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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56996725 No.56996725 [Reply] [Original]

>Biden jabs at Trump for predicting stock market would collapse during Democrat’s time in office
The economy is strong and resilient. Banks are in excellent shape. There is no market crash. There is no housing bubble. The job market is great. Consumers are spending. The economy by all measures is booming. Admit it. Bidenomics is working.
https://archive is/p2NmI

>> No.56996731

biden did nothing and has nothing to do with the economy
>and that's a good thing

>> No.56996740

>There is no housing bubble
Learn how to baitpost retard

>> No.56996756

When they say people are spending do they mean the rich are spending or people making average 50k a year?

>> No.56996768

>number go up means world is gooder!
Most people are realizing that waking up and seeing green in the stock market doesn't benefit the layman in any form whatsoever, and just translates to more expensive gas and groceries. OK, keep hitting new DOW ATHs Joe, and cut rates while you're at it. I've been waiting for full Wiemar republic mode. I'm fucking ready

>> No.56996841

Poor people aren't starving. Half of them drive new cars ffs. Just because they are waiting three years between getting a new iphone instead of two doesn't mean the economy is in dire straights.
>muh housing bubble
It's living in your head rent free chud.

>> No.56996851

Can't tell if shitposting to trigger people or genuinely retarded left for not knowing what a fake economy is

>> No.56996930

Yeah that's not poor. I was unemployed for close to years in accounting. Driven to the verge of suicide. Don't think poor people have nice cars or buy new phones all the time. Matter of fact that is boomer thinking that having a $800 phone compares to a $60,000 F-150.

>> No.56997725

Is the economy even real?
Or just a controlled system where all parameters are under control similar to a city builder/civ game.

>> No.56997735

Biden is such a fucking joke. thankfully we don't need to put up with this clown show for much longer.

>> No.56998703

If poor people are poor why are they so fat on average? It takes a lot of money to maintain such body weights.

>> No.56998810

They will steal the election next year lmao

>> No.56998834

>dem does good
>> he didnt do anything!
>dem does bad
>> he fucked it all up!!
>rep does good
>> he made it all better!!
>rep does bad
>> it wasn't his fault!!

>> No.56999057

fast food and microwave meals are far easier and faster to consuum, than making your own healthy meals with veggies and meat. those people order their for food instead of shopping and prepping meals. you could argue is more expensive, but those fools don't know better.there are 100s of videos on youtube of people checking their banking accounts and discovering that 80 percent is eating out or getting snacks at the gas station. ask modern woman. they are unable to prep food. they cannot cut potatos or onions. they have no idea!

>> No.56999100

>stock market booming under trump
Look at what he did he is so based an great! - magafags
>Stock market booming under Biden
Doesn't mean anything sweety Biden ruined the economy don't you know! - The same magafags

>> No.56999300
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>defecates visibly

>> No.56999338

Imagine having to rule a population where nobody can actually say whats going wrong or right and just having to hope everything works out well in the end

>> No.56999361
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>n-nobody can akchually say whats going wrong!!!
>changes the definition of Technical recession to say it's not a Technical recession
>makes gasoline prices skyrocket
>makes federal debt moon
>props the stock market with printed money while cutting rates at the same time
>forces regime media to bamboozle you 24/7 and say that all is well

>> No.56999395
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>we're going to have an economy that works for everyone and not just corporations and billionaires
>inflates cost of living 100%
>pumps stock market
>wall street better than ever
>average citizen poorer than ever
>70% of the people think the economy is doing terrible by you own polling
>parade the elder goy puppet out to do victory lap
Weimar. It's happening again.

>> No.56999458

Biden beat Trump then fixed everything he ruined

>> No.56999515

Biden stole the elctions then turned everything he touched into shit

>> No.56999528

He won and you're seething. He fixed trumps gas prices and stock market too

>> No.56999531

Please tell me something he fixed then, lmao

>> No.56999542

>Tells you two two things he fixed
>Tell me something he fixed?
Makes sense that your esl. Trump lost kek

>> No.56999552

I’m making more than I ever have in the past. As a millennial I’m riding with Biden stay cucked chuds

>> No.56999555

The problem is all of these retards are supplementing their lifestyle by buying luxury items on credit. Cost of living has gone up and it's only a matter of time before they default.

If you want to blame inflation on greedy corporations, that's fine, but it's the consumers that perpetuate inflation by continuing to spend.

>> No.56999568

>fixed gas prices
Hope you're trolling

>> No.56999959

Tbh, i thought Biden would crash the stock market and economy. He is doing better than i thought.

>> No.56999969
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rigged election

>> No.56999972
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Not sure if full of retards or this thread glows A LOT

>> No.56999975

The stock market hit an all time high in 2021 and a fresh one has been printed this 2023. Bidenomics work

>> No.57000031
File: 37 KB, 1139x351, SP500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stock market hit an all time high in 2021 and a fresh one has been printed this 2023
>they can't stop lying

>> No.57000063

>obsessed with "doomers"
you should be looking at your retard government more critically and sceptically instead