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56981045 No.56981045 [Reply] [Original]

How expensive is gf upkeep and maintenance?

>> No.56981077

honestly bro this bitch is costing me like $500 a month and this is with her calling me broke

>> No.56981089

Cheaper than a wife. And it's never enough. Good luck.

>> No.56981099

mine can’t be content just to chill at the weekend, no we HAVE to go out to some dogshit restaurant or go on some pointless day out

>> No.56981104

Depending on local costs, $600-800 a month plus double all your food costs.

>> No.56981113

I relish being single and I often enjoy buying things that would be absorbed doing frivolous things like "spontaneous day trips" and "vacation getaways" that women seem to require monthly, because jews told them they need to travel to live.
>inb4 incel
It's a choice and I am quite happy, seethe.

>> No.56981116

Mine costs 200 300 bucks a year for presents and I get it back with the presents she gets me
You faggots are all dating dumb thots or something

>> No.56981117

females have been programmed to CONSOOM

>> No.56981142

Get good at cooking and make her tasty meals at home. Mine is always impressed with my meals.

Do healthy, free activities together like hiking, cycling, running. Keeps her slim this way

>> No.56981162

Indeed. It seems they aren't happy unless money is spent during spare time.

>> No.56981258

I'm 35 and never had a gf

>> No.56981276

Are you very ugly or weird? Or both?

>> No.56981285

I have showered with those electric shower heads many times. Amazely I was never shocked to death.

>> No.56981309

Generally speaking it's why you earn money in the first place. To be reproductively successful. So don't be surprised it costs you everything.

>> No.56981328

My GF doesn't believe in marriage and is buying her own place soon.

I live at home so this is a pretty comfy set up.

>> No.56981357

>t. cuck

>> No.56981363

Mine makes more money than me.
My rent is cheaper than when I was single bc we split.
We split food, which actually saves me money bc I def eat more than her.
I go on trips and such, plus gifts for bday and Christmas. Ring is gonna be a chunk of change.
But she is pretty high net worth, so my being with her increases mine substantially.
All told it's basically a wash. If I didn't have her my life would be very different, but I don't think I'd have much more/less money.

>> No.56981368

$500-$900 per month and 2x $300+ gifts per year.

Last year I spent around $9000 on my girl, had to sit her down and explain that the economy is getting worse, so we'll be implementing some cost cutting in 2024. She looked at me with doe eyes, so I'm not sure if she understood.

>> No.56981371

Depends on a couple of factors. I would say the big 4 are in no particular order are...
1. Your capacity to manage any woman
2. The woman in question
3. The value of your time
4. Your emotional/psychological resilience.
As soon as a woman gets a foothold in your life she will get to work on trying to destroy you financially or psychologically. If she can't physically disable you, she can disable your will to resist her. That is how they work. I wish they didn't, but that's what they do. It all has to do with their biological need to maximize the value of a mate. So be ready for war. If you have a lot of psychological resilience and you are a stud mother fucker you can keep most women in line largely in perpetuity.

The big problem is, almost all women will misbehave and try to stir shit up in your life or impair your life in some way. This is where the value of your time becomes a big factor. If your time is very valuable, it becomes almost impossible to manage a conventional relationship because every incident your woman creates scales with the value of your time. If you're a broke loser, you can afford to deal with issues that will last several days or longer. When your time is valuable, you can't. Plain and simple. It's the same concept as mowing your lawn vs. paying someone else to do it. At a certain point it doesn't even make mathematical sense to mow your lawn.

When a girl begins to cause an incident, you either need to have other girls on the sidelines or you need to simply eject her. Those are the absolute mathematically optimal decisions to make. Marriage isn't even on the table because it disables the most efficient and simple options you have. Sure you could get her on a bunch of tranquilizers or pay for her to go do a bunch of shit to get her out of your way, but that is no way to live.

>> No.56981373


>> No.56981386

She's just not that into you. Probably off getting creampied rn.

>> No.56981388

Finally, some women are just bigger pains in the ass than others, but you won't know in advance with meaningful certainty which ones will be pains in the ass. So betting you'll get one that isn't a pain in the ass is a lot less optimal of a strategy compared to just working on your emotional resilience and your ability to manage women.

