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56948919 No.56948919 [Reply] [Original]

I'm visibly aging very quickly and have honestly lost the will to live.

Make sure you treat your wife the best you can anons, you don't want to go through this hell.

>> No.56948932

Shouldn't have cheated on her.

>> No.56948947

>treat your wife the best you can
No. Don’t associate with women.

>> No.56948982

But if the marriage wasn't happy you will soon feel better than ever. I got divorced 9 years ago, I made back all the money and got myself in much better mental and emotional condition. My lying cheating ex is broke and looks like an old meth head now.

>> No.56949349
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I'm just not getting married
I knooooow, I knooow, It's just I'm not doing it

>> No.56949412

>treat your wife the best you can
LMAO, that's how you become a cuck.

>> No.56949433


>> No.56949442

>I'm just not signing the marriage contract*
you can get married before god anon. just dont sign the court document.

>> No.56949466

Married here and almost divorced after I was being a piece of shit running around cheating etc after making it in crypto

Since have come to humble myself and still run the ship but do so in a righteous way

Married now for 3 years with a baby just born and life has never been better. Pick your spouse carefully anons and do so with them as a mother in mind.

Relationship love shit fades but you need to be a team and be able to work things out talk them out fuck them out or don’t do it. Never been happier since I changed my perspective

>> No.56949754

kek married men always give the most pathetic and tryhard 'words of wisdom' because they didn't carve their own unique path in life. Congrats, you got married and started a business, wow very impressive I have no idea why nobody asks for your advice on how to become successfully mediocre.
>Relationship love shit fades but you need to be a team and be able to work things out talk them out fuck them out or don’t do it. Never been happier since I changed my perspective
This is the biggest revelation for this degenerate retard
the absolute state of modern men

>> No.56949816

It doesn't matter how well you treat them. Common Law has become corrupt. You did watch Moonbrah's vid today, right anon? Watching this should be mandatory.


>> No.56949930

You sound like a little bitch while I’m with my family and newborn. What are you doing for the world except jacking off to trannies

Post your room little man Khhv

>> No.56949951

i can't tell what's bigger, your nose or your ego

>> No.56949961

>having a small ego is good
Disappear into nothingness where you belong

>> No.56949970

>Married now for 3 years with a baby just born
what's your child's skincolor?

>> No.56949990

big egos get crushed by reality sooner rather than later :3

>> No.56950067
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Some people really don’t like to hear anons really winning out here. Biz changed my life and I’m just trying to give some game out.

>> No.56950083

jesus i never realized how black eyes can be

>> No.56950101
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Better wager her on Dplay Plinko and gain 1000x wives instead

>> No.56950127

Your cutesy little emoticon doesn’t change the fact that you are miserable and alone. Vvmrp

>> No.56950207

Unlike you I dont feel the need to prove anything on the internet for my ego, its big enough as it is. I just used the information YOU so willingly blabbed about. You're a slave to taming your wife's bullshit on the daily and pushing a stroller like a pansy, I bet you had a baby girl too ahahahaha good luck faggot

>> No.56950251

project any harder and you'll be a section 8

>> No.56950257

Why are sex havers so sensitive

>> No.56950315
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My wife left me the same day i became a millionaire with my diversified profit investment in shitcoins (cz, nano and ada). I get what your going trough. Be strong. The heart can learn to love again

>> No.56950357

t. balding slack-jawed manlets
you will never marry a good woman and it’s because you’re broke and physically repulsive. you cannot compete with Chad so you come here and cope hard, it’s as simple as that anon. thankfully you will also never reproduce, meaning your ancestors created dead-end faggots. your grandparents will eternally seethe and hate you. all deserved.

>> No.56950483
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>> No.56950510


>> No.56950513

>NPC procreates while player character heckles from the sidelines.
what kind of game is this

>> No.56950530



The divorce was hell but I’m quite satisfied I don’t have to go home to the troll I was going home to.

I divorced at 35. My ex looks absolutely atrocious now and I’m in the best shape of my life.

It’s simple, women were not meant to lead and when you give them the keys to life they always destroy it. Every time.

>> No.56950548

>literally any open-world RPG where the protagonist is set as the wandering lone wolf buying wares from merchants that are trying to put food on the table for their families
is 4chan really this retarded now?

