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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56998477 No.56998477 [Reply] [Original]

12 million chainlink tokens were just unlocked. Is this legal?

>> No.56998484

It's not. This is why they're so cagey about muh price discussion and gaslight and manipulate their holders non-stop. They know what they're doing is 110% illegal.

>> No.56998489
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Most cryptos "unlock" way more, but you never see any threads about those.

>> No.56998490

Why do fudfags act like we haven’t known about the token distribution since ICO?

>> No.56998498

That's good though. Hopefully they dump up to 650m cs next year, then all that's left is the 350m staking rewards to slowly release into our wallets.

>> No.56998503
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>> No.56998504

Because those projects actually go up in price you fucking retard. Meanwhile Chainlink is literally up $2 compared to where it was 3 (three) years ago.

>> No.56998508

Advocates ODSTs deployed

>> No.56998512

That has nothing to do with supply inflation.
You know, the topic of this thread.

>> No.56998522

It does, actually. Despite other tokens having higher rates of inflation, they've still dramatically increased in price since 2020. Meanwhile Chainlink, despite having less token inflation, is a mere $2 above the price it was 3 years ago. There is no possible way you can spin this in a positive way. All the boogeymen turned out to be complete bullshit. The most likely explanation at this point is it's Chainlink themselves fucking with the price. No other project is as weird and cagey about muh price discussion.

>> No.56998532

You’re agreeing that supply inflation has nothing to do with it.

>> No.56998546

Avalanche actually has people buying AVAX to stake and pay gas. It's going to be 7 years soon and you can't do shit with LINK, worse all the companies now using CL oracles don't even have to pay in LINK either, they just have to promise they're going to aidrop a shitcoin that costs them nothing the next 5 years (if they don't go down before).
It's like Sergey is going out of his way to fuck us really raw.

>> No.56998550

>he thinks they're going to respect their own words and not starting to dump the 350 millions for "incentive"

>> No.56998556

Obviously token inflation hurts token price you nigger intellect.

As for doing token comparisons you'd need to factor in nature of the inflation: how much of the inflation is community staking (a full year of v0.2 staking results in an extra 1.6m link), are the tokens being used in some way or sold open market, what's the background in which they're being released, is there a new service or demand?

We know the new link supply goes straight to binance and vastly outstrips staking rewards. I don't know about the avax details.

>> No.56998563

>it's illegal to unlock tokens and dump on holders
>well other projects do it too and also more severely
>yeah but those project's tokens went up
so either you're moving goalposts or you're saying it's only illegal if the price isn't going up

>> No.56998565

>>56998532 see: >>56998556 basically summed it up. Absolute daft nigger.

>> No.56998569

Well that explains the -15% dump. Merry Christmas Sergey, hope you treat yourself and the team to some good christmas bonuses.

>> No.56998581

>Obviously token inflation hurts token price
Well good thing Sergey dumps less than most other cryptos then.
Based Sergey.

>> No.56998587
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>Avalanche actually has people buying AVAX to stake and pay gas.
4% of Avax validator rewards are user fees. 96% is outright token emissions.

>> No.56998595

>literally every crypto is a stupid ponzi
Wow, you really showed us. Cut the bullshit and be honest with yourself: the only reason people care about this shit is they want the number to go up. Chainlink has absolutely failed miserably at that DESPITE having lower token inflation, there's something quite amazing happening there to fuck up that badly.

>> No.56998600

>Wow, you really showed us.
I really did.

Because you'd have to be a complete retard to single out one specific ponzi to spam about 24/7 when there's a whole ocean of them out there that actually dump MORE tokens.

>> No.56998616

Non-responsive nice.

Link has had more inflation to the supply ytd than solana, eth, btc, xrp and that was just what i could briefly find. A good example of what I talked about and you evaded is xrp, they have an initially high inflation rate but most is returned back into a lock. So you need a bit more investigation than just the plain figure.

Speaking of plain figures though it seems like chainlink is top of coinmarketcaps list for inflationary projects this year. I don't know what that means or how they're deriving that but still.


>> No.56998617

Brother, bar maybe XRP, LINK has the biggest dumping treasury of the top 20.
There's a reason it's not mooning, despite all the giga good news.

>> No.56998630

Just looked into XRP and nope. They have a high up front release but enough gets immediately locked back again that it comes out lower ytd than link inflation wise in terms of market impact. Im not defending xrp as obviously it's been known as a scammy inflationary shitcoin but at least lately it has been okay on that front.

>> No.56998640

I said maybe as I was just comparing the MCAP:FDV ratios on gecko.
But yeah, saying this as a 30K Linker.
CLL has become undefendable wrt. their communication.

