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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56953219 No.56953219 [Reply] [Original]

Gold edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>What has government done to our money? - Murray Rothbard
>The mystery of banking - Murray Rothbard
>Profit & Loss - Ludwig Von Mises
>Must Read: Gary Allen, "Hunt for Silver"
>How to play the exploration stock
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxxZOA403dY [Embed]

Previous: >>56877235

>> No.56954059
File: 21 KB, 720x405, 1700874235633684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's confirmed, Homerun Resources got the exclusive silica deal with the Brazilian state.


>Homerun's exclusive right to extract high purity silica sand sourced from CBPM's concessions near Santa Maria Eterna, Belmonte, Bahia, Brazil.
>Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral is the mineral research and development company of the State of Bahia, Brazil.
>it is an immense satisfaction to be able to build a partnership with a company like Homerun, which will prospect industrial sand in the municipality of Belmonte
>and will process this industrial sand, transforming it into pure silica and then into high technology products, such as the cell that will enhance the production of photovoltaic energy in Brazil.
>We are extremely excited to have exclusive access to this incredibly high-grade HPQ silica sand supply in Bahia, Brazil
>which is the pivotal relationship in the extension of our business plan, from extraction through processing and on to end-use manufacturing

This company is going to be supplying silica locally for the growing Brazilial solar manufacturing sector and their long term plans are to become a manufacturer of all kinds of products from solar to batteries.
This fucker is a multi billion dollar company in the making, 100x-200x or even more from here in the longer run.
Best thing is that it's basically completely derisked if it's the state funding and supporting their operations along with whatever big green oriented globalist ran funds there are out there pushing this stuff.

>> No.56954376
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>> No.56954409


Dip on selling the news was to be expected and I'm totally fine with it. The market cap is miniscule and moves pretty easily to either direction.
These news are huge especially for a company that size.
Getting an exclusive deal from the state about any commodity extraction is nuts and this is quartz sand fit for semi-conductor and solar panel manufacturing.
No need to even say why that's significant.

>> No.56954984

Oil stocks are dumpinh

>> No.56955158
File: 209 KB, 1063x1094, Screenshot_20231212_091703_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pile of hot dogshit

>> No.56955228
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Almost as bad as Strikeout Resources

>> No.56955305
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>> No.56955328
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I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

>> No.56955330
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Got to love this general, if there's a single day of red, fuck the fundamentals and the stock is obviously garbage with no redeeming qualities.
I mean who needs stuff like sand anyways, it's plentiful and found on beaches all around the world and government deals obviously mean nothing.
But you do you and keep on posting screenshots when the market cap moves a mind blowing few million and makes a big scary percentage.
I'll hold it, let's see where it sits in a year or two.

>> No.56955355
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>Stock goes down
>Stock goes up
Told you guys I was right about this company and CEO.

>> No.56955365
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Last CMMG got cut short. Still waiting for the day when we moon are Normies start coming in. When gold broke all time highs last week we saw them trickle in. It's going to get really mad once we make serious money though.

>> No.56955391
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>I'll hold it, let's see where it sits in a year or two.
Imagine holding the dump phase of a PnD for a year or two.
>But muh state contract
So fucking what? There are so many royalties and fees tied to this deal that the projected FCF is not going to be what the pump bois we're promising.

>> No.56955414

>who needs salt anyway?

>> No.56955419
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The reason money isn't flowing into commodities and miners is because the elite know there will be a lot less humans by this time next year, and hence no demand. A movie produced by Obama just came out revealing the method (Leave the World Behind). Home bunker manufacturers are booked out to June and aren't taking new orders after that. Civilization is getting rug pulled.

>> No.56955486


>> No.56955587
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>> No.56955663
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Good news is that gold spot will climb to astronomical highs in the weeks before the "event" as elites try to unload their fiat. Bad news is that Bayhorse share price will lag and will only start to move in the last 5 minutes.

>> No.56955689
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Yes, the well known dump phase where a contract has been finalized and institutional interest finally starts coming in after things have been secured, that dump phase.
Let's see:
>Under the CBPM Agreement, Homerun will pay an extraction royalty of R$50 (US$10.00) per tonne of extracted silica sand.
>Any of the extracted silica sand sold outside of Brazil will be subject to a further five percent (5%) gross sales royalty in addition to the above extraction royalty.