>> No.56950561

Well you shouldn’t have let your hitmen friends store a dead nigger in your driveway .

>> No.56950570
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Didn't know heckling from the sidelines included slaying dragons. Needs to be more obvious in the meme pic >>56950483
I just want to heckle from the sidelines. I guess this thread is a good enough place to get my game on. Fucking lame NPCs lol amirite

>> No.56950577

LMFAO, not the anti-aging guy
good example that this kind of wallet rape is happening left and right

>> No.56950591

Great way to speedrun getting saddled with a common law marriage, thanks for the tip anon

>> No.56950616

NPCs spawn ensouled characters all the time, I'm not worried about it
Imagine having an NPC kid, now that would be scary

>> No.56950680

>being melodramatic over a meme thats core purpose is to highlight a dunning-kruger ego problem
I hope you're pretending to be this much of a retard

>> No.56950720
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definitely smarter than me anon. you should have kids

>> No.56950767

Every single anti-marriage/anti-natalist in this thread is just a pathetic neckbeard
Are they proud of their portfolios? No, otherwise they'd post about it
Are they proud of their careers? No, otherwise they'd post about it
Are they proud of their lives? Definitely fucking not.
Instead they're hurling insults and ad hominems at people actually out there doing the one fucking thing all life forms are supposed to, because they have nothing and can never get a woman. Even the most NPC delta male joe the plumber guy has a purpose greater than themselves if they have a kid. You terminally online retards have nothing but a false sense of superiority

>> No.56950860

ur on here too you pathetic faggot, stop neglecting your family you supposedly love so much instead of shitposting on a basket-weaving forum. At least neckbeards have the excuse of nothing better to do.

>> No.56950870


>> No.56950926

you don’t have to sign shit where I live anon. Just living with someone for 6 months automatically puts you into a defacto relationship with them in the eyes of the law. They get all the same rights a spouse would.

>> No.56950973

That’s the new vax babies eyes

>> No.56951256

>deadbedroom cuck thinks unmarried guys aren't getting laid
kek even
Not only do we get laid, we get to fuck new pussy whenever we want and don't have our lives commandeered by a nagging hole. When I want to breed I'll just knock up one of my concubines, unironically. You can keep your cuck cage lel.

>> No.56951513

dont waste your time on these fags, they can't comprehend deviating from the norm

>> No.56951590

Very glad I enjoy the bussy ser, no commitment to women who end up becoming ugly ass roasties.

Fillipines has some very nice trannies.

>> No.56951820

Don't have a kid if you aren't sure why to have one. You are bringing a sapient being in existance. Ask yourself:
>What will this child feel?
>What will this child experience when growing up?
>What kind of parenting will you provide?
>What kind of parenting will the state allow you to provide?
>What kind of world are you bring your child into; political outlook/state control/social conditions
>What kind of stress will this bring on you and you relationship?
>Are you prepared for sleepless nights and life savings going to a child?
In my opinion, I don't believe having kids is justifiable, and it's literally born from a genetic impulse to have children, through chemicals encouraging us by making us feel some kind of self-fulfilment. Selfishness is the only reason people have children, there is no just reason to have one other than your own fantasy you make up in your mind, be it religion, family valor/tradition/ for your race or some other nonsense.
Ultimately we all die one day, and your experience of life ends with that, you haven't even to worry about the fact that all life will eventually extinguish.

No lie I ponder every week or so about finding a time machine, going back in time to the late 90s, and beating up my dad before he can meet my mother.

Horny men should not drag us into the hellscape of existence.

>> No.56951843

>Imagine caring this much about some wet hole.
You need to get tough anon. She literally gives no fucks about you.

>> No.56952156

>you don't want to go through this hell.
she will just divorce you anyways
all my friends are divorced
women are evil and retarded, mostly because society and laws allow them to be

>> No.56952858

Still better than portfolio crashing, you lose half of the money but at least the whore is gone.