Ideally you get a girl that is an angel, you have the emotional/psychological resilience to be totally unaffected by the meager inconveniences she will try to impose on you, you will be good enough at managing a woman that an easy problem becomes even easier since she'll test you a lot less (or again test you with easier tests), and you'll keep your nuclear options on the table to preserve your value in the event you stumble and she takes the opportunity to try to slit your throat when you're vulnerable.

So to answer your question, it's an unsatisfying answer of "it depends" but the factors I've mentioned are the big ones and a woman can vary anywhere from cheap to life-destroyingly expensive.

>> No.56981392
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I'm Brazilian and I was scared to death of them when I was a kid, as we used a metal shower head (plastic is more common nowadays).

The funny thing is that I've never heard of anyone dying because of an electric shower, but I always see news of people dying from gas leaks in houses that use gas heating, even though gas heating is relatively rare here in Brazil.

>> No.56981402

about $700-$1000 a month give or take

>> No.56981405

Lol nope in fact the opposite. We've only been dating 4 months.

>> No.56981422

>As soon as a woman gets a foothold in your life she will get to work on trying to destroy you financially or psychologically
dangerously based and truth-pilled

>> No.56981435

Based hue

Post Rice and beans

>> No.56981459

Hahaha this post is based

I am just starting to date a girl now, and it's been pretty expensive, about $100-200 a date.

But had a 2.5 year relationship, about $10k per year.

To be fair, I only like to date poor women. It's a trade off, they're impressed with less, but they will never have money to even offer to split things.

I think high earning women are too masculine and manly though, it's a disgusting trait. Feminine women have never made more than $200 in a day.

>> No.56981481

Married anon here. Marriage more expensive than a top end escort staying all night twice a month

>> No.56981510

>in fact the opposite
You're getting creampied?

>> No.56981513
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My gf pays me.

>> No.56981532


>> No.56981533

I wish I was wrong, but it just comes with the territory. It's like sugar in fruit. It's bad, but if you want all the other healthy stuff in fruit, you probably will need to accept the sugar. It's just about managing things in a way that sense for your own approach to life. It doesn't even mean a woman will succeed or CAN succeed, but she will try to destroy you because she has to. She has to apply a merciless filter to every potential male in order to make sure that she is optimizing her survival and reproductive output and she has to continuously apply it which means as a man, you have to continuously resist it.

The ideal is that you effortlessly resist it, but some women are like the criminally insane who are walking around waving a knife in the air. You're like "put the knife down" and they look at you and smile. You're like "ma'am...put the knife down I'm serious" and then they start stabbing at the air in your direction. You're like "ma'am...this is your last warning, please put the knife down." And then they charge at you. They force your hand and that is where the breakup is required. I don't want to come off as cynical or woman-hating though, because again women come in all sorts of varieties. They all do this testing shit, but some will charge you with a chainsaw and others will just scratch at you with their fingernails. That's part of the game.

>> No.56981555

Having children ASAP will get rid of all these problems. The woman will be more seriously focused on the kids. Of course then you have a whole new set of problems. She'll transition from shit testing you to extracting everything from you; but as long as you make sure it benefits your kids its at least worth it.
>post partum depression
If the girl makes a shitty mother, the tables have turned and you have to demand better behavior and ultimately use the legal authority to take the kids and become a single dad if she continues to make unnecessary drama.

>> No.56981574

Fair play anon I laughed.

No, the usual romantic stuff and affirmations they throw at you when the going is good.

>> No.56981578


For a practice GF or real GF?

>> No.56981596
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2000 dollar one time cost, maintenance isn't much if you don't treat her too rough

>> No.56981637

bro just use your hand, this is fking pathetic

>> No.56981670

If you are chad $0. If you are normie then $10-30k a year. If you are beta incel then 100k+ a year

>> No.56981708
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There are cheaper options.

