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File: 223 KB, 800x1200, bella-rose[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57006465 No.57006465 [Reply] [Original]

have you already given up the idea of having your 18 yo wife?

>> No.57006474

holy shit what a butter face

>> No.57006486

I don't want one.

>> No.57006497


>> No.57006498
File: 77 KB, 1024x1000, 1689541991799670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even started.

>> No.57006515


>> No.57006517

im late 30's but they tell me not to yet, i'd be good with 25 y.o. desu. Good mix of attractiveness and maturity -- also developing identity away from the crowd.

>> No.57006533

It’s more socially acceptable to fuck a 7 year old boy in modern America than it is to even admit you’re attracted to 18 year old females. It has never been more over for legal teen enjoyers

>> No.57006549

im 30 and dating an 18 year old. she wants kids already.

she is cute only negative is she is kinda chubby. :/

but she is young and wants my kids already. she doesnt wanna work and just wants to raise kids.

i busted nuts inside her earlier this week, and im not too worried about it.

>> No.57006555

>you know what, I'm not going to pursue that beautiful adult female because redditors and HR roasties would judge me for it

imagine caring about what's "socially acceptable" enough to let it affect your personal relationships LMAO

>> No.57006560

>bro just ignore social standards like me and offend everyone with your presence

I don’t take advice from guys on the autism spectrum.

>> No.57006568

Never seen a more cucked NPC post in my life

>> No.57006586

you shouldn't take advice from me because I won the lottery, not because you wrongly think I'm autistic. I literally married a 10/10 virgin I started talking to at 17 while I was 23. though I do ignore social conventions I disagree with and it's been nothing but positive for me.

>> No.57006585

I'm 36, I've given up on a wife of any age.

>> No.57006590

>cucked NPC
This was funny until I realized you actually talk like this in real life and then it became sad. Relieved I wasn’t born neurodivergent.

>> No.57006598

>I literally married a 10/10 virgin I started talking to at 17 while I was 23

What anime is she from?

>> No.57006625


You are retarded and need to go outside. Nobody cares if you want to fuck 18-year-olds. Lots of people think is sketchy to be a 40 year old dating an 18 year old, but being attracted to an 18 year old is not something people care about beyond those terminally online in certain left wing spaces. Though obsessing over the age of women is a symptom of right wing terminally online so there is that.

>> No.57006631

>flat chest
>small hips
>probably flat ass too
butter everything.

>> No.57006635

judging by your onions comments I can tell your worldview is completely blind to the existence of people like me. you probably go on dates and tell girls how much you support feminism or black lives matter, meanwhile I tell my beautiful wife why women shouldn't vote and she laughs and agrees with me because she finds it romantic that I consider her the only exception.

>> No.57006640

This they/them contradicted themselves like 4 times in their own post because they/them was too angry to think before they/them typed

>> No.57006646

>you probably go on dates and tell girls how much you support feminism or black lives matter, meanwhile I tell my beautiful wife why women shouldn't vote and she laughs and agrees with me

When I’m out having a good time I talk about fun lighthearted things because I don’t have Asperger’s syndrome

>> No.57006679

I mean yeah I prefer lighthearted things but after enough time with someone you approach more or less every topic. I also don't really want to spend time around people who disagree with me on fundamental things.

>> No.57006694

Your hypothetical girlfriend who agrees with you on repealing the 19th amendment doesn’t exist - you’re thinking of another man with Asperger’s

>> No.57006719

thanks sam hyde but actually plenty of women are eager to adopt the views of men they love

>> No.57006723

You’re right, it’s easy to project your views on a limited edition anime figurine you bought on Amazon for 400 dollars

>> No.57006871

you fucking faggots would marry this girl on the spot if she asked you as a complete stranger on the street, lol.

>> No.57006976

Yes I've moved on to having a 17 year old wife.

>> No.57007124

this girl: "hey! hey, anon! will you marry me?"
/biz/cel: "umm (looks around). is this... a joke?"
this girl: "no! i want to marry you, seriously. like right now!"
/biz/cel: "uhhh. why, huh-huh?"
this girl: "because i love you."
/biz//cel: "are you for real?"
this girl: "yes! soooo? will you marry me?"
/biz/cel: "why are you in such a hurry, huh-huh?"
this girl: "why do you ask so many questions. it's a yes or no answer. please, please say YES!"
/biz/cel: "ummm. heh. uhhh. shouldn't we get to know each other first?"
this girl: "there you go with the questions again, UGH! please, just tell me you want to marry me!"
/biz/cel: "hmm. well, uh. can i take you to meet my mom first? she's at home right now."
this girl: "where does she live? i hope it's close."
/biz/cel: "we live just right around the corner from here."
this girl: "We? LMAO, bye!"

