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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56971716 No.56971716 [Reply] [Original]

Has doubled BTCs growth in the last 90 days


Niggers didn't buy this at the absolute bottom hahahaha

>inb4 muh avax or some shit.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. ICP hosts actual websites, anyone can go make one and anyone can go use existing ones. All on the blockchain and within smart contracts.






Please niggers, whoever isn't 100% into ICP, explain what your shitchain does, im very fucking curious

>> No.56971770

>anyone can go make one and anyone can go use existing ones
so why isnt anyone? its been years and it has 0 users, 0 TVL and nobody is using it for anything and price action is ass.
why do you shill this crap here?

>> No.56971799

Why is it pumping? Why now?

>> No.56971817

sell me on it anon, how can i convince myself its next? I got 30k to swing. i like that its fully diluted.

>> No.56971831




Shitchain of choice


You can't even respond to this basic basic instruction. Your entire investment is based on emotions. I'll tell you what your shitchain does. It sends little tiny packets of data because it sucks. Perhaps money from point a to point b?

Or 256KB smart contacts like ETH...

But sure as shit not 8GB smart contracts like ICP, eliminating the need for back end, front end, and middle level of development.

But yeah your shitchain of choice does something... like I said, using your words, big boy words, explain what it is lole

>> No.56971868

>like ICP
so why isnt anyone using it for anything?
nothing is getting build on it.

>> No.56971945
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>Can host full daps
>Can host games on chain
>Can incorporate full internet countries full stack. INDONESIA NIGGA.
>Has Bitcoin on chain
>Will have eth on chain soon


>> No.56971958

Icp eth integration is already complete anon. Happened this week.

>> No.56971977

>Can host full daps
so why isnt anyone?
>Can host games on chain
why isnt anyone playing them?
>Can incorporate full internet countries full stack. INDONESIA NIGGA.
nobody cares
>Has Bitcoin on chain
ICP has 0 TVL
>Icp eth integration is already complete
nobody actually uses this

>> No.56971979

Me and many others are building tonnes on it.

ICP is the chain that actually excites devs, because we can build cool shit, everywhere else it’s lies, “on avax”, “on sol”, “on eth”, like fuck it is…

When the shore goes out, we’ll see who’s been swimming naked

>> No.56971997

>Me and many others
literally who?
>ICP is the chain that actually excites devs
then why isnt anything build on it? it has zero adoption.
>we can build cool shit
like what?

>> No.56972054

Link me a playable game hosted on your blockchain real quick

>> No.56972076

It literally just came out this week.

The internet computer is inevitable.

>> No.56972077

I have videogames on steam, why would I need to play shitty games on ICP?

>> No.56972114

>It literally just came out this week.
didnt hear of it and looks like it didnt make the news anywhere, nobody cares. any idea why?

>> No.56972128

Seethe nigger

>> No.56972133

Personally I don’t play games because I’m not a child, but just to remind you we were discussing the capabilities of the IC, and comparing it to other chains. Obviously you aren’t able to link any games on your chain because it’s incapable of hosting them. Go ahead and move the goalposts as much as you want, your tech is still inferior

>> No.56972162

seems like they have a lot of useless developers that dont actually do anything.
also why the ad hom? are you getting angry because I point out that nobody uses the "internet computer" for anything? why is this triggering you? care to explain?
nobody cares about your useless games and they do nothing to the token price.

>> No.56972185

Cool, what does your chain of choice do again?

>> No.56972218

Dominic isn't spending money on marketing like some fuckboy shit coin. He's spending millions on Developers. HUNDREDS of millions on Developers.

Build and they will come. Impatient faggots like you will not make it of course. But the rest of the world is finally catching on. Seethe, cope, and dilate all you want. But the price keeps pumping. Triple digits in a year or less.

>> No.56972222

its making me money. but the big question is why is nobody using the "Internet Computer" for anything?
some noname games without players ok fine, what else you got?

>> No.56972241

toyoworld is fully onchain. Pretty early, small team, but fully onchain and you can play it.

>> No.56972246

>He's spending millions on Developers
they arent building anything. otherwise we would see useful products.
>will not make it of course
I have already made it.
>But the rest of the world is finally catching on
really? where?
I havent seen anything and nobody talks about the "Internet Computer" anywhere.
>Triple digits in a year or less.
thats not going to happen.

