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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57002855 No.57002855 [Reply] [Original]

Today I sold my 30k LINK stack and let me tell you, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The moment my sell order when through, I felt my life become whole again.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.57002860

Post sell orders. If you take more than 2 minutes, you're a larper.

>> No.57002871

I don't want to dox my wallet. You gotta believe me

>> No.57002874

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've all held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.57002877

What are u buying?

>> No.57002882

fuck off, tranny

>> No.57002961

please don't sell marines, stick to the plan we agreed to in the discord

>> No.57003603

Sir do not redeem the chainlink tokens dear, you will be elgigible to appreciate a mighty 4% per year in profits dear. It is berry good project with big mooning potential sir do not fade. Big big moon soon