>> No.56981725
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You're correct, but it has to be stated that you don't want to have kids with just any woman hoping it will subdue that testing instinct. The worst case scenario there, which tends to happen quite often, is the guy has kids with a pain in the ass and the woman and also usually now her family use the child as a battering ram and bargaining chip to really sweep the guy's legs. This is the idea of escalating demands which happen typically from women, but with a kid they can REALLY dial this up and punish you for failing to comply.
Now multiply that by several times a week, sometimes per day. Every flaw, every misstep, can and will be used against you. The key takeaway here is make sure you have kids with the right girl. I have seen men reduced to charred bones in the wake of having kids with the wrong girl thinking it'd shut her sluttiness down, or she'd suddenly turn everything around and become mommy of the year. The logic was something like
>She just has a lot of anxiety, but if I make her happy, if I show her commitment, she will change and she will be great! I know she really wants a baby, so if I have a baby with her she'll be happy and she'll love me for it and everything will be like the Disney movies I watched as a kid :)
And lo and behold these men make the mistake of failing to understand these types of women will NEVER be happy. They are happy in the moment the needle goes into their arm, but as soon as the high fades, they need another hit. The guys dig themselves into a hole, deeper, and deeper. They shouldn't have even moved in with the girl and now they have a marriage, a mortgage, and 3 kids and they're doing 90% of the work while their 185 lbs. wife serves as basically the 4th kid in the family.

>> No.56981756

You are a based anon. I would like to be your bro

>> No.56981765
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I try to help where I can, when I can.

>> No.56981775

300 bucks a year?
nigga what

>> No.56981797

this is so damn true.
I get chill weekends with mine, but they really do love dogshit restaurants

>> No.56981810

>t. virgin
muh chad 0$

>> No.56981825

Jesus Christ its horrifying.
>wife serves as basically the 4th kid in the family.
seen it plenty of times.
I like your take about the chainsaw vs fingernails. Since shit-testing is standard female biology you really gotta find a way to calibrate it low.

>> No.56981836

a simp and his money are soon parted lol

>> No.56981855

wrong, the cucks are the ones getting married. State bootlickers

>> No.56981889

elaborate on dogshit
if you can afford it once a month to a fancy restaurant is good
I go out and pay 100$ for a meal for two with a bottle of wine once a month
but usually she helps pay
spotted the incel neckbeard kek

>> No.56981904

Not reading all that. Glad my wife is still skinny after two kids.

Tell me more about anarchy. Specifically how it's more stable than an ordered society and never gets crushed by literally anyone who puts in two seconds of effort.

>> No.56981938

whats up Matsuda

>> No.56981952


>> No.56981963

>It's like sugar in fruit. It's bad
what the fuck are you smoking
fructose is good for your health dumbass

>> No.56981984

You are wise as fuck. I’ll take what you said and put it to practice.

>> No.56981994

see: >>56981363

>> No.56982006

>And it's never enough.
Even though my gf reassures me and tells me its enough it never feels like it. I actually enjoy being a man and providing, but i just wish i could spoil her more. We live in different cities so when we're together it feels like I have to spend extra money on her. I can go through $200 per weekend easily just going out and doing stuff with her.

>> No.56982162

Depends on how desirable she is. A 4/10 gf can be dirt cheap and happy with anything. A 9/10 you're going to have to put effort into.

Honestly it's something that you should seriously factor into when aiming for a super hot girl. 6/10s are probably the best tradeoff.

>> No.56982352

ohh she understood. She's getting ready to fuck someone else on the side. you're fucked

>> No.56982442

Fucking old fags get out

>> No.56982505

I'm 31 and same.
They don't like me, but coworkers and professors all like me.

>> No.56982508

you sound like a bitter plebian who got dumped by extreme thots so now he thinks every girl is horrible.

>> No.56982530

>t. Not a chad

Sorry normie. Cope harder while I get pussy on demand whenever I want for free

>> No.56982539

kek you sound like a simp virgin that must defend wahmen online whenever he see's posts talking about female behavior. just because YOU personally have never experienced this doesnt mean it isnt a universal truth on female behavior most males that interact with more than their moms notice. talk to some chicks get laid (dont reply with lies you do) and have some relationships and you'll see how horrible a good majority of females are. now sit the fuck down and stop acting like a simp npc cuz you saw wahmen werent being praised and decide to gallop in on your donkey and save m'ladies online honor. fucking virgin behavior

>> No.56982546

your experience of girls seems to have been very bad. maybe you should have chosen better.

