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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56939606 No.56939606 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on Good Empire (G Revolution)?
Sub 1m marketcap, partnered with Facultygroup accelarator, website looks good, fully diluted, doxxed team

>> No.56939622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56939643

checked the website

>preachy bleeding heart libtard buzzwords
>a nation without borders
>lets save the FUCKING world
yea this might be a good buy its cringe enough that boomers will ape in to make a hecking difference, but wont be saving any fucking worlds anytime soon. Buy at $1mil sell at $10mil

>> No.56939653

Anyone else interested look into this thread for my huge info dump. If you look at PLANET it has a market cap of 80mil almost a 100x from where G is now. The funny thing about PLANET is it’s all smoke and mirrors they aren’t actually doing anything G is the real deal and Faculty saw that and jumped on them. https://www.theperiphery.io/goodbot-by-good-empire-the-interview/
All it takes is one big CT shill to send this

>> No.56939662

Kinda agree. But that would be a 10x

>> No.56939665

Yeah this is basically the jist. People want to feel like their making a change especially with crypto even if not much is being done. Marketing hasn’t even started yet

>> No.56939688

I found this because of your thread. Thanks anon

>> No.56939694

You’re welcome. We’re in very good hands with Andre

>> No.56940083

scam until proven otherwise

>> No.56940152

And that’s why people stay poor is the stamp of approval from a multi million dollar accelerator not enough?>>56939653

>> No.56940186

>multi million dollar accelerator
"In the 12 months to June 30, 2022, Vinomofo posted 4 per cent revenue growth and a net loss of $900,000"

>> No.56940245
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Lmao fud is starting

>> No.56940298

Should I buy this shit? What's a realistic MC?

>> No.56940319

You should know by now “realistic mc” means fuck all in crypto. All it takes is one big CT shill to want to play philanthropist and send this shit like I said a comparable coin is PLANET which is at 80m mc right now and that coin is all smoke

>> No.56940341

Were there any big names pushing PLANET? I've never heard of this Andre nigga until now

>> No.56940363

Only reason planet mooned is because a massive marketing campaign which got Messi. Considering marketing hasn’t started yet for G and it’s less than 1,000 holders I’m betting big

>> No.56940378
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>All other holders possess less than 5% of circulating token supply
A wallet contains a substantial amount of tokens which could have a large impact on the token price if sold.

>After dropping out of uni to start a failed family business, an acting career in four out of five of Australia’s worst TV shows, a singing career that never transcended being lead singer in a One Hit Wonders covers band, a theatre company that imploded on its first production, an events company that peaked at the launch of an adult sex toy brand, a film company that saw me nearly plummet to my death from a joy ride helicopter, and a year-long kombi wine adventure around Australia…

I co-founded online wine startup Vinomofo with my then brother-in-law Justin in 2006 and together we built it into a $100m+ global company.

In 2018, following an existential crisis driven by concern for the world and an awakening awareness of privilege and responsibility, I founded Good Empire, an impact startup to gather, unite and empower an empire 100 million people and 100,