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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56955913 No.56955913 [Reply] [Original]

it's over

>> No.56955928
File: 388 KB, 976x604, pnggggggggggggggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...hold up. Not yet.
...yeah, you're right. It's over.

>> No.56956258

Staking v0.1 gave them a whole year to dump in. v0.2 means he really only has an assured month so has to go harder and faster.

That's what you get for forcing them to release v0.2. He probably wrote his first smart contract in 7 years creating an exactly equivalent instant token dump whenever anyone applies to withdraw their link.

>> No.56956293

In V0.3 we gonna get 65MM pool

>> No.56956593

he created "utility" for the token by offering shitcoin staking mechanics (with worse apy). marketing without having to pay with real dollars, smart move

>> No.56956618

just read the Bloomberg article stating that Sergey will dump on the bagholders heads to save a forest.

never felt more bearish

>> No.56956664

imagine staking with chainlink kek, so many things could go wrong definitely not worth the risk

>> No.56956678

wtf? what's the title?

>> No.56957899 [DELETED] 

>its another episode of fuddie samefagging like 6 times in his own thread

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.56957911
File: 148 KB, 400x400, 1601247569024810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for announcing a sage publicly.
Also, in every social media platform I use, I never see any LINK holders. Only /biz/ has them in high quantities. Beoble? No. Twitter? Nope. Reddit? Negative. DIscord? Nah. I wonder why. Must be nothing I guess.

>> No.56957921

who did you call...?

>> No.56957930

So your plan now is to just wait for new useless versions of the same protocol to recycle hype and get millions of dollars into pools? That's it? You guys literally gave up on all innovation and technology shit. Literally a few months ago your narrative was muh SWIFT and banks using Chainlink tech. What the fuck happened.

>> No.56957937

Paid shills getting a good secret slice of them pools to promote this scam here and keep the cycle going until Sirgay feels comfortable enough to retire. He's an old man, linkies will magically disappear from biz without a trace in a few more years.

>> No.56957938

post it im lazy and im not rummaging through fucking bloomberg to find it.

>> No.56957953
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 2374166447121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone was mad and delusional enough to write all of this, probably with 100% seriousness, for free
>LINKfags adopted it to the extent of having it saved somehwere as a .txt file in their computers

>> No.56957982
File: 290 KB, 1200x1022, 1691238510238951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh they *do* hold it they are just extremely ashamed of doing so. that's it.

>> No.56957983

announcing a report is a bannable offense to bro

>> No.56958010

it's over for you, I'm very happy earning with my chainlink stacking.

>> No.56958017

What's going on? Have the $LINK and $KASPA stackers started to regret it?

>> No.56958024

the scam can only go for so long lol ccip pretty much demonstrated that chainlink is a ghost company with probably like 2 actual devs working on their shit so now staking is all the buzz

>> No.56958032

points for creativity amidst the graveyard

>> No.56958049

it reads quite useful, you should patent it

>> No.56958055

i rather invest in nfts again than going into chainlink

>> No.56958061

no one with any self-respect or a modicum of financial literacy is so inept as to hold a link.

>> No.56958066
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he asked my left ball and it told him he was right.

>> No.56958068
File: 17 KB, 240x255, 1690413051828340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elab you fag im so tired of this shit one of these days i will stream my suicide and have someone upload it as a very compresed video here and comment it on bobo threads

>> No.56958079

chainlink? i feel sorry for you and everything. i hope you didn't invest too much and this is just a hobby for you.

>> No.56958090

41k is a good number, keep in mind that last year we were crying with the hope that it would reach 20k

>> No.56958093

>>Someone was mad and delusional enough to write all of this, probably with 100% seriousness, for free

>> No.56958103

>imagine staking with chainlink kek, so many things coul
you have to be under 21 years old and follow andrew tate to consider chainlink stacking.

>> No.56958106
File: 14 KB, 512x374, 1673048103471014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9k is programmed

>> No.56958118

a loooooooong time ago, they are just coping

>> No.56958120

I love how the pasta upset him so much that he announced his report and then doubled down on the samefagging. He's just gonna get his own thread deleted again.
Nopoolers aren't very bright lmao.

S and H

>> No.56958131

plural fudcucks, kekfuddies

1: a misguided, unpaid, and disgruntled personal assistant to link holders and stakers
"I just woke up! I could clean up the smegma scented basement I live in, but today I need to spend 8 hours angrily keeping biz up to date on my latest headcanon!" - your average fudcuck
2: an angry retard who lives on biz and is bitter about selling at a loss / gambling it all away on a lending platform: person affected with extreme intellectual disability or emotional instability
3: a mindbroken, low testosterone ESL "male" - usually from a third-world country, who found biz after 2021 and is obsessed with the investments of other men and feels a need to always post about it
4. a poorfag or latecomer who wasted thousands of hours of his life fudding in the hopes that he would get into the general access pool - and he is now mindbroken becsuse it filled up after only 5 hours of early access, meaning thst he wasted all that time for nothing

The terms fudcuck, kekfuddie, and their derivatives are currently used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts. These uses are broadly rejected by fudcucks, mostly because they find them incredibly offensive and upsetting.

>> No.56958177

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors::
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE