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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 1125x386, boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56949613 No.56949613 [Reply] [Original]

How do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.56949624

4am is morning not tonight

>> No.56949627

according to your phone it's 3am where you live so just pretend you didn't see it

>> No.56949637


>> No.56949638

Simply ignore the message.

>> No.56949642

'not my problem'
He can't fire you

>> No.56949643

reply with: I need a pay rise.
this is so easy

>> No.56949644

On god boss? That shit aint bussin fr

>> No.56949671

>tonight at 4am

and then don't show up. Just pretend you thought he was joking and your reply was you joking along with him.

>> No.56949683

>No problem massa
>You need me to bring in the kneepads again to give you a nice blowy joey during breaktime?

>> No.56949714
File: 13 KB, 394x383, 1695039070969681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back to the cagie, wagie

>> No.56949739

By Not show up at 4am, And then continuing to not showing up for the rest of eternity. There’s millions of jobs out there and this one isn’t offering anything you can’t find elsewhere.

>> No.56949751

"Sorry i was asleep". God help you if you read the text.

>> No.56949766

what the fuck Ron we're carpenters shut up

>> No.56949784

Either ignore it and just say you didn’t see it because you were asleep/doing something, or get a different job that isn’t low tier wagie shit. The only exceptions to this would be technical things that are actually kind of important (and even then if swing shifts/on call isn’t a thing you’re with then fuck them anyway unless a goddamn reactor is about to meltdown or some shit) or if you’re in medicine.

>> No.56949804
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x1270, 1662333035702624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56949830

i dont get how anyone could be mad. youre not being forced to go. you arent a slave. either go or dont go. everything else is just bullshit.

>> No.56949832

You guys must still live with your parents because you know nothing about real life. If some jew cuck tells you to show at 4am you need to show up otherwise you're fired and who's gonna pay the rent or groceries?

>inb4: just get another job
It's not that easy retard

I'm thinking about moving back to my parents' house btw

>> No.56949836


>> No.56949870

Ask him what excuse to give his mum giving she’s expecting a long hard fuck session at that time

>> No.56949882

>If some jew cuck tells you to show at 4am you need to show up otherwise you're fired and who's gonna pay the rent or groceries?
Not in any first world country (America does not apply).

>> No.56949893

If they’re not scheduling you for 40 hours a week tell them to fuck off.

Nobody getting part time hours should ever be on call. Fuck that shit.

>> No.56949919

i didnt even read OPs picture but he's a huge faggot im sure

>> No.56950035

Never happens in union jobs

>> No.56950082

I post my fake text on reddit for upvotes

>> No.56950272

„ Thank you for the offer tonight, sir, but I'm in a good short position. I need to focus on my business tonight or I'll be liquidated and out of business, and we both don't want me looking for a better paying job then. So no, I'm out at 4am tonight. Maybe next time if you let me know early enough, bitch.“