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56998664 No.56998664 [Reply] [Original]

Linkies knew where they stood
With their leader bearded plump
And long arrears to make good
When Sergey began to dump

They were not easily moved
Awaiting a foretold pump
Til every count be proved
As Sergey continued to dump

Their sweaty hands were shaking
Praying "it's only a slump,
At least we still have staking!"
Yet Sergey continued to dump

Their voices were timid and high
In every throat, a lump
But all they could do was cry
As Sergey continued to dump

Delusions weren't quickly bred
Not every holder was a chump
But through the dismal years ahead
And every LINK thread that gets a bump
Sergey will continue to dump

>> No.56998681



>> No.56999282


>> No.56999572

kek Sirgay is so fucking based taking advantage of chainshit baggies

>> No.56999604

He is putting their money to better use than they would (obviously; I mean, they invested in LINK)

>> No.56999674
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Oh uhm, yes lonkie... I'm putting your money to better use

>> No.56999713

so how's your sex life?

>> No.56999723

>gay chudlinkers fantasizing about other people having sex

>> No.57000114

Heyy fudsisters? Which threads are we gonna keep bumping? Sorry, just want to make sure I'm doing my part in the right places and no one is getting back to me in the fudsister discord!

>> No.57000539

we're posted this in every link thread now, like we agreed to, but it's not working. why did fucking jared of all people do it? it's absolutely cringe

>> No.57000582
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That is the funniest fucking photo I’ve seen on this godforsaken site

>> No.57000842

actual effort went into this shitpost, bravo

>> No.57000948

Fellow advocates, we keep trying to do damage control but IT. JUST. ISNT. WORKING. People are starting to wake up!

What can we do? We tried
>asking people about their sex life
>telling people we bought in 2017 so it doesn’t matter if everything outperforms chainlink
>accuse anyone of being Thomas
>tell everyone to wait 2 more years

Nothing is working! What do we do???

>> No.57001054

Hello ChainLink Advocate,

The required steps to further the conversation can be found in the #Marketing section in the official ChainLink Discord. Kindly refer to the GitHub to learn more about the technology ChainLink provides to the space and its usecases.

Sandra Goodman
ChainLink HR Representative

>> No.57001091

I am a cuckold and i hold link

>> No.57001135

Activate the powerpoint slides!

>> No.57001228

>everyone except the people running all the fud threads in >>57000114 is an advocate!
>pls believe "us!"
so how many hours did you waste in the last year spamming biz with fud just to watch the pool fill up in a few hours? bunch of retarded losers lel

>> No.57001322
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>> No.57001959

Link tokens are simply not needed while l1 tokens are needed and used.
Nobody in the entire market uses chainlink tokens, infact they were designed for the purpose and intention of dumping

>> No.57001978

>Nobody in the entire market uses chainlink tokens
The price feeds have since 2019

>> No.57001991

>Wow it's so amazing when billion dollar hedge funds pump their bags! You fags are about to get schooled.

>> No.57002284

Can you fuck off? You're ruinning our threads.

>> No.57003041

You mean the free subsidized oracles sergey gives out because he cant get anyone to pay? The oracles hes so desperate to sell that hes even willing to accept bullshit worthless shitcoins (build)?
>p..pay up
>sorry.. No thanks, well just switch to superior faster cheaper PYTH oracles LOL
Hows that CCIP revenue doing btw? Did you guys make $150 today? Wow amazing! keep at it in believe in you!

>> No.57003045
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lots of people sold or dismissed LINK during its 6-7 dollar crab phase
then suddenly it goes over +100% within a few weeks, making some people REALLY nervous about their decisions

note that the recent "dump" wasn't something sudden, it is part of a regulated and transparent process that has been taking place over the past 1.5 years
people just want to find anything to rationalize their mistake, these threads remind me of swingie coping in 2019

>> No.57003058
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>free subsidized oracles
big oof

>> No.57003113

Take your fucking meds, man. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.57003150

Im happy, really. For a long time i had come to think i was calcified, stiffened. Couldn't change or feel. My rectum too keratizned and roughshod to transmit pleasure or pain. But by holding link i felt it once again, that sweet sting. The burning. Searing pain deep inside my ass up my back to behind my eyes. Wordless agony as nothing exists but the alarmed flesh around the stiff member. Holding link makes me know im still alive.

>> No.57003152

Your chart shows how chainlink did 100x (0.20 to $20) when it wasnt being dumped, and ever since the dumps began the upward momentum stalled, unless you count $20 to $50 as good PA, during the entire bullrun when every other coin 10x -100xed and meme coins were 1000xing.
You gonna continue to push the narrative that dumps dont effect the price? Completely Ignoring basic fundamental market principles of supply and demand?
Gonna keep comparing links inflation to l1 blockchains which have massive user demand?
I keep pointing out how this is a false comparison given that nobody buys link tokens on the open market to pay for oracles, its given freely by sergey, because if he didnt subsidize it nobody would use them and would instantly switch to cheaper competitors.
Meanwhile there is a ton of buy pressure on eth, avax, sol, matic etc by ALL users of these chains, want to interact with any smart contracts? Pay up! Wanna stake your erc 20 link? You gotta pay up to the eth chads, you gotta buy 0.02 eth from the open market FOR EACH AND EVERY TRANSACTION.
Can you not see that this means there is massive demand and upward pressure for these chains? It is organic inbuilt demand, chainlink has absolutely none of this, nobody has to buy a single link token to do anything. This might change with CCIP (2 more years lol) but as of right now having 14% inflation on a useless token is just adding fuel to the fire of bad price action and is utterly devestating to all holders of this token.

