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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56963131 No.56963131 [Reply] [Original]

I was applying for a delivery job where i would travel to a bunch of cities on a route and when the lady asked me "What's your reason for applying with us? Why this position or our company?" I told her the reason is because i wanted the experience for my resume because some day i'd like to be a truck driver and that i thought this would be a vital learning experience for me in my future endeavors. She paused and said "Wait, So you applied with us because you wanted experience? Just experience?" and i said yeah. She just okay and moved on with other questions.

Was this bad? This is stood out in my mind because it was the most "strange" feeling interaction i had with her in the whole 45 minute interview.

>> No.56963168

companies think that you have to suck their dick to get in. if what you say is the honest truth then thats what it is, you did fine. you dont want to work there if they only want either dicksuckers or liars

>> No.56963206

Literally just go to one of those truck driving schools and get a truck driving job, good buddy, over and out.

>> No.56963226

You just told them you are using them for training and resume padding and then you are going to leave. How fucking autistic are you?

>> No.56963236

nope, you're a fag
he didn't do anything wrong, besides talk like a nerd if he actually said

>vital learning experience for me in my future endeavors

>> No.56963306

You’re supposed to lie. We live in a society governed by evil. Evil people will thrive, since lying comes naturally to them. Good people will suffer, because lying causes them discomfort, yet it is necessary if you want to live in this evil world. This does beg the question though, why must we live here, in this den of snakes? If there are only two options, evil or death, who made it such, and should you even play along to begin with?

>> No.56963567


>> No.56963586


>> No.56963608

You might still have it if they also have some fleet or other CDL services. The trick here is to say you want the experience but really imply that you want it *to be inside the company*, not that you’re gonna bail the second a better offer comes along after a few months or years. Interviews are basically you selling yourself as to why you would be a desirable employee, and what you know isn’t as important as how exactly you would be to work with.

>> No.56963659

Christ has already answered all of these questions

>> No.56963723
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Hey guys, I forgot to add that this position is only a temp job. i get 6 months with the company. I forgot to mention that i'd like to work with them for good but she did tell me that i have a chance at becoming full time with the company.

>> No.56964113
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Update: Just got the email right now they won't be moving forward with me. Even tho they said they're dealing with a high turn over rate and lack of work force they still chose not to take me.

Fuck man

>> No.56964165

Sorry to hear the bad news anon. You tried and it didnt work out. Good luck applying to the next play fren

>> No.56964243
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You should've never gone, remember, stay at home, all in on CZ. That's all you need

>> No.56964875

Every business only wants dicksuckers and liars.

>> No.56966465

>he doesnt just craft a personality after assessing the room for 30 seconds

Literally why, its like playing a game, you just pick thats best in slot

>> No.56966512

Sorry to hear that. Try not to get too demotivated over it

>> No.56966538

>most jobs, even """entry level""" jobs, ask for years of experience
>meaning you'll need to take jobs you don't want first to get the job you ultimately want
>be honest about wanting a job for experience, don't get hired
Shit's fucked, sorry anon

>> No.56966602

>I want the job so I can quit lol
Nothing wrong with this, it's even advisable, but you probably shouldn't say it so conspicuously. There are better ways to word it
If you ever get into this situation where you can tell the interviewer was vexed by your answer, just ask them the question instead.
>...just experience?
You could've asked her what drew her to the company, what she likes most about her job, how long has she been doing it, etc.
People love to talk about themselves so already you'll make her feel better about the interview and it gives you talking points to control narrative.
Ie, you know what she loves so much now about the company and can drill into it (wow it just so happens I also love free bagel fridays!)