>> No.56972264

looks like a crappy mobile game from 10 years ago and the twitter has less than 1000 followers.
anything else?

>> No.56972263

I use icp every day because it’s an actually useful chain that can do more than just defi. No other chain gets daily users except for gambling during shitcoin season. Seethe nigger.

>> No.56972273

>I use icp every day
you play these crappy games?
what "useful" things do you do?
>than just defi
like what? also why is there no DeFi on the "Internet Computer"?
>Seethe nigger.
but you are seething. thats why you resort to adhoms.

>> No.56972282

Your chain can't serve large smart contracts and you're scared so you'll keep coming here to lowercase troonpost ICP threads until you cave and begrudgingly spend your entire stack for 30 icy piss a couple years from now. kek

>> No.56972290
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>> No.56972306

>Your chain can't serve large smart contracts
what "large" smart contracts is the "Internet Computer" serving? anything that has actual users?
>you're scared
I'm not but you are clearly butthurt

>> No.56972338

is that you chuddy?

>> No.56972339
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If I was convinced you were some noob I would write out a whole book to inform you about all the different things you pretend to be curious about. But since you’re just a bad troll and an obvious bored icpfags tranny I will instead just call you a faggot.

>> No.56972348
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>I will not respond to roach tech
>ICP will be top 3
>NO muFuckin AWS side chain mess
>I will not give in to basedlana fake pumpa jewmentalials
>Piss for life

>> No.56972360
File: 414 KB, 1440x2534, Screenshot_20231214_012840_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the entirety of uniswap's frontend hosted entirely on chain, can your shitcoin do that? umm no.

Here's a decentralized chat app where you can tip / pay your contacts with CK-ETH, CK-BTC and a multiplicity of other coins that arrive in seconds


An d-app creating stablecoins backed by RWA's just launched and was funded within the day, the ICP that they raised which was 0.08% of the supply will be locked up for 8 years to stake. That's on one dapp.

ICP is burned for cycles which is used to host data on the blockchain which means that smart contracts cost virtually no gas for the end user to interact with.

An ICP private key is able to generate private keys of bitcoin and Eth wallets and append them to your private key for your ICP address and thus can receive native bitcoin or eth without bridging or counterparties.

Also attached TVL for your dumbass to see.

>> No.56972363

I accept your surrender. you cant provide anything and you know I'm right. nobody uses the "Internet Computer" for anything, it has no users, no DeFi, no smart contracts, nothing but crappy games that you can play anywhere else for free.

>> No.56972400

>Here's the entirety of uniswap's frontend
why would I click some dubious link?
if I want to use uniswap I simply go to https://app.uniswap.org/
so why would I need to use the "Internet Computer"? also how is this good for the ICP token price?

>Here's a decentralized chat app where you can tip / pay your contacts
looks like shit with less than 1000 users.
>That's on one dapp.
any other more useful dapps?
>An ICP private key is able to generate private keys of bitcoin and Eth wallets
doesnt sound very safe. why would anyone do this?
>Also attached TVL
any TVL that is not "ICP"?

>> No.56972416

Look brother you have been doing this the entire bear market with the same dialogue and it’s honestly pathetic. I can understand the fun of trolling but you’re not even good at it. Seriously you should find something to more productively consume your time because you just come off as pathetic. I mean this sincerely. Hopefully you can buy a girlfriend after this run.

>> No.56972442

I already said I accept your surrender, nobody uses the "Internet Computer" for anything. this is why you are here begging people to use it but unfortunately it doesnt provide anything of value so nobody cares. its obvious.
if this upsets you just close the tab and walk away, you arent a paid shill or desperate bagholder right?

>> No.56972443
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i have 1 btc and 1000 pees
i feel pretty good

>> No.56972456

im sorry but that has been debunked already. turns out ICP is fake and gay. it can't even host a nintendo emulator on it without the whole chain shutting down

>> No.56972468

Very nice. Btc and icp are the only large bags I have. It kind of sucks cause once you understand icp it’s hard to get excited for anything else.

