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56976971 No.56976971 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>play league of legends

Surely theres more to life no?? What the fuck where did i fuck up

>> No.56977061


>wake up
>hug and play with my kids
>feed them
>fuck my wife

>> No.56977078

I dunno man, find a hobby.

>> No.56977102

I do this except i play Dota instead of league

>> No.56977114

>wake up
>play with my wife
>fuck my kids
>short link
>buy rose
>fuck op and his kids

>> No.56977117

I bought 2 hoverboards and yesterday took my kid to play @ the mall, it was fun. Today I am buyng a eletric scooter for my kid (I already got one) and will ride with him this weekend :)

>> No.56977135

how on earth can people still play league? The game peaked way back in season 3-4 and has been shit ever since. Please, for your own good, stop wasting your time with that dog shit game. if anything, atleast tell me youre a top 1% on the solo ranked ladder....

>> No.56977155

Actually like s7 i think introduced dynamic stacking dragon buffs and i think that was a good change

>> No.56977173
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Stop it, if you have a way of life that is not enough for you, just stop it and change. No that is not all there is to life, if you feel stuck and need to change, find a mix and balance that would make you feel better and satisfied with your life. I think that's an oversimplification of your life that you brought up because you feel unsatisfied.
I used to feel that way and trough meditation and deep thinking i arrived at the conclusion that my family was bringing me down, they didnt support my interests or care about my well being. My father is a stock broker, old and respected in his position, he constantly made fun of me for favoring crypto, and didn't ever try to teach me what he knew, and of course, he made fun of me when i lost money. I stopped talking to them, moved out, started learning how to properly analyse using dexscreener, cmc, markethealth, and even my investments got better. I am, all things considered, far more happy now than ever, even if my routine is still the same. I dont need them, i feel satisfied.
Maybe you should try to look for the same

>> No.56977191

good goy

>> No.56977197

Found the issue. Selling your finite time on earth to make Mr Shekelstein rich is soul destroying.

>> No.56977228


>> No.56977354

get rich so you don't have to work

>> No.56977423

you're actually right, that's probably the only good change they've made.

>> No.56977445

And just play more games?
I remember once i was between jobs for a few months.
I was the most depressed i ever was.
All i did was play until dawn then sleep till noon and play more, eat kfc and like shit. Smoke and not see any change for future.

Im not saying im really unhappy with work, but I am not sure if there is more to life than what im doing now

>> No.56977512

op how do you get out of iron? ive been stuck there for four months now :(

>> No.56977705

1. Keep playing . Practice makes perfect
2. Play strong champs, look at ones that can carry but are simple
3. Look up guides online for your champ
4. Dont feed, even if your team rages you to do something play at your own pace and mute them, dont die because you want to please your team, only die when you see value in it like u stun the enemy ccd adc etc
5. If u want also watch league gameplay of experienced players and guides.

I ignore most of this advice since i just main azir doe kek

>> No.56977818

I main syndra supp, the lane control bot is too good

>> No.56977946

Yeah but its a hard champ, if u want free lp just play nautilus

>> No.56978085

just quit before you get addicted. Quitting has improved my life by a lot. Also git gud

>> No.56978356

why do you retards play league when dota exists? dota will stimulate your mind because its basically chess in moba form for highly intelligent people

>> No.56978417

i hope ur atleast gm picking azir

>> No.56978440

Buy a clapped out motorcycle for 2k

>> No.56978451

What year is this?

>> No.56978696

Its just old people thread anon
Im 27

>> No.56978708

Inb4 diamond xD

I dont like dota, i just hate how it feels if that makes sense

Honestly best advice

>> No.56978829

i manged to quit that shit game years ago, just having flashbacks about the faker moments low elo azirs bring to the table

>> No.56978901

I cant quit, i keep coming back to it.

