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56991977 No.56991977 [Reply] [Original]

When midwits have a higher IQ? Midwits always end up making the foolish decision in the end, while the retard rakes in the dough.

Hmm, can't figure out the exact answer. Any takes?

>> No.56992005


It's called the Tony Soapstone fallacy.

>> No.56992009


>> No.56992035

Emotional appeal, esp to fear or anger. Basically clickbait.

>> No.56992052

Retards don't marry their bags, 125 IQ high midwits like me do

>> No.56992056

Retards are less sucbseptble to propaganda. They listen to their instincts vs their emotions like normies

>> No.56992063

I'm a midwit too but at least I roll my profits into fomo projects to further multiply the gains. I learned my lesson about marrying bags a long time ago. Some projects just wither and die, regardless of how good their tech or "how good the meme is". It's all about getting in and out of fads on time.

>> No.56992078

midwits are supposed to be closer to the 100 range, about 110

you overestimate the geneal population, like the guys who complain about having a 6.5 inch dick

>> No.56992111

Retards are humble enough to understand they aren't smart enough to know, midwitts get fooled into believing they are genuinely smart because they use the existence of literal retards to justify their superiority (which is garbage compared to actually smart people).

>> No.56992121

>be midwit
>just smart enough to follow directions but not to think for yourself
>don't really understand decentralization or any other technical aspect of crypto
>all your midwit reddit friends locking away their funds in "DeFi" platforms like Celsius and (((exchanges))) like FTX
>do the same because you're a follower and obviously everything (((they))) say is always right
>get fucking rugged in the bear market
>buy high
>sell low
>too pussy to kys but decide to spam /biz/ with nocoiner seethe until the next bull run
>be retard
>too dumb to follow (((directions))) so you just buy whatever you feel like
>get rugged constantly
>one shitcoin you buyed didn't rug though it went +1000000%
Simple as.

>> No.56992149

>midwits are supposed to be closer to the 100 range, about 110
lol no, keep coping midwit

>> No.56992151
File: 102 KB, 637x948, 20231120_172031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fears absolute pure retard strength

>> No.56992169

100 is literally the base standard lol

>> No.56992185

the market is a whore, its out to fuck as many people as it possibly can, thats its job. when everyone thinks alike everyone is likely to be wrong. the people on the edges rather than the middle might do better because they go into things before the herd

>> No.56992503
File: 497 KB, 1198x798, Upper-Midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True nightmare mode is 110-125

>> No.56992788

>Hahahahaa doggy! To the moooon!
>goes all in

>the memetics behind this dog coin have enough appeal to reach critical mass among the populous, netting me a 10000X. That's all money is, is a meme, a collectable, a bubble that doesn't pop.

>Nooooo, your dog coins make no sense they're just a meme. What about Science(TM) and rationality? They aren't even peer reviewed. I must go buy some contrarian bullshit instead like silver while working 60 hour weeks at McWagies

>> No.56992828

Retards accurately see crypto as a casino, while midwits read elaborate justifications of why shitcoins have real value

>> No.56992867

if you don't marry your bags you will never get to 100x, if you're a retard you sell at 2x

>> No.56992929

As a retard, this sums it up nicely. Thank you for standing up for us tards against the midwits. They’re not nice to us and call us names.

>> No.56993900
File: 17 KB, 861x758, 1664374867462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When midwits have a higher IQ?
make up for what they don't have (height)
why do you think DC's most powerful characters are midwits? i would even use my XOR money to become a retard too, imagine the luck

>> No.56993952

110-125 is literally the make it range. Above that life's real problems start.

>> No.56993995
File: 149 KB, 1284x1414, IMG_9567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like how every hedge fund was turbo short going into the FOMC meeting this week and got ass blasted.
If you bet on SPX to close green this week, 4/5 days you made cash