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56996940 No.56996940 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.56996957
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>> No.56996965


>> No.56996976

Fucking fatass Sergey. I’m out, I’m selling all my link and buying avax or solana.

The nigger couldn’t even have waited for the bullrun to start to dump millions of link

>> No.56996994

I know we like to poke fun and everything, but linkies honestly don't deserve this, most of them seem like decent dudes

>> No.56997014

>most of them seem like decent dudes
No they don't. All link holders are insufferable faggots that fit right into the rest of the retarded crypto fanboy sphere.

>> No.56997037

What are you talking about retard? The only insufferable moonboi faggots are paid advocates like chainlinkgod and 99% of linkmarines hate him for that same reason. He keeps defending the team’s shady actions because he gets paid for it.

They’ll be in this thread any minute now, just wait and see.

>> No.56997060

Okay linkie

>> No.56997072


>> No.56997077

At this point I don’t even want to be a linkie anymore. Fatman keeps dumping millions of link and we don’t know where the money is going. At the same time he stopped wearing the cheap flannel and now wears expensive armani suits.

Where the fuck is the money going? Why does he keep dumping so many links?

>> No.56997128

Everyone already knew about this, why are you surprised?
If you still buy/hold Link, you're stupid.

>> No.56997290
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Remember Linkies
The pools closed

>> No.56997318

I bought at 5 earlier this year and solded at 15. Linkies here hate that chainlink is just another shitcoin to swing trade for a 2-3x, nothing more.

>> No.56997382
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Ahh sweet, im gonna buy so much more!

>> No.56997441

You'd be a fool to hold this while everything is going fucking parabolic again. MATIC was one US penny a few years ago, closing in on one US dollar. Contrast that with stablelink which didn't budge

>> No.56997455

This fat Russian fuck waited till staking pool was filled before dumping. Wtf does he need all that capital for

>> No.56997489

This is a long term hold and Link has moved up 10 ranks already. Go keep chasing shitcoin pumps of the month and lose all your money. Unlike those Link is here to stay and will outperform the rest of the market in the long run.
>Selling the god protocol for a Pajeet scam.
That's biz for you

>> No.56997507 [DELETED] 
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your guess is as good as mine

>> No.56997591

Fuck you advocate

>> No.56997873

>dumps a million link tokens
price barely moves

>> No.56997881

yes exactly
they slowly dump it, this is why when every other coin is mooning link goes nowhere or goes down 2%. they dump in intervals when liquidity is high and it squelches all momentum up

>> No.56997909

but who is buying it then?
thats many millions of dollars, and biz doesnt have that much money
and according to those other threads, normies on twitter dont like link either?
so who buys up the supply?

>> No.56997919

because someone is always willing to buy. there's a reason why link was in an accumulation range for 18 months. there's a reason the price didn't move at all when the ftx hacker market sold millions of link during the most bearish period ever. there's a reason why 20 million link got staked in 5 hours. you'll figure it out.

>> No.56997941

so basically theres someone out there with a lot of money buying a shitload of link?
ill chuck some money into it myself

>> No.56997999


>> No.56998166
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>I’m selling all my link and buying avax

Avax dumps more tokens than Sergey lol

>> No.56998193

This is proof dumping tokens means nothing. But Fuddies with latch onto anything that makes Chainlink look bad. Cry harder

>> No.56998199

Holy shit I thought OP was a fudding jeet but he’s right
Almost 8.2 million LINK transferred to binance.

>> No.56998217

You are OP retard.......

>> No.56998233

Actually bullish. CLL was asked to provide luquidity for imminent CCIP release...

Banks are scooping millions of tokens at discount prices...

>> No.56998296

so how's your sex life?

>> No.56998464


>> No.56998634


>> No.56998639

Clearly not that many people as the price falling necessarily suggests the selling exhausts buyers.

>> No.56999848

He literally said yesterday on Nasdaq that they’re in pilot phase. Pilot = Test, no real tokens needed. Production in ‘25

>> No.57000837
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Justin Sun just took 127k link tokens off Binance…it’s happening

>> No.57000915

Investing in Premined shit has it's consequences

>> No.57000990

More money more problems, no doubt, and mad bitches, for real.

>> No.57001010

pilot means live production test

>> No.57001030

it's not that hard. chainlink is a company. when a company makes money, it reinvests that money to make more money. chainlink makes money by selling tokens. therefore, they reinvest they money they make from selling tokens into ways to sell more tokens. it's been said countless times, but that's just star citizen all over again. the only remaining step is for token buyers to accept it, which they can't, because admitting that you are the sucker takes courage and self reflection

>> No.57001063

good, i hope they dump 10x more, no amount of suffering is enough for stinky linkies, they stinky up the whole catalog everyday, bunch of niggers

>> No.57001074

>Muh star Citizen
So what about AVAX? >>56998166 Avax has 50% of its total supply circulating, just like LINK. It's diluting tokens at about the same rate as Chainlink. Seems like a very normal practice that doesn't prevent tokens from pumping.

