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56976444 No.56976444 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56976448

lmao thats one way to cope with a financial loss

>> No.56976475

IDK but the dolllar is crashing hard brings a tear to my eyes!

>> No.56976514

People making fun of this deal but literally post it on twitter, fucking retards

>> No.56976547
File: 128 KB, 2100x786, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why is this shithole here then only worth 700k LINK?

>> No.56976555

>overwhelming majority of people have de facto less freedom of speech and free exchange of ideas because making an account is gay

>> No.56976559

X has been great lately. People are ripping on jewrats left and right.

>> No.56976560

unironically yes. letting something as globally used as twitter be thought policed by a few silicon valley SJWs is dangerous as fuck

>> No.56976605

"Free speech"

Until anyone can speak their mind about the jewish supremacy problem and the solution to it without the power of the state being brought upon them, we don't have free speech.

>> No.56976662

>free speech
>delete community notes pointing out MAGAcel lies


>> No.56976835
File: 93 KB, 711x773, 1626834212102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah it appears it is. Financial loss aside we can all agree that musk wanted to say whatever he wanted on the world's biggest shithole of clout and he paid for it. He can pass it as some grand gesture for humanity but he did it for himself, if he thinks its worth it then good for him. Its like the people who use dexscreener or any other free app to get information for trades and then complain when their investments fail. Nobody forced you to do it, and you can cope however you want but its what you wanted

>> No.56976882

He bought twitter so he could give us x. It is a gift to humanity.

>> No.56976898


>> No.56976903

Trips of Truth

>> No.56976909

It was fucking cheap

>> No.56976912

keep seething glowie

>> No.56977157

We got muh Alex jones and Top G back
>Jared Taylor is still banned.

>> No.56977205

>costed him $44b

what was that guy's problem?

>> No.56977213

yuroseethe lmao

>> No.56977242

Elong is such a fraud lmao

>> No.56977278

This. I see people noticing and commenting on niggers and jews everywhere. It's kinda based

>> No.56977289

it's worth more

>> No.56977300

a lot of rich people buy a lot of frivolous stuff. if spending 44 billion to shitpost was worth it to elon then it was worth it. he's become one of the most famous people in the world because of this, that has value to it too. and he can also amplify the message of people he thinks are interesting meaning he can help shape the public consciousness of the world by amplifying their message and getting people to debate these ideas.

>> No.56977312

44b and Still can't say nigger on Twitter and he has to kneel to bibi and the ADL
Meanwhile I can say nigger here and he could have bought 4ch for like $50 including yearly moderation team full salary

>> No.56977321

Freedom of speech*

*as long as Elon approves of what you say

>> No.56977322

>claims to restore free speech by buying twitter
>platform has gotten more porn and scambots than facebook

>> No.56977345

That is actually the real value. Controlling the information.

>> No.56977377

Much more than that.
We should all thank him for what he's done for the world. We are still on the precipice, but less so.
We can't go back to how things were during covid. It was going to lead to war.

>> No.56977543

>free speech
>grovels and apologises like a bitch after every single slightly controversial thing he says

He's a total faggot loser

>> No.56977563

Yeah but at least I can rip on the chosen ones on X now

>> No.56977608

Fair enough

>> No.56978771

Restore free speech*
*(except speech which is critical of the Holy State of Israel)

>> No.56978809

Freedom ain't free

>> No.56978851

It doesn't work the way people think.
He killed Twitter and pushed people back to the web/mastodon where you chose moderators and have actual free speech.
I think he did a good job.

>> No.56978874

how much if i want to buy 4chan?

>> No.56979002
File: 231 KB, 699x761, 1702433473896948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is worth more than that.

Biden wouldnt be sicking the federal regulation bureaucracy on Musk if it wasnt valuable.

In many ways, Twitter is priceless. It is THE media company to manipulate and change elite opinion who run the world.

For example, Bill Ackman through twitter has just changed the leadership at Ivy league institutions through twitter alone. Harvard and MIT are circling the wagons now, but the Presidents of those universities are dead men walking. Entire DEI departments are being gutted.

Nytimes, Wash Post, BBC are all covering for these clowns, but the change is still happening due to Twitter and Twitter alone.

The CIA, EU are butthurt to the extreme because Musk singlehandedly kicked over their long term plan to control and manipulate politics in their countries.

Its fucking hilarious.

The whole X thing is admittedly retarded (companies spend billions trying to achieve brand recognition that Twitter just torched).

Guarantee Musk could sell Twitter to Quatar for like 100 billion easy if congress wouldnt stop him. I would never sell it if I were Musk. Controlling the forum of conversation for the Worlds elites is a fucking bargain at 44 billion.

>> No.56980269

But data that allow you to define what is free speech for an LLVM model to later on detect and censor automatically free speech... like our speech, does probably worth 44B$
CBDCs and Digital ID are going to need it

>> No.56980293

holy based. i love this man

>> No.56980509

>Freedom of speech not freedom of reach

Aka he still censors shit and is a hypocrite