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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57012391 No.57012391 [Reply] [Original]

I can confirm that ETH is about to die a horrible death. The above chains are cheaper and faster. No one wants to pay $100 gas for transactions. This will probably be the last cycle for ETH and it will underperform heavily.

>> No.57012408
File: 91 KB, 981x987, kfzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avax fees are higher then arbitrum

>> No.57012413

All are trash but SOL at least has price movement

>> No.57012436

Good luck getting dumped on by ftx which holds 10% of the supply

>> No.57012470

INJ just did 30x this year retard

>> No.57012471

This. Sol has too many baggies. Keep your eye on inj

>> No.57012539

This. I guess were getting to the ETH fud part of the cycle, where people who are heavily invested in other L1's shill their bags and shit on ETH

>> No.57012570

In gwei sure, but unlike that centralized piece of trash L2, AVAX didn't shit out under the load kek

>> No.57012618

PoS was the death knell of ETH

>> No.57012634

You can make that case for any coin that has lower transactional volume and liquidity.

>> No.57012652
File: 328 KB, 1179x999, IMG_8938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just tip MORE, goy
And this was for the “fast” transaction. Some network you got there

>> No.57012657


>> No.57012987

There will be a reckoning, all the people shilling these Ethereum killer also never talk about Arbitrum or Optimism/Base. They're going to feel butthurt when normalfags go directly on Base by just pushing a button and have 1 cent tx.

>> No.57013359
File: 29 KB, 193x200, 1690480151959952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log into beoble account
>see all other crypto enthusiasts' wallets
>everyone holds some eth
>nobody holds any shitcoin eth-wannabe
>eth is pretty much obviously making it to 3k by next year
mmmmmmh... yes, ethereum is definitely in trouble... yep,...

>> No.57013369

no one knows about these gay chains, but everyone knows about ethereum.

hope your faith is not strong enough to keep you in. hope you sell in time.

>> No.57013382

Because optimism doesn't matter and base is literally dead in the water at this point? lmao

>> No.57013383

Nobody cares about your bot friends nigger.

>> No.57013389
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Beoble sounds liek a sound platform filled with wise individuals that will totes not get liquidated to shit this new cycle. Yep,

>> No.57013396

You will tip more and you will like it and you will be happy.

>> No.57013398

>i am very smart for playing contrarian x3

>> No.57013407

beoble sounds like a fancy club where stupid rich people go to talk about how rich they are and how stupid they are.

>> No.57013411
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in a non-clown-world eth would've died long ago in exchange for better projects. but it unironically can't and won't die. too many retarded dumb money focused projects getting created on the daily. too many nfts. too much stupid shit normies will eat up no questions asked. it's depressing really.

>> No.57013412

no one is interested, good night.
In fact you should try to kill yourself or something, I'm sick of you.

>> No.57013417

Beoble practically rewards you for having popular opinions and getting upboats. No shit there is not an ounce of critical thinking in that platform.

>> No.57013418

it is no longer worth it, it is better to discard it.

>> No.57013422

PoS is the only system that will survive in the long term.

>> No.57013430

during inscriptions, not only were fees 140$ on arbitrum but it stopped working. pathetic performance from that shit centralized l2

>> No.57013442

No one cares what you think you fucking homo
Eth will be faster and cheaper in the future

>> No.57013464

no it wont retard. people will have to transact on l2

>> No.57013689

Layer 2 is where it’s at

>> No.57014113

Arbitrum experienced for 3hrs a small chunk of what Avalanche is experiencing for 2 weeks now and it crashed with $400 swap fees, All while being extremely centralized shitchain (Compared to 1700 active and consensus participants validators on the C-Chain). And contrary to Arbitrum, Avalanche extremely benefit economically from this activity, Currently burning literally x30 more AVAX than new supply get created yearly.

There's ZERO doubt that Avalanche C-Chain was BY FAR the most impressive EVM (Trash VM) performer on the market during this inscription craze.

>> No.57014125

Tera users thought the same.
Shitcoiners will only learn the hard way.

>> No.57015551


>> No.57016775


>> No.57016785

100s of million are unlocked every year, not even a fraction was burned
Yes true arbitrum is more centralized then avax currently
But avax had 400 dollar fee aswell
>There's ZERO doubt that Avalanche C-Chain was BY FAR the most impressive EVM (Trash VM) performer on the market during this inscription craze.
Ethereum mainnet beats it easy. But yes i know Ethereum mainnet is not the solution for all since it cant handle that much

>> No.57016811

ETH is literally that high because it's seen as a trustable, sustainable coin/platform that will still be there in 50 yrs+

>> No.57017442
File: 3 KB, 125x125, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tap Fintech fees are a steal, Anon. Cheaper than both, and it's my daily financial MVP.

>> No.57017454

What are you flexing, Fag? XTP, INJ, and Matic got that price jiggle too.

>> No.57017472

The FTX saga's still haunting my head, Anon. I'd rather stash my assets in regulated apps like Revolut, Venmo, or Tap; to play it safe.

>> No.57017654

bottom signal
load up on eth memeShitCoins everyone