>> No.57001088
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>> No.57001095

Usually vc's dump the premines on retail though, not the founders.

>> No.57001137

>b-b-b-but it's different for Chainlink!!!

>> No.57001190

so you agree on what's happening but say that there might still be some scraps left over for token buyers, only the last guy loses? that's probably true, but it's important to understand the game you are playing. recognize the smokescreen of "revolutionary tech, adoption any day know" for what it is. every journalist knows it, you follow the money, and that's selling tokens

>> No.57001245

>the smokescreen of "revolutionary tech, adoption any day know"
That smokescreen applies to all of crypto.

>> No.57001422

it applies every time a company wants you to buy their tokens,they are just marketing to their target demographic: amateur tech enthusiasts and poor people that don't know better. so strictly speaking, it doesn't apply to btc or or things like dexes. is that your argument though? yeah i'm falling for some marketing scheme and give a company real money for something they pulled out of a hat, but everyone does it, so it's... fine?

>> No.57001621

>it applies every time a company wants you to buy their tokens
Like I said; all of crypto.

>> No.57001648
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>> No.57001733

I cant even tell if this is satire or not anymore... Link is a catastrophe

>> No.57001764

>the CEO of bitcoin does sales

>> No.57001810

He definitely wanted people to buy, yes.
And do you really think he sold zero coins?

>> No.57001824
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It's over bros, Chainlink has now entered bear market. The markets will recover and go up forever while Chainlink slowly slides into oblivion. The Great Reset is cancelled, linkies will not inherit the world and we won't be their slaves. Ii-i-it's over for linkies.. they can never win now.

>> No.57001855

>chainlink starts second staking term
>everyone trapped in stakes while sirgay nastyslob dumps a hot creamy streamy shit on binance

>> No.57001914

literally nobody is paying for chainlink.
sergey literally set the entire thing up to crash all of crypto. he subsidizes the network by dumping on stinkies, meanwhile no competition can arise because nobody can compete with a free service. EVERY CRYPTO PROJECT RELIES ON CHAINLINK TO FUNCTION.
but it has no reward mechanism. nothing. once the subsidies run out (meaning dumb retail buyers) the entire system crashes.

truly a smart (and extremely evil) con-

>> No.57001946
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>literally nobody is paying for chainlink.

>> No.57001980

>implying CELO is payment
yeah, lemme just print some shitcoin and pay for chainlink services

>> No.57001998

lmao cope

>> No.57002044

They're not buying LINK on the market, they're giving token they printed out of thin air to fund the whole operation. It's free to them.
I'm having difficulties grasping why you retards don't understand that the whole BUILD stuff insures there is 0 buy pressure.

This leaves the entire LINK tokenomics being about dumping on retail to finance CL. It's made worse when the pool is closed because they don't even have the incentive to buy in order to speculate on receiving some shitcoin in the future.

>> No.57002077

No it doesn’t retard, swift piloted. That was a TEST NET. Fuck, you chainlink shills are so fucking retarded

>> No.57002138

it's literally what i described.
they're using this whole shitcoin casino to launder/steal money with the promise of some decentralized "fair" financial system while keeping it propped up with hopes and dreams (retail money buys link that is sold by "node" operators and Chainlink "clients"). if the retail money for LINK dries up, guess what ? nobody is going to keep Chainlink alive and the entire system reliant on Chainlink data goes to smithereens and the entire crypto market collapses while they made out with the money (read "value") they stole from retail.

>you will own nothing
>and you will be happy

>> No.57002147

by they i mean all kinds of shitty glownigger crooks, not just chainlink.
chainlink is just set up by the glowniggers to destroy crypto.

>> No.57002163

nice retort, nigger
retard advocate btfo

>> No.57002210

>crypto has no value

ok bro

>> No.57002250

You faggots sure love talking about chainlink a lot.

>> No.57002281

Retard, the value is entirely bypassing the LINK token.

>> No.57002286

>no argument
you sure like your wifes bull a lot.

>> No.57002289

>no arguments
I accept your concession

>> No.57002296

You faggots sure love arguing about chainlink a lot

>> No.57002303

>non sequitur
last (You)

>> No.57002333

I’m getting pretty tired of this shit.

>> No.57002513
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Nice try contracted fudders, however *sips hot choco* I see that Moving Average Convergence Divergence about to violently cross upwards on the ETH/LINK moving average. Not selling.

>> No.57002588

>It's free to them
It’s quite literally $850k

>> No.57002625

>made up token with made up value in made up fiat money
no, it's not $850k, it's 2 million made up tokens with a propped up price. there are no $850k there, it might just be a couple grand.
for all of this shit to work you need retail money. there's literally no usecase except fleecing retail. Smart Con.
If they would ask for X amount of $LINK instead, that would drive demand. instead they are supporting the CELO ponzi by doing this.