>> No.56972495

I just hope it takes off. I know that superior technology sometimes doesn't achieve superior results. That being said I can't wait for these fuckers to buy my bags after the likes of ETH and BTC themselves become popular to run through canisters

>> No.56972497
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>> No.56972535

Icp will be successful but I think it will be more of a gradual rise. I’m really excited for the VRC adoption and I think that alone will make icp deflationary once it’s fully running.

>> No.56972657 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56972675
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how come ICPoors have no mascot? where is piss-chan?

>> No.56972698

My my my ICP sure has brought out the seething faggots in droves now that it's pumping. Sorry you missed the bottom losers (not really)





>> No.56972815
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>> No.56972962
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I was thinking something a little cuter like picrel

>> No.56973006
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Its a

>> No.56973010
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yes, you have to drink all the piss

>> No.56973029
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bottoms up.
First rounds on me.

>> No.56973045

Oh God bless this thread.. My fuckin sides..

>> No.56973097

you will all drink the piss and you'll fucking like it

>> No.56973098

>still no usecase for the "Internet Computer"
easy to see why its going nowhere.

>> No.56973111

Im literally using it right now to chat to other faggots.

>> No.56973123

Checked and Based

>> No.56973130

nobody uses the "Internet Computer" for anything, all it has is empty chat rooms and crappy mobile games that really no one is interested in.
no DeFi, 0 TVL, 0 adoption and ignored by everyone.
you and maybe 3 other people. overall its completely irrelevant in the big picture and nobody cares or will care about it.
after all these years it still has not delivered anything of value.

>> No.56973136

Based OpenChat /biz/ bro

>> No.56973146
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>16 posts by this id
>constant screeching of ricepaper-thin fud

>> No.56973151

uhhhhhhhhhhh im just like
not gunna sell
lmaoeven XD

>> No.56973153
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piss-chan will finally escape poverty! huzzah!

>> No.56973162

There's over 3k people in the /biz/ chat

>> No.56973169

Stop it were not pedos like the avax roaches and their profit Muhammed

>> No.56973176


>> No.56973229


>> No.56973300
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too bad, now drink the piss

>> No.56973315
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>The amount of seethe from this brown Avaxxie

>> No.56973317
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extra foamy

>> No.56973358

>shills still cant provide a single usecase
jeets arent people
you seem triggered

>> No.56973404

i'll take my piss neat, thanks darling.

>> No.56973517
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it can tokenize your firstborn as an IOU, send his little homo ass to the Epstein boys, let them blow bubbles in his butt.

>> No.56973577

>still no usecase

>> No.56973580
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>flat out lies
consider suicide

>> No.56973581
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>> No.56973606


>> No.56973611

Dfinity and Roland Berger were showcasing their VRC system powered by ICP @ cop28 United Nations. 198 countries and world leaders came together to discuss sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of waste. 189 countries at cop28, 1 unified global standard and framework for waste recycling, over 31 Million listed companies.

McKinsey & Company estimates that the market for VRCs could be worth $3 trillion by 2030.
Brazil adopted VRC, 418 Listed Companies in Brazil.

>> No.56974281

I'm 90% sure that the current pump isn't due to any marketing but due to simple ETH integration. I think that we all know the limitations of ETH (256kB contracts) so to work around them a plethora of little shitchains were created (the Links and Matics of the blockchain world) which built off of these tiny little smart contracts to then extrapolate to the end user.

When the ETH merger happened, IMO all of the devs were like "holy shit we can do all the things via ETH while paying for the fees in ICP, and host on ICP for cheaper than on AWS? Let's start developing...

That's the pump we're seeing now. It's slow and steady because the devs simply are buying the ICP to pay for the cannisters to host their massive ETH data projects. I think as development continues further there will simply be this slow and steady rise of dev usage so it'll slowly chug upwards before the absolute NIGGERS are like "ooh price go up!" And buy in and ruin it for the rest of us who are trying to buy sub 100

I think that it'll become quickly obvious to various baggies that their chains are simply not needed. Like Link? What does it do? It uses a Itty bitty matrix to connect real world assets onto a smart chain (ETH token I believe) and then transact on those tiny smart contracts... Thats quite obsolete because the assets themselves can be used on the ICP directly whose back end, front end, and API are all on chain lol...