>> No.56952907

Yeah you experience the plight of the Male. Men are okay with providing for women who arent even virgins. In fact, men are even happy that the roastie who selected them has ridden the cock carousel. This is because everybody is born female. Men have the female spirit in a male body.
This is why men keep putting women on pedestal. Men live to compete and provide for women.
The ideal life for a man is to have the life of a woman: just by existing, coasting thru life, being adorned by numerous female orbiters devoted to him. They want the female life at all cost, ie having hundreds of vaginas simping for them, but at the same time a kernel of cuckoldry remains in that men still crave for pleasing those hundreds of vaginas. A man literally wants to give lots of free orgasms to every female looking at him KEK.
Then the same beta cucks build a narrative where somehow the betacuck is not a beta but an alpha male precisely for spending his life , his time and energy and money on entertaining women. The tranny spirit is devoted to women at all times and at all cost.

This makes 99% of the population female in mind and 50% female in body. Only very very few men manage to escape the female condition.

>> No.56953058

B-but m'ladyrino!

>> No.56953081

Not getting laid, huh?

>> No.56953273
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>> No.56953420

>Men live to compete and provide for women.
But what about them gays?

>> No.56953527

I want to get married because society sees unmarried men as subhumans

>> No.56954057

You must be 18 years of age to post here

>> No.56954094

My marriage was shit for the first 7 years or so. Mostly because I was insane with hate and rage. Since the birth of my first son I have come back to the Church and repented of my sins. I still need to be confirmed and go to confession to receive the Eucharist, but I’m doing much better these days. Even when I stumble on some of my other vices, if I stay connected to God’s love I don’t lose my temper at all like I used to. Things are a lot better. Having said all this, my wife is a raging bitch when she’s pregnant, and she is like 8 months pregnant right now. It’s easy to lose sight of the good stuff. I hope we can get back to a better place after the birth.

>> No.56954118



Who is dumb enough who has anything worth taking to marry a fucking women and open themselves up to a literal legal rugpull of all their wealth.

It even works out cheaper long term just to use whores and sugarbabies desu if they not entitled greedy american mutt ones.

>> No.56954130

I see society as subhumans, checkmate.

>> No.56954148

>souless black eyes


>> No.56954179
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maybe you should have fucked her pussy daily

>> No.56954658

Islam or nothing.
What you're going through is a direct outcome of Cuckstian pandering to women.

>> No.56954731

it's funny that you people hate on gays so much when they have freedom from women that you wish you had

>> No.56954835

I actually admire them that they dont have to deal with women
however, the reality is 99% of them were sexually abused or traumatized in some fashion and are on permanent anti-depressants

>> No.56954851

I'm going to. No idea who I'm going to marry yet, but I'll make sure she's the one beforehand.

>> No.56954930

>married for 3 years and already cheated
>thinks he can give advice
ngl things are fine now but your wife will never forget and there will always be resentment, this shit will bubble up in the future, good luck anon

>> No.56955752

my weed dealer is some older guy, has a great price and delivers it to me by car. i told him my dad just turned 50 and he said he'll be turning 50 in 6 months. i thought he was 42 at most wtf. he said he looks young because he never married

>> No.56955786
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its the abuse of children and the dirty diseases they carry that disturb us

>> No.56955892

come back in 10 years when the planet is 2 degrees hotter and things are really bad. hope you have some good explanations for your children

>> No.56956069
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>> No.56956130
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I will only marry until I can economically sustain a divorce

>> No.56956140
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im married for 10 and 100% agree.
Advice for anons that was passed down from my father and I can say is the smartest thing you can possibly do considering women make decisions based on emotion and not logic and WILL hold a grudge that will eventually spew out at the next opportunity:

if you were naughty or had a lapse of judgement...shut the fuck up, don't tell anyone. At most tell your priest in confession and preferably not even at your regular church. Then get your act together and take that shit to the grave. It's done.

>> No.56956161

I'm going monk mode. All women are entitled and act like children. They have too much legal power to ruin your life and simps will enable they're bad behavior.

>> No.56956164

It’s absolutely the ego lmao

>> No.56956350

Gays are women.

>> No.56956416

Treated her nicer wouldnt have stopped her being evil to you eventually. Enless the divorce is all your fault, which is not possible because you are male and cant do wrong.

>> No.56956503

The polbiz meme four years ago was get married and save the heckin white race. Now daily divorce threads.

>> No.56956519

If you fall for /pol/ larps you deserve it.

>> No.56956534


I'm not getting married but I'm still making kids

>> No.56956745

Sex with randos fucking sucks
You will get HSV eventually (guaran fucking teed)
Unless you’re Chad, trying to get laid as a single guy is a full time fucking job unless you buy a whore for soulless sex (prob will get aids eventually doing this)
You will always be lonely
You will be completely alone and childless in your old age, at that point not even a 9 figure net worth can bring you joy

I’ve seen it happen to relatives in my family, my richfag great uncle died at 93 never married and no kids. He had a good life up until maybe 70 then things get kinda sad.

Can’t take your money with you anyway, losing 50% of your shit in a divorce isn’t the end of the world. Select a woman with good qualities (virgin, no tats, traditional values, looks up to you and is submissive) and it greatly reduces the odds of divorce. If you get rich enough she might even tolerate you having a secret mistress as long as you provide her a comfortable life in her menopausal years

>> No.56956797

You are seething and i can't tell exactly why

>> No.56957098
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>There's people that get "married" outside of the Catholic Church, created by or Lord and savior Jesus Christ

>> No.56958004

Just gay marry a friend at the courthouse.

>> No.56959437

because its always the married men giving unsolicited advice you fucking retard

>> No.56959486

If a woman doesn't believe in marriage due to seeing her folks divorce is this a win?

Very sweet woman, zero interest in politics, very family orientated...

>> No.56959643

You completely missed the point desu.
>Sex with randos fucking sucks
>You will get HSV eventually (guaran fucking teed)
Due diligence solves this. Besides, I prefer a rotation of steady relationships anyway.
>Unless you’re Chad, trying to get laid as a single guy is a full time fucking job unless you buy a whore for soulless sex (prob will get aids eventually doing this)
Unless as a man you've learned how to slay, then you've failed. Doesn't matter if you're a stereotypical chad or not.
>You will always be lonely
>You will be completely alone and childless in your old age, at that point not even a 9 figure net worth can bring you joy
I'll get one of my girlfriends pregnant but I won't marry her because it's a stupid idea and a dead and hollow institution.
>I’ve seen it happen to relatives in my family, my richfag great uncle died at 93 never married and no kids. He had a good life up until maybe 70 then things get kinda sad.
I'm not against having kids, I even prefer that, but just as often people are miserable in their marriages and would prefer their spouse to die. I've seen it happen.
>Can’t take your money with you anyway, losing 50% of your shit in a divorce isn’t the end of the world. Select a woman with good qualities (virgin, no tats, traditional values, looks up to you and is submissive) and it greatly reduces the odds of divorce. If you get rich enough she might even tolerate you having a secret mistress as long as you provide her a comfortable life in her menopausal years
Or don't get married, period, have a gf and a kid with her and you have all the benefits and little downsides. Tradcucks are so stupid.

>> No.56959645

Prenuptial agreements should be amde mandatory.


Hope these links help anon use these links in your ongoing case if possible and cut your losses

>> No.56959676 [DELETED] 


>> No.56959724

>Mandatory prenups

>No maintenance if wife chose to neet


>> No.56959996

You should get your worthless fat ass of 4chan and raise yours. Enjoy watching your sons become chuds and ODing at 25 and your daughters fuck niggers, nigger. Don’t worry about it I’m though, I’ll foot the bill for your mediocre failed normie ass.

>> No.56960214

Where did you go wrong?

>> No.56960315

Divorce was much worst than I realized. I recently divorced with a 3.5 year old child. I held the crypto so I made sure she signed 50% custody with a mediator. I got an agreement where she can not move my child anywhere. But I gave her 50% of my crypto from a Ledger.

Ya I could have easily kept it. But my circumstance came out much better than most people. But the whole process of being married and arguing with her so much made me age in just 3 years. I looked at some old pictures of myself and had barely any Grey hair. Now it's all over my sides.

I was also 166 lbs with muscle doing kickboxing 3-4x a week. Now I am 145 lbs after the completion of the divorce.

I have to claw back from losing a ton of my crypto.

You literally cannot marry a woman this age unless she is well brought up and has some intelligence.