Even after my acc got banned i just bought another

I think its over, i was thinking about this, my mind is so adjusted to playin games its all i want, otherwise i feel bored.
I think being the first generation to grow up with access to gaming like that will make me the first person who retires only to play games. Its kinda depressing

>> No.56979000

i am lucky to have mates to play different team based games if i feel like gaming
grinding just for lp without the chance of ever going pro and being matched up with subhumans made it clear for me that this is not the way forward. if you dont enjoy the game then whats the point? its like quitting drugs or smoking - just find another activity to replace the void

>> No.56979041

>where did i fuck up
You mentioned work.

>> No.56979067

good advice incoming
stop nooticing
just life your like you didnt notice something wrong

30 y.o redpill nooticer who is now alcoholic with no gf while non nooticing friends have gfs and jobs

>> No.56979128

league of legends sucks dick. you fail every day its installed on your computer

>> No.56979148

you're the materialization of God's dream, stop bitching and fucking enjoy being alive

>> No.56979200

>wake up
>work your wife
>play with myself
>snort cocaine
>pump link
>teach kids how to wasd
>fuck my wife and your wife again
>astral project and fuck your wife one more time

>> No.56979242

I dont know what needs to happen in my life, when i dont play games (league mostly but sometimes other) itd like i dont have a reason to get out of bed.
I just worrk from bed and sleep. But for games, at least i get excited enough thinking about how ill get to get off work or get out of bed and play. I fear im too deep now

So ignore my problems and hope life fixes itself?

Funny u should say that, i usually rage quit, delete it then reinstall next day

>> No.56979386

The magic always wore off for me once I hit mid tier gold. It was like "okay yeah I'm probably good enough to go for platinum" but then I'd have to ask myself "why?" as that entailed spending even more time on a game I was quickly burning out on. The meta is just too damn repetitive.

>> No.56979410

You have 1 singular goal..quitting league of legends. I quit last december 27, and in that time I've increased my income massively, lost tons of weight, come to hundreds of conclusions, began doing my chores +cleaning room + making bed.
Literally just quit league, life really becomes so much better (just like you dream it does).

>> No.56979486

>ignore my problems
thats where you wrong
its not a problem

>> No.56979817
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deep down you want more but you're to comfortable

>> No.56979832
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>> No.56979916

no1 asked

>> No.56980012

You’re under 25, right?

>> No.56980103

Nvm I read itt that you’re 27
I’m closely getting that boat, I’m also 27
I know how you feel. I quit vidya long ago, just focused on working and learning trading.
I just started to get profitable in back testing after a year of learning.
I don’t have a gf, but go out on dates sometimes.
I’m lowkey lucky to be able to still live with my parents. I’ll move out next summer, but I expect the loneliness to kill me (literally).
I came to the conclusion that the point in life is to be part of a group, to be there for other people as others are there for you. To truly be part of a community (not discord channel tier “community”).
To matter to someone, to people around you. To know that your work is valuable to you and others.
Everything I just mentiond feels like it got thrown out the window these days.
The industrial revolution and it’s consequences.
People are selfish, don’t think twice about the person they just passed by. Coties are too big for our own good. Not that living in a village is better.

>> No.56980128

My brain is fried from cooding, excuse my grammar

>> No.56980174
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i mean if thats all you choose to do then yes

>> No.56980535

join a fighting club, preferably BJJ. BJJ guys are very friendly and there is a high level of camaraderie. Be aware that you will get tapped for the first 3 moths every single time be every single other guy. If you survive these first 3 months, that's where the fun starts.

>> No.56980589

I played league a while recently but figured researching crypto shitcoins was the way

>no gym because my work is a work-out

>> No.56981321
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every male must go through a stage in his life where he needs to physically take on risks, fears and challenges to his limits or he will not self actualize and remains a self loathing pathetic beta ..gym / exercise is not enough

>> No.56981364

Life only starts when you are rich. If you have to work for 40 years you're an NPC who exists to populate the world for rich people so it doesn't feel too empty.