Well isn't that destructive, some lordly sums going on there.
Let's see about the price of quartz silica sand


>Prices of low-to-medium-grade high purity quartz sand material typically range from US$ 300 per ton to US$ 500 per ton.
>The price of high purity grade stands at US$ 5,000 per ton. Ultra-high-purity grade can even be priced higher than US$ 5,000 per ton.

At bare minimum the resource is valued at $300 to $500 per ton, probably way higher since this is high grade sand.
They don't even need to process it much because it's so pure.
They just need to scoop it up and wash it and sort it, that's it for the process so there are very little expenses involved.

But hey, the market cap went down three and a half million and made a big bad red number show up, so it invalidates all of this and makes it a bad investment that was just a pump and dump.
I hope you keep on posting these screenshots and calling for the total collapse of the stock when the price is green, though I have a feeling you'll for some reason magically disappear when that happens.

>> No.56955737

All in NFG

>> No.56955846
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>Tries to pump a pre-market news release
>Gets pissy when called out on the sell off

>> No.56955997
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As if there's any purchasing power in this general of 5 or 6 people with few grand in the bank to pump anything.
This place is fucking dead because most people already got destroyed over the last two years and jumped ship to chasing tech.
And the only thing I'm "pissy" about, is some idiot seeing a sell of few mil and immediately disregarding all fundamentals because of it.
Or more likely not even considering them in the first place, because let's face it, it's mostly just a knee jerk reaction to some guy talking about a potential of a company.
Which is because there have been so many failures in this general that no one expects any company to get anywhere regardless of what the fundamentals are.

But I'm not going to argue about any of this, just decided to drop some info about this thing because it has some retarded potential going forwards.
I'll hold it, I'll buy more of it. We'll see where it is in a while.

>> No.56956098
File: 255 KB, 824x552, wiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US$ 500 per ton
This is the same reason SALT sold down from $2--unrealistic price assumptions.

>> No.56956202
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Swiiiiiing and a miss.

>> No.56956232


The reason why salt sold down was because people were expecting a quick buyout and it didn't happen, not because of price expectations, even though people were throwing around all kinds of numbers.
Not that it even matters in a case of a buyout, the price would be whatever was paid for it.
Buyout not happening in a timely manner doesn't mean salt as a company is dead either.
Their time frame is just extended to who knows how long and they now also need to get the mine building out of the way, which doesn't do them any favors.
It's dead money until they get funding, which is probably all the way to 2025.

And are you implying that the price of the quartz sand isn't right?
Because you can check it yourself, that's the price of the commodity itself no matter which way you look at it.
But you're drawing parallels between two companies here without any reason and the investment immediately sours because of it
>That one didn't happen so they're all dogshit
This is an absolutely retarded point of view to come from, because you're letting your emotions dictate the outlook here.
Maybe they make it, maybe they don't, but a company that has just made a deal with the state and has an exclusivity to already existing high grade resource, is in an infinitely better position compared to a good chunk of the commodity sector.

>> No.56956456
File: 279 KB, 701x998, fucking liar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And are you implying that the price of the quartz sand isn't right?
But the company said otherwise, right? Or was it Pizdets17?

>> No.56956545


>> No.56956594
File: 119 KB, 1260x818, Ssand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please don't try to act smug when you're so off the mark, makes you look incredibly retarded.
That's not high purity quartz sand prices you're looking at there, but average grade silica and it's unusable in higher end products.
The resource they have in Brazil is HPQ silica sand.

This link I posted for the actual prices of high purity quartz sand.
Same prices can be found here
Same goes for the company page, pic related.
Or just google high purity quartz prices if you don't believe any one of these sources.

>> No.56956611
File: 91 KB, 719x422, quartz sand is the same as silica sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe anything that junior mining companies or their pumpers say.

>> No.56956647
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That pic of yours is supposed to change something?
Because high grade is still a different market from the average grade silica no matter how much that reality doesn't fit your head canon.
If you by some miracle still didn't catch it, HQP grade is different from the average glass grade, as seen in those charts.
You can't use normal silica in high end applications like processors and stuff.
But hey, I don't really need to convince you of anything.
Have a good one! I'll get back to work.

>> No.56956764
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>I don't really need to convince you of anything
You don't. I'm already convinced this is the back end of a pump, as the market is implying. Good luck swinging for the fences.

>> No.56957892
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>it's outta here!

>> No.56958543

Just recently bought some and am bout to go in further this week. I couldn’t believe its valuation despite great news on intercepts/assays and no real flaws from a management standpoint

>> No.56959598
File: 168 KB, 900x500, Coal mine continuous mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coal bump!

>> No.56960000

This is pretty much a “rock bottom” price range for NFG. Unless you think real rates will skyrocket, or NFG are misrepresenting intercepts as has been previously claimed… there’s a good chance that $4.50 a share is about as good as you’ll see. I might buy a few lots. I’ve been bottom fishing Surge Copper, BLLG and Trillion this week

>> No.56960048
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Forgot picrel

>> No.56960135
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About 1/4 of the production doesn't care about the price.

>> No.56960857
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Pump bump

>> No.56961143

ARLP just keeps fucking dumping AHHHHHHHH.
It's all because of the bullshit climate talks right?

>> No.56961148

speaking of NFG, their celebrating drilling over 500,000 meters of core at Queensway.

Love the core sample cake!

>> No.56961200

Alliance is a good company with a good reputation. But all coal companies are dumping lately, even Alpha, which mines metallurgical rather than thermal coal.
I don't know why. I think it's either those Climate Talks or just energy dumping in general.
When oil and gas prices fall, coal prices fall too to remain competitive.

>> No.56961231

Part of me suspects the drop in energy prices is political. An presidential election is coming up next year and the establishment wants the Democrats to win. Of course they rig elections, but I think they have only a certain latitude in the rigging, such that they can't rig a landslide.

>> No.56961958

The team is working hard and the results are amazing.
Cake also looks delicious!

>> No.56963476


>> No.56963943

I cant wait to see what comes out of Keats zone when / if they do a bulk sample from surface there. Its loaded with course gold, but i want to see if the structure is actually grade consistent when milled.

>> No.56964151
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Benton resources


>> No.56964199
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>The Company's all important mine permitting started by the submission of the Joint Mines Act/Environmental Management Act Permits Amendment Application (JMAEMAP) in October 2022. After meeting various requirements, an initial ministry screening process was completed in July 2023 and the application was resubmitted for review shortly thereafter. Since then, two rounds of comments have been completed by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI), the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (ENV),and the Lake Babine Nation (LBN) and the Company and its technical consultants have responded to, and have completed, two rounds of responses and expect to resubmit the updated application on or before January 6, 2024 for further review and acceptance
I hate the government so much.

>> No.56964291

its so frustrating how long it takes to get these projects going. On the positive side, at least the local bands dont seem to mind Dome Mt operating, they all worked for the Bell Copper mines on Babine Lake for 20 plus years. I do wish you didnt have to resubmit the application over and over and over again, it just drains any real anticipation for a project.

>> No.56964471

Well the price assumptions were correct they just failed to demonstrate the long term life and upscaling production potential in the PEA. Everything we expected came out exactly so, however they chopped their foot off for some reason and didn't include that.

>> No.56964560
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>price assumptions were correct
Disagree. SALT reverse engineered unrealistic yearly projected increases in the price of road salt which made the PEA work.

>> No.56964645

In addition, the price assumptions failed to address SALT's own supply coming to market. The new supply from a source this big will have the opposite effect in an industry where demand is rather constant (+- for weather) and price projections are calculated on historical assumptions. These projections fail to account for the introduction of their own supply to the market. If anything, the price of road salt will remain relatively static or even decline on account of this.

>> No.56964658

>Well the price assumptions were correct
17x (from ATH, now a 106x) any day now fellow shareholder

>> No.56964702


>> No.56964719

Good point and completely true. However I wonder if the inelasticity of salt would buffer against this.

>> No.56964805

It has relative demand inelasticity (+ or - for weather), but the supply would not be inelastic if their mine came online.
There's the argument that they could undercut smaller producers, etc, then have the market cornered, but projections based on this contain too many variables to consider (time to fruition, anti-trust, new discoveries, etc.).
I'm not saying that price assumptions in the PEA we're the only factor for SALT's decline, either. There was a ton of pump going on prior to the PEA release.

