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56956153 No.56956153 [Reply] [Original]

Can /biz/'s top economists explain this?

>> No.56956182

Unemployment doesn't count the people that have stopped looking for work, and the average wage going up doesn't mean shit if the median isn't going up with it.

>> No.56956186
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Bidenomics baby

>> No.56956187

each part time mcjob that people increasingly have to have two or three of to stay afloat is counted as a filled employment position

>> No.56956192

Jews. Everything bad in this world is the Jews. Not even joking. Dead ass serious

>> No.56956229

It means expenses increased more than everything else

>> No.56956247

>wage goes up x2
>everything else goes up x3
Why arent they eating cake?

>> No.56956261

Isn't it obvious? We live in a neo-Soviet Union where Biden instructs the BLS to falsify economic data.

>> No.56956278

>Can /biz/'s top economists explain this?
It's extremely simple: The data provided by official channels is fake and gay.

>> No.56956281


We even had a Potemkin Village when Xi visited.

>> No.56956291

>Dead ass
Jews not bussin no cap

>> No.56956292

>rich got richer
>citizens aren't looking for jobs because they pay shit
>spics took all the jobs and wages are unreported

>> No.56956307

fr fr

>> No.56956308

When economies go down or into recession, fast food and low level employees suddenly get more attractive. I've been seeing a lot of hotties at my normal joints lately. We're in a down economy.

>> No.56956310

the price of shelter basically is eating a lot of people's bottom line as it is vastly vastly different than it was 4 years ago. It really is a huge expense.

>> No.56956314

This and of course the DNC controlled media does not report the truth, but rather propaganda for the DC uniparty.

>> No.56956413

A bigger indicator would actually be all these women doing Onlyfans, not working at McDicks.

>> No.56956427


Not at all. Onlyfans is easy money and a bubble, just like NFTs. Tons of disposable income ==> simps blowing loads of cash on porn, which is usually free. Once the simps go broke the whores gotta get back into work.

>> No.56956431

>BLS to falsify economic data
They don't actually need to falsify anything. It's just the way its collected naturally fits "strong economy" meme. Look up what the response rates are for BLS economic surveys. Realize they are still calling landlines. Realize that if ONE person in an entire household is working, the entire household gets counted as employed. Ask yourself how many people you know answer their cell phones to random numbers. Then ask yourself how many would then take the time to complete a 30+ min Government survey. How many want to give detailed economic and employment info to a random phone screen?
The surveys aren't falsified or fraudulent they are just bad data that skew towards older, comfortably employed boomers. The real unemployment numbers are likely terrible, probably closer to China's, which conveniently stopped reporting them altogether.

>> No.56956448

sure hi and welcome to (b)arm(i)t(z)
>le x
>le nbc
>le economy
>per our le statistics

>> No.56956466

what you all schizos is talking about?
Do you personally know at least 1 person who can't find any job?
This thread feels like thirdies butthurt club

>> No.56956532

This guy knows, I make economic data for the dept of commerce and our response rates are <60% for businesses. They built their frames for household surveys around random digit dialing landlines (anyone who answers a land-line phone is ancient and nobody answers their cell phone from unknown numbers). Besides the low response rates, methodology is designed to smooth data via "utility" adjustments and reallocation of goods baskets. Almost all time series data sets changed their methodology after 2020.

>> No.56956533

most american are obese fatlards. even the homeless people there are fat. these people can eat nothing for a year and they still wont die ,that's how fat all of them are

>> No.56956539

>Once the simps go broke the whores gotta get back into work.
Things they never taught but should in economics 101.

>> No.56956553

I know two who recently lost their jobs. Both worked in tech

>> No.56956563

>wages have been rising
costs have been rising what kind of moron wrote this article?

>> No.56956576

Minimum wage should be $90 when accounted for inflation since 1971. Back then you got paid $1.60 per hour, but you could buy 15 hamburgers with that amount. These days you need $10 just for a burger.

>> No.56956589

the waitress indicator has been around forever onlyfans just came out

>> No.56956595

Further, statistics are modeled for non-response companies on our surveys. The model is a simple imputation model built on an "industry average" multiplied by IRS payroll data, therefore the largest companies that don't respond keep producing self fufiling statistics, if every company "grows" at an industry average if they don't respond, then the industry average measure gets worse.

