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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57014134 No.57014134 [Reply] [Original]

Is /biz/ racist?

>> No.57014160
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I understand statistics and act accordingly.

>> No.57014178

Will There are a lot of X british untouchables, if you know what I mean.

>> No.57014184

Only an idiot would be racist.

>> No.57014191

no we aren't, stop asking african iq questions

>> No.57014196 [DELETED] 

Everyone is racist. Especially niggers

>> No.57014206

OG /biz/tards weren't racist. But /pol/tards took over the board around 2018

>> No.57014211

/pol/ is where the Intetnet goes to take a shit. /pol/tards shouldn't be welcome anywhere.

>> No.57014235 [DELETED] 


Get out of my board browns and Jews

>> No.57014250


Go back to your Trump echo chamber

>> No.57014266 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers, kikes, pajeets, faggots, trannies and aliens

>> No.57014267

i listen to the charts. population stats n all.

>> No.57014271
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nogs are based, there just a unfortunate bachelor that was betrayed by a envious wife, the moors taught the identity-less germanics their secrets, their arts, their culture....fine
the worst offense was allowing them to get ahold of their toys, moors invented firearms and the germanics through their treachery took everything for themselves , now with excaliber in their hands, the sought to dominate the world.

Righteous tools in unrighteous hands makes jack a psycho

>> No.57014282
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never trust a bitch, NEVER

that included their men as well

>> No.57014301
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>> No.57014309

I'm Black so I can't be racist

>> No.57014310

the germanics were primitive ooga booga tribesmen... it's really embarassing how nazis think they're the "master race"

>> No.57014316

Fixed that for you retard.

>> No.57014328

They invented the car tho

>> No.57014330

Cope subhuman, we all know Germans has invented everything in today's society.

>> No.57014339

Anyone can be racist towards another race, what you are trying to do is make an excuse for hatred and racism that you may have for another group and act like it's ok for some arbitrary reason. "power and privilege" you say? So if a KKK member goes to China, he's suddenly not racist because he doesn't have the power? Yeah right.

>> No.57014341

I'm racist.

>> No.57014346

The Romans kicked Germanic ass on the regular. Ever notice how the German eagle is just a rip-off of a ROMAN military symbol? They're silly copycats of a far superior original.

>> No.57014349
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they a literal golems, a virus embedded into simulation to usher in the ag oof Kali Yuga

>> No.57014354


/pol/ doesn't support Trump-stein brown boy

>> No.57014359 [DELETED] 

go back to India pajeet

>> No.57014361

Now one ever best the Nordics in war except other Nordics, so what's you point? Nordics kicked Roman asses for 1000 years.

>> No.57014369


You browns are still in your ooga booga stage though. That's the difference.

>> No.57014375
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germanics ushered in the dark age, now humans are are subject to scripted npcs that now control the fate of humanity

aka agent smith runs the simulation

>> No.57014392

Hell, the proto-germanic language is FULL of Latin loanwords because these fuckers didn't even HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE certain concepts. Literally cavemen who know farming

>> No.57014407
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germanics are allied with the reptilians, geraniums don't invent, they inherit

>> No.57014406 [DELETED] 

The dark ages is a jewish lie. That's the only period in Europe's history jews were not welcome here. So in the history books they write the call it the dark ages. When in reality we only worked 180 a year and everyone had a farm and a family. It was paradise.

>> No.57014409

So like... why aren't there first world cities in Africa? There's lots of cities! Maybe they just need to count them all again and double check because there has to be some mistake. There's no way Europe forged it's history in steel and Africa didn't when its so much bigger, and richer.

>> No.57014415

you don't realise how racist Africans can be.
look up how they hunt and eat pygmys for fun. it's a fucking sport.
africa has multiple races residing in it

>> No.57014422

its just good risk management

>> No.57014482

Only the south asians are blatantly racist, which is funny because they're also the only people /biz/ universally exhibits racist atitudes towards. With that said, /biz/ is a meritocracy: give good business, financial, and career advice and they'll respect you regardless of your background.

>> No.57014518
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If you know the data, you know there is no such thing as racism since decades, we've been infected by cultural marxism to the point that we really believe every law abiding citizen is a racist fascist piece of shit and even if most democrats don't agree to this, they've already sank their feet too deep into the social justice pond to care if it hurts or not, they want the votes it brings. It's all coming to an end soon enough since trump is winning next year (Even his fucking coin is pumping look at that), But all statistics show black neighborhoods have more crimes, create more criminals and reproduce drug trade.
It's a fact

>> No.57014522

Cultural marxism is a Nazi concept. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.57014529

redpill me on this more.
written history to reference?

>> No.57014532

I'm mexican and my wife is white blonde so i can't be racist

>> No.57014539

Who would you rather live by:
A) A neighborhood of Europeans (whites)
B) A neighborhood of blacks (africans)
be honest and dial8 on the way out.

>> No.57014547

Shut the fuck up and go stack your silver, MAGAtard

Eat shit and die Redditor

>> No.57014549

A neighborhood with both

>> No.57014553


>> No.57014555

Why bother arguing with people who aren't sapient? They'll revert to what they've heard throughout their lives, what makes them feel comfortable and safe. They don't care about the truth because the truth is scary and threatens to disrupt their way of life.

>> No.57014589

Why is everything so simple for you poltards?

>> No.57014601

>coming from people who cannot think above the level of the individual

>> No.57014614

More Nazi thought. Collectivism.

>> No.57014635


Truth is often simple. Just not simple enough for you browns to understand unfortunately.

>> No.57014643

Fuck out of my face, nigger

>> No.57014648

I'm here to stay. ;)

>> No.57014651

Racism is an inherent survival tool unless it's been brainwashed out of you so you will mix your genes with subhumans.

>> No.57014656

My genes aren't getting mixed with anybody. I'm not having children.

>> No.57014675

It's insane to think that you have some people because of their skin color

>> No.57014685

But whites brought over legions of Blacks from Africa to breastfeed their children, live in their homes and on their property. I think whites like living with Blacks.

>> No.57014693
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germanics are parasites that live off the good will and exploitation of empire, fake money, fake jobs sustained by 3rd world productivity and resources, a leech, a kept woman

Men look bad in comparison to women when you look at raw number pertaining to criminal behavior, but the truth is men are a mirror reflection on the womens societal influence, germanics are the women in this example

>> No.57014704

Aah, I see you have gotten rid of the racism and traded it for misogyny.

>> No.57014709

No it's not, stop lying subhuman.

>> No.57014715 [DELETED] 

Jews did that

>> No.57014717

that word has no meaning anymore other than whatever is convenient for a leftoid to have power over you at that nanosecond so yes

>> No.57014718

The term "subhuman" was also invented by Nazis. ;)

>> No.57014719

yeah if you were in China as a white person surrounded by Chinese then you'd have no power. Racism is more about power than anything else.

>> No.57014722

Whites did that.

>> No.57014727

Whites also went to Africa and colonized pretty much the entire continent, so they must like living with Blacks.

>> No.57014736

Reality is racist

>> No.57014748 [DELETED] 

/biz/ has ALWAYS been a /pol/ board

>> No.57014753 [DELETED] 

the only racism valid is agains jews, they are the niggers of the niggers the lower cattle, hate all other races is focus in stupid details, that dosent matter

>> No.57014764

Jews are literally white.

>> No.57014783

are you a jew right, jaja you are a lower nigger, shame on you

>> No.57014791

I have been on /biz/ since 2017 and only newfags say this.
/biz/ was a predominantly /g/ board.

>> No.57014804

Thanks for not procreating your garbage genes

>> No.57014863

It was and is actually a "thing," typically referring to either early-20th Century (u. Western) European Marxist praxis and to continental schools of critical-theoretical philosophy, and more loosely to post-structuralist schools beginning in the mid-20th century.

HOWEVER, the term has long been abused as a buzzword for "things I don't like" by various camps. Most things labeled "cultural marxism" by these types are really manifestations of big corporate/financial agendas in action, with an occasional delicate touch of central intelligence influence.

Financially speaking, it's a shibboleth of a term signaling that someone only read the cliffs notes.

>> No.57014887 [DELETED] 
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It's a shame that /biz/ got infected with so many libtards. You're saying what everyone thinks, even if they're too afraid to speak up

>> No.57014897

Economically speaking, Trump is a liberal. Those who have studied political science know what I'm talking about.

>> No.57014910

Kangz invented everything

>> No.57015192

>15 posts from this ID
this is someone acting retarded to get (you)s on a business and finance board

>> No.57015484

pepe is an avatar for a African god ;)

>> No.57015523


>> No.57015529 [DELETED] 

this thread just proves multi-culturalism is a failure.

>> No.57015552


I don't hate any race. I just don't want other races replacing and destroying my own. I hate what you browns are doing, not who you are.