This is why they ALL FUD because ALL of them realize that they become obsolete.

>> No.56974673

icp lookin solid

>> No.56974936

I have 3k pees and still acoomulating, but you didn't describe link very well at all. ICP and LINK are not competitors.

>> No.56975493

Your fud isn't convincing me. Change tactic. This isn't it anon.

>> No.56976231
File: 79 KB, 1170x734, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn’t listen to the fud did you anon? 3c?

>> No.56976602
File: 1.12 MB, 2131x1170, moonman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP official mascot - Moonman
threshold sig regeneration - moonmath

This is a marathon, not a sprint, you will miss out on generational wealth.

Moonman 2020
chainkey cryptography, ICP

assblaster 2017
chain-link oracles, CCIP

>> No.56976609 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56976616


Here's the N64 emulator you're a liar

>> No.56976638

nice little wall of text but that’s not true because cycles haven’t been burned

>> No.56976755

no one is clicking that link. the emulator was debunked anyway. it ran on AWS. sorry but ICP is a scam

>> No.56976997

i clicked that link.

>> No.56977033

>why would anybody use decentralized internet instead of bezos's AWS internet

delete your browser zoomie, you don't belong here in the UG OG internet.

>> No.56977092

Again you're lying

>> No.56977131

congrats ICP makes people gay. you're gay now

>> No.56977238

Based Ice Cold Piss enjoyer. Only true juggalos will make it

>> No.56977273

I'm 100% straight you lying faggot you wish I was gay

>> No.56977311 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56977489

I've been holding ICP for over a year or maybe two. My autism makes it impossible to track time. Regardless, a long fucking time. I still have no clue what the coin does. I only hold it because some asshole from South America that drives his car way too fast convinced me to buy and after he ruined our friendship there is no way in hell I'd let him get rich without me also becoming rich. Therefore, ICP will succeed, even though it's clear to me that none of you understand anything about any of this. I hope you are still alive, blackamn. Sorry for wishing death upon you.

>> No.56977643
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>> No.56978501

I think it’s 32gb a canister now

>> No.56978778

sl0th's dad?

>> No.56978910
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>IC asset certification

>> No.56978947

im all in icp
yeah im fuckin gay, brown, and severely broke, why do you ask?

>> No.56978965

steering clear of this shitcoin. thanks.

>> No.56978997

>I’m retarded and can’t do basic research so that means everyone else is retarded also

>> No.56979129

>ICP and LINK are not competitors.
Yes they are imo, but perhaps I don't understand something.

Explain to me what does LINK do?

And at the same time ask "can ICP do it better?"

Both are genuine questions

>> No.56979372

> im just LE ASKING QUESTIONS that people have literally answered like 50 times already in this thread
youre a total loser. being 'right' on this childrens cartoon forum is your entire existence, isnt it?

>> No.56979861

LINK is about DONs, the oracle problem, and delivering cryptographically certifiable information. ICP and LINK only overlap in the sense that ICP canisters can do HTTPS outcalls, but that in itself is not the same thing as what DONs provide. It can securely fetch data from a single source but that's it. DONs aggregate data from multiple sources and publish it to blockchains, which is more robust and more appropriate for safety critical applications like DeFi where a lot of capital is at stake. ICP does not handle this niche, so it's not competing with LINK.
t. I hold both

>> No.56979992
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Inspires confidence

>> No.56980007

That's all nice, but can it host decentralized, zero proof, gaming-internet countries on chain which are fully integrated with AI-metanet? If not, I am not really impressed to be honest.

>> No.56980033

It is, this guy has been doing this the whole bear market.

>> No.56980043

Your shitcoin does inspire confidence right?
Funds drained from ETH, Fantom, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism.

web3 infrastructure has to be completely redesigned from scratch, which is what ICP is doing.

>> No.56980092

exit pump.

>> No.56980427

If ICP launched back in 2017 it would have gained a cult following here similar to Link but ever since we got invaded by Reddit/WSB during the GME bullshit the IQ of this board has dropped by about 20 points. So all they can see is a bad chart and spam 3c because they don't have the critical thinking abilities for more.

