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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 200x200, funfair[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5694227 No.5694227 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this shit at ATL and it's making me rich thank you /biz/

>> No.5694312

2018 year of the fun and /biz/ casino

>> No.5694313

LAMBO FOR ALL!!! thank you a FUN

>> No.5694397

if you bought ath youre down like 2 cents rn retard

>> No.5694400

Truly is

Best coin

>> No.5694444

he said all time low

>> No.5694475
File: 18 KB, 611x533, Terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said ATL

>> No.5694506
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>we are essentially gambling on a gambling platform

>> No.5694546
File: 459 KB, 1545x1396, funfair chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they laughed at me when I bought 100,000 in November
The Time of the FUNChads has arrived

>> No.5694577
File: 132 KB, 1280x818, FUN funfair chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Chads allowed in the FunFair

>> No.5694603

I need this to stay steady a little while. I don't think my dick can handle another pump today.

>> No.5694676
File: 381 KB, 800x670, fun pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will. Fun Chads are a patient people. We will bid our time and build support before storming the charts in January. When the Normies Coinbase christmas crypto money comes through, the inexpensive coins on Binance will moon

>> No.5694678

This meme looks surprisingly well done
Are you a funfair employee anon?

>> No.5694716
File: 472 KB, 511x510, FUN chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, just someone who has been trying to justify holding FUN to himself for the last month and a half while watching thousands of green candles go vert without me.

>> No.5694736
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1512773335543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having FUN

>> No.5694767
File: 84 KB, 500x500, all in 100k fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUN is fun

>> No.5694814

>buy at 830
>now at 655 and keeps diving

I WANT OFF THE ((((((((((((FUN)))))))))))) RIDE

>> No.5694848

chill out bro, have some FUN

>> No.5694850

>bought at 710
>down to 650

>> No.5694858

This coin does biweekly pumps. It's going to moon like fuck when the product is released so just hold onto it.

>> No.5694902
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 4chan bad luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the silly goof who bought the ATH. Just hodl for a week and you'll make a profit. But I would hang on and buy the dip if you have the funds. I'm selling half my position at $.24

>> No.5694983
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1514678769981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding 20k fun rn. Half of it I just picked up in the last few days and is still on the exchange. Part of me wants to try and play the ups and downs coming up. The more logical side days transfer to wallet and forget it. What do?

>> No.5695020

I'm 100% in FUN with about 50k FUN tokens.

AM I gonna make it? I have to escape wageslavery

>> No.5695052

Wait and be patient anon. For once.

>> No.5695055
File: 166 KB, 646x700, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding 10k FUN and 30k REQ

>> No.5695089

transfer to wallet. you will lose if you trade. you know it's true.

>> No.5695093

Day trading this coin is a bad idea. It stabilizes at new floors then moons when you least expect it. This upcoming year is gonna be huge for them.

>> No.5695148

That's what they all say.

>"yeah broski thiz coin will 4 sure dubble next week trust me i use meme lines"
>*coin crashes because coin with cooler tech had news posted on twitter*

>> No.5695155

Thank you Funbros for your honest advice. Happy New Year, and let 2018 be the year we all make it.

>> No.5695177
File: 266 KB, 2048x1364, bdr4343b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 50k more to join the +100k club

Next year +100k club will meet to show lamboes at vegas

>> No.5695251

Is there anything even coming out for Fun soon? I’m skeptical this is a lasting price increase

>> No.5695271

36 days until platform launch

Q2 Full release of FunFair casino

>> No.5695278

Yeah man they're releasing their actual product in less than 40 days at the ICE conference. Idgaf if you buy or not. Stay poor or join the lamboland FUNsquad.

>> No.5695369


That's a long time in crypto days tho...

>> No.5695409



>> No.5695419

Yeah, but a pretty safe HODL that could bring you 10x or 20x if you are patient

>> No.5695447
File: 401 KB, 1142x1590, FUN_Chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5695468
File: 222 KB, 1203x1600, DQHyR0UU8AAzGHF.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team is way too professional to be spending time here shitposting, they actually have capable people in their dev team.

>> No.5695524
File: 136 KB, 740x924, IMG_2334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got $1500, should I go all in FUN or REQ?

>> No.5695545

Ok I'm in. Bought 1k cause poorfag. Wish me 10x gains so i can start investing in this stuff for real.

>> No.5695644


fun. req already mooned. fun hasnt

>> No.5695688

short term fun, long term req, but req is not showing any signs of dipping, so you'd be risking missing a bigger boat

>> No.5695757
File: 16 KB, 251x251, 1498544140345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what a disgusting bitch whore you are posting, you are a sick, sick man.

>> No.5695856

Want to put 7k € into FUN next week

Please keep it down until then, ok guys?

>> No.5695906
File: 232 KB, 1024x778, Caravaggio the musicians .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind us, we are just going to have FUN without you

>> No.5695946

Just sold 10k for you :^)

>> No.5696003


>> No.5696224

Will this keep low until next tuesday or so?
I'm pretty poor and will just be barely able to buy just a little.

>> No.5696344

No telling. I wasn't even expecting the pumps over the last couple days. In a week, you should still be good to buy some. It is far from peaking.

>> No.5696788

sold the ones i had ATH and now waiting for the big dip to double my FUN

>> No.5697401
File: 1.06 MB, 1047x741, Spongebob Fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me I'm not the only one who immediately remembered this Spongebob episode after seeing this coin for the first time.

