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56976446 No.56976446 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so happy with their jobs? Is this the reason why American society is so advanced and peaceful?

>> No.56976459
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all these AI guys telling that they are satisfied with their jobs?

>> No.56976520
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And when I say "every time", I mean every single time.

>> No.56976543

there is simply no way that someone is this obtuse
its tiring bro, it really is

>> No.56976553
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""""Emily"""" Peck

>> No.56976563

I have an extremely hard time believing this.

>> No.56976585

It must be true, its on the internet!

>> No.56976627

Most have gotten a significant raise recently due to inflation, but they will forget about it soon because the raise is actually significantly lower than the inflation rate.

>> No.56976647
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, _5acaf0ac-d64f-4c28-b6ec-8b9bd7e6edcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bullshit

>> No.56976648

Originally I thought that this type of blatang lying was designed to humiliate - and maybe that's the case in some instances. Now Im convinced that articles like this are smesred around to convince the goy/lemmings that other goy/lemmings are happy thus activating the central controller in the goy/lemming mind. That is, the inability to resist thinking and believing what their fellow goys are thinking. If the other goyim are happy they must be happy too. So it's more of a desperate control effort than a humiliating demoralization psyop.

>> No.56976651

Bidenomics is working. Go Joe go! 4 more years!

>> No.56976658

>Guys it's time for the yearly good goy survey
>Everything less than a 10 or a 'strongly agree' is negative
>If we get bad scores we'll have to have a 2 hour meeting about it
>If we get good scores we can have pizza instead
>Doesn't everyone want pizza?

>> No.56976671

home office

>> No.56976686
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1685947285705783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally this

My workplace recently shared survey results where far an away every department gave shithouse scores for pay, indicated a hostile environment, and altogether had the lowest participation rates in the survey in the history of the survey

the survey company took this data, threw it in the trash, and made a slide for upper management that shows over 80% of the workforce is "engaged"

>> No.56976745

>you vill eat zee pizza and vee happy

>> No.56976762
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>> No.56976773

Was there ever any doubt?!

>> No.56977008

Sounds like you didn’t even get that pizza party.

>> No.56977195
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Work at home, that's basically it. I can do everything im supposed to do, while being comfy in my shorts, enjoying my homemade food, without having to interact with my stupid ass coworkers and with the added benefit that i can always check dexscreener, cmc or binance and trade while working. After i finish i just take a shower and then have the whole day for myself, no commute needed.
It basically got so efficient that even if you hate your job its far easier now to handle it

>> No.56977239

Academics make up shit and say it enough times then put people in white stimulation depriving rooms and ask them
It's not like they take the daylight away from your childhood so a normie will answer yes, and if you answer no well the doctor will take care of that before publishing

>> No.56977275
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How can I short workplace happiness?

>> No.56977316

The harsh reality is that Whites have left the workforce per capita at the largest rate we've ever seen. Millions of White Boomers have retired and quit their jobs during the 2021 shake up. The large amount of hires that have been touted by Biden have been by and large niggers and jeets. This slave class is more likely than White's to respond favorably to their employment because they are (1)coming from shitholes and (2)have jobs where the few remaining Whites are carrying them through the mechanations of their complex roles. This cannot last forever.

>> No.56977317

I make 400% more now, it’s hard to beat that.

>> No.56977387

You’re in the extreme minority. Most people get 3-5% wage increases during years with 7%+ (in reality probably more like 10%+) inflation.

>> No.56977436

>this cannot last forever
Why not

>> No.56977504
File: 1.52 MB, 2072x1554, IMG_4189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when a bunch of brown people attempt to take over complex systems designed by and for white people?

>> No.56977526

Wow. Yup its a kike...again...

>> No.56977534

Amerigoyim are cattle who exist to enrich their Jewish masters. It’s why they work so much.

>> No.56977558


>> No.56977623

Please stop posting this. Nothing else gives me as much dread and anxiety as realizing things will be falling apart in the next decade or so.

>> No.56977640

Has the world always been shaped by as much propagandizing as there is today?

>> No.56977995

>Nothing else gives me as much dread and anxiety as realizing things will be falling apart in the next decade or so.
Good. Maybe you should listen to that uncomfortable opinion and speak up about your concerns with people you trust in your social circle. The more we stay silent about the issue, the worse it's going to get.

>> No.56978097

What's funny is that any time I've brought it up recently people absolutely recognize that this is coming. But how do you fix that? Collapse and rebuild?

>> No.56978111

Millennials aren't bitches like Gen X and just do the fucking job and leave.

>> No.56978126

I'm not a pepper but it's ignorant to just believe things will stay as good as they've always have been.

>> No.56978135
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Why the fuck does the graph say US Consumers, not US Workers? It looks like Emily just screencapped a random chart and hoped her boss wouldn't notice.

>> No.56978149

It’s too late to stop it now. The browns nearly outnumber us and are being given management positions they don’t qualify for at disproportionately high rates. They will unashamedly treat white people with the same discrimination they’ve been told to expect their whole lives, despite the fact that they never actually experienced discrimination that didn’t benefit them directly,

>> No.56978183

Personally, I believe a new war is needed to remind people why competency is important.

>> No.56978190


>> No.56978230
File: 47 KB, 836x750, 1618837751820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Americans so happy with their jobs?
it's all the benefits

>> No.56978385

That's the entire point of the internet. Can't believe it takes this long for people to realize it.

>> No.56978736

Are you seriously doubting the experts?

>> No.56979024
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This was planned out a very long time ago. They were engineering them (so called PoC) to genocide whites. South Africa was a test market with ideal circumstances for what they intend for Europe and America. The only thing really standing in their way is that Hispanics generally don't see themselves as victims. In Europe, there are similar issues with Muslim populations. Both of these groups still have fairly strong Old World traditions and thought patterns along with remnants of the Clan system (in contrast with the "nuclear" family, which was an old psyop to atomize the family unit by breaking it down into immediate family). Right now, they are relying on blacks, but the problem is that they only make up 13% of the population in the US.

An important take-away for those reading:
>this has been an ongoing process for centuries
>just because you may have first noticed in 2016 or later doesn't mean that it is new
>they turned up the temperature of the water a little too fast, and you noticed it was boiling