>> No.57007410

teenagers are unbearably annoying. anyone who ever dated an 18-year-old would know that. i am almost 50 and i find women under 30 impossibly fucking annoying.

i am happy to get called "daddy" in bed but in terms of who i want to spend time around i want a partner who is intellectually mature, not a child

>> No.57007415
File: 35 KB, 379x573, fatfem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real men can't handle mvh cvrves

>> No.57007435
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I'm 29 and my gf is 20. Good enough I guess.

>> No.57007479

I'm 25.

>> No.57008304

I have it and it's not that great

>> No.57008311
File: 39 KB, 118x145, butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could have chosen someone hot, OP

>> No.57008336

I'm 35 and never had a gf

>> No.57008337

My buddy married an INTJ who is fully onboard with repealing women's right to vote. I know they exist bro, and the anon you're talking to is a sneeding bitch.

>> No.57008368

Already did that 15 years ago.
. 2 kids and 1 on the way. I am old and tired though. Wife begs for sex now and I’m too tired mostly.

>> No.57008399

>no lardass, no ring
Not liking neotenous women is a sign of low iq.

>> No.57008556

Yeah, 18 is too old

>> No.57008960

upon closer inspection, he looks like joey, a buddy of mine. can't unsee

>> No.57009001

she has a face of a late 20s

>> No.57009029

>Wife begs for sex now and I’m too tired mostly.
This is a special kind of hell when she's hot too.

>> No.57009155
File: 605 KB, 902x645, sex on fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't discover the sexual magic of stimulants

>> No.57009184

I’m in my 30s seeing a 22yo who is 5ft and 90lbs. Everything about her personality is like a little girl still. Her clothes, her room, the shoes she watches. Her dad left and her step dad diddled her so it’s some kind of coping mechanism but also some deep rooted kinks I think. Curious how far I can take things with her.

>> No.57009218

Body looks fuckin prime. What are you guys fucking gay?
She keeps good care of her belly and skin. Getting a boner right now. Tell me how I know you guys are fags...

>> No.57009239

why would I want to have to deal with some dumb and 18 yo cunt

>> No.57009254
File: 53 KB, 605x605, IMG_0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I’m dating one right now. Nothing makes people seethe more than being a 6’2”, 36 year old, multiple business owning, deflowering barely legal teen pussy enjoyer.

>> No.57009266
File: 2.18 MB, 338x610, IMG_0491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m also huwhite and /fit/

>> No.57009281

Marriage scares me

>> No.57009296

how do u meet girls like that? tinder?

>> No.57009402
File: 123 KB, 769x1024, IMG_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically small churches and softball teams in small towns. The worst thing you may come across is she had a teen lesbian phase with another chick, but in modernity that’s like finding a diamond. Make sure she goes to college too, since everything is WFH now. Reason being is college, even if it is retarded shit like basket weaving, is an indicator of being able to power through hardship and also stable marriages as college educated women or less likely to divorce. It’s your job as a man to make sure she doesn’t embodied the retarded shit they push on her, instead only use it to benefit her career until she’s ready to pump out babies.

There you go, that’s the secret—don’t fuck it up by being a nerd or faggot.

>> No.57009405
File: 179 KB, 926x545, 1701360810876212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57009749

better late than neva

>> No.57009858

I have given up on having a wife at all and I'm not an incel. The state will destroy any man who can't keep his wife.

>> No.57010482

what kind of businesses do you own?

>> No.57010642

>Unironically small churches and softball teams in small towns
LARPer. You would look like a creeper and kicked or be comfronted by some relative or someone.

>> No.57010670

what's sad is being an npc cuck
like you

>> No.57010906

contracting company (electrical) and also multiple rental properties (you have to treat it as a business), along with some other things that arent necessarily businesses but solid meaningful income streams

>> No.57011201

female pedophile teachers are going to jail in droves now, yet divorce courts still tear a man a new asshole every time

>> No.57011233


>> No.57011247

sounds a lot like a stinkie

>> No.57011262

Do it anon. Tie the knot.

>> No.57011285 [DELETED] 

Shit larp also what's the deal with Christcucks treating their own churches as poon hunting grounds?

>> No.57011348

It must be cold

>> No.57011356
File: 2.15 MB, 1024x1024, 1000006305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How//where did you guys meet them? I am 21 yo virgin feeling anxious af about how to meet girls especially 18year olds, I don't wanna waste my chance while I am still in the time window to get a teen gf

>> No.57011417

youre probably less attractive so quit being a picky incel

>> No.57011443

you are the reason that age gap relationships have a stigma, talking about your adult gf like shes a kid. actually kill yourself.

>> No.57011516

I came to terms with the fact that I'm not interested in women. I'm only interested in vaginas. Women attached to those vaginas are either annoying or boring to me, it's like an obstacle between me and pussy.
So I just fuck random Ukrainian bitches from dating apps. Pretty cheaply too, most will suck you off after a dinner. On the worst week I might get some bitch who's into sugar stuff from koronadates and give her 100-150 for a fuck.
My dick doesn't bother me for the rest of the week with this strategy and I'm happy with that.

>> No.57011550

work a job around lots of females

>> No.57011593

>small churches
okay faggot nice LARP

>> No.57011629
File: 1.61 MB, 498x266, IMG_0438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be bald, ugly, and wrinkly then faggot. I told you I lift and take care of myself.

>> No.57011640

Yes, next question.

>> No.57011729

>hobbies are shopping and Instagram.
Holy shit, women, get it together.

>> No.57011869

Yes. I'm turning 29, /fit/, white, blonde/blue eyed, 6ft+, 350k salary, tons of hobbies, well travelled, etc. but I'm stuck with a 25 year old broke fattening lazy slob. I can't get rid of her because she takes care of me so well, and I fear there are no decent women left. So I settle...

>> No.57011899

>erect nipples
A black man is taking the picture.

>> No.57012008

only on twitter and reddit. in real life the only ones who get mad are 18 year old guys (because they feel threatened) and women over the age of 28 (because they feel insecure about competition)

>> No.57012512

Too late I am about to graduate as an engineer soon, no time for low skill jobs anymore where I could meet cute high school girls or college freshman/sophomores

Well maybe there are some beautiful young secretaries working summer jobs in the offices I'll be working. Luckily I look very young so I can probably more easily pull legal teens upto 30 years old

>> No.57012531

You already made it anon, since she is a good girl now just encourage her to become fit

>> No.57013303

You two are stupid. Obviously don't go to a small church to pick up girls turning 18, that's not the point of church. Go to Church for God and be active in the community. Your waifu will come.

>> No.57013321


She hit on me at work.

>> No.57013334

>I can probably more easily pull legal teens upto 30 years old
why stop at 30?

>> No.57013339

>given up
never had it
she will wall hard
4chan niggers consider such specimen hot

>> No.57013566

>will receive tons of replies from faggots telling their life stories of success no one asked about and no one cares about outside of themseves
Why are millennials and zoomers like this?

>> No.57013590
File: 82 KB, 784x676, 1701688509018746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think she's cute. You all are being very mean. I would like to hug and kiss her and take her out to dinner. Perhaps if the date goes well, we have a second date. Maybe one day we have 3 beautiful children. Maybe we will have a healthy and loving relationship.

If you know what I mean.

>> No.57013635

nice reddit story ho
still not interested in your ugly mug

>> No.57013833
File: 105 KB, 900x900, 1601248959120894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i want a literal immature shitty child as my wife? no thanks pedo. ill just keep accumulating apt and iq protocol so i can marry a 35 something cougar with 0 children and 0 will to have any. she will definitely be into giving rimjobs too, best part of mature women.

>> No.57013908

>18 year old
>I want a 35 year old and you should too
mutt logic

>> No.57013949

That's a pornstar.

>> No.57014007

Yes, because I've already wifed her.

>> No.57014022

Based. Get her into fitness before you preg her tho or she's going to balloon

>> No.57014035
File: 122 KB, 768x960, Empress_Marie_Louise_of_the_French.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want a 15yo princess wife to give him an heir

>> No.57014353 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57014782

She made me soup today because I have a fever
And I just came in her twice back to back never pulled out because she’s so sexy and skinny
Go to the gym you faggots it’s not that difficult

>> No.57014923

Vaginas are kinda gross on their own ngl

>> No.57014942


>> No.57015152 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57015577 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57015772 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57015787
File: 159 KB, 402x300, 48E4E2BA-4198-47E6-AB78-49DF1D3F05AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, now I have an idea of buying up a mansion full of them once GambleFI explodes and FUN does a 100x

>> No.57015804

>roastie toastie

>> No.57016006 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57016024


its pornstar bella rose you fuckin losers

>> No.57016102 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57016152

Recommendations please? I have to get drunk to be in the mood and I stopped drinking.

>> No.57016160

Be careful with coke and crack. A lot of guys can't get hard on it even if you're horny

>> No.57016233

In what reality? Even an obese 2/10 whale with niglets won't want to marry me

>> No.57016359
File: 55 KB, 1550x685, PROTIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy when you're with a girl to get stiff and fuck for hours. i'll bet you those spics on chaturbate are smoking grams of crack, snorting grams of coke and injecting meth to fuck for as long as they do without nutting

with porn, it's not so easy to remain hard, but some like it that way kek

>> No.57016365

But that's a lot of women