I'm 50/50 BTC/ICP because nothing else is needed. Link was good for it's time and a smart investment back in 2017 but now the constant cult around something so dated is kind of sad like there still being GME generals. I'm guessing nowadays it's just the same Reddit crew that came for GME and needed someone else to tell them what to do. Nothing else is even worth mentioning as competition besides BTC/ICP/ETH/Link.

>> No.56980485

I have actually been curious to see what Reddit thinks abbot icp and they absolutely hate it. You can get banned from the cryptocurrency sub for even talking about it.

>> No.56980502

The crypto reddit is always wrong, it was one of the biggest buy flags for me.

>> No.56981141

i literally checked my wallet that I haven't used since 2020 only to see it's value significantly higher than I remembered. Is now a good time to exit? This was just leisure money I was using for purchases so I don't really care about getting the max value out of it.

>> No.56981169

I'm also 50/50 btc icp. I think its the safest allocation. i have been swinging the chart this year fairly successfully.
do you have any plans to change this allocation?

>> No.56981170

No this bull market hasn't even started, this is simply a correction from being oversold.
Selling now would be foolish

>> No.56981192

Reddit is always wrong which is how I know this will be the number 3 coin by end of next year.

>> No.56981367

100% dkp never selling

>> No.56981380

Not for a long time. Once it eventually hits its top in the next bull market I'll probably move 75% of it to BTC and USD. The rest I have in an 8 year non dissolving node.

I'm still playing around in the ecosystem too. Got some SNS-1 cheap and still hold some motokos and cards I never sold although I'm thinking about dumping the rest of my cards.

>> No.56981809

Fuck off those were very low retarded arguments

>> No.56981880

if you can’t tell that’s a guy that has a LOT of icp and is ironic fudding then YOU are a retarded niggēr fag

>> No.56981987

>in retrospect it was just a dip

>> No.56983353
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it will be the most epic reverse bart of all time

>> No.56984002

I don't have any crypto.

The argument that all the alternatives are also bad doesn't make this good. I just came into the thread because your posting style is hilarious.

>> No.56984071

100% DKP here as well. What do you think we're in for anon

>> No.56984216

>I don't have any crypto
You’re either lying or retarded

>> No.56984236

One look at the chart tells you everything you need to know about ICP.

>> No.56984262

How does several million dollars sound?

>> No.56984549

Imagine thinking tech matters in a space where SHIB and DOGE were worth 9 figures at one point. ICP can have the best tech ever but if it has no sizzle, no one is buying. You faggots have as much sizzle as cold mayo.

>> No.56984565

>DONs aggregate data from multiple sources and publish it to blockchains, which is more robust and more appropriate for safety critical applications like DeFi where a lot of capital is at stake. ICP does not handle this niche, so it's not competing with LINK.
>t. I hold both

Fair enough but how about this. Imagine that we're right and most data simply migrates to the internet computer, now it doesn't need to be drawn from multiple sources, since it's already hosted on the blockchain directly, now you don't need an oracle at all.

I dont understand how not only does ICP handle this niche, it takes it over completely. Please explain like I'm 5.

>> No.56984692

Yes lol

Imagine not understanding that when the internet was roaring in the 90s, Amazon was shit. But by 2010 and especially 2020 its top dog of all.

Tech and services win out in the end, because whims die out as soon as they pop up, but a rational reason for demand/growth has nothing stopping its growth.

I've used the argument again and again that ICP use has a vested interest in the audit savings industry. Right now big money, whether it's banking or grant recipients or government money, need to spend 3-4% of their budget on audits and audit preparedness. That's a huge cost on billion dollar funds... now imagine before the grant is issued the issuer says "one of our requirements is you have to do all transactions on ICP" (because ICP can easily do it) and now there is zero need for an auditor, since everything is on chain. The global audit industry is 206B/year

That's just auditing. Website hosting and data hosting being cheaper on ICP is also a huge driving factor. Why should yahoo host its website data on AWS for 200m a year, when ICP can host it for 120m a year? They have a net fiscal gain from switching over, so the incentive itself will drive website infrastructure onto ICP, and the internet mcap is in the trillions. Again, muh "well hasn't happened yet" isn't an answer, were in pre-alpha realistically of what is to come for ICP, and if the infrastructure is there, the movement will come. The recycling credit exchange by 28 nations is a perfect example of that.