>> No.56982556

>when the practice gf calls you boring for never going out
>just took her to the beach, a restaurant, and amusement park last week
God, theres no winning. I just want to be a loner NEET again

>> No.56982561

i have been with a bitch. it hurt. then i got over it and now i have a nice gf. cope and seethe bittercel.

>> No.56982564

this is communism bitch

>> No.56982576

sure you have and you have a big dick and a million dollars and you're loved by your parents. top kek try harder larper

>> No.56982581

>talk to some chicks get laid
its clear now why you have such bad expierences. you are a trash pleb coomer who sees woman as sex object. now you are angry that the object hurt your feefees. LMAO.


>> No.56982591

cope seethe, mald.

you right now : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8MZBUoQt68

>> No.56982621
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9000$ for sex
I hope she is at least hot

>> No.56982646

Chilis, Applebees, pf Chang, Olive Garden, salt grass steak house. Also cheesecake factory

>> No.56982662

You're making a lot of speculative leaps there and if you introspect a bit, I think you'll see how absurd your assertion is. I think if you really wanted to look a bit deeper within, you would see you are saying what you're saying more because you hope what I'm saying isn't true because of the implications. And I forgive you for that. You can choose to live life with as much deviation from the truth as you can get away with in order to maintain a comfortable quality of life. That is your prerogative.
What I said above can be applied to you as well. My knowledge comes from a diversity of experience, not from dating a single type. It comes from having a vast social network of men and women who share their experiences with me and it all corroborates. That is before even getting online and finding even more verification. By variance alone, if you have 100 people eat shit, literal shit, at least 1 is going to go "you know what, this is pretty tasty." We can examine that 1, but he is a curiosity. When he looks at the other 99 people and says "heh, you guys must not be tasting this stuff right, it's delicious" we need to weigh that accordingly in the context of the other 99 who are like "yea it tasted like shit." But again, you can believe me to be anything you want to be, any fiction you can invent to help you survive. I don't live immersed in such falsehoods, but I understand the appeal and wish you the best.

>> No.56982710

I intend to marry without the state as a middleman
aka real marriage

>> No.56982797
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enough to turn me gay and cut off my penis, sell it and use the money to fill my XOR bags, it's that expensive

>> No.56982857
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My practice GF's upkeep costs are pretty minimal. Mostly the odd brunch and dinner that I make her split, it isn't too bad.
Maybe a real GF will be more expensive.

>> No.56982883

damn that dude could overhead press 95 lbs easy

>> No.56982919

mine unironically like Denny's, Olive garden, and random indian/ethnic restaurants.
I can afford it, and she does pay sometimes, but eating out at low/mid tier places is wildly overpriced these days

>> No.56982934

Chads don't have to spend a dollar to have a girl unless they choose to

>> No.56983111

>we live in different cities
oh no no no no
who's gonna tell him?

>> No.56983130

see vid in this post >>56982591 its for you.

>> No.56983198

the entire point of the post is about being careful with who you choose, smart guy

>> No.56983213
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Nothing I make her give me money to invest in crypto then I skim her profits by 30% because she has no idea how it all works only that line goes up.

>> No.56983266

>sugar in fruit
somebody Peat-pill this nigga

>> No.56983286

>Fucking old fags get out
That is the problem. I can never leave!

>> No.56983398

I actually didn't expect Michael Saylor to post in this thread. Wow.

>> No.56983489

sorry I'm just not going to dump my girlfriend ugh I know I know it makes you (demoralization chinks) mad

>> No.56983563

the cost is usually related to how attractive they are. ugly girls have much lower upkeep

just do what i do and shag hookers. seething normies will still call you an incel though.

obviously ugly and/or fat

>> No.56983582

you earn money because you need to to survive you tard.

in most western countries you can't just go innawoods and become a hermit. the man will find you and force you to take part in society and pay taxes.

>> No.56983650

As much or as little as you want as long as you're getting what you want. I recently split with my gf after dating for exactly 2 years. I spent less than $5000 on her including vacations, food, nails, hair, etc. This despite me making close to $200k per year lmao

>> No.56983652

>spotted the incel neckbeard kek
says the husband whos wife wears the pants.

every time.