>> No.56964823

I still don't get why road salt was pushed so hard. It's just common road salt.

>> No.56965209


>> No.56965324


- Brother it's called crypto yeah, it's going to change the world, bro.
- Nation states can't control it, it can't be manipulated, it's your freedom, bro.
- it's the perfect store of value, bro, it's a hedge against inflation, trust me on this one, okay.
- Brother this is a once in a century event, maybe rarer, it's a total reform of the global economic system, it's like the real estate boom x1000, bro.
- No nation state can stop it, when the collapse comes the USA will balkanize, and people will sell their souls to get a satoshi in return, brother.
- Let me tell you about alt-coins, brother.
- It's p2p digital gold which means peer to peer, did you know it brother?
- Tokenized master books, unbreakable encryption, totally secure.
- Yes brother, there are a lot of non-digital currency uses, that's what alt-coins are about.
- Everyone needs to be monetized, don't ask me why brother, I buy them you should too!
- Everything will be tokenized bro, it's not just a database.
- When everything is tokenized everything will be monetized brother.

>> No.56965478

WTI is currently in contango. OPEC cuts (2.2 mbpd) still hasn’t convinced firms and traders that it will be enough to keep WTI/Brent at $70. Markets are pricing much weaker demand forecast for 2024/25 according to futures curves. Building a stronger case for a deflationary recession.

>> No.56965672

Christ, BLLG is down to 0.11. Have a limit for 10,000 at that price

>> No.56965691
File: 107 KB, 1125x564, AC789032-56BC-4F1B-BE75-C675F96678AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some NFG here

>> No.56966088
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Poo Lagoon is over. Is there any copium for Blue Lagoon?

>> No.56966289


>> No.56966653

my favourite word in commodities, sounds like a sexy mexican dance

>> No.56967205

Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the cantango? Thunder bolts and lightning, very very frightening!

>> No.56967233
File: 112 KB, 720x584, Screenshot_20231213_105829_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandstorm gold royality company interview.


>> No.56967290
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>>Youtube channels to follow
>Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
We should add Kitco mining, crescat capital, and Hedgeless Horseman to the list of channels to follow

>> No.56967858


>> No.56967905

i slurped

>> No.56967949

Nice quads for NFG! All my good stocks (NFG, GOLD, GROY) went up pretty significantly today, at least 4% on average. Naturally Scottie didn’t do shit with this pump, nor did BHLL but if I’m being honest that last one I’ve been using as a swing trade for other things. Maybe it’s gas for that is finally running out.

>> No.56967950
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>> No.56968965


>> No.56969336
File: 136 KB, 720x999, Screenshot_20231213_131100_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed is done with rate hikes and might start cutting. If the fed cuts rates do you think gold is going to moon because no more money will go to money markets or what?

>> No.56969536

Didn't people say low interest rates are le good for tech stocks?
We have had high interests for over a year and the s&p500 just made an all time high

>> No.56969830

Dow jones i mean

>> No.56970355
File: 339 KB, 1125x1415, 4B303C6F-6668-4B02-BA80-ED822F55ED0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, didn’t follow financials today, must be rate cut hints from FOMC?

>> No.56970424

Hmm, seems like BLLG and Babine nation are getting along well. You never know with those folks, some are based and some are like Native version of Greenpeace. Hopefully the ministries fuck off and allow this to progress in January

>> No.56970456
File: 96 KB, 664x698, 8869D5A8-0085-4F33-801D-ACA2E3EB89EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOMC still very much undecided on where rates will go. Highly unusual

>> No.56971026

there was an issue back two years ago where one of the bands just up and unexpectedly showed up on the Dome Mountain mine site and got really mad they couldnt just wander around berry picking. Those people associated with the Gidamden checkpoint twattery from the pipeline protests on the morrice river. Things were fixed though, and the "land defenders" never got involved.

>> No.56971138
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>> No.56971197
File: 67 KB, 720x171, Screenshot_20231213_155600_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is a no Brainerd with lobo

>> No.56971474

So glad I did a ton of large buys yesterday

>> No.56971686
File: 245 KB, 720x987, Screenshot_20231213_164320_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys are we getting too cocky again...