Otherwise, it is so much better to be single

>> No.56960342

I would agree with you except for the fact that almost no decent woman will allow you to get her pregnant if you’re not in a committed marriage. All the women who are okay with that are trashy as fuck

>> No.56960443

It's becoming more common, but overall you're right. Most women want that security and most men are happy to oblige being put in the cuck cagie, but then again it can be a good litmus test. If your gf will have your kid without the marriage, she probably likes you more than your money.

>> No.56960448

Can you describe some specific arguments you had with her? What were the biggest reasons for the divorce?

>> No.56960566

you can't ever convince me that fucking someone's shit hole isn't gross.

>> No.56960733

Well, in counseling I learned that she would intentionally bite me into an argument. It turns out she needed stimulation.

We went out a ton before our 1st child. Europe, Japan etc.

When our child came out, we still traveled locally. Then when he was 2, it was required for us to not go out. So since she wasn't getting her stimulation, she tried to create arguments. Our conselor prvoided me strategies to not bite into some od the things she says, thus we ended up not arguing for like a year while having a child. Then after a few months of not arguing, she goes into counseling stating to her that i am a robot. Our marriage counselor (who was known to side with women more) was passed at her asking her what she wanted.

So since my ex wasn't getting any stimulation because her life got bored after having a child, she started having mid life crisis and I found her cheating.
I began our divorce process.

In counseling after I stated we were getting a divorce, she admitted this in our counselor that some of those times she wanted to get into an argument to "spark" our relationship. Which is just beyond stupidity.

Basically I lucked up marrying a dumbass, but it's okay because I ended up having a great child from it. Just have to deal with the bullshitness

>> No.56960896

It doesn't sound like the woman's the issue here, that's normal woman behavior. Why would you let a woman start an argument with you?

I do understand relationships get complicated, knowing your role needs to be the basics

>> No.56960908

Every fucking time. They must never be allowed in any position of power. They eat the apple (fuck satan) every single time.

>> No.56961019
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I'm 34 and kissed 1 girl 1 time, that's it
99% of my friends are single and/or divorced
1 had a knife to his neck
1 was involuntarily committed under false pretenses
>ty for reading my blog post, saars ... truly doing the needful

>grandparents were happily married for 50+ years
>parents are divorced
>mom has had 4 (failed) marriages, cheated on her 2nd common-law husband
>dad has had 2 (failed) marriages, is a convicted criminal
>daughter of a boomer i know was killed by her husband in a murder-suicide now he and other relatives are raising their kid
>nth cousin's fiance took her hostage at gunpoint at a family party and then shot and killed himself
>some other cousin did a murder-suicide
>2 of my close relatives are racemixers (1 is divorced)
>all my siblings are racemixing fucking degenerates
>only 1 is actually married (and has a mixed race kid), husband is an alcoholic nonwhite manlet
>other one's permanent bf is covered head to toe in tattoos, spends all his money on weed, nonwhite
>other one's husband is also nonwhite manlet, nonfunctional drug addict, they're getting divorced, he just attempted the whole murder-suicide thing tofuckingday
>my one former female friend (fuck off she lived 1000s of miles away and had serious issues) went through 6 boyfriends in <10 years
>every adult female i've met wasn't virgin past age 18, even the ugly autistic ones

i am so, so fucking tired
it isn't just the culture, they've been manipulating things such that white people with traditional mores don't breed for a long time
most modern people really are fucking different, dysfunctional to the core
but the culture guarantees that all women are completely corrupted
i've never met a fertile-age woman who was wife let alone mother material

>> No.56961051

well, ya and that's what the counselor coach me into. Not bite into her arguments. It usually starts off with some kind of ridiculous blame. And you can either explain and "teach her" why it's not your fault - thus getting into an argument. Or you can ignore it.

I meant to say i fucked up marrying the wrong person, somehow it typo corrected me to say "lucked out" lol.

If someone blames you for something, if you don't have emotional investment in them, then obviously you don't need to explain and just laugh out why they're stupid. But if it's your wife with a kid in a middle, you generally point out the logisitc as why it isn't what she thinks it is.

For example, baby is crying, I go to the crib to tend for him. She runs in saying, "what did you do!? why did you make him cry?" Then proceeds to say "you don't know how to handle a baby".

What would you do? You tell her that babies cry often and have to explain that he was crying before you came in?

You don't let a woman start an argument with you. When they have been with you for X amount of years, they know how to get into an argument with you.

