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56970462 No.56970462 [Reply] [Original]

Why is crypto so much more volatile than stocks?

>> No.56970533

Because there's less liquidity, more manipulation and fucking loads of leverage

>> No.56970549
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Because it's 90% hype.
Blockchain tech is great for being a ledger for online transactions.
Is that worth $42000?
...this won't end well.

>> No.56970557

One has a marketcap of trillions while the other is MAYBE 1T currently if not less (as far as we know, could be over 1T including cold wallets)

>> No.56970608

>t.Normie midwit whom thinks he is smart

>> No.56970615

Totall investment instruments $500 trillion approx
Crypto = $1.6 trillion
= 1/3 of 1% of market
Smaller amounts of capital make larger moves
And as above anon said it’s greatly more manipulated

>> No.56970635

he's right, though

>> No.56970638

One crisis is all it's gonna take for you all to be back at $10k. One little pandemic or panic and it's dead, lol and you know it.

>> No.56970672

>Is that worth $42000?
Yes because not only does Bitcoin have those properties you mentioned, but the supply of Bitcoins remains fixed while the supply of dollars is continually increasing, which makes it a better long-term store of value even in spite of the short-term fluctuations
>One little pandemic or panic and it's dead
Did you see what happened to the price of BTC the last time there was a pandemic? You couldn't have possibly picked a worse example

>> No.56970676

Because it's make-believe boolshit, anon, that's why.

>> No.56970717

>Blockchain tech is great for being a ledger
I'm really glad someone else has said this, blockchain itself, divorced from crypto, is incredibly useful. That tech alone could disrupt a lot of industry and governments by preventing them from hiding shit

>> No.56970760

>I'm really glad someone else has said this, blockchain itself, divorced from crypto, is incredibly useful.
"Blockchain" without the "crypto" part is no more useful or significant than a regular SQL database. It is the fact that there is a worldwide, decentralized network of people staking/mining these coins which gives these blockchains their security and immutability. JPMorgan running their own internal blockchain isn't going to have that

>> No.56970784

Illiquidity breeds volatility
Imagine a market with infinite buyers and sellers at any price level, prices won't move
The driver of volatility is the lack of sufficient bid and ask quantities to maintain the prevailing price level.
It is this simple.

>> No.56970795
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43k already

>> No.56970806

Is a toothpick shitbox of a house worth 250,000+?
...this wont end well.

>> No.56970820

Hard to decide?

>> No.56970841
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My big issue with crypto is it is arbitrary. It's a created need from nothing. Gold, oil, lumber exist, can be counted, weigh something, are used for things, industries, technologies. Bitcoin has no concrete volume or necessity. It's a tool for speculative gambling.
When people need their money back, they will take it.
>but BTC is the money
BTC can't aim a tank at you. USD can.

>> No.56970880

USD can't cross a border without being seized for no reason and never returned. BTC can.

>> No.56970908

Smaller market and smaller liquidity pool. If you sell 100 million worth of fortune 500 stocks that's a drop of piss in the ocean and if you do that for Bitcoin for example that's a drop of piss in a glass of water.

>> No.56970928

>you can't hold an email in your hands bubba, this interweb thing will never take off

>> No.56970941

unironically because it is less manipulated
the real question is why is trad-fi so stable generally

>> No.56970961

> My big issue with crypto is it is arbitrary.
Everything is. Things are only worth what other people are willing to trade for it. In a sense, a bar of gold in Switzerland is worth a lot more than a gold mine in Zambia. That's why for the longest of times kids in Africa used to play with Rubies and diamonds bc it had no value to them.
> Bitcoin has no concrete volume or necessity
Bitcoin solves a problem as old as humanity itself, it gives you an opportunity to make your wealth impervious to taxation/violence. It's the hardest asset known to man. If you're an old fart and want to take your wealth to the grave you can, if you want to give all your wealth to your kids you can, if your bitch wife wants to take your money from you she can't not even with an order from the president. Cryptography has been used as a weapon in every war for the lest 10.000 years for a reason. Smarter people than you or me see value in it that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.56972470


>> No.56972489

They will literally have to move to digital fiat because it will soon be worth less than the paper it's printed on... and somehow BTC is the stupid one?

>> No.56972521

Can also be used to prevent *you* from hiding shit, which the govt is catching onto

>> No.56972540
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Cuz it's pure speculation lmao, you literally and unironically will never find any kind of stability in it, that's why people think they'll get rich out of it, I'm still a cryptotard myself, I'm into ETH, some BTC, ICP and IQT

>> No.56972573

All value is subjective. Gold is valuable because it's incorruptible and shiny. Humans pretty generally like both of those qualities so they ascribe value to them. Bitcoin isn't shiny, but it's a lot of other things that an increasing amount of people are finding valuable. And so it is.

>> No.56972584

I wouldn't touch any of that even if I wanted kek

>> No.56972585

That's why you basically can't cash out on crypto KEK

>> No.56972591

All good until that NFT garbage kek

>> No.56972616

If you're into it that means you think it can make you rich, am I right?

>> No.56972617 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56972721

Wrong. Whales cash out by spreading out the sell over a certain number of days. That's what you do with illiquid markets. It's the same with penny stocks for example.

>> No.56973639
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Because its a speculative market. Very similar to 1999 dot.com stocks; everyone knew it was the future, but no one knew how it would play out.

>> No.56973688 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide
