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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56985128 No.56985128 [Reply] [Original]

In San Francisco the entire Union Square area is shutdown due to crime. Every. Single. Store.

How long will businesses in big cities last if they don't crack down on crime?

>> No.56985155
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Reminder it's corporations' fault for creating food deserts, dey raycis

>> No.56985167
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>> No.56985172

Why are south american girls so slutty?

>> No.56985200


>> No.56985455
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Chicago Democrat here...we'd rather all the stores shut down than admit we were wrong about EVERY fucking urban policy. WTF?

>> No.56985470

Basic courtesy, if you see someone stealing shoes, no you didn’t. They might not be able to afford shoes and that’s why he’s stealing 3 pairs of jordans

>> No.56985481

the extremely high end stores that have armed security are mostly still in business. its everything else that is closing, Powell is dead as fuck.

>> No.56985485

Do these people not see themselves as savages?

>> No.56985490

>Powell is dead as fuck.
That's where I was, from Union Square to the turnabout on Market there are zero stores.

>> No.56985491

that would involve having an IQ above 80

>> No.56985508

it was super busy not even 4-5 years ago
lots of restaurants and big stores.

>> No.56985510

>these people

>> No.56985524
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Things change quick.

>> No.56985559

She needs a BBC injection asap.

>> No.56985637
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Unrestrained by social convention or morality, undettered by law.
They see a store, they loot it, simple as.
These are no savages but ubermensch, to the unrefined eyes of the Last Man they are undistinguishable.

>> No.56985656 [DELETED] 

Packs of feral blacks roaming around freely, if the founding fathers saw how far this country has fallen. Pitiful.

>> No.56985659
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He's not even the most famous Colby

>> No.56986129

Are you calling them chads?

>> No.56986148

animals have no shame. it's why they shit, piss, and fuck in front of people and are naked all the time.

>> No.56986153

You can have public spaces or you can have niggers. You can only choose one.

>> No.56986259

Big cities need to collapse so sheep can be re-pastured in "smart cities"/corporate towns.

>> No.56986320

contributing to society is cucked.

Grift, scam and steal; the new way of the Stoic.

>> No.56986331

Are you so far gone that you think even niggers are a government psyop?

>> No.56986348

Wait, so he wanted booba, not money?

>> No.56986384

Maybe the founding fathers should have had better foresight and banned slavery from the Start.

>> No.56986423

untermensch, you fucking retard

>> No.56986444

I wanna see too no fair

>> No.56986880

Check /b/ later then lol.

>> No.56986916

I don't get it, did he threaten to do something to her if she didn't flash him?

>> No.56986935

hi i live two blocks away from union square and thats literally untrue
great thread

>> No.56987058

Crime is. Robots, AI, cameras and drones. You've been warned

>> No.56987067

No, women are just hybristophiles

>> No.56987087
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>> No.56987166

Fake vdeos like this piss me off. There is too much fake in world now

>> No.56987207

it's central american "humor"

>> No.56987354


>> No.56987394


I guess you're right this is what a healthy downtown looks like


>> No.56987459

lmao i was just at macys at union square
if i recorded it your would not believe how many people were out
such a weird obsession for people who have never visited the city

>> No.56987523

I was just there a couple weeks ago. A normal city doesn't have 90% of the stores closed with shit all over the sidewalks.

>> No.56987549

why did she wave bye at him lmao

>> No.56987598

This is just the beginning. Give generative ai just a little longer and shit is going to be wild. Rejoice in the fact that you will soon have video "Proof" about all the jewish babies that where thrown into ovens by hammas.

>> No.56987627
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>> No.56987632

I went to Chotto Matte last week in union square. Every ground floor store was gone. It’s nuts. Even our super super liberal friends said the state is about to get fucked. Both are in tech with positions that I would consider un-layoffable.

>> No.56987659
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Checkin dem dubs my nigga LeShawn sheeeeesh

>> No.56987678

75bps hike would be based af

>> No.56987730

so youve never been

>> No.56987738

I was at the Four Seasons next to the Metreon. Your city is a shithole.

>> No.56987747

I work near there, not sure why you are making this up. Macys, Apple, a few other stores are open only. A few more will let you in one at a time.

>> No.56987829

>not sure why you are making this up
Heavy real estate bags.

These cycles of urban blight and mass migrations aren't exactly new in America

>> No.56988061
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>> No.56988069

what a beautiful and noble animal

>> No.56988082

It literally saved her life.

>> No.56988242
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The whole place huh? Was there a couple years ago and they already had security guards at every shop and would only let in a certain amount of people. I guess the liberals got what they wanted.

>> No.56988254

Rap music is literally a CIA operation

>> No.56988255

By urban policy you mean thinking it isn't genetic?

>> No.56988265

senpai we just need more projects for the youth. Don't you think they'd rather be doing something better like getting educated? Your prejudices are showing.

>> No.56988268

lower nob hill isn't a real neighborhood. Its a fake neighborhood invented by realtors

>> No.56988310

lol made her get her tits out and took a pic. hilarious

>> No.56988325

>niggers a gov psyop
They literally unloaded them like a biological weapon and then forced their integration at gunpoint. It isn’t a psyop it was a forceful and hostile takeover.

>> No.56988414

Yes the poor slave owning aristocrats were forced to buy slaves

>> No.56988451

Most slave owners in America were jewish

>> No.56988690

Thanks anom

>> No.56988837


>> No.56988870
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>Jews are setting up niggers to be holocausted.
How do we profit from this, oh wait no more niggers.....

>> No.56988947

Ok, that is irrelevant to the original point
Or do you believe that Jewish slave owners were buying niggers, not for labor, but to destabilize American a hundred years after they weren't even alive?

>> No.56988983

Lmao the nig with the Louis bag dragging the entire display shelf with it

>> No.56989206

The niggers are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We white men who have failed, or the Asians, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that a nigger wouldn’t even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.

>> No.56989230
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Rofl great way to start my a-mornin'

>> No.56989330

>Maybe the founding fathers should have had better foresight and banned slavery from the Start.
study US history a bit more, pretty much impossible at that time. it sounds nice but would have killed america before it even started. this would be like starting a new country today but outlawing most of your factories. just be thankful that the western world eventually did outlaw slavery, hundreds of years ago. meanwhile in the third world it's still highly prevalent today.

>> No.56989386

Just do what New York did. The NYPD were basically given free reign for a time to wrangle every petty clown on the streets of places like Brooklyn with shit like stop and frisk, at least until the cartoonish amount of crime was fully dealt with to where people could walk at night without much risk and businesses could openly operate. Issue here is that New York for a time had people in office and power that actually wanted to clean up the place, and up until the last few years worth of retards did a pretty good job of it all things considered. Chicago by contrast is turned into an open air sewer on fire purposely. The ones who aren’t just stealing all they can from the city genuinely think Chiraq is a good thing because muh gentrification or some shit. Chicago will never have a Giuliani, thus this will never change

>> No.56989413

Why are you such a maidenless bitch?
You’re a disappointment to your family

>> No.56989430

must defend wahmens honor. soft wristed simp npc

>> No.56989504

Jews always commit evil through goyim then punish goyim for them when times change, see slavery, colonial exploitation (not colonialism), racism against niggers etc.

>> No.56989517

oh yes, it saved her from getting a slap on her hands lmao

>> No.56989552


>> No.56989598
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Don't you think insane, permissive policy had something to do with this?

>> No.56989712

Will never happen with democrats in charge. This is the liberal utopia.

>> No.56989744

Those are all white people gaslighting blacks, fucking retard. Notice how they all wear black everywhere and cover their hands and faces. Typical white gaslighting tactic to face bait but you can tell they’re who’re because the nose knows. Now get back in the Gaza tunnels faggot

>> No.56989753

You learn that from public school?

>> No.56989790

>Laughs in Portland
The city can't even get their own employees to return to their downtown offices for work.

>> No.56989797


Would you risk getting stabbed by a junkie for 50k a year?

>> No.56989832

>NYPD were basically given free reign for a time to wrangle every petty clown on the streets
Yes agreed. Stop and frisk fundamentally changed the expectations of what people could and could not do...and changed the course of the NYC.

>> No.56989887
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>Do these people not see themselves as savages?
A great question, and not necessarily a raysiss one...these people see themselves not as savages, but as the unfairly burdened "other." This view has been reinforced by the media they consume and the politicians they listen to.

I'm not agreeing, but pointing it out.

There are lots of "others," but the expression is different, some are inward facing, others outward facing--- Native americans drink themselves to death, white Kurt Cobains harm themselves...while blacks turn the hurt outward and fuck other people's shit up.

>> No.56989890

In some southern states 30% of the population owned slaves while the jewish population of those states was around 2%. How could that be possible then?

>> No.56989962


So you’re saying they dindu nothin?

>> No.56989989

might as well rename it Loot Locker

>> No.56990021

Look closely at his hands 8 seconds in.
They go through the glass case.
The vid is fake.

>> No.56990031

Democrats have ruined this city. This city gets worse every year and saw mass flight of wealth over the last few years, yet retard Dem voters double down and vote in Johnson who has somehow been worse than Lori.
The dozens of armed robberies a day on the Northside are not normal, but are the new normal that Dems have created.
Can't even get a damn gun to defend myself. Fuck this city.

>> No.56990862

Tired of this argument. As a nonwhite why should I be punished with niggers because some crackers wanted free farm equipment. Keep your cuck fetish to yourself libcuck.

>> No.56990933

I have to believe on some level they know what they're doing is fucked up. I think it mostly comes down to frustration and resenment at those who are better off than them. On some subconscious level I think they hate themselves and actually want others to put them in their place. So they keep lashing out more and more until that actually happens. It never seems to though. Society just tries to pussyfoot around the issues they cause by locking up clothing, closing stores, or whatever else.

>> No.56990948

>Do these people not see themselves
studies show that they fail the mirror test even to ages 35-45. experts say

>> No.56991175
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see pic related if you want to see their thought process

tldr they believe theyre robinhood

>> No.56991222

Ah, nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog-ass if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Nigga

>> No.56991255

what drives san franciscans (?) to be so gay and repulsive?
let's take just your reply
you could have said the exact same thing like a normal person
>i live two blocks away from union square, that's bullshit
instead you had to add gay lingo
>passive aggressive "hi"
>passive aggressive "great thread"
it's as if everything about your types is about being a little bitch
what drives this? unironically
i'm not even a burgerfat myself and i've traveled all around the world, the only people more irritating than your kind are newyorkers

>> No.56991270
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