>> No.56998713

Does anyone have the total dumped for the year amount?

>> No.56998767

Thanks for procing my point that it's infinitely more than LINK already. Not even talking about there is an incentive to hold in order to compound it.
Meanwhile LINK has one pity pool and the CEO is letting anyone using the service against an IOU (and dumping on retail to finance it all).

>> No.56998791

ytd Chainlink inflated supply about 10%.
Which is a lot LESS than Solana and Avalanche, which are the two biggest gainers in the top 20 ytd.

Btw, Kaspa and Bonk are two of the absolute biggest gainers this year, and they inflated their supply 40% and 60% respectively ytd.

>it's infinitely more than LINK already
kek source right now

>there is an incentive to hold in order to compound it
ETH made nearly all of its historic gains when there was no "incentive to hold in order to compound it" either.
Bitcoin too.

>> No.56998794

lmao the best ones are where the fudder just walks into his own snare.

>> No.56998822
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le bullish selling


>> No.56998830

>Link has had more inflation to the supply ytd than solana
Solana + 17%
Link + 11%

And Solana’s fiat price has been consistently at least twice Link’s this year.
So Solana’s inflationary sell pressure has been three times as high as Link’s in fiat terms.

>> No.56998845

Can chainlink 10x from here this year?

>> No.56998905

What if I told you it will 1/10x

>> No.56998919

so only 82 million left.

chances they keep their word when it comes to it?
When was the last time they gave reference to that initial distribution plan?

>> No.56998927

Seriously, why is /biz/ so cringe on LINK? It's one of the worst tokens out there. Sure there was a nice gain in the past but that's about it

>> No.56998938

So let's say they stop dumping once the 86 ends. How will they provide funds for all the workers?

>> No.56998955

The network will be making money by then. This was always the plan. You retards act as though they don't know what they're doing. They are dominating the space. They have achieved what other cryptos can only dream of. Short term gains are bullshit. They're going to rule the world.

>> No.56998963

Sell signal

>> No.56998996


>will be 'by then'
>this was always the plan
>they know what they're doing
>others can only dream
>the now doesn't matter
>the world is ours

anon, we are all hoping they keep their word.
past behaviour (promises unkept, partnerships and associations made) indicates we are right to be wary.

>> No.56999010

Never marry your bags. Get out of your fucking link bubble. It went from 20c to 50$. Inflated as fuck. Most of you linktards are missing out on other shit because you decided to go all in 1 coin.

>> No.56999011

>past behaviour (promises unkept, partnerships and associations made) indicates we are right to be wary

If you don’t trust them, then sell.

>> No.56999026

doesn't have to be. price will go to dust. more reason people will buy other oracle tokens like pyth and Supra.

>> No.56999045

They've basically been amazing and I'm never selling my tokens.
Ugh, I know, I know.
I'm just not selling is all

>> No.56999054

The amount of inflation that gets sold at market relative to the amount of demand is what matters. The problem with Chainlink is that demand from real customers is captured in OTC deals, so Link's open market selling is matched entirely by retail. Because the token can't be used for gas or anything, there are no ecosystem incentives to keep people holding/rehypothecating/buying tops. This is why other tokens with high inflation, like solana, can actually pump; their tokens can actually be used to do things and market makers can leverage that to keep people buying and holding. Link, on the other hand, is basically a meme coin for everyone except the team, who is responsible for disbursing payments to DONs

>> No.56999064

don't want to sell.
don't want you to sell.

but being wary is justified.

>> No.56999073

>So Solana’s inflationary sell pressure has been three times as high as Link’s in fiat terms.
not all inflation gets sold
demand relative to the amount sold is different between the two

>> No.56999080

>the token can't be used for gas or anything
Avalanche for instance generated less than $1 million in fees per month this year.
That's 0.05% of today's Avax trading volume.
That's your "demand".

You're talking out of your ass.

>not all inflation gets sold
Same applies to both.

>> No.56999119

They aren't dominating shit but their holders lol.
>Short term gains are bullshit.

>> No.56999146

they sold on a dip so people can get in cheaper

>> No.56999150

>They aren't dominating shit but their holders lol.
Avax and Sol are "dominating" their holders much harder than Sergey, yet they're doing fine.

>> No.56999179

volume doesn't tell you net demand
the point is that you're talking out of your ass. inflation matters but the context matters more.

>Same applies to both
then % inflation is not a great metric, right? the context matters, and we can infer that chainlink's context is rotten

>> No.56999192

The sooner they're all in circulation the better desu

>> No.56999201

why be okay comparing yourself to a vc scam chain that goes down 1x+ a month? fucking losers.