>> No.56983714

>says the husband whos wife wears the pants.
says the virgin shudcel basment mommy milker gamer nerd.

>> No.56983770

Nah that isn't the issue. The issue is 15 minutes after she nodded and agreed with me she started talking about the European destination she wanted to visit next summer. It's almost like she is willing to cut out the small treats to leave budget for the big items. I keep telling her she has her priorities backwards.

>> No.56983869
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>or pay for her to go do a
english looks so weird sometimes

>> No.56983993

After reading through this thread I am actually glad to be a kissless virgin

>> No.56984445
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Very expensive, but you don't pay with money, you pay with your dream.

>> No.56984495

Survival is the most basic part of life. The other part is gene propagation. Which is much harder. I need money primarily for my family. I could survive on a fraction of my earnings.

>> No.56985792
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people will spend $1000 on a plan to pay for a phone instead of buying a $100 phone that works fine and putting $900 into a monthly payout term deposit that will pay for a texting and calling plan for that phone.

>> No.56985944

>4th kid

Oh my sweet summer child. Kids for the most part aren't walking liabilities and are extremely low maintenance. The wrong woman on the other hand is much worse than a 4th kid could ever be.

>> No.56986291

Introverted women cost as much as extroverted women. Instead of going out a lot you end up buying tons of doordash and shit because she never leaves the couch.

>> No.56986324

disgusting nu-male post, i wish i never had to read it

>> No.56986654 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56986949

I never went to see hookers in my last relationship so it was actually a net gain being in one. She was a dumb bitch but not as dumb as most and didn’t make me waste money on really dumb shit

>> No.56986973

I'm very good looking, but very autistic. I've also straight up told women I don't date sloppy seconds so ya. Missed my window to find a virgin wife

>> No.56987287

you don’t understand anarchy at all, anon, which is ok. language, for example, is an anarchist system which has functioned for thousands of years and still does. it has rules, but no rulers. if someone tried to declare himself the president of the english language, it wouldn’t matter.

>> No.56987362

You guys legitimately just need to date ugly fat girls who are not mentally ill. It absolves all the issues your average bizcel has with women. They’re loyal, willing to settle, won’t play games with you, grateful for you.

>> No.56987653

This is a trap

>> No.56987861

>shag hookers
isn't that the opposite of incel? voluntarily not celibate

>> No.56987885

I've accepted to not partake in gene propagation. just the thought of lifetime of effort. On the other hand I don't want to become an old man without any kids but its a lot of work

>> No.56988378

>we HAVE to go out to some dogshit restaurant or go on some pointless day out
Yes this.
And if you don't take her out she'll lose interest in you, that's just female biology.

>> No.56988412

you don't get it do you? she's going to fuck someone that's ready to pay for her priorities. She doesn't care about the economy you mong.

>> No.56988424

My wife makes 100k a year and I get to stay home and play with coins and my son.

>> No.56988438

Depends what model you get

>> No.56988546

It's not as bad as the incels on here will make you think. Take her out for mexican food once a week. Suprise her with a morning coffee from somewhere every 3 weeks. Do some shit with her on the weekends. Luckily for you being the man you will determine most activities. Women generally are content to tag along with whatever you want to do. Can do cheap shit like hike, go to a lake, go to the park, camp, binge watch a show, etc.

>> No.56988572

I don't really spend anything on my gf we just go out to eat maybe once a week and I give her lifts sometimes.

If your girl expects gifts and lavish spending then you're just being used. I understand a lot of unattractive guys get into this situation in desperation but it's better to make yourself more attractive and desirable so you don't have to be a simp or a jester to keep her attention.

>> No.56988597

How much you got?
that's what it costs

>> No.56988603

>How expensive is gf upkeep and maintenance?
This is why you don't give them lots of gifts upfront. Manage expectations, so they're more exciting later. Also try to get anal and throat action going early on so its more of an assumed standard.

>> No.56988611

>Get good at cooking and make her tasty meals at home.
No. No. No.


>> No.56988639

not me. Let the boy dream, anon

>> No.56988647

Fuck, this makes a lot of sense sadly and I can relate

>> No.56988660

here's where you're wrong. You can always escape society. It's that you're too comfy to really become innawoods.