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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 624 KB, 1080x1507, Da bronxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56957655 No.56957655 [Reply] [Original]

And we're supposed to emphasize with landlords because....?

>> No.56957680

this wouldn't be an issue if the mob was still in control of daily life in the these less well off areas

>> No.56957692
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>> No.56957717
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Anon, let me tell you: my WASP landlord in suburban California has never mistreated me, gives me a Christmas gifts and keeps the house up to code. The problem is not landlords, the problem are (((certain kinds of landlords)))

>> No.56957725

and why is that?

>> No.56957731

Never take anyone for granite

>> No.56957808
File: 546 KB, 978x1019, 1694488353830237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked at the news property details.
Head officer:
>Yomah Roth
>David Kleiner

>> No.56957843

Because rentoids aren’t even human.

>> No.56958125
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>> No.56958200

I didn't even need to look at any details other than Bronx to tell you the landlords were Jews. One day you too will grow this power.

>> No.56958233

two New Yorkers what did you expect?

>> No.56958299

Because they actually live in the areas.

>> No.56958323

Imagine the footsteps you would hear from the upstairs neighbour, holy shit.

>> No.56958341

I haven't seen my landlord in 3 years and my rent has gone up by $100 since 2018

>> No.56958355


>> No.56958456
File: 63 KB, 640x894, list of worst landlords in NYC-all jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56958660

Rent control is 100% to blame for this.
There is zero financial incentive to repair these buildings. There's actually negative financial incentive.

This isn't a problem in areas without rent control.

>> No.56958803
File: 20 KB, 246x413, 3817457ea8b3b7d54f7c1ac8ac2d8e3202e75baa31e35814ee70bbc779af918b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bronx landlords

>> No.56958837

Wow, nice start to the thread retard, fucking up the word empathize.

>> No.56958875

>communist scum doing communist scum things

who the fuck would lay out millions of dollars to repair and bring apartments up to code when you are legally forced to charge no more than 500 bucks a unit when comparable units go for 15 to 25 times that? Of course they're going to let the buildings fall apart, its the way they lose the LEAST amount of money. I'd much rather have an insurance check then freeloading assholes and all the headaches that come with them.

t.landlord btw

>> No.56959301

Just remove Chinese and Jews you wouldn’t have to worry about bad landlords because other than those two exceptions landlords are wholesome folk

>> No.56959349

Yeah all white men.

>> No.56959385

>just let jewish landlords charge you 3000 dollars for a closet and there will be no more problems
Imagine how many millennials and zoomers would have lived fulfilling adult lives without "neoliberal economic policies" replacing them in their jobs with pajeets and charging them infinity dollars to leave their parents' house to seek a mate (who is fat, crazy, on SSRIs and will only want to get married when she's 36 and busted anyway)

>> No.56959454

>In the last two years, the building has been the subject of 179 complaints, raging from heating issues to a collapsed ceiling

>> No.56959465

I'm sure they meant ranging. Been noticing a lot of typos/mistakes in articles lately.

>> No.56959499

>landlords shouldn't make any profit
It's incredible retards like you openly say things like this and wonder why these rental controlled units are collapsing.

Also, this is one of the reasons the non-rent controlled units are so expensive.
Restricted supply increased demand.

>"neoliberal economic policies"
Socialists shitstains deserve death.

>> No.56959545

i know you are a landlord you capitalist leech

>> No.56959557

Don't forget to tip your landlord.

>> No.56960425

This is what happens when grease is poured down drains, buildings collapse. This was totally avoidable. The tenants are responsible and liable for the damages.

>> No.56960457


anon, the motherfucker's name is silverstein

>> No.56960467

how is this the landlords fault? you can literally see the tenant put weights in the room, causing the collapse. jewish lawyers are going to make that tenants life pure hell.

>> No.56960880

>weights caused the wall and windows to blow out but not the floor
Please be trolling

>> No.56961042
File: 68 KB, 720x825, 1687395706547005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New york baby!

>> No.56961862

Even the stone house is made of cardboard. Why are you american faggots like this?

>> No.56963266

U are part of the problem

>> No.56963291

Because they're jewish and if you don't, it's antisemitic.

>> No.56963780
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*link to epic youtube*

>> No.56963790

like pottery

>> No.56963820

t. white landlord

>> No.56963859

>Be most overly taxed, overly priced, mega overly regulated city on planet Earth
>shit like this still happens

>> No.56965747

Also the most money handed to politicians

>> No.56966484

Chose one

>> No.56966570

>rent control is a neoliberal economic policy
Casual socialism enjoyer

>> No.56966641

imagine having to ask that

>> No.56966899

The whole New York living situation is just fascinating to me. I don't get why so many people are hellbent on living in an overpriced and overpopulated concrete jungle. I predict that most of the poorfags will end up living in massive office spaces converted into "affordable" dormitories. The smart ones will leave NYC.

>> No.56966931


Humans exist on a mental spectrum of general behavioral preferences. There are severe collectivists, and severe individualists. The former flock towards anything that is trendy, high density, massive, and make it work at any cost, because their deepest nature relies on the proximity. They derive genuine feelings of worth, relevance, and security from being there even if they are poor and irrelevant individually, they live more through the mass than themselves.

>> No.56968073

*slaps her face*
*grabs her by the neck*
*she gets wet instantly*

>> No.56968138
File: 57 KB, 640x314, 1701975612987561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56968984

i didn't know there were records for this. gz!

>> No.56969132

>landlords shouldn't make any profit

>> No.56969346

The Jewish mob is in control of these areas

>> No.56969894

>emphasize with landlords

>> No.56970322

People building houses for you to live in for a fee are not leeches you subhuman.

Okay build your house yourself then.
Remember that means you can't spend any money on leisure for at least 15 years.

>> No.56971587

I really hope you’re not implying that landlords build homes.

>> No.56971639

This shit happens multiple times daily in ching chong land.

>> No.56972394 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56972433

>that's bullshit, I just act like a jew

>> No.56972447

Landlord's result in houses being built by either building them themselves or providing the capital to build homes.

>it's jewish because im too retarded to profit by benefitting society