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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 241 KB, 1080x740, 1702330578731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56947891 No.56947891 [Reply] [Original]

He's right, you know.

>> No.56947919

what's my password...oh yeah, it's sexyboobs123

>> No.56947924

His twit was as interesting as any random /r/buttcoin post. GFY for posting it again like a bot.

>> No.56947929
File: 161 KB, 1245x678, 1668770764123845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this twitter screen cap again
oh yes please more I don't get enough twitter

>> No.56947935

He is right.

Its the fundamental problem with meritocracy.

People with 120 IQ's design systems that only other fellow 120 IQ can work in.

Its even worse than he writes. I have my seed phrase, but EVERY single time I try to pull ETH / BTC off the exchange and onto my hard wallet, Coinbase / Kraken lock me out and make me re-verify myself.

Its a fucking industry designed around fucking people over with technicalities.

>> No.56947949
File: 109 KB, 500x390, image_2023-12-11_184249367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he already lost all his money without even touching it

>> No.56947957

>I will secure my entire networth with one "password"
>oops I forgot it haha
many such cases

>> No.56947992

>just give your password away to someone :) it's safer that way
Not falling for it

>> No.56948018

BTC, crypto, defi works just as they are supposed to. No middle man but it also obviously means more responsibility to your own assets. But he is right that for the mass adoption crypto still has a long way to go. For majority of people crypto is just simply too hard to grasp. Too many ways you can lose all your assets e.g. click wrong link and get drained, send assets to wrong address, manage to fuck up with seeds etc. With current state I would for example never recommend crypto to my old parents. Theoretically I could maybe get an extra ledger for them and manage it for them but it would mean more extra hassle/stress for me. I would literally be the middle man then...

>> No.56948051

Chainlink fixes this ;)

>> No.56948086

Why does he care then?

>> No.56948325

De-rec is gonna have your back soon.

>> No.56948350

It’s funny how no one has any answers for this. Just a bunch of seething and coping.

>> No.56948369

I had my BTC address shut down due to conflicts with my government. No, actually, that didn't happen, because bitcoin works and banks don't.

>> No.56948398


>> No.56948407
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>> No.56948695

cex fixes this brother.
theres no need for 100iqs to even have a wallet.

>> No.56948730

Stuff like revolut allows exposure to btc, also allows saving and receiving from different accounts. Also the regular wallet addresss is as complicated as a regular bank account. What is the problem ser?

>> No.56948736

A feminist dyke falsely reported me to the police for rape and I lost my entire net worth, all got taken by the government.
No, actually, that didn't happen, because I put everything in bitcoin and altcoins and they work, only banks would seize my money.

>> No.56948737

timelocked vaults with clawback are the obvious answer. It's funny how everyone pretends this problem was unsolvable.

>> No.56948786

That's pretty much what happened to Daniel Fraga, a very early adopter of Bitcoin
The government only got to seize $1 from him because he kept EVERYTHING in bitcoin

>> No.56949069

Hes right
I just sold everything

>> No.56949084

My pw is nigger1. The most secure.

>> No.56949311

Does wikipedia guy have an early life section on his wiki page?

>> No.56951103

It's quite simple: those who cannot
>remember their password
>keep their seed phrase safe
>safely hide their private keys
>maintain trigger & muzzle discipline
>take responsibility for themselves
>live independently
deserve neither wealth nor power.

>> No.56951504

Bitcoin is money, he got what he deserved in his replies

>> No.56951625
File: 725 KB, 1744x444, bigbitcoinbull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I buy MSTR.

>> No.56951650

Finally Natural Selection working as intended, we will have less sub 90iq Billionaires walking around

>> No.56951655

Is my sink poisoned too?

>> No.56951661

there will be banks for bitcoin just like there are for fiat, thats such a gay argument.
normies will use crypto banks, but the difference is you can take complete control of your wealth and hold more leverage compared to what you have with fiat.

>> No.56951790

>try to withdraw my money from the bank
>turns out my bank doesn’t actually have it
>my net worth doesn’t even exist

>> No.56951850

But does he know fdic insurance can only cover like 1% of what it promises, say, if the solar flare hits, which is a common argument against crypto. You know, computer numbers won't mean anything then so people will need that worthless paper.
What I'm getting at is this faggot is only worth $2,500 so why should I listen to that poor retard?

>> No.56951870
File: 66 KB, 756x553, 7bzv9pftiHGBie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel will suffer a strategic defeat and kikes will go in the oven

>> No.56951879

>I forgot to use the proper Globohomospeak in a Twitter post and my bank account was closed

>> No.56951904

>He is right.
>Its the fundamental problem with meritocracy.
>People with 120 IQ's design systems that only other fellow 120 IQ can work in.
That's the engine driving human evolution. Git gud or die alone.

>> No.56951910
File: 97 KB, 445x330, 646557ee455c3e16e4a9c2a0_image1BLOCKLORDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers being boomers, imagine relaying on banks and then they get broken, and so your net worth. Rather rot N die playing blocklords lmao. fucking web3 games, i can't believe they made something that actually looks good.

>> No.56951918
File: 42 KB, 316x429, weasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murican boomers always believe they're master of the reason when they're just fucking retarded.

>> No.56951922

top kek, Zionist will meet their doom

>> No.56951925

Go back to /V/ you neet, fthat fucking shit looks like a browser game bet it's full of capchas n shit

>> No.56951941

>crypto: you fuck up and you lose your money
>banks and cexs: someone else fucks up and you lose your money

>> No.56951951

Top kek, someone hasn't realized this kind of graph exists,

>> No.56951954

how rude, but yeah its filled of capchas but still looks pretty decent imo