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File: 97 KB, 779x900, opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56965660 No.56965660 [Reply] [Original]

let me get this straight, i can create a bitcoin wallet offline disconnected from the internet and i can trust that no one else will have the chance to randomly generate a private/public key pair without stumbling upon one that already exists?

how does this work?

>> No.56965687
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, UN peacekeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's more chance of you getting your hole than there is of that happening, now drink this

>> No.56965702
File: 199 KB, 1170x1278, The Anti-Crypto Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does this work?


>> No.56965719

It’s technically always possible that someone will generate the same public/private key. The odds are just astronomically small. You would need a supercomputer dedicated to just making Bitcoin wallets working at it for thousands of years before you could expect it to even have a minuscule chance to randomly generate the same public/private key as one that is already in existence. Even then you wouldnt be able to target it. Could be a dead wallet.

>> No.56965728

There are too many possible pubkey/privkey combos for this to be a real concern. But go ahead and make 2 wallets if you want.

>> No.56965754

how does a wallet become dead? i thought if you had the private key, you own that wallet

>> No.56965772

>how does this work?
because our pseudo random number generator for modern computers is really close to true randomness
also, you should learn about RSA and how prime factorization creates not just crypto for bitcoin, but for the entire planet
basically all systems use public/private key cryptography

bitcoin just made it accessible to the end user by means of bip39

>> No.56965794

>You would need a supercomputer dedicated to just making Bitcoin wallets working at it for thousands of years before you could expect it to even have a minuscule chance to randomly generate the same public/private key as one that is already in existence
you undersold it

you would need galaxies full of planets full of computers trying to break SHA 2 for the equivalent of the age of the universe to have a 1 in a trillion chance of getting a collision

and bitcoin is double hashed...

>> No.56965821

By dead wallet i just mean empty and no longer used by anyone. Theres a lot of those.

>> No.56965835

She's blacked btw.

>> No.56965844

Midwits eyes go blank and they blue screen when you mention things at that scale. Its better to keep it within the capabilities of their RAM, even if its less impressive.

>> No.56965848

now that you know this, you can also laugh with us at the legislators trying to ban "unhosted wallets"
which is just another way of saying that they're trying to ban you from creating a random 32 byte string
utter retardation of the highest caliber of tech illiterate stupidity

>> No.56965944
File: 388 KB, 976x604, pnggggggggggggggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lotta noobs on the board this week....

>> No.56965982

i'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 right now
if you can find it, i'll give you 1 million dollars
you can make 1 billion attempts
get going

>> No.56966153


>> No.56966346

999,999,999 attempts remain

>> No.56966643

based probability enjoyer

>> No.56966672


Shut your whore mouth!

>> No.56966689

you mean top signal

>> No.56966891


>> No.56968203

999,999,998 attempts remain

>> No.56968235

Is it "nigger"?

>> No.56969211

this niggas lying, it is 2

>> No.56969406

okay so is it 3 then?

>> No.56970030

if anyone guesses right, they will have to guess again since public keys are hashed as well

>> No.56970377

you have a better chance of picking out the single atom I'm thinking of in the entire universe (10^80) than guessing my private key (2^256)

the kikes hate BTC

>> No.56970403

Is it this one?

>> No.56971175


>> No.56971514

The number of possible wallets is so big there is literally not even a word to express the number.
Thus the chance of someone stumbling upon your wallet is...
Rounded up.
If there was a button that paid me $1 every time I pressed it but had that % chance of exploding my balls I would press that button 5 million times without fear and retire.

>> No.56971526

The likelihood of your Bitcoin wallet getting replicated is the same as your likelihood of having sex

>> No.56971860

as long as you don't sign with it, correct. no one will ever guess it, and I mean that literally, it is impossible to guess. simple probability. if you wanted, you could even double the length of the key to make it even more impossible

>> No.56971908

Anyone who has to tell you their opinions are correct, does not have correct opinions

>"My opinions are based on facts and logic"

>> No.56971992