>> No.56999204

>volume doesn't tell you net demand
The fact that the MONTHLY user fees generated by Avax amount to 0.05% of DAILY trading volume tells you that "demand" is absolutely irrelevant.

>then % inflation is not a great metric, right?
No it is not.
"Sergey's dumps" are probably the worst possible explanation for Link's price action.

>> No.56999205

they dont know what they are doing

t. i know

>> No.56999210

these poor retards have max 1k link. they are bagholding their suicide stakes coping.

>> No.56999215
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LINK is a security. It is more plain as day than anything else the SEC named.

>> No.56999217





>> No.56999224

hfsp in your "pool". Explain how it's not more profitable to hold? oh 1k eoy? forgot.

>> No.56999249


>> No.56999388

>haha Sergey dumps bad


>> No.56999409

You are mentally unwell. You are being scammed at this very moment and you are trying to shift the blame. Why?

>> No.56999420

How is he getting scammed when Sergey dumps less supply than the top performers?

>> No.56999424

How the fuck is this thing pumping so hard recently

>> No.56999436

the unlocked tokens are distributed over many different people while the unlocked LINK all go to Serg who will dump 100% of them because if there's one thing he doesn't need then it's more LINK tokens.

>> No.56999439

>how is Sergey farming retail a scam

>> No.56999451

>the unlocked LINK all go to Serg
No they don’t.

>who will dump 100% of them
So will all miners and validators of Solana, Avax, Bitcoin, …

If he is farming retail, then he’s doing it to a lesser extent than the top performers.
This is just another variation of “link bad bacause crypto bad”.

>> No.56999467

We all KNOW the tokens have to be distributed. We have always known this. The dumps will continue until they are distributed. You have to decide whether to be in this now - to get the benefit you will get in the future of being whitelisted as a staker from the very begining, getting your build tokens and so on - which Sergey gave us as a bone becuase he knew the price would be dogshit for 5-10 years, or you can wait, and accumulate capital by buying shitcoins which will moon x1000 times more than link will, and then buy link in three or four years time. Its up to you. If I had my time again I would take the latter course - the build rewards and whitelisting will never be worth the return and opportunity cost of the shitcoin casino - but each to their own.

>> No.56999483

Why wouldn't any degree of being scammed alarm you?

>> No.56999494

If Sergey is scamming, then so is all of crypto.

>> No.56999501
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the fact there was a "white paper 2.0" shouldve been everyone's red flag lolol.

>white paper 2.0

>> No.56999514

And employees, partners, advisors, grantees, …

>> No.56999540

We dont know when he sells only when he moves to chinknance
Its very likely its sold of slowly until the next refill is necessary
There is no way for instance anything close to 18 million tokens got dumped kn the days immediately following the transfer during the pico bottom last summer

So the metric to follow here is time and size between transfer to see the upkeep if the network

>> No.56999639

It’s a pump and dump

>> No.56999656

they're all being paid in USD

>> No.56999669

lol no they’re not.
There’s evidence going back years that employees get paid in link at least partially.
And Schmidt for instance talked specifically about being paid in tokens for his advisory role.

>> No.56999711
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Now let's see Sergey's chart. Can you please link it?

>> No.56999718

Anon, my supply figures obviously take burned fees into account.

>> No.56999727

How many chainlink has Sergey burned this year?

>> No.56999731

>There’s evidence going back years that employees get paid in link at least partially.
can i see it? getting paid in crypto is kind of dumb since you're still taxed based on the USD value, and in the end they need to convert it to USD anyway to pay rent.
And Eric doesn't count, he doesn't even bother to touch the tokens sergey gives him, the entire project is a boomer hobby to him.

>> No.56999734

Even with the burn, Avax still dumped 70% more token supply than Sergey.

>> No.56999739

How is it scamming? We KNOW and have always known that the tokens have to be put into distribution.

>> No.56999741

>in the end they need to convert it to USD anyway to pay rent
So do miners

>> No.56999743

chainlink employees work hard and deserve a christmas bonus
don't be unkind anon. it's the season for giving

>> No.56999759

you're not investing millions into a large scale bitcoin mining installation just to live paycheck to paycheck during its operation. chainlink code monkeys aren't in that position.

>> No.56999775

It isn't regulatory compliant tho. Regardless of your opinion.

>> No.56999780

>still doesnt understand it's a key coin for the upcoming tokenization of everything

>> No.56999804

That’s right, miners do have a shitload more overhead and therefore incentive to sell than link nodes.

>> No.56999808

Link is subsidizing nodes as well as dumping on binance. its 2 mechanisms of price suppression.

