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56961888 No.56961888 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone, my name is Temirlan and I am from Kazakhstan. For the last 3 years I have been living with thoughts of suicide, due to the fact that I lost many people close to me (my brother and father in an accident 3 years ago and a girlfriend a year earlier). At first, I was held back by the thoughts that I wanted to help my loved ones and did not want them to grieve even more. I have large debts, exceeding $9,000, which were left over from my parents, so it was a difficult period in the family. And now I’m already at the very bottom and on the verge of suicide, I think about it every day and try to think positively, since I still have a little sister. I hope for your support, if there is work, I am ready to work. Give me advice
my telegram: @swuter

>> No.56961983

9k is nothing in Canada, but I guess that's substantial in KZ? It's unfortunate, but you can still live a happy life. I lost my dad, but there are still many reasons to be happy

>> No.56962072

Most of all I am now afraid that they will come with the guardianship authorities and take my little sister, since they have already arrived and given a warning. and that to improve my living conditions I need at least 2 thousand dollars, so now I’m bending over backwards to do it

>> No.56962094

cool, enjoy your ban and we'll see you again tomorrow night

>> No.56962129

I don’t ask anyone for money, I share my experiences and ask for advice, not money.

>> No.56962132

Work, and live. You wanna add more tragedy for your little sister?
Also why would you sudoku because of those reasons? 9k is nothing even with minimum wage and saving 300 a month your u could be rid of it in less than 3 years. But chances are as you get older youll make more and more.
So start working nights as uber or something and man up

>> No.56962138

Praying for you.

>> No.56962144

I don't know

>> No.56962156

Man, I already work as a cashier and food courier, I barely have enough money to look after my sister and sleep for 3-4 hours.

>> No.56962163

How old is your sister? Can she work to help out?

>> No.56962188

she is only 9 years old and goes to primary school

>> No.56962214

Browns lie as easily as birds fly

>> No.56962227

Man, if you don't believe me, write me a telegram and I'll make you a video call to calm you down.

>> No.56962228

How did you get into so much debt?

>> No.56962230

Passed to me after the death of my parents

>> No.56962233
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Why are you sad in your country its common to fuck prime hot Slavic X Central Asian pussy only 14 years old for a single line of 4-MMC?

All the women are gold diggers yes but you get to rek teen pussy without risk or care for as long as a $3 line of catpiss.

How can you be sad with such a pleasure?

>> No.56962244

Man, you're just sick

>> No.56962258

Why sick I am regular guy of your country it is normal, the bad ones are the ones doing rape and we know that is common here.

>> No.56962269

I believe in you

>> No.56962327

Thank you very much for your support

>> No.56962332

Thank you very much for your support

>> No.56962521

Suicide is very selfish to your sister. Think about what could happen to a 9 year old without her brother in her life.

Trust God, life has its downs but trust me in 10 years you will still be happy you're around.

>> No.56962556

Recently they came to the authorities and right now I’m in a difficult situation and I don’t know what to do, we have terrible conditions in orphanages and right now I’m wondering what to do

>> No.56962630

On the off chance this is written in earnest, you just have to power through the pain. You use any kind of cop out, you or someone else will be paying for it until death. In your darkest hour remember why you do what you do.

>> No.56962645

Sell your sister to pay your denbts, then you no longer have to look after her and you will be denbt free. Then study IT and get a job w/ a western company .

>> No.56962649

Can't you enlist in the Russian military? For all its faults, I'm sure that if you survive you will eventually get paid at least part of the money.

>> No.56962834

Your sleep deprived and may have malnutrition which induces more stress and anxiety. You have demons to battle. Pray to Jesus Christ. Speak to him and the Angels. The demons go after the best. We all fall at times. We must learn to pick ourselves up. I don't understand all your situation. Though your mind is clouded then think outside the box. Think about your strengths and weaknesses. Then you may see opportunity or contribute to humanity. Since you work with food then see what doors open up. Study the food more because everyone must eat and have water. See the laws.go on a nature walk with your sister. Camp. Hike. Study nature resources and commodities. There is an abundance of resources. You find that and you will not worry too much. Attempt to make connections and try to think in all angels. Do what you like and good at. Have Faith and connect with Family and good Friends. Health is wealth. Learn botany, minerals, water resources, Agriculture, hunting, disgusting, livestock and keep the good moral code. God will reward you and take care of you. Cast the demons out. Pray and bond with just people. I deeply sympathize for your loss and lack of compassion from the government. We're there is a will there is a way. Just don't make the mistake of spinning like a top from threats or fear for it will blind your true calling. Build. Create
Who knows. You may be a genius, entrepreneur, a good leader and more. It is one step at a time. Depression is horrible. I really don't know what you feel or see though I never wish what has happened to Family and Friends. The demons I have been tormenting from. You will find what is best. The archons feed off your energy of pain, anger, sadness, and confusion. Take care and just keep trying for Family and Humanity.

>> No.56962835

i claim neetbux and sometimes have thoughts of suicide. people keep thinking they are pulling gotchas on me when i think about returning to the workforce but suicidal thoughts come and go.

people are so shallow

>> No.56962856

Upvote reddit gold award r/funny beep boop I am a robot blorp

>> No.56962872
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>For the last 3 years I have been living with thoughts of suicide
I've been that way for the past 20 years. I'm 31 now. Pussy faggot.

>> No.56963028

can't you just join the russian army and die in awdiwka or whatever that shithole is spelled? they would pay all your debt and your sister would get like 10000 vbucks on top.