>> No.5697437



>> No.5697473

That too.

>> No.5697506


I forget the actual date, but in 35 days or so there is supposed to be some big announcement or release, so buying before then should get you some comfy gains if you hodl

>> No.5697598

Can someone explain me why FUN goes up so much? I did buy because of the shilling, but not sure I understand why this is supposed to go up so much

>> No.5697652

Bought this shit too! Look at the cycle goes up to 1k back down back to 1k back down fucking easy money

>> No.5697781

when is the dip over ffs. i re bought at 624 and its still tanking

>> No.5697787

>best memes
>best gains

You can’t wrong with FUN.

>> No.5697853

Went all in at 700 sats thinking dip was over.

Please stop =)

>> No.5697872

who here /buying more at 600/?

>> No.5697922

good lord i hope this fuck coin goes back to 5 cents so daddy can buy more

>> No.5698039

stop selling reeeeeeeeee

>> No.5698050
File: 71 KB, 1479x782, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it bounces off the lines, uptrend could continue

>> No.5698057

it did that too, stop fking dipping

>> No.5698118



>> No.5698281

the dipping as finally stopped

>> No.5698739

why would anyone sell low dumbass

>> No.5698931

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like that, pajeet.

>> No.5699013

I’m all in on 50k FUN take me to lamboland

>> No.5699123

fuck it, picked up 100k.

>> No.5699334

Thanks a lot /biz/ you turned $50 into $45.

>> No.5699663

No, we didn't. YOU did.

>> No.5699754

Jesus Christ weak hand faggot
Hold this shit for 60 days and then let’s talk

>> No.5699878

>Jesus Christ weak hand faggot

That's what happens when you're poor.

>> No.5699910

No, it's not.
I'm quite poor and I have a lot of holdings in FUN.
You are weak
My hands are IRON

>> No.5699946

>I'm quite poor

You probably don't know what poor is.

I have like $200 right now and I need it for food.

>> No.5699992

How high can this coin go realistically?

>> No.5700025

why wait for this coin to stabilize when i could go out and make gains on other coins while this coin stays same price? 40 days is a long time i could be makin cash

>> No.5700026

You shouldn't be in crypto. Focus on what is important first. You will only go insane by gambling what you cannot lose.

>> No.5700083

I'm out of time. I need get rich quick schemes.

>> No.5700093

That mentality has lost me thousands anon.

Just choose some good projects, wait for a price correction and then hold for a few months.

>> No.5700167

half stellar, half fun
Next year is gonna be great

>> No.5700214

It's a PnD run. It even dropped down lower than the two days before, it's now becoming a negative investment. Once the PnDers are done with it, it will slowly bleed out and become forgotten due to other, newer flavor-of-the-month coins.

>> No.5700218

you dont fucking day trade this faggots
only an exp. trader can and clearly you are not
this is the safest long term investment on the crypto market just buy, hodl, and stfu
tldr if you are trying to flip 100$ into a million starting off with this token you are doing it wrong

>> No.5700251

6/9 fuddery

>> No.5700255

Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about. This is the best coin on the market. The only coin with a focused niche, a real product, and a clear roadmap.

>> No.5700286

are you seriously telling me I fell for ANOTHER p&d scam? thats it Im getting out of this crazy market

>> No.5700305

ICE conference gonna be BIG

>> No.5700314

What the fuck are you talking about, it's only ever been at 1k once.

>> No.5700408

ATL? so back in november of 2015? lololol

>> No.5700505

so many retards itt, do yourselves a favor and just hodl

>> No.5700517

Q1 2018 is gonna be so comfy for fun

>> No.5700549

At the very least until the end Q1 2018 when they start releasing stuff.

>> No.5700596
File: 619 KB, 540x540, cc64ebc04673ca5f8561eb566ccc4cb26b422d7e595c549e33a19eb04039115a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5700619

$10 by 2019 pepper thine angus

>> No.5700699
File: 67 KB, 500x573, FUN times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold, Funbros. Everything will be alright.

>> No.5700835

prediction until end of january ? im thinking 25-30 cent.

>> No.5700874

15c before ICE and moon to 35c after

>> No.5700891

I j-just keep buying more
>tfw all in with 97,648 fun
>tfw want 100k but nothing left to put in

>> No.5700963
File: 623 KB, 600x946, 1514681730526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job, Anon. You're going to make it, just like the rest of us.

>> No.5700978

Yeah, yeah. Thought so myself, and had some nice early gains, but let's face it, people move on. The market becomes more and more ADD/ADHD or whatever, attention span of mere minutes, and demanding two-digit gains a day or it's a waste of time. The hunt goes further and further back the line, to freshly listed coins, to ICOs. What's left on this side, on the "mature coin" side, is a daily roulette of PnD groups and you either play their game or risk having no gains or even losses.
Sorry, I'm a bit desillusioned right now. I see more and more coins that I like getting absolutely raped by this shit.

>> No.5701202


FUN bros,
We are in. Right now, we are in it and it's only just begun. Those of us here ITT, we've all got it right with this one. We're in to hold and that's all we have to do, just be patient. Strong hands. No trading, no shilling, no playing pump and dump. Fists of steel. We just keep holding and we're all going to to be set.

Balls deep 200k FUN let's do this burazazu

>> No.5701230


>> No.5701509