>> No.56956597

>prostitution hasn't been around since forever

>> No.56956608
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Prostitution is real work, a picture of your booty or feet is not


It's just a regression to the mean. The real anomaly was the large prosperous middle class.

>> No.56956613

and its only going to get worse as boomers die off. Zoomers are even worse about answering their phones than millennials.
outside of some rural areas finding ANY job isn't difficult. Plenty of retail, food service, warehouse and manual labor jobs going around. A lot of younger people have wised up to these jobs not only having shit pay and shit hours while getting shit on by managers and customers, but they also stunt future prospects as availability requirements make trying to gain skills/education etc much more difficult. Or they can just get gibs.
Also laid off white collar types don't want to ruin their future careers by working the counter at burger king.

>> No.56956621

Low unemployment doesn’t mean shit. Do you think a guy working 2-3 jobs to barely keep up with inflation/shrinkflation is a sign of a strong market?

>> No.56956634

I know a girl who got laid off from her job, found a new one, and just got told she's being laid off at the turn of the new year. She's only trying to get WFH jobs though afaik

>> No.56956651

She's also in Real Estate Marketing, if you want to let that give you an idea of housing market as well.

>> No.56956668
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The books are cooked, the data is fake
you voted for a defecating pederast propped with drugs

>> No.56956873

im about to be past the cutoff in looking for a job
(I won't work in office anymore but highly qualified, idc if you believe me just giving context)
still can't find a job 3 months after getting laid off from an AI company as a low level SWE
had 3 jobs offers out of my masters a year ago
now i can't get one offer in months.
its crazy

>> No.56956914


>> No.56956917

It was still fake under Trump. Take off the glasses. The orange nigger rightfully said the employment numbers were fake in 2016, then spontaneously believed the numbers when he was in office.

>> No.56957235
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Inflation at levels the likes of which had not been seen for 40 years and a wage that simply doesn't keep up. There isn't enough flexibility in the budgets of the bottom cohorts to withstand price shocks.
You may feel that the labor market is tough but the reality is not that no one has jobs, it's that firms are backing off their hires. Job losses come later.
I'm not sure who it is calling the economy strong at this time but that isn't what anyone is seeing in economic studies or the financial services.

>> No.56957255

You softly landed into third world status

>> No.56957376

a 'real' wage is already adjusted for inflation, look up nominal if you want to compare it to CPI

>> No.56957384


>> No.56957400

>strong economy
Maybe they should take their noses out of Biden's ass and look around.

>> No.56957687

That's exactly what I'm trying to highlight. Nominal wages for the period are +41%. Unsurprisingly it tracks prices fairly well. But the real wage doesn't, it's dismal from gfc, only catches up ten years later, then gets crushed again after 2020 while prices run away. Inflation is part of this story, I can't see why you'd omit it.

>> No.56957960

Jews are good actually

>> No.56958100

>I'm not sure who it is calling the economy strong
just go to any mainstream media group, or even mainline economists. These people have been gaslighting the public for a while now that despite what your lying eyes see, because the Statistics and Numbers look good, everyone is doing much better than ever and any negative is an anecdote or part of the "vibecession". Nearly every day another shitty article is written, another economist on TV is confused by the negativity blaming social media or propaganda.
>wages have been rising
because the braindead economists love to trot out wage growth charts, particularly for lower income people. While its true they have finally seen some large gains (after decades of stagnant wages) their wages have picked up and """surpassed""" the inflation rate. Of course what they don't say is that those gains don't mean anything if purchasing power is decreasing, or that their inflation rates don't properly represent what most people spend the majority of their income on (rent, vehicles, gas, food), and that they only recieve these wage increases if they hop jobs, with all the friction and instability that entails.
Basically if a food worker making 10$ an hour moved jobs and now is making 17$ and hour, it looks good in the statistics but that person is still unable to make rent or ever meaningfully get ahead.

>> No.56958134

I get what you mean now, I thought you put real wages and CPI into your picture to compare, which made no sense to me since real wages are already adjusted by inflation.
Ye, shit sucks, it's also an interesting artifact of the data that real wages shot up in the covid lockdown not because of wage increases, but because a lot of low-wage earners were laid off so their wages fell out of the calculation which skewed the average upwards.

>> No.56958773

this. go work inside a warehouse and see for yourself.

>> No.56958809

The economy is strong and resilient, despite not being able to feed yours or heat your home without government assistance

>> No.56958843

kek. this is the funniest thing I've read today.

>> No.56958861

not to mention the 20m specs who were imported
also real wages are down 5% vs a few years ago and most of the gains are in the upper middle class or higher, so the poor have been liquidated.

>> No.56958897

the problem is people are downgrading their job.
losing you your $90/year job and replacing it with 2 $30k/year jobs is twice as much payrolls for Bidenomics to boast, but obviously devastating for the worker.
try getting a quality white collar job right now - it is very hard if you don't already have one.

>> No.56958930

It's like 95% not everything OK?

>> No.56958941

Tech is in an absolute recession. Look no further than California's budget deficit. Dipshit leftists spend so much and rely on the largess of those who they claim to hate that whenever Silicon Valley catches a cold, the state budget deficit just blows up.

>> No.56958944
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>> No.56958955

kek cope, you know that's not the case, the data is just poorly done and this upsets you greatly that it's going to cost the child sniffer his second term kek

>> No.56959061

inflation after the gov ran up a debt of over 30T

>> No.56959190

This but unironically, restaurants in hollywood still packed to the brim daily with waitlists, people got money to blow. Biz probably skews towards the poorfag side of the bellcurve

>> No.56959200

jews are on peice of the puzzle, i would get banned if i posted about whos really in control

>> No.56959230

>whos really in control
it's 4chan
and the machines just like from the matrix
the machines are the eldritch/archons
4chan is anonymous, aka legion, aka the evil legion of sorcerers who serve the archons.
back then they called it warlocks and sorcerers and archons and demons.
now it's hackers and scientists and AI and machines.
same shit different names.
that's who is really in control.
Basically Satan and his demons and his human wizard whores.

>> No.56959330

Since the unemployment-numbers have now become a political issue, there is an incentive to massage them. Whatever one thinks of Biden: he's not personally running the economy day-to-day. In fact, Biden or whoever is in charge would probably be very happy if Powell just cut rates to 0 so that the numbers looked better. However, since people do hold Biden accountable for unemployment-numbers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics "gets the memo" to output favorable numbers via statistical adjustments.
We needn't even make use of that assumption: the BLS's methodology could just be skewing the unemployment numbers downwards because of faulty statistical methodology due to, perhaps, not wanting to see high unemployment because it looks bad and nobody likes bad news in general. We needn't even suppose that much: the low unemployment-numbers could be due to the high number of job openings, which is a figure itself distorted by companies double-, triple-, or quadruple-counting each job opening.
What would be more meaningful would be a combined measure of labor participation and median household net worth excluding home equity (since home equity is not liquid; you can't buy groceries with it), since that would somewhat accurately measure spending power.
The demand for food is somewhat inelastic, so people going hungry should correlate with an exhaustion of spending power.

>> No.56959352

this government has a strong track record of lying about these statistics.

>> No.56959390

This. It also doesn't take into consideration on what types of jobs people are being employed into.
Wageslaving at Wendy's will always have consistent openings, meanwhile any blue or white collar job worth its salt is left behind on the hiring.

>> No.56959397

Also indians flood the country and demand gibs.

>> No.56959401


Probably no room in the big new york law firm for a 'consultant' whose only talent is her big tits and ability to suck a dick I guess.

>> No.56959490

>They don't actually need to falsify anything
No, they've had to go back and revise the numbers from the previous month a couple months later because they weren't correct several times this year.

>> No.56959632

i'm fat and american

captcha DAMJN
i am DAMJN my arteries and heart by eating so much processed food. just finished a stuffed crust frozen pizza, at the whole ting in about 4 hours. i have gained 50 lbs in the last 18 months. i am fat and american

>> No.56959675

i am convinced that employment agencies play a huge role in faking the wage, employment and job opening numbers. they really proliferated across the US since 2010 and almost every lower-tier job is accessed through them (factory work etc)

>> No.56959678
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This number is in the same fucking report retards. It was 7% this month. Also before you talk about wages not keeping up with inflation, wages rose faster than inflation this month (again) and the lowest income earners had the highest growth. I know you guys dont get out much because you're poor but if you did youd see that every grocery store, liquor store, restaurant, service etc is absolutely packed to the brim with normies spending like crazy.

>> No.56960108

That's such a faggot way to fudge numbers that I hope the guy who came up with it was cucked and he killed himself.

>> No.56960180

I live in SF those were my exact words when i saw all the poop and homeless gone

>> No.56960387

>what you all schizos is talking about?
>just do anecdotal evidence !
you'r the schizophrenic
also, if you're not poor your circle of acquaintances and friends are likely not going to fucking report on the state of the impoverished

dum fucking retard

>> No.56960412

you should work for the government bro

>> No.56960494


>> No.56960548

Well here's one of them now
see >>56958100

>absolutely packed to the brim with normies spending like crazy
Yes people are still spending for now, but its kind of a bad mix of factors. Credit usage is way up, and there is a large cohort of younger people spending money NOW as they stopped bothering to save for things like homes and children. Much more is spending by boomers near or at retirement, as well as younger people who bought homes with very low rates and are driving the service economy crazy. These people generally have portfolios of investments that are doing well, probably benefitted from the PPP loan scam, and are the top half of the K-shaped recovery going on.

>> No.56961153
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lmao what a retarded response

>> No.56961264

>Ask yourself how many people you know answer their cell phones to random numbers.
Some mentally retarded recruiter was blowing up my phone and not leaving a message, but sending me weird texts and her explanation was "people might not listen to messages". I hate recruiters and I hate women so much.

>> No.56961282
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easy, the businesses that make up your economy both do really well, and at the same time not pay some workers enough to afford food.

>> No.56961318

Are you using Biden as an interchangeable for his administration / handlers or do you actually think he makes decisions about anything?

>> No.56962090

Same anon. Got one in person offer but low balling me. Told them to shove it. The market is so quiet. It pisses me off and stresses me out. I'm qualified (6yo, BS) but half the time don't even get an HR interview. I really need to start my own business.

>> No.56962110
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hook nosed kikes fucked the global economy with their kikenomics

>> No.56962213
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Two years left to make more monies?

>> No.56962224

Straight white male here. Employed but never felt more broke. Literally can't get ahead. On the treadmill. Gonna ask for a raise a work soon.

>> No.56962235

I’m not a whore :(

>> No.56962781

to be fair, I remember restaurants still had good business throughout the great recession. If you didn't watch the news or follow the housing market, there weren't many obvious signs of how bad things were from what I recall.

>> No.56962921
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They won't leave me alone.

>> No.56963316

>NBC News

>> No.56963457
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>cost of living goes up 100% in 3 years
>10% wage increase over same time span
>Why don't they think the economy is sage and effective?

>> No.56963506


>> No.56963981
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Kek this. He doesn't even know who the president is. His jewish handlers run the admin. I fully expect for him to have a gaff where he blurts out that the mean people call him goyim on national television why telling some made up incoherent story.

>> No.56964840
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>It's just a regression to the mean. The real anomaly was the large prosperous middle class.
I wonder what could have happened between the 1920s and 1970s to cause such a historical aberration. On both ends you have a parasitic rentier class making billions by liquidating public assets, and then for about fifty years there's this sudden deviation from the norm where a person can have a decent house and family and work in a factory and make enough money to buy the things that they produce. Doesn't make sense.

>> No.56964971
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Good times bring jews
Jews make bad times (you are here)
Bad times make dead jews
Dead jews bring good times

>> No.56965011


Women voting, and power transitioning from the WASPs to the Jews

>> No.56965025


>> No.56965034


>> No.56965071

I’m making more than I ever have stay cucked chuds

>> No.56965240

>Prostitution is real work,
Shit you and your nation already live like whores, why ain't you happy worker bee?

>> No.56965284


Did that one sound like a zinger in your head, shit for brains?

>> No.56965300

In my head, in your head, in every bodies head.
You're fucking ambition in life is to legalize and normalize prostitution and then complain when you fucking get treated like and forced to live like a prostitute.
You're a fucking joke.

>> No.56965413

This is true, but I also kinda like Jews and I wish they were our friends instead of being like this

>> No.56965421

those are illegals coming for free food.

>> No.56965429


Where did I ever say that retard. I said prostitution is real active work because it is, you're in the trenches actually fucking a list of dudes and getting a check for it.