Another example is you're just scanning the room, she gets pissed saying you're checking some girl out. You tell her you werent and she doesnt believe you. Are you going to have to explain that you genuinely werent?

Again, like i said, i married a dumb girl. There are good normal women out there that are smart enough to know that if you didnt intentionally do something,that you pretty much didnt do it and will shrug it off and go about their day without thinking much about it.

In my case, my ex was living such a great life that we never had that much conflict, mainly because we were doing well with crypto and she was getting her vacation etc.

But when slightly life stressors came about when our baby popped out, she couldnt handle life and blamed every single life issue that happened on the person next to her.

>> No.56961070

I can trust an anonymous person here saying that's normal woman behavior.

or I can trust the marriage counselor and our psychiatrist that told me that these were not normal women behaviors.

>> No.56961107

It's normal for women to be retards, that doesn't make it acceptable. I'm not trying to pull you down with my comment. I just see others experiences while my marriage has been extremely successful, I've dealt with these sort of issues and had to learn very quickly that you can't allow a woman to take even an inch. But it goes much deeper than that, for example I don't let my wife get a job because that would be gay.. Having a wife who answers to someone other than her husband sounds really cucked.

Also marriage counselors and psychiatrists are jewish so yeah I'd trust an anon long before I'd trust jews

>> No.56961216

This is not a support group talk about business

>> No.56961233

fair enough. It is probably best to control their life and assume they're like children.

And this is the reason why some men seek women over seas because they are more controllable. And i don't mean being controlling in a negative way. Sometimes controlling them because we know what's good for them is they key....but then that's like children.

I had it under control until i was too exhausted. This exhaustion is probably where the divorce was inevitable. We had a million in crypto, but i felt that continuously working is a good thing over all health wise.

>> No.56961461
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my friend who has 6 white kids told me straight up, and I quote,
>women are children you can fuck

>> No.56961486

Based friend

>> No.56961511

thats why traditionally men always pair them with children. We always say "women and children". They're pretty much of the same vulnerability

It really is a man's world, and thats a good thing for everyone involved. Dont ever let anyone fool you otherwise

>> No.56961672
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like it or not, the business of kids and vagina is the ultimate business
if men were akshually smart "we" would've made human females reproductively obsolete decades ago
selection for simps has been an unmitigate disaster for the white aka human race

>> No.56961803

You'll get over it. Be sure to hit the gym and engage in interesting hobbies such as sailing.
t. 2 divorces, 3 marriages

>> No.56963177

my gf wants to get married but i don't think i can do it. sad, i'll probably lose her, but i grew up in a divorced house and it sucked... and i have plenty of friends who are 10 years into marriage and getting divorces now. it's a really bad business decision.

>> No.56963277

She does this year,
Next year she doesnt
If youre not rich, youre boring to her
Its not worth the risk

>> No.56963287

>treats wife like crap
>gets divorce raped

>> No.56963300

if its so stressful don't do it then

or did you choose your significant other by looks only? kek

>> No.56963314

Many such cases.
All types and personalities of men, rich and handsome, broke and ugly, and everything in between, are being divorced or having problem marriages.
YOU will be no different to them.
You must be MAD to consider marriage.

>> No.56963326

i am with my partner for 23 years now. if you don't get the mindset all the youngens have right now that "something better" is around the corner or don't think that oh she has better boobs than my wife you'll make it.

think about it this way: you're on the journey with someone you LOVE and build your lifes TOGETHER. why risk it all for a person you don't know? i would never leave the love of my life for a set of boobs, i know her ins and out, her weaknesses and strengths. what if the person i leave her for turns out to be a total nutjob? kek i would never risk that

>> No.56963370

1 pbtid, I guess, huh? kek

>> No.56963585


>> No.56963600

Non-cohabiting relationships only, maximum 6 months.
Simple as.

>> No.56963617

If even a tenth of this post is true it’s for the best that you aren’t reproducing and tbqh none of the people involved should be reproducing either

>> No.56963644

Or just don’t get married

>> No.56963753

>proud of their career
You are slave cattle

>> No.56963783

Divorce is even worse when there are kids involved. Unless you don't care about them... you can't leave the country or so whatever of you want to stay in their lives