Lastly imagine the simple blockchain incentive. This pump Im sure was due to ETH integration devs working on paying for canisters, but it'll happen with all kinds of shitchains. Since now you can simply host all of ETH within a single cannister of ICP, the ETH devs can now use ICP as a backend to actually do cool shit on their shitchain. As wil all kinds of other shitchains, because they can now deliver something tangible and do the backend on ICP. +1Trill

>> No.56984946

Yea OK anon. You want to fool yourself into thinking it's going to be trillions with your real world speculative bullshit. With how cheap their fees are they will NEVER be worth a trillion unless literally everyone is using them. This is the same for SOL and all the other cheap L1s. You fags are just fooling yourself thinking hype and hype alone won't be the only reason any non BTC project gets to 9 figures.

>> No.56985014

AVAX does all that and more at double the speed and half the transaction cost. My brother bought AVAX last week and it cured his baldness.

>> No.56985047

You don’t understand icp or its fees/burn mechanism at all. I hear you retards talk about ethereums “revenue” constantly but not a single one of you understand that the fact that it costs $100 per tx is one of the main reasons ethereum is going to fail.

>> No.56985236

Blackrock filled an ETH ETF last month but this mid curve thinks it's demise is imminent.

>> No.56985323

How so

>> No.56985464

Eth is toast unless it can scale. They will also never reduce fees because eth bag holders would flip out if they perceived they would be making less money. L2s are dogshit btw and eth won’t exist in 10 years for these reasons.

Why would you not have exposure to such a fast growing and profitable asset class? Especially someone lurking a board that is 99% crypto.

>> No.56985539
File: 114 KB, 1920x816, 1700345696153687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, someone smart are in threads. Christ. LINK and ICP are not competitors; that's why there are people trying to make a LINK-type orcale solution system in the ICP ecosystem.

>> No.56985679

have sex

>> No.56986108

bros wtf
is icp the chosen coin after all? should i have bought?

>> No.56986206

Link's DON is more about providing a reliable data feed, aimed at DeFi.
ICP is aiming to become a general purpose world computer.

DON is for a high degree of reliability and security. (aggregate data from multiple sources to provide maximum reliable data feed)

ICP's http outcalls are more aimed at processing data more efficiently, huge emphasize placed on extremely high throughput, speed and low latency.
There is no ''Don is better than HTTP outcalls'', really depends on the requirements of the project.

I don't see competition between ICP or LINK, they could work together in some dapps. ICP is more general computing, infrastructure at protocol level, link could be used for reliable data-feeds. win win.

>> No.56986255



>> No.56986359

can ICP even host a relational database, data lake, or any of that other shit? how about message brokers? ETL workflows? some kind of equiv of AWS directconnect so I can have a fast pipe into a private datacenter? last time I looked into it as a computing platform it was limited, really not much more than small container orchestration (8GB of memory isn't even nearly enough, esp when any filesystem is entirely in-memory, and it still doesn't look like there's much in the way of persistent storage) w/o much in the way of PaaS shit like AWS/Azure/GCP

>> No.56986467

*martini chan

>> No.56986486 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56986503

i am curious about hosting my crypto keys on a secured, personal ICP canister

>> No.56986753 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56986783

Kill yourself pajeet.

>> No.56986815

>>56976616 Green ID he will make it
>>56976755 Brown ID street nigger

>> No.56986820
File: 1.76 MB, 1242x1552, 1702095343850475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 85 pees with a $4.55 average buy

>> No.56986842

Im considering this also

>> No.56986844
File: 384 KB, 1080x2106, Screenshot_20231214_225954_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll just see what happens

>> No.56986847

water fu

>> No.56986944 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56986966

I'm pretty sure the node ops can see everything atm. Go on the dfinity forum and ask if theyll be doing privacy shit. I know right now theres nothing.

