the world

>> No.57021760

>BSV processes more transactions and data than all other chains
bsv is spammed by 1 guy on his own chain and still has less transactions than btc

>> No.57021816

fuck off brownskin

>> No.57021877

>still has less transactions than btc
BTC can only do 600k transactions a day. BSV is doing 12 million. Millions are bigger than thousands.