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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57016484 No.57016484 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>26yr old responsible for big Software implementation project
>deadline‘s tight asf
>gotta be done by EOY
>pressure‘s high, people from everywhere bothering me
>feeling more depressed with each day working this fucking project
>work from home
>have a dedicated office at home so I can work in peace
>currently in the kitchen making some dubo jorim
>laptop sitting on the kitchen table so I can wiggle my mouse and reply to calls

Why am I like this?

>> No.57016742

you're korean so you're not really human so it's OK

>> No.57016753

Its not important anyway

>> No.57016947

Imagine having a job where you have deadlines like you're in high school

XD I'd rope

>> No.57017260
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Im not too different anon.
Motivation comes and goes just be happy youre on a salary.

Slowly accumulating exp and climbing to pension or ai revolution where u can just not work anymore.

I used to have drive for work, then saw that if you work a lot, you just get more work, now i just work ENOUGH. Just to slide by and still get paid.

I also had drive to start a business. Made a website, made a backend (it was a shitty custom ai based chatbot thingy).
But then i started making calls and contacts and realised its too much work.
I have to do so much just to get a fraction of what i get for my salary. And i so i abandoned it.

I know theres people like Elon musk or maybe its just a meme that work hard and basically never stop. Idk either im burned out, not like that, or idfk.

>> No.57017366

I'm a workaholic. I'm recovering now. I worked way too hard for too little reward. Just work enough to squirrel away some extra cash and invest but working 80-90 hours a week is not healthy. I did it for 25 years. I worked 200% harder and got 30% more pay than my peers. Not worth it. There is free cheese in every rat trap. Progress is knowing when to stop.

>> No.57017704

>Motivation comes and goes just be happy youre on a salary.
This is one of the big advantages of salary, when I get into a slump I can go days being unproductive, just mouse wiggling, reacting to emails, and get no progress done but still get the same pay. At the same time my income is completely capped by what my job pays.
>I know theres people like Elon musk or maybe its just a meme that work hard and basically never stop. Idk either im burned out, not like that, or idfk.
I feel like once you get to that level you can delegate the grunt work away and it becomes more fun, or at least not completely draining. Basically where you can spend more time just focusing on the big picture instead of the day-to-day nitty gritty grinding.
It's probably also a lot easier to work insane hours when you see your decisions literally change the world and getting rich from it probably helps. Heck I've done gamedev and I've put in 16 hour days for weeks just because I enjoyed it and it was my own and belonged entirely to me, and all the success would go to me. If I didn't have to worry about money I think I'd still end up doing those kinds of hours periodically.

>> No.57017800


> worked 200% harder and got 30% more pay
I see that very often, but even more often i see people do 200% more for nothing more than a pat on the back. And it drives me nuts seeing that, but then i remember i may have been like that once myself

> once you get to that level you can delegate the grunt work away and it becomes more fun

That’s the dream. But at the same time, id get further away from the core of everything and would likely be out of touch.
People like Elon seem to keep in touch with the grunt shit AND the high level stuff. Unless its all clever marketing agency tricks

>> No.57017836

this is typically the case when all of the sudden all of corporate management is suddenly in a big rush and focus on your project
if it was important they'd have cared about it long ago

>> No.57017870

>XD in 2023

xDbros, are we making a comeback?

>> No.57017900

>That’s the dream. But at the same time, id get further away from the core of everything and would likely be out of touch.
That's the thing though, you only have to be as far away as you want.
>People like Elon seem to keep in touch with the grunt shit AND the high level stuff. Unless its all clever marketing agency tricks
He isn't on top of each employee making sure they're clocking in and out in his factories, but yeah he does seem to be in touch with a lot of the science and the process, at least a lot more than most CEOs, particularly when there's linchpin problems that would cause the business to fail if not solved - but again it's largely teams of people are delegated to solve those problems and while he might have some ideas he's not really grinding through most of them.

>> No.57018124

Digits galore

>> No.57018169

the internet is microslavery.
you preform compulsory tasks endlessly without compensation for the financial benefit of others.

>> No.57018847

Why is it so hard to set your status to away when you’re busy?

>> No.57019003

cause it looks bad. teams goes into away mode automatically if idle for 15 mins so if you're status says away it's like you're not working

>> No.57019061
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>work from home
>money saved for fuel or transport dumped into crypto

>> No.57019125
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lowkey based but idk if 20 bucks a month is enough to drop on crypto and make it kek, something i should ask in beoble if its profitable ive been wasting so much TIME

>> No.57019154

lol how can you tell hes korean

>> No.57019174

no its not theres just a lot of socially retarded brown people in this board recently

>> No.57019199

never fucking go above and beyond for companies, they get free effort and youd never get promoted high enough to live comfortably if they can prevent it, otherwise you get "lazy" kek get lazy or work more for free

>> No.57019221

youre wasting even more time being a wagie son, snap out of it

>> No.57019228

what type of third world hole do you live in that transport is only 20 a month what the fuck

>> No.57019233

They will start to use you when you do that shit. I had a family member that was doing that for years.. they were salaried too! so at the end of the week they were probably making min wage. Also instead of using built up PTO hours for time off, they would cash it in. Never understood why they would give their life to their employer.

>> No.57019264

XD and youre socially competent? XDXDXD

>> No.57019291

The people that make the most often do the least, or so that is what i've observed in my time. Having said that slow people drive me crazy, so i've always worked fast--i just make sure i take what ive earned and never do extra unless i'm forced or there is some big payoff. If you want me to wipe your ass, you are going to have to wipe mine.

>> No.57019848

Or it could mean you’re busy. Literally nobody cares. I set my Teams to away all the time.

>> No.57020222


most jobs have deadlines. Wtf do you do?

>> No.57020503

get a mechanical wrist watch to wiggle the mouse for you, do the minimum amount of work daily and keep that laptop in the office dont you dare take it out of there even once, dont need that stress.

>> No.57020745
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that's ADHD, and I suffer from it too, I should be watching how the XOR chart is going instead of playing minecraft, I can't even cook for shit