>> No.57002655

>made up token with made up value in made up fiat money
wow, take THAT, all of crypto!
And fiat!

>> No.57002683

fuddies have resorted to "all crypto is worthless heh"
lol ok

>> No.57002693

now why would Chainlink use a system that doesn't push their own ecosystem and instead the clients ? either sergey is a cuck, retarded or malicious towards LINK buyers. maybe i'm not seeing the good position here, but i'm sure you could elucidate on that.

>> No.57002708

>pink ID
Stop speaking, retard.

>> No.57002745

>a system that doesn't push their own ecosystem and instead the clients

>> No.57002839

by letting CELO pay in CELO instead of LINK, which token gets more use ? which one appreciates in value due to giving its users value ? in this equation $LINK is not used but $CELO. $CELO gets the value of being secured by Chainlink oracles but $LINK doesn't even exist in the equation.
$LINK is however used by the Chainlink team to found itself and pay for the Chainlink oracles. Therefore what gives $LINK value in this case ?
The hopes and dreams of the $LINK hodler/buyer and literally NOTHING else.
Now maybe this doesn't apply to the entire Chainlink ecosystem but in this particular case it does.
Linkmarines are literally propping up the entire DeFi ponzi. And I don't want to come off like a BTC maxi but BTC is somewhat exempt from this.

>> No.57002912

>appreciates in value due to giving its users value
lol so when Celo dumps tokens to pay for development, they’re “giving its users value”.
But when link does it, hoo boy

>> No.57002967

let me make it more clear for you brainwashed retards
$CELO pays for a service to increase its use case and therefore appreciates in value for its token holders
$LINK gets dumped on retail

tell me where $LINK will appreciate in value. literally the entire Chainlink ecosystem as far as I can see is propped up by dumping $LINK and after over 6 years there is still no end to this in sight.
Do you understand what I'm getting at ?
Sergey has gotten the entirety of DeFi hooked on Chainlink while Chainlink is entirely unsustainable currently. If Chainlink doesn't become self sustaining the entirety of DeFi blows and after 6 years no sustainment in sight ?
I think Sergey had other plans than to get this shit to work and I think the plan was never to "take over" DeFi or Crypto, but to KILL it.
How ? Make the crypto system dependent on Chainlink and then pull the rug.

>> No.57002968

Celo gets a service that propels the value proposition of their shitcoin. When CLL accepts Celo to pay for its service it does the exact opposite to LINK.

>> No.57002980


>> No.57002990

>paying forservice good
>receiving money for service bad

You really haven’t thought this through.

>> No.57003010

>Chainlink = valuable
>$LINK = not used
I'm literally explaining to you that token not needed except for funding Chainlink. it is not a utility token, despite what Sergey calls it but a premined shitcoin dumped on retail.
capiche? read >>57001030

>> No.57003024

tl;dr: if you buy $LINK you pay for Chainlink but get no service in return.
the service goes to DeFi scammers
if you buy $LINK you are literally a cuck

>> No.57003027

I don’t get it, what’s the point of subsidizing projects that can’t even pay for price feeds?

They’re unprofitable companies, if they had a good business model wouldn’t they be able to get proper funding and pay for oracles?

>> No.57003104

Bitcoin miners are like 96% subsidized, what's the point of subsidizing Bitcoin users that can't even pay for transactions?

>> No.57003129

I don’t get it, I asked something about chainlink but you’re answering with something about bitcoin the OG coin whose incentivizing design is hardcoded.

What’s the point of subsidizing projects that can’t even pay for price feeds?

They’re unprofitable companies, if they had a good business model wouldn’t they be able to get proper funding and pay for oracles?

>> No.57003136

If your concern is subsidization, then your concern applies to virtually all of crypto. Including Bitcoin.

A Chainlink thread is a bizarre place to voice this concern.

>> No.57003141

When Chainlink supply is fully circulating and there is no more tokens team can dump on us, then we can finally pump

>> No.57003153

>>$LINK = not used
Link nodes can't do anything without the token, even if they wanted to.

>> No.57003178

is BTC free to use ? do you pay for a transaction ? same for any other crypto project ? for most the answer is no.
is chainlink free to use ? yes, at least the value does never flow into the token.
THAT'S the difference. whether you use BTC, ETH, AVAX or whatever to do transactions/smartcontracts w/e, you pay with the token.
Chainlink? Token? Oh that thing we did as "funding", yeah, pay us in whatever, who cares about our ecosystem, we just pretend to, to scam our (not) investors.
Imagine the USA going
>Hey, that Petrodollar thing ? Ah whatever, just pay for oil in Rubles, or used cars or something and we'll use the Dollar to keep your trade routes safe
That's what Chainlink is doing in a nutshell

>> No.57003186

coin needed
token not needed
It's that simple.

