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File: 213 KB, 1134x1134, IMG_2521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56985724 No.56985724 [Reply] [Original]

>wagie for 5 years in a factory
>13 hour shifts
>become the highest paid machine operator through hard work and determination
>work with boomer old lady
>she won’t shut up about Israel and then being Gods chosen people
>tell her “the only to the Father is through Christ”
>she tells HR I showed her my dick
>fired a week before Christmas

>> No.56985863

I choose to believe this story is real. Btw evangelical boomers should be considered Jews not Christians, like how all those pakistanis and indonesians worship Arab dicks and call themselves 'muslims', but arabs use them as puppets.

>> No.56985880

Is that what neets do all day? Daydream about being useful?

>> No.56985897


>> No.56986169
File: 75 KB, 766x481, IMG_2522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on I’ll try to find some better proof

>> No.56986183

gtfo lying faggot >>>/reddit/

>> No.56986185

Here’s a message from another girl that got fired right after me for calling the boomer lady a “tattle tale”

>> No.56986195
File: 81 KB, 761x396, IMG_2523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic

>> No.56986250


Well your 'christian' coworkers are evangelical jews and should fuck off to israel, all 180 million of the cunts (the atheists who worship jews should leave too, they are counted in that number). Burgerland would be better if this country wasn't overrun with people who worship jewish dicks all day.

>> No.56986357

I’m fired.
I’m unemployed.
I will be unhireable because “sexual harassment”.
I have to return all my Christmas presents.
I will probably lose my house.
I am the most antisemitic man on the planet Earth.

>> No.56986524
File: 304 KB, 556x680, 5f5db326d17699e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are the devils Children, the synagogue of satan. Non-catholics aren't Christian.

Anon accept the trials and tribulations that God sends your way. Bear your cross and remember soon it is our Lords birthday.

You may be able to show yourself unjustly fired depending on where you live.

>> No.56986563
File: 3.92 MB, 480x360, 170258350352462915.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this us real you need to lathe her oriental style anon

>> No.56986855

OP if this didn't happen it would definitely be worth your time and effort to sue your employer.

They will never be able to prove that you did and if you get all of your friends to testify the court will probably take your side. Especially since you are a dedicated hardworking man.

I would definitely file a lawsuit. You could sue for 500k or more. Do you want me to help you?

>> No.56986877

You can sue the employer for wrongful termination and defamation and you can sue your coworker for defamation. These kinds of incidents are what the court is for.

>> No.56986884

If you can prove that you are hardworking man of decent character and you can get most of your coworkers to support you the court will probably favor you. It's pretty obvious when women with repressed rapist ideology make claims like this that they aren't real. People are aware of women doing this now.

>> No.56986993

The lady’s husband is chief of police, besides that it could be the easiest wrongful termination lawsuit of all time

>> No.56987044

get back to work wagie! My doordash order isn't going to deliver itself!!

>> No.56987059

>The lady’s husband is chief of police
this isn't the 1950s anymore karen can go eat a dick

>> No.56987140

It’s small town Arkansas. It IS the 1950s

>> No.56987186

You can retire after you sue.

>> No.56987398

first one looks horrifying jesus

>> No.56987418

Shut the fuck up about it, I want to be able to afford Ozarks property without spending all of my California geld.

>> No.56987427

This is why you don’t talk to coworkers. Even innocuous comments are fodder for the crabs in the bucket.