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57012082 No.57012082 [Reply] [Original]

This never happened to me before but I went clubbing last night and got totally socially rekt. This little group was forming with me and 3 or 4 other people then I went to piss or something and when I came back I was basically pushed out. Maybe I did something that I don’t remember but I think they literally called me weird. The strange thing is after that it felt like the whole club knew something I didn’t cause bad things kept happening the whole night to me. I think some guy even called me a freak which I think was unrelated to the first group. I dont know bros. Blog post over. I think it could be cause I danced with this girl and left her to go to another part of the club and she told the group while I was out but thats a guess.

>> No.57012115

you're just a failed normalfag

>> No.57012188

I went to this club many times before and the vibes were always good. I didn’t even have to try to be a normie, everyone just had a good time.

>> No.57012189

are you over 12% bodyfat?
that's why

>> No.57012620

There is something wrong with me

>> No.57012650
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kill yourself normie faggot
get the fuck off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.57012681

Why don’t Orcas eat people?
I’ve been asking myself the same question and couldn’t find any definite answer online, just unsupported assumptions.
There is this theory that we supposedly don’t taste good, but I always found this flimsy.
First of all, it’s an assumption that can never be disproved (unless you’re willing to set up some very unethical experiments…). Any hypothesis that cannot be disproved is by definition unscientific.
But even if you accept that assumption, it still doesn’t explain much. Sure, they don’t like the taste of us, but they could still attack us, drive us off, or even kill us for sport / fun (they’ve been known to do that with other species).
Or they could kill us just to eat the parts of our body that do taste good, like when they hunt sharks and eat only their livers.
But they don’t, and that’s an indisputable fact. Documented attacks by orcas on humans in the wild are incredibly rare.
Do they recognize us as another intelligent species?
Do they view us as a mere annoyance posing no threat to them?
Is it simply that we don’t come into contact with them often enough in the water to be part of their diet?
No one really knows. It’s a mystery.

>> No.57012891

>No one really knows. It’s a mystery
Its not a mystery. Game respects game, Orcas know we too are psychopaths. They know better than to fuck aroynd and find out.
Most other animals are too dumb to understand this, but not Orcas. Orcas know whats good. They vibin'

>> No.57013952

>went clubbing
lmfffao you got a pee pee in your bum bum?

>> No.57014000

Coping failed normie. Instead of trying to fit in just embrace your autism and join the side of good. Normies are evil cancer

>> No.57014026

you just have anxiety, i promise you everyone is too drunk, high, or in their own world to care about you so fuck it. Next week go out and do the same if you want til it feels normal. then fuck white hoes and call it a night. also im the greatest options trader

>> No.57014032

one of the best chainlink threads ever created

>> No.57014040

did you do drugs? this sounds paranoid as hell

>> No.57014063

Only alcohol.

>> No.57014091

>caring about women's opinions
ngmi. Pool's Closed.

>> No.57014866
File: 71 KB, 827x877, jacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably casually mentioned that you own Chainlink.

>> No.57014901

Can't tell if same anon reposting same thread with chainlink logo, or different anon copying the thread satirically as a linky. If the latter, big keks 10/10.

>> No.57014957

I went out and partied in ybor city 2018ish. While pissing this college aged dude, coked out of his mind starts talking about Bitcoin. I ask him if he’s ever heard of Chainlink. Immediately started talking about the potential and told me his position 20k link @ $1.00 I wonder if that’s you OP. You were a faggot then and are still a socially awkward faggot with money now

>> No.57014977

Basically I'm just going to break script and tell you the truth only because I'm behind multiple untraceable VPNs. You're the subject of what you know as a reality tv show. We're all in on it. There. Now we all get to see how you react to this. Hopefully I'm not found out for divulging this and you're able to read it before this thread is removed

>> No.57014983

Sociability is a midcurve meme

>le humans are social animals

stop being an animal and transcend to higher form of consciousness

>> No.57015049
File: 352 KB, 1600x1200, kartandtinki1_orca-wallpaper_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they see us as an intelligent species.

>> No.57015145

Well sharks like Great Whites often only attack humans out of retardation. They mistake us as a seal or something, bite, and then might let go once they realize they don't recognize the creature they chomped into as being apart of their regular diet. Animals typically have their instinctual go-to foot items be they herbivore or carnivore. Humans are special in that way that we are so smart we're actually stupid about what we should actually be eating day to day (referring to the endless dietary nutritional debates going on even today, and with so many being addicted to artificial junk we know is unhealthy).

Orcas are not retarded like sharks so they don't make the mistake that sharks do of accidentally eating something out of their usual natural diet. But they are not too smart for their own good like humans to make the same mistakes as us, so they still operate pretty instinctually. So if you look at it like that, they are at a happy content middle ground.

They would have to creatively learn to attack humans, and for that to not just be a one off it has to be transmitted/taught to other orcas socially. And we don't let them have the opportunity to do that. They are smart, but not smart enough to creatively realize they could attack and eat us so quickly. They play with their food in ways that look like torturing it to death, but it is all their natural prey species that they play with. Play serves the function of training a creature's skills, for example big cats play to sharpen their hunting skills for when they are big kitty that has to fend for themselves. So I think it would occur for orcas to fuck with us for fun, if they even thought of us as a potential meal. But they are not smart enough to deviate too far from evolved instinct, in the little amount of time that a wild orca pod would encounter some humans.

>> No.57015185

They've learned to be wary of humans. Because we hunted them before and we can do it again.

>> No.57015210
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probably the odor
could no longer be overlooked

>> No.57015245

HATE that his shirt tucks into the toilet

>> No.57015463

this kind of shit happens to me all the time since i hold link, at first i thought i was just being gangstalked but now i sometimes wonder if reality bends against me, or maybe its just multi dimensional being gangstalking us idk. personally idc tho i like being alone