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56970209 No.56970209 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the halving said to be so crucial to start the bullrun? Quite lazy to assume that price go upat certain point just because it always does. Like now with this popularity why wouldn't people prepare earlier and stack sacks a way before?

>> No.56970247

I don't know

>> No.56970248


>> No.56970279

bihcoin gongo up, that's all that matters

>> No.56970325

price go up nigga thats all you need to know so buy up or watch from the sidelines

>> No.56970350

keep thinking on it anon and you'll be able figure out what's happening

>> No.56971395

seriously guys, people are stuck to the halving before rocketing narrative, but what is the idea WHY would halving cause the bullrun?

>> No.56971418

Hehehehhe newfags are clueless, massive buy signal

>> No.56972355
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Why Bitcoin Halvings Precipitate Bull Runs
Halving events are crucial to Bitcoin's design and inherently influence its price. They involve reducing the block reward for miners by 50% roughly every four years. This event impacts the market in several ways, leading to potential bull runs:

1. Scarcity: Halving directly reduces the supply of new Bitcoins entering the market. This creates scarcity, a key driver of value in any asset. As demand remains constant or increases, the limited supply can push the price upward.

2. Anticipation: The predetermined and predictable nature of halvings fuels anticipation and excitement in the market. Investors and speculators often expect the decreased supply to lead to price increases, prompting them to buy before the event occurs. This increased demand can further contribute to a bull run.

3. Network security: Halving incentivizes increased efficiency among miners. As their rewards decrease, they need to find ways to operate more cost-effectively. This leads to increased network hashrate, which strengthens Bitcoin's security and reinforces its value proposition.

4. Media attention: Halvings are significant events that attract significant media attention. This increased awareness brings Bitcoin to a wider audience, potentially attracting new investors and further boosting demand.

5. Psychological impact: The concept of halving instills a sense of exclusivity and ownership in Bitcoin holders. Knowing that the total supply is limited and will eventually reach 21 million can create a strong hodling mentality, further reducing sell pressure and contributing to price increases.

The correlation between halvings and bull runs is not a guarantee. Other factors, like global economic conditions, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, also impact Bitcoin's price.

The price increase usually occurs in the months and years following the halving event, not immediately.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results

>> No.56974310
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the bullrun started where it ended, in the worst of circumstances, I implore the god of bulls to get my XOR bags out of the bear war

>> No.56974315
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Bobo shows no mercy to anyone

>> No.56974320

hold on tight to your card brother, be strong

>> No.56974323

Not profitable for miners unless price goes up. So all miners hold their coins until it's profitable. This has always been the catalyst

>> No.56974326

no bro the bullrun just started! trust me bro my line astrology said so!

>> No.56974332

thanks for that

>> No.56974339

Halving? bro wtf everything is fucking bumping now even blocklors Has been recently rising its population and it hasn't even IDO yet dont shit on me with this "halving" shit man