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File: 21 KB, 1135x555, Buy-Solana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56973662 No.56973662 [Reply] [Original]

Since Solana seems to be going insane over the last few months and I'm seeing easy 3-4x returns on basically any project on there that looks half decent, let's share some easy gems on SOL at the moment.

>> No.56973699

Just missed a 10x on that shitty BoxDoge but happy with a few 5x on that insane dumb zoo coin on sol. Reminds me of BSC glory days again people are pouring money in and no taxes make it easy as fuck to pump. Op what do you look for in a moonable project I have had many empty bets

>> No.56973707

PUMPR will fly

>> No.56973777

MYCAC mooning. known team sticking around.

>> No.56973812

$MyCAC Pumping. Team is solid. Worth checking out. Could see this hitting huge numbers like WIF and Corn

>> No.56973814

MYCAC is pumping rn

Keep an eye on MYCAC

MYCAC is Green!

Don't sleep on MYCAC

>> No.56973861

How fucking stupid are you jeets, if you'd have posted once maybe someone would have a look

>> No.56975333

the funny thing is they are never ansver to op or anybody, probably bots

>> No.56975388

this cycle will bring the end to jeet shittoken scams on L1s. only retards play that game poors, and retards

>> No.56975464

>NEON: first ever parallelized EVM
>KIN: instant, free, private currency of the open source Code Wallet that spawned the "Only Possible on Solana" slogan

>> No.56975953

based this is the 100x project of Solana

>> No.56976045

ICP ia going to 20x.
Everything is incredibly comfy and it's already past the shitcoin phase of this bullshit.

>> No.56977500

All of them

>> No.56977610

this man speaks the truth

>> No.56977616
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How do I access sol network? I'm using metamask. Pls help

>> No.56977762


>> No.56977796
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>> No.56977810

Use phantom

>> No.56977939

What dex do you all use?

>> No.56978094


>> No.56978741
File: 24 KB, 527x523, santaEdition_wif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately, I've been more inclined to raydium. My trades appear better in DexScreener.

Tried jupiter and nothing wrong with it. (should be cheaper or best value) but harder for me to follow in dexScreener.

And to answers OP's question. I believe dogwif hats is the move.

>> No.56978776

The voice of reason in this sea of shit

>> No.56978786

Thanks - I'm in on Dogwifhate too. Are you using DS to monitor your trades? I just found the BonkBot telegram bot initiate and monitor trades.

>> No.56978990

Yes, it's okay.
Sometimes I will switch over to: birdeye

Never heard / use it. Usually keep telegram just for reading and soaking up alpha. Never used it to track.

>> No.56979139
File: 263 KB, 536x865, 1702523466952493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonk coin, you say? Ah yes, Bonk coin. It really was the revolution we never knew we really needed. Many scoffed at first, of course. Naysayers on /biz/ called it a shitty dogecoin knock off and many told me to get rekt. And inside I laughed, oh how I laughed, as they assaulted me with their ignorant scorn. I laughed like a demented submariner in a Lovecraft novel. Then, one day, everything changed. Everyone went stark raving Bonkers at the announcement of Bonk going to Coinbase. Good God! I had to warn the World! Bonk was leaving its eldritch lair of stygian dexhorror and was about to take the world by storm??!! What's that, you say? Mad times?? I should say! Ah yes, I remember once meeting a fella in, oh June '25, was it? Bloody idiot hadn't heard of Bonk. In June 2025. Still, pearls before swine and all that. I heard tales of Master Magicians muttering blasphemous incantations in the early days on /biz/ and have always denied being involved in the initial marketing campaign. Some times, when I pondered, I thought I must being going mad! Dreams of a final titanic clash, Bitcoin v Bonk, at the end of the Great Bull Run of 2025 invaded my darkest thoughts. Realists, of course, said I should just be happy with Bonk beating Shib. Oh yes, marvelous times. I profess I nearly fainted when I first realized the brilliance of Project Bonk and of the cunning minds behind it. Crafty buggers with that 100 Trillion max print run. I thought of writing to the Arkham Crypto Observer at first, of course, thinking I must warn the world of the Dreadful Bonkening that crept upon us, like some loathsome eldritch horror from the elder days, as described in the insane writings of the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. But then, one late night full of dark scrying and demented howling, I finally found the answer. Bonk wasn't an abomination, it was a gift! The rest was, of course, history.

>> No.56979224
File: 510 KB, 807x609, Hoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonk is live on CB

>> No.56979409

Do yaaaaa smelllllllllelelellllll what the BONK. IS. cOOkInG?!?!!!!

>> No.56980021

$MYCAC has already got me some decent profits, ready for another huge rally on it tonight

>> No.56980596

whats the consensus on guac?

>> No.56980774

Why? What evidence is there that it will?

>> No.56982302
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both because of the chart

>> No.56982456

are you all sleeping on SPL20 tokens?

>> No.56982652


Haven't seen an obviously play like this in years.

it's not often a project of this backing launches at such a low MC, will be 5x this price in 3 months

>> No.56982680

I have no idea how STARLAUNCH is not pumping at all...

>> No.56983383

DOBI started moving guys

>> No.56983399
File: 41 KB, 400x400, ygYI8zct_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2024 will be year of the dog, anon.
Dogs vs cats

>> No.56983438

money to be made for sure

>> No.56983747

Here's my current lineup:

Pyth and Jito were at the party and I'm sure I'll have them back in the lineup soon but this memecoin run is being too good.

>> No.56983918

>Reminds me of BSC glory days again people are pouring money in and no taxes make it easy as fuck to pump.
>no taxes
What does this mean?

>> No.56985350

lol it's so obvious

>> No.56986496 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56986645

SolDoge, still at around 1 million marketcap

>> No.56986770
File: 548 KB, 978x1019, 1673689244866221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribbit RBT

pepe of basedlana

>> No.56987157 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56987413

what about HONK?

>> No.56987583
File: 114 KB, 400x388, 1624069486719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOL projects are pretty fire indeed, there's this stupid coin called $CORN that's literally Solana Unicorn Kidneys made into tokens or some shit like that and still people are buying it and having a fucking 10x

>> No.56988295
File: 24 KB, 263x268, 1583165227065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this scam still pumping?