>> No.57003189

>if chainlink is a scam then so is every single crypto
please don't associate me with your bullshit using such a non-argument

This is a bizarre and dishonest equivocation. Go fuck yourself cult faggot.

>> No.57003200

I don’t get it, you wrote a lot of words but didn’t address my main point.

>A Chainlink thread is a bizarre place to voice this concern

I don’t understand, you’re an advocate you’re supposed to answer questions from the community regardless of the medium where they’re asked…

Isn’t that what you get paid for?… what’s even the point of you being an advocate if you can’t even answer a simple question?

We need new advocates

>> No.57003203

and they are paid from premined supply.
again, $LINK buyers fund Chainlink but get literally NOTHING in return while the service they fund is literally free for anyone.
yes, you have to pay for an "integration" if you don't want to or can't do the coding work yourself but no $LINK needed there.

>> No.57003234

>and they are paid from premined supply.
You said it wasn't used.
Now you're saying it is used, but you don't like where it's coming from.
Nice goalpost move lol

>> No.57003277

>this level of pilpul
anybody can read what i wrote before, i'm not going to engage with this disingenuous shill

>> No.57003301

>anybody can read what i wrote before
Yes, let's
This you?
>>$LINK = not used

>> No.57003302

I don’t get it, he’s not answering the questions. Why is he not answering the questions? Isn’t that what he gets paid for?

Is there anywhere we can complain about advocates to the chainlink team? These advocates are causing panic and negative sentiment about the project.

>> No.57003307

it would be less sad if they were paid, but what's usually going on is that poor people spend their time online defending their choice of token, essentially becoming an unpaid member of the marketing team. at least it's wfh

>> No.57003315

>taking some shit out of 15 posts out of context
yes, that's me, now suck my dick and KYS faggot

>> No.57003321

>people spend their time online defending their choice of token
You think that's bad, there are people who spend their time online attacking other people's choice of token.

>> No.57003340

>being this defensive about it
but it's ok, not everybody can admit failure to themselves.

>> No.57003353

I’m pretty sure chainlinkgod and fishy get paid over six figures a year as community managers. You can find info about salaries in glassdoor.

It’d make sense for them to defend token dumps as that’s where they get paid from.

They’re not answering questions from the community members, however. What’s the point of having them in these threads then?

Is there anywhere we can have a vote to fire them as advocates?

>> No.57003373

seems to me like the first group just gets mocked for sport by bored anons, but i can see how someone might take that personally

>> No.57003389
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>Is there anywhere we can have a vote to fire them as advocates?
maybe if francisco gets ahold of sergey

>> No.57003402

>La la la, I'm not listening

>> No.57003412

i guess it makes sense, if you are in the business of selling tokens, you don't want competition from previous buyers. so it might make financial sense to invest some money to keep long term customers happy, so they don't sell

>> No.57003459

4chan really needs a poll feature. I would like advocates fired too, they’ve been doing a shit job at communicating with the community.

>> No.57003749

Huh… advocates stopped shitting up the thread when the topic of a community vote to fire them came up.

Guess we can use that in future threads

>> No.57003815

it should come from the open market instead of otc deals with chainlink the company. you know, so the price can pump

>> No.57003921

I dont get why guys like you cheer the team on for stifling your investment though. In what world does that make sense.

At this point its hard to understand how anyone in good faith could be in favor of this

>> No.57003962

Im arriving at this same conclusion. And the whole dancing around it being a security is so stupid. Of course all of retail buys expecting a profit, and goddamn team depends on these token sales to fund ops. So why exactly are they fucking over investors? It sounds like the issue would be no one would their services if they had to actually pay…in which case, how will this business ever actually work

>> No.57004186
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>> No.57005008

Shills/advocates will chimp out but I'm unironically weighing up selling a good % of my stack. It's just becoming unbearable putting up with this shit.
This is what is mindblowing to me, there's only 2 options here:
1. They are absolute fucking retards who have no intuition of looking out for themselves and have developed an abusive relationship with Chainlink.
2. They are paid shills/advocates instructed to control the narrative on /biz/ and Twitter.

I know there's definitely examples of 1. out there, but I also know that we are definitely dealing with advocates. And let's get ahead of the advocate reply and say this: we can acknowledge what Chainlink is attempting to do with the BUILD program. We all know that it's aimed at early projects who don't have capital ready to deploy for critical infrastructure like Chainlink. We're just critical of how this actually works for token accrual value for LINK. Because from ever possible angle we can see it absolutely doesn't do anything for LINK. On top of that, all the defails of BUILD is a complete mystery. Has there been a single BUILD project that's actually given Chainlink their tokens yet? How would we know? There's zero transparency here and it's been over a year since BUILD was announced. What is going on?