>> No.57003181

>0.20 to $20 when it wasnt being dumped
lmao Sergey was dumping hardcore during the run-up to $20, newfren.

>> No.57003208
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>company paid 800k usd to chainlink labs
So Uhh where does the link token come in? LMAOOOOO
Link stakers alone paid $200k in eth simply to move from V0.1 to V0.2, this is one transaction for one protocol on one erc out of tens of thousands. Are you beginnng to see the vast difference between public blockchains vs backend oracles?
So some companies can make deals with chainlink and give them shitcoins or usd for services, yet nobody is buying link from the open market, if they are even touching link, sergey is just giving it to them from his premine stack.

>> No.57003220

>where does the link token come in?
Paying the nodes

>> No.57003235
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Somebody once told me: "link is gonna pay me"
He ain't the sharpest poo in the shack
He'll be looking kinda dumb when Sergey starts to dump
In the year 24 on his forehead.

Well, the dumps start comin' and they don't stop comin'
Fed to the wolves and he hit the ground buyin'
Didn't make sense not to stake for fun
His brain got smart but his head got dumb
So much to lose, so much to stake
So what's wrong with Serg's brapheaps?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow!

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, Serg' gets paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now, wait 'till you get older
But the Chainlink cucks beg to differ
Judging by the hole in their E.T.H. cipher
The LINK they stake is gettin' pretty cheap
Sergey's gettin' warm and dumps a big heap
My LINK's on fire, how 'bout yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, don't get paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

4x (go for the moon)

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, don't get paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisteeeers

Somebody once asked,
"Could you spare some ETH for gas?
I need to sell my shit before this debase"
I said, "Yep,
what a concept
I could sell a little link myself
and we could all use a reward exchange"

(first verse)

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, don't get paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

>> No.57003238
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Its literally on the chart, you can read charts, right newfag?

>> No.57003268

So sergey trades x amount of link from his 350m node incentivization stack in exchange for celos shitcoins, cool so where does a single link ever get bought from you in the open market?
Celo is not buying $800k of link from binance, they are getting it from chainlink.
So in short, its just stealthily adding more link to the circulation

>> No.57003279

Well the chart is wrong lol
He was dumping weekly all through the massive pumpage of 2019 and 2020.

>adding more link to the circulation
Yes. 11% this year.
Compared to 16% for Solana and 17% for Avax.

>> No.57003303

>So sergey trades x amount of link from his 350m node incentivization stack in exchange for celos shitcoins
no, no LINK gets exchanged. that's the point literally no LINK is used.
they pay Chainlink and Chainlink then subsidizes the nodes from the premined supply. The Nodes dump LINK to pay for themselves. meanwhile there is only one way for $LINK to flow.
>Sergeys asshole
>Linkholders mouths
that's it, you don't need to buy LINK at all to use their services.

>> No.57003338

>no LINK is used
>Chainlink then subsidizes the nodes from the premined supply

Choose one

>> No.57003359

Cant compare link token inflation which has no demand to l1 blockchain inflation which actually have demand for their tokens

>> No.57003372

I think my argument was clear enough. No need to get autistic about it.

>> No.57003378

>Cant compare link token inflation which has no demand to l1 blockchain inflation which actually have demand for their tokens
Avax user fees generate $1 million per month.
That's 0.05% of Avax's daily trading volume.

>> No.57003394

Its effectively the same, the node operators have always been subsidized, sergey gets paid shitcoins and usd, the protocols get their oracle bill paid for, everyone wins except you holders who are effectively paying the tab of all these protocols. You are a philanthropist not an investor

>> No.57003403

>link is shit compared to other coins
>no you can’t compare other coins with chainlink
Why are fudders like this?

>> No.57003484

that's bad but still infinitely better than LINK, where user fees constitute 0.0000000000...% of daily trading volume

>> No.57003490

The difference is that the blockchain users all pay for their usage directly from the open market, avax is not sending tokens from their premine to every user to pay their usage.
If you want to use or interact with the avax network you simply HAVE to buy avax from uniswap / binance etc to do so.
Sergey could have fixed it by requiring everyone to buy their own link, but that doesnt work for oracles use case, since link price going up is a negative hindrance to this utility and would result in a loss of users.
The tokenomics are simply broken thats it.
Link token holders only option is to hold and wait for 20+ years until this might change when sergey eventually runs out of link

>> No.57003529
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>comparing cryptos price actions is the same as comparing differences in how the protocols operate
Retard alert