>> No.56999819

Why are fudders in full meltdown itt?

>> No.56999822

I bet you think that means the same Link gets sold twice lol

>> No.56999852

Other projects unlock tokens, they don't necessarily sell them.

Chainlink tokens are already unlocked in sergey's wallet. When they make it to the circulatijg supply, it's because sergey market dumped them.

Completely different situation, and this is why you're broke holding link for years while we made life changing gains with other projects, you're a retard.

>> No.56999862

>Other projects unlock tokens, they don't necessarily sell them.
They unlock them as they move them to validators.
What do you think the validators do with them?

>> No.56999895

>$178 million to pay Christmas bonus to the HR roasties

>> No.56999920

why would i think that? sergey gives nodes link like avax gives nodes. so inflation is about the same for both of them. then sergey dumps millions on binance while avax doesnt. hence avax is pumping and link isnt. the biggest fud to link is sergey not romanians.

>> No.56999931

>why would i think that?
You implied it was worse.

>so inflation is about the same for both of them
It's not.
Avalanche's inflation is much worse.

>sergey dumps millions on binance while avax doesnt
Validators dump their rewards too, you know.

>> No.56999943

>You implied it was worse.
it is worse. link is being sold by validators and sergey, avax only validators. hence two sources of dumping. you really are retarded if you cant understand that.

>> No.56999950

>hence two sources of dumping
Called it: >>56999822

>> No.56999995

>two sources of dumping
Coins can only ever have one inflationary dump. After that they’re in circulation and they can be infinitely sold and resold.

>> No.57000004

its fine down worry about it

>> No.57000066
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>Coins can only ever have one inflationary dump.
not really how it works. validtors are dumping at their own rate and sergey is dumping too. thats 2 groups with large free link dumping on the market.
how is it the same link being sold twice? sergey takes from treasury off market supply to give nodes. they sell. sergey then takes from off market supply to sell himself. thats the second source. its not the same link being sold twice. its two different groups of link supply being added. I feel like linkies arent actually english speakers at this point or are even humans. just some script where they cant read anything.

>> No.57000085

>validtors are dumping at their own rate and sergey is dumping too
These aren’t the same tokens, you dummie.

>> No.57000103
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>make people lock 40 million LINK tokens
>reduce APR to 4.32% because 4.75% was obviously too generous
>dump 12 million LINK on your holders and stakers right as they were enjoying a pump
>now you got an extra $170 million for your HR roasties

what? there's outrage? we just fucked our community over?
hmmm... another 3 million LINK dump to fund our Chainlink Community Advocates™ will probably do the trick
now please leave me alone, i need to enjoy these bigmacs in peace

>> No.57000154

>These aren’t the same tokens, you dummie.
uhhh. right...thats what ive been saying. 2 sources of dumping...hence link is being price suppressed.

>> No.57000163

>2 sources of dumping
It’s still the same 10% inflation, compared to 17% for Avax.

>> No.57000208

No linkers and jeets in a complete meltdown like despair because they missed the boat with their $100 a few years ago. Lmfao

>> No.57000212

What boat lmao i bought BNB

>> No.57000222

Literal nigger math lmao

>> No.57000225

Why are you in this thread?

>> No.57000227

To shit on linkies, why else?

>> No.57000229

It is getting outclassed by dozens of other coins. It did almost a 3x then fizzled out to a 2x while others just kept pumping to 3x+ including many shitcoins doing 10x’s in the last few weeks.

If you think LINK has been a good financial decision then all that means is you bought in 2017-2018 and are coping while you watch so many things outpace you. If you bought any time in the last 5 years you simply think it was a bad financial decision, because it objectively was.

>> No.57000233

Thank you for your story, very interesting would read again

>> No.57000256

Funny thing is that performance wise it’s kept up with Bitcoin and Eth for the last 12 month. Keep on telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better.

>> No.57000275

>kept up with the slowest moving, largest mcaps with way less risk

That’s like saying “my penny stock kept up with Coca Cola!”

You are taking on an enormously larger amount of risk buying LINK. If that payoff isn’t bigger then you lost.

>> No.57000285

I bought link early and I’m in profit and earning from staking. Why does this upset you? Really, what’s the problem? I want to understand?

>> No.57000354

You do realize you just resorted to admitting I am right, yes? Thanks.

>> No.57000360

Ummm, there's still a cap on the supply, right?

>> No.57000410

Thank god i got tellor instead of link a year ago

>> No.57000882

Holy cope batman!

>> No.57001989

Thats because chain link is not a blockchain and its tokens are utterly useless, all blockchain coins can dump more because their tokens are actually in high demand and used