>> No.57015566


Most of the slave ships were owned by Jews. Even Abraham Lincoln tried to remove Africans from our presence. You blacks didn't want to leave us though, because you knew what was waiting for you in Wakanda. You want to live with us, not the other way around.

>> No.57015582

I'm black so I can't be racist

>> No.57015615


Their reasoning was probably the differences in intelligence and appearance between Europeans and Africans, which is very real.

We brought modern civilization to most of the world. Looks like we shouldn't have helped you ungrateful bastards though.

Jews are not White. Plenty have admitted this themselves.

>> No.57015757
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hahaha what did you do exactly fella? besides post on /biz/? you didn't do anything.

>Most of the slave ships were owned by Jews.
so? Jews were not writing the laws that permitted importing Africans to the US. Jews were just making money as usual, in a trade that whites allowed.

>Even Abraham Lincoln tried to remove Africans from our presence. You blacks didn't want to leave us though
Sorry but you don't get to import hundreds of thousands of people for centuries and then send them back, doesn't work.

>> No.57015782

Only toward poos, blacks and jews.

>> No.57015834

>da libtards are the real nazis

>> No.57015961

I would rather be racist than a nigger

>> No.57016007

Ancient Egyptians were White. So yes, you are right, but he is not a sub-saharan African creation. He is a White African creation.

>> No.57016614

We are here to make money. Racism in crypto, and in real estate pays huge dividends.

>> No.57016627
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I geniunley hate black people and think they have no place in a modern society. they should have been left in Africa to fight their ooga booga tribal wars and dance around in gras skirts, but nooooooo a bunch of yokels waned cheap cotton so now we're stuck with this deadweight for eternity.

>> No.57016653
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Most Moors weren't black retard, they looked like modern day Algerians or Moroccans. Just another culture kangz larpers like to coopt.

>> No.57016680

A bit no and a bit yes:
i think we can be all friends and we should be.
but also the better needs to win. (its so bad when its only means ony some more fortune)

These two thing should be in balance.

Welcome btw, you are my friend here.

>> No.57016691

We wuz

>> No.57016696
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whites weren't relevant to history until the dark ages, civilization was an ethic affair add the world was magical

>> No.57016700
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I hope so

>> No.57016707
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fake depiction, moors were 100% black and carried the reigns of civilization after the fall of rome.
Real nazis that sustained the reich from sure destruction, not the fake germanic nazis that tarnished the legacy

>> No.57016915

then im an idiot

>> No.57016993

They destroyed most of it, in order to call it "the dark ages"

>> No.57017042

>hive mind is good
not when it wants you dead

>> No.57017068

/Biz/ is the beginning of the end for the racist, as all energies are eventually directed towards profit, what was previously perceived as conflict is hence perceived as mutually profitable

>> No.57017128

Why are there so many videos of niggers murdering each other in very gruesome ways in front of other nuggers who do nothing other than standing and watching?

>> No.57017327

your own individual advice that might work for yourselves is collectively shit and can't be applied to anyone's individual lives and instead tries to generalize which makes it so shitty then you scream like retards at the people how much they are losers which also isn't helping in the slightest

>> No.57017437

>he refuses to answer

>> No.57017448

>Jews were just making money as usual, in a trade that whites allowed.
>its whites fault if jews do something bad
Kvetching as usual

>> No.57017921

um, okay? thanks for sharing

>> No.57017933

you don't have a response. Because what I said is true.

>> No.57018345
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nah but only certain types of people can indeed control the market, so it's a justified resentment
they'e the same people who prevent SPX from buying me a life-size marie rose doll

>> No.57018623


>Is (insert literally anything here) racist?

Google it, the answer is always yes.

>> No.57018634


>> No.57018679
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not really

>> No.57018878

you have 1 house to your left, 1 house to your right and 1 across.
Which population would you prefer (in which houses)?
A) A neighborhood of Europeans (whites)
B) A neighborhood of blacks (africans)
be honest and dial8 on the way out.
the myth of the individual apart from society is a manufactured meme design to sell you goyslop.

>> No.57020206
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I love asian girls

>> No.57020242

racism does not, has not and will never exist. its just some term communist Jews made up a long time ago it means nothing
not wanting to be genocideid by imported niggers that are used as a bio weapon is not "racist" its just common sense
saying niggers are less inteligent is not "racist" its just an observable fact etc, etc etc

>> No.57020246


>> No.57020260

when a black person shoots a White person and robs them and feels it's ok because they are White and because muh slavery, that is racism, that is power over that person, so yes you can be racist

>> No.57020273