>> No.56987013

Vetkeys are supposed to enable e2e encryption. Somehow they've managed to keep their bitcoin (for ckBTC) and ethereum (for ckETH) private keys protected. The key is split across multiple nodes and shuffled periodically iirc

>> No.56987145 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/wAxve1Fu

>> No.56987244

Yeah no way am I uploading my keys in plain text though.

>> No.56987426

Exactly, my nigger.

>> No.56987444

>Fair enough but how about this. Imagine that we're right and most data simply migrates to the internet computer, now it doesn't need to be drawn from multiple sources, since it's already hosted on the blockchain directly, now you don't need an oracle at all.
The way ICP would do this is by setting up a DON, but that's already done if and when Chainlink is integrated into the ICP ecosystem. There's no need to reinvent the wheel at this point although you do have shit like Pyth trying to do so anyway.

>> No.56987487

interesting I did not know this

>> No.56987561

How else can a smart contract (canister) be the custodian of bitcoin and ethereum. They must have a method of protecting the keys. My crack team of scientists in turkey are working around the clock to break it and gain access.

>> No.56987835

I'd rather just wait for Supra to have its TGE.

>> No.56987994

yea but right now its only for btc and eth

>> No.56988202

Avax 4x, ICP barely 2x

>> No.56989088

Can confirm ICP can do message broking (Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ) targeting asynchronous communication and event-driven architectures.

>> No.56989129
File: 5 KB, 241x250, 1677267257882882s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My crack team of scientists in turkey are working around the clock to break it and gain access.

>> No.56989160
File: 33 KB, 970x396, HOWEVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, well done ICP, well done.

>> No.56989708

Sounds like AVAX is over

>> No.56989894

$7 obliterated

>> No.56990512

Do you understand that the spike can happen again?

There is a chance that ICP might reach his ATH soon

>> No.56990525

That is crazy innovative. Non it guys will never understand how much of an impact it can have. I bet the guys from google are watching ICP dev team closely

>> No.56990587

How much piss to make it explain VRC to me please

>> No.56990618

Holy shit I just woke up to ICP in the mid 20s rank. It just teleported straight to $7. It's actually happening. Icp is going to triple digits this cycle.

>> No.56991036

All while the entire market is down... feelsgoodman.jpg

Glad I made the thread, since biz it's slow its lasting all throughput the main initial poompa that will turn icp into a star henceforth imo.

You don't, but why use link itself when you can improve it and make a newer better DON on ICP due to the larger smart contract sizes capabilities? If the ETH infrastructure birthed LINK, what will the ICP infrastructure birth in terms of DON?

Again, not a tech guy, but it seems to me like the ICP infrastructure will have a lot of cool emergent properties that'll obsolete many older technologies.

Also checked

>> No.56991320

Always buy ICP. Never sell ICP.

>> No.56991352
File: 6 KB, 140x250, 1702620975405647s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP will see $2k+ over the next few years

>> No.56991402

Stop buying it you fucking kites I'm not done accumulating

>> No.56991419
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>> No.56991773

ICP will blow your mind, not that I am that technical, I have buddies that can explain complex subjects like I am 5.
Message broking is tailored for ICP, all the flaws of AWS have pretty much been solved by 148.8 IQ team at Dfinity. AWS is legit > not fault-tolerant, the mass outages speak volume, not optimized for large scale apps, compared to ICpiss much more complex and difficult to manage. Devs all will tell you that ICPiss has less management overhead.

Nigga, develop - grow attention span, become dopamine deficient then watch

>> No.56991860
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, JustinBons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pissbros, never forget this bucket-head.
ICP is up 139.9% last 90 Days
ETH is up 35.9% last 90 Days.

>> No.56992428

icp comunity strong! we moon soon! 2000$ is fud we are gona drive lambo soon everybody

>> No.56992518

hi moonman i miss you

>> No.56992701

I own 3200 ICP

what can I expect faggot?

>> No.56992977

How does $21000 sound?

>> No.56993082
File: 91 KB, 1170x345, IMG_4968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of my fucking way

>> No.56993133

i'm expecting icp to top out within the range of $150-$500 this cycle, which means that you will have between $500k-$1.5mil if you're able to time the top.

>> No.56993139

How will XMR baggies ever recover?

>> No.56993230

based, I'll take it