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56956135 No.56956135 [Reply] [Original]

Dfinity and Roland Berger were showcasing their VRC system powered by ICP @ cop28 United Nations. 198 countries and world leaders came together to discuss sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of waste. 189 countries at cop28, 1 unified global standard and framework for waste recycling, over 31 Million listed companies.

McKinsey & Company estimates that the market for VRCs could be worth $3 trillion by 2030.
Brazil adopted VRC, 418 Listed Companies in Brazil.

I am done accumulating. I will keep shilling.
Have fun missing out on the largest adoption usecase this space has ever seen.

>> No.56956170
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>> No.56956486

When will this go live? And umm how many fucking cycles would this burn?

T. piss enjoyer

>> No.56956654

though those were palestine flags and almost insta sold my entire piss stack. also I dont think any news can fix the price of this god foresaken VC shitcoin.

I regret buying this shit like you wouldnt believe. Best case imho is $55

>> No.56956655
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>> No.56956731

So if this estimation is correct that would be 3 trillion Tvl on icp just for this use case alone?

>> No.56956942

3 Trillion Dollar marketplace for VCR credits, the framework is global, 198 countries = the world. Dfinity is aiming at GLOBAL adoption - world computer tier status.

>> No.56957015

You didn't watch the video? It's going live next year, multiple countries have signed up check the roadmap, god knows how many listed companies have already adopted VRC.
It will burn a shittons of cycles. Deflationary by 2025-2028 guaranteed.

>> No.56957104

Sir please post roadmap

>> No.56957113

i used to have 1000 of these shits.
if it moons in like 6 years i will kms
i’ll try to get like 100 of them just in case

>> No.56957137


>> No.56957169
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>less than 1000 views
we are so early bros

>> No.56957213

Who are the actual developers building the vrc platform? Is it dfinity themselves? Does this project even have a website yet,

>> No.56957308

It only works if you buy the token and wait two weeks.

>> No.56957502


You can't buy VRC credits, you can only buy the ICP tokens that power the VRC platform.

>> No.56957529

kek you missed the joke completely and reinforced the archetype
nice job Rakesh

>> No.56957534

internet computer heh

>> No.56957544

I see all the groups involved I just dont see who is actually building the platform.

>> No.56958486

probably some tech consultants. roland berger is a consultancy company, so they'll have a team on an account that will have to learn motoko/rust and develop the platform

dfinity doesn't work on the application layer, only the network layer. the nns technically counts as the application layer, but they prob didn't trust the community to build that out

>> No.56959021

I wish there were more information at this time. I know Dom posted on his Twitter it it’s like Dfinity doesn’t even want to advertise this to the crypto space, it’s very strange.

>> No.56959534

dfinity only markets ICP to developers

>> No.56960057

Yes this is what it seems like. I can’t imagine why they seemingly don’t want a piece of that retail money though.

>> No.56960300

nigger you dont understand how ICP works. due to the reverse gas model, developers buy icp to acquire cycles. retail does not need to purchase ICP. retail needs to use ICP dapps. hence dfinity is marketing to developers because they need to build the apps that retail will then use. the more end users, the more cycles needed so devs will buy more cycles.

you are literal npc cattle kys sell your icp and buy US tsy bonds. I hear you can get 5% risk free return faggot

>> No.56960321

meh i dont think its strange at all

you dont see amazon putting out announcements that they are working on projects that are hosted on aws. the platform should be neutral, and allow for anyone to build on top of it otherwise there would be a conflict of interest

>> No.56960535

Potentially 31 million listed companies are going to burn cycles on VRC

>> No.56960570

people the world is changing, the country that rules money is not USA anymore but crypto
and it's going to be the last one, with the emerge of ai

you people are all early, if you buy now you are going to be future billionaires
not for long i believe, ai is going to fuck all, but at least you are going to enjoy a time

>> No.56960735

I absolutely understand icp and if you somehow think that speculation isn’t important you are the dumb nigger cattle you run around calling everyone else.

>> No.56960757

Amazon is not a crypto start up.

>> No.56960836

OP, VCs bought a 0.03, you are bagholding.

>> No.56960881

All that matters is cycle burn and tokens locked for governance. The money will follow.
ICP aims to be a blockchain version of AWS. How is this hard to compare?

>> No.56961021

What im saying is that it’s fucking retarded to not sell the normal crypto hype train. Why the fuck not? Does dfinity have an endless supply of money? Of course real use case and institutional adoption is the most important. But why the fuck not. Absolute dogshit scams pump in this market and but we’re not allowed to sell some icp to normal nuggets? Why

>> No.56961068

Is this why ICP is pumping when everything else is dumping?

>> No.56961255

Holy shit you still dont understand. Dom does not give a shit about ICPs price. He only cares about development. The scams that are pumping now are through market manipulation, literally just go look up avax and where its searched the most is turkey. Those fuckers in turkey arent exit liquidity nor whales pumping the price.
You must understand that pumping the price exactly like avax, link, and sol recently introduces a whole new set of baggies they can dump on since theres a lot of big money trying to exit.
>Before pumping the price is bad
Im not trying to say that but the typical crypto space needs to be fucking rewritten. If you keep pushing the same crypto hype train, narrative, to the moon, etc. the space won't change. If we actually want to see blockchain technology have real adoption rather than fake "partnerships" every chain does you need to have an approach differently.
Dfinity has enough funds I believe to stay a float 2035 if I recall. They literally are giving out $200 million in grants to developers right now.
Its going to be a slow rise, maybe we'll see huge pumps once the normies realize but currently the best investments will be projects being built on icp.
You will not have your typical crypto advertising from Dom, hes not sergay nor emin. But he has been going everywhere actually talking to people and make moves in the back ground to bring on development

>> No.56961366

unfathomably based.

>> No.56961955

what is the price prediction in like 4 years?
it’s gonna be like 5-7 bucks

>> No.56962537

Ya’ll buying the ‘golden’ opportunity today?

>> No.56962983

So? Dfinity is a non profit organization.

>> No.56963046

Have you happened to read the fourth turning, btw? I like your train of thought, we are kinda alike. Also Bobby O, thinks like us.

The scams that are pumping are institutions, VC's trying to exit before quantum computing becomes affordable / mainstream 2025.

>> No.56963060

sidenote I do think Dfinity will be again the first team in the world, to issue quantum resistant signatures, after all they are the one of the 3 teams in this space with cryptographers besides Ethereum and Nervos.

>> No.56963531
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Kikes, jeets will not stop me from shilling the world's first SNS GOLD DAO.

>> No.56964004

Unfathomably based.
Actions speak louder than words.
Dominic Williams is travelling the world funding and looking for BUILDERS. Build it and they will come. He's fleshing out and setting the groundwork for the internet computer to become an unstoppable EMPIRE.

>> No.56965303

Who is the team behind gold dao? I already aped in btw but I haven’t dug as far into this as I probably should have.

>> No.56965400

ever heard of THE Austin Fatheree? Check out the bottom of the whitepaper from their website. (link is literally on the launchpad on the NNS)

>> No.56965437

>largest adoption usecase
who cares Link has highest adaption then any and the price does nothing nobody in crypto cares about adoption it does nothing

>> No.56965557

Oh shit so it’s directly associated with orgyn not just using their tech, well that’s bullish news.

>> No.56965652

Don't eat the yellow crayons and don't compare your erc-20 token with digital oil, and look up what the budget is for climate change.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has estimated that the world needs to invest between $100 and $200 trillion in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. This includes investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and climate change adaptation, recycling.

>> No.56965683

The new Companies of the future are decentralized, autonomous organizations. DAO.

>> No.56965703

Now you have the chance to become your own schlomo goldstein on the blackchain. DAO Banking. I aped 1000 ICP in this muthafucka

>> No.56966412

Imagine not buying the a coin with the most interesting speculation and a perfect narrative for the media, so you can buy doge.
Have I mentioned that this coin is cheap as fuck right now?