>> No.56971746

Yea I remember you saying a few years back how common it is for thieves to break into mining camps and just ransack them whole place. Like to the point where the RCMP wouldn’t even intervene. It was that bad. With that in mind, I’m not sure why these native bands thought it was a good idea to trespass on private property not be accosted/questioned lol

>> No.56971878
File: 87 KB, 250x225, Peter-Schiff-Smile-Head-Shot-square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiff is live now

>> No.56972320

The thefts are a bit different then the situation with the band at Dome. The thefts are organized crime stealing from basically any industrial camp without regular security. They loot logging, mining, bc hydro outposts with impunity as its only the grunts that get caught, and the justice systems so backed up that they get let off with warnings.

At Dome Mt, the band in question (Morricetown office) was unaware the project was going on because no one ever reads their emails over there, and were cross that a major operation was going on without their say so, and they couldnt go berry picking. It was eventually resolved without much issue, but classic band office not talking to anyone.

>> No.56972347 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56972569
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>Walkes into the Bayhorse Silver mine
>Sees picrel
What do?

>> No.56972612

Show caulk

>> No.56972683



>> No.56972870
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>"I'll sort your rocks"
What do now?

>> No.56972905
File: 50 KB, 768x512, What-Is-Painters-Caulk-768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga be getting caulky.

>> No.56973074

Ah, that’s good that Rana and co were able to mediate the situation and not let some berry picking turn into something much more troublesome. I’m sure the Babines saw this as a form of goodwill and haven’t forgotten. So do you think the local tribes will get some kind of cut for allowing done mountain/Boulder to proceed or is that mostly paid back in the form of re-foresting the mine when it’s spent? They have to have some kind of collateral no?

>> No.56973294

I lost everything buying your shitty stock. The best of CMMG, the mining experts, the geology experts, reviewed Bayhorse's technical data and financial reports and all agreed it was a home run, a sure thing, once in a lifetime, and it was all a fraud.

>> No.56973493


>> No.56973788

the Babine bands a bit odd, their all associated with mining in one form or another thanks to the nearby Bell Copper mines that ran up until the 1980s on the islands off Babine Lake. Many of the band there want mining jobs to return as it made them all comfortably wealthy on reserve territory without having to commute for work. They seem happy to work with Blue Lagoon to get Dome Mountain running again, but they did likely setup some kind of deal to make every party happy if you know how this works in BC with bands.

The Wet'suwet'en families / tribes are split 50/50 on welcoming or expelling industry from their ancestral lands, those that welcome mining back will be well rewarded, those that dont will keep on living in poverty hating everyone else.

>> No.56974045

I have a deep sympathy for tribal peoples of the Americas; after all, they did get fucked very hard.
But it's just foolish of them to turn their backs on the modern world. Accepting mining on their lands, collecting the associated fees, and having the high-paying nearby jobs would be very good for them.

>> No.56974112

oh no most of the anti industry groups still want all the modern comforts, they just want it all fed to them on a silver platter as recompense for past wrongs. This brings tension between the various groups, as hand outs in some clans are seen as an insult while others take them kindly. Its really too complicated to type out in small posts, but i will always support the clans that force their kids to gain skills and go after building jobs for their communities. The wrongs of the past can be rectified, and we all can prosper, but there are quite a few bad apples who see any form of progress as cultural genocide and will hinder progress where ever possible to the detriment of their own children.

>> No.56974529
File: 358 KB, 508x677, Mariusz-Skonieczny-Png-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro cap will explode after rate cuts.

>> No.56974577 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56975817
File: 21 KB, 500x308, BA2D9369-6AEB-4002-B746-DF8427EB0BEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art Berman with a new interview:


>> No.56976193

Silver up 6.1% as of typing. What a day. Looking at ABRA and IPT for continued upward moves

>> No.56976196 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56976233 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56976751

Even acknowledging native greviences lends credence to their endless whining. They were (and still are for the most part) a collection of jibbering savages who should consider themselves lucky to be part of civilization. Ending the reservation and finishing the process of forcibly incorporating them into the national fold would be the best thing for everyone.

>> No.56976811
File: 45 KB, 800x430, 63304-allan barry laboucan advance lithium-1280x720-800x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56977483

Any Lion holders left?