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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57003620 No.57003620 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57003626

sirgay works hard he deserves to eat

>> No.57003675

Then why is chainlink one of the top ytd performers?

>> No.57003699

It’s a cursed token. Technically it is going but it still feels painful.

>> No.57003712

maybe you just have low test?

>> No.57003717

i mean it missed the last 2 bull runs so why would this one be any different? you got what you paid for

>> No.57003721

that is impossible. The rest of the market needs Link to even function. No Link? No Crypto.

>> No.57003726

Who’s we you pathetic nolinker

>> No.57003730

yeah but what does that have to do with price appreciation?
theres no reason for the price to go up

>> No.57003738


>> No.57003743

Is that your best logic you can come up with?

>> No.57003772

Wrong thread

>> No.57003781

Pool status?

>> No.57003784

for you?

>> No.57004540

plebbit coin is doing far better than chainlink

>> No.57004711
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Pools locked

>> No.57005881

hope you have your floaties on when the pool gets "hacked" not your keys not your coins

>> No.57006828

the heckin advocates are out in force today. How much does Sergey pay you guys?

>> No.57007209

Its over

>> No.57007234


Why the fuck would anyone lock up their coins for a 4% apy? Are y'all niggaz seriously this fucking stupid? I hold several coins making way more than that lol

>> No.57007309

Because BUILD rewards maybe someday?

>> No.57007347
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Sir staking spots are limited, whales are paying TOP rupee to FUDDING contractors to keep normies from filling up their limited staking spots. See thru their illusions, sir chainlink will be best preforming coin 2024 they don't want u holding or staking it.

>> No.57007352

That's... Not even close to true

>> No.57007371

Tjat is not true, now everything is pumping harder than link because sergey betrayed again to binance
Even icp is going better than link
I dont know whats causing this but its pure torture to see the token with the best fundamentals underperform to garbage

>> No.57007372
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It is tho faggot

>> No.57007377

as usual

>> No.57007379

>Solana and Avax the only ones in the top 20 that outperformed Link

And here's the best part: both Solana and Avax dumped more supply inflation than Chainlink.

>> No.57007385

Pool is already closed and didnt even make it to general access
There is no word on any next iteration or expansion of the pool, so fudding for pool access is retarded right now
And its not like you would have to pay many rupees to see the price action which has been the best fud since summer 2020

>> No.57007426

>A ton of dead altcoins -20%
>All of the good coins +50% or more against link
This just makes link look like a dead altcoin too, really

>> No.57007428

kek this cope

>> No.57007433

>hurr all the coins link outperformed are dead shitcoins
>durr all the coins that outperformed link are ofc the tokens i held all along

>> No.57007458

Yeah, but in terms of recovery and ROI, I think Sol and Avax are way better. Don't get me wrong here, because I'm still holding link to other alts like XTP, which is up today for the long term.

>> No.57007467

>in terms of recovery and ROI, I think Sol and Avax are way better
Despite dumping more supply inflation than Sergey.

>> No.57007541

They’ve literally lied about ccip delivery and constantly gaslight the holders about it, it’s actually insane

>> No.57007603

They missed one (1) deadline.

>> No.57007918

You really think general access will come in the next 2 weeks

>> No.57007933

>Kemal saying “hopefully this year haha”
>a deadline

Pick one

>> No.57007974


>> No.57008017

Jannies just deleted pigeon thread, words like "ad vo cates" or "Ser gey" flag your messages as spam.
Total panic in the link advocate telegram who obviously have jannies on their side.

>> No.57008033

LINK has been pumping good, a good time to TP and ape into micro caps like Adlunam, already trading on Pancakeswap. FA

>> No.57008135

Keep your twitterfaggotry on twitter

>> No.57008142

it's probably best to write a complaint about them to chainlink labs directly, naming names

>> No.57008163

Why, can't be on all fronts Zach?

>> No.57008243

see >>57008135

>> No.57008260

>two shitcoins are performing better than chainlink
Unless you’re a degenerate pump chasing retard, who gives a shit?

>> No.57009251
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Pool prison is closed

>> No.57009766

Made 7 figures this year already and my Link stack is the only thing sitting like a limp cock
How do you guys live like this on a day to day basis?

>> No.57010472

Kek, LINKies are unironically the biggest tards in this board, and I'm tired of pretending they're not, I got into IQT as a mean of selling the filthy remains of my last LINK bag lmao

>> No.57010684

Linkies remain stinkies

>> No.57010691

You made me kek, based reference tho

>> No.57010694

what makes you so retarded, that you change something based for something shitty?

>> No.57010699

>Flipped the literal cornerstone of crypto for some no name NFT piece of shit
Kek, topkek, lol, lmao even

>> No.57010700

You should be glad you're not xrp holders, kek
>t. baggie

>> No.57010707

They should collab with Oracle Corp on some oracles

>> No.57011096

Pigeon is not letting off the gas. About fucking time someone goes at their neck.