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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57010420 No.57010420 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57010433
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>> No.57010447


>> No.57010451

fuck off linkie, no one is buying your bags full of shit

>> No.57010479
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is it that time again?

>> No.57010503
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>> No.57010510
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>> No.57010542

Satan tongue my anus.
Jupiter #1

>> No.57010548

Satan is a cringe tranny and a weak pussy

>> No.57010573

Oh now you send “insiders” chainlink labs? After dumping millions of link on holders????

Explain why chainlink is donating millions to democrats:

Explain this shit. I BEG YOU.

Isn’t this the modus operandi of FTX? Rugging it’s holders to make political donations?

>> No.57010587


>> No.57010615

Lol waaaat?! Holy shit why the fuck are CL donating to politics us share holders didnt approve of this

>> No.57010693

Is this a Tezos thread?

>> No.57010704

this is a retarded basement dwelling 4chan satanist that attached itself parasitically to chainlink thread

>> No.57010722
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Foedus inevitable, salvete concilium Umbrarum

>> No.57010725

I knew I was gonna makeit with hbar, fuckin wagmi saturnbros

>> No.57010739
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hbar thread?

>> No.57010745

So, buy Hathor?

>> No.57010884

I am convinced Link is a psy-op designed to drive these poor kids to suicide when it inevitably rugs much like Sir gays previous NXT scam that has been scrubbed from the interwebs.

>> No.57010974
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>> No.57011153
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I'd buy pic real before Hedera, tho I hold neither. HBAR supply is literally ridiculous

>> No.57011209

have you looked at the picture ?

>> No.57012222
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I like it. but

>> No.57012405


>> No.57012424

42 was a fucking greedy idiot who lost everything and went schizo.

>> No.57012453


>> No.57012468

He was a fucking nigger who spend most of his time spamming threads and mass report anyone who didn't engage with him and also gave money to scammers, he was a fucking idiot and good riddance I say.

>> No.57012488


>> No.57012538
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I say? ChatGPT or OpenAi

>> No.57012562

oh so you never left I see, reminder 42 was purposefully trying to get people to buy into all the failing banks earlier this year.
He's a bad actor always was.

>> No.57013027
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I'm not 42. What's 42?

>> No.57013165

It's the secret to life, the universe, and everything.

>> No.57013207

42 recommended some good books. But this Saturnian gnostic shit is straight satanism that the elites worship and use to justify their horrific doings.

>> No.57013264

So I just finished reading this book. Despite it being absolutely full of obvious LARPs, I think it still made a decent case about quite a few different religions having essentially the same representation of Saturn. What does /biz/ think about it? Did those cultures have some kind of connection with each other, or is there some underlying thing which leads to them independently generating similar myths?

>> No.57013450
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42 did not learn what many of us had the chance to learn. Even those of us who thought we were “humble”, at the core…were dabbing on clowns and thinking we were so smart when link pumped to 52. I had a half mill at peak. I know others had the same and more. I went from semi retired at my tradie job, to getting back disciplined and working 45-50hr every week.

I leaned an extremely valuable life lesson, many times it is better to shut the fuck up, and only share “the light” sporadically. One of the worst things one can do is portray a know it all
>muh im so smart only I know this secret knowledge

That nigger acted like he knew more than everybody. Most anons with light don’t post much.

He ended up being slightly above average midwit who shilled shit like aave loans and bancor. Chances are he lost most, if not all of his stack.

The world has a weird way of working, especially concerning people who are slightly aware. I wish no ill upon anons, but it was interesting to see the universe work.

>> No.57013526

>follow occult teachings
>suffer ill fate
Christ warned of such endeavors

>> No.57013662 [DELETED] 

You appear to be talking down to me as if
>your belief system is the only truth
>because I educate my self on occult ideas which run the world in an attempt to prosper how I feel a human man should prosper, that I don’t believe in Christ

Christ niggers unironically believe they are the only correct niggers. Hopi/Native Americans were wrong. Polytheistic star followers as those who left ruins in UK/Africa/South America ect were wrong. Modern Buddhists are wrong.


>> No.57013681

Nothing wrong with attempting to understand “their” methods

But unironically a lot of organized religious ideas are cornerstones, because only a very small percent can actually handle/take what comes with certain understanding/ideas

>> No.57013714
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>> No.57013723
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Third eye

>> No.57013807
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>> No.57013839

Temple Herusalem

>> No.57013860

funny how that 42 nigger was always preaching and then when linked moon he straight up disappeared lol really shows you him true self, greed is a powerful thing that will ruin even the most """enlightened""" niggers like 42

>> No.57013882
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>> No.57013885

>when linked moon
He disappeared after it crashed from the 2021 high. He was leveraged on aave and got liquidated

>> No.57013932

Yup, he was shilling aave and bancor. There was an influx of anons shilling aave loans, and an influx shilling bancor.

>> No.57014051
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>> No.57014072


>> No.57014075
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>> No.57014084

what was NXT?
42 was a link holder fudding his bags.

>> No.57014089

As above so below. Banker hours 777

>> No.57014090


>> No.57014098

>iam redit et Virgo
extremely cringe and go back

>> No.57014116
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Would you like a copy? Its great

>> No.57014147

Nigger dog

>> No.57014602

Yeh I understand I went down the rabbit hole too

>> No.57014610

why does this image remind me of the psychedelic trip I had that lasted for eternity?
the only thing that stuck was that I am alone and will always be alone. There is no other.

>> No.57014974 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57015079

Its like that gay as beatles song. I am you are you are me as we or whatever. Pat yourself on the back.

>> No.57015088
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Your not alone

> hallelujah


>> No.57015098
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His truth is marching on !!!

>> No.57015384
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>> No.57015708
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There is some dispute over the etymology of the name 'Saturn' but the best explanation to-date is that it is a Latin adaptation of the Etruscan underworld god Satre. Satre was a malevolent chthonic figure, identified with the northern direction, also with storms and earthquakes. There are rival explanations of the name, but none are as tenable. 'Cronos' on the other hand, clearly stems from Greek keir (to cut), and is connected with kar (action) in Sanskrit, which yields karma. Saturn/Cronos is also connected with the agricultural func- tion of cutting, in the sense of the harvest, and so the sickle has always been the principal symbol of the Saturnine deity. As agriculture has various stag es (sowing, growing, harvest), Saturn was the deity responsible for the final stage of agriculture, hence the scythe/sickle as a symbol. Of course, Saturn's nature of harvesting was understood to be more broad than just agriculture - Saturn was the harvester of all things, even the gods, as his mythology makes plain. Saturn is not a creator deity; his role is more related to entropy within the cosmic framework. Saturn/Cronos is identified also with Time. This may be possibly due to Cronos' name being similar to 'chronos' (time) in Greek. Time is itself a reaper, a force that ends the lives of all living beings and human enterprises. The mythology of the Greeks and Romans shows that the empires of the gods are vulnerable to time and change, and this negative aspect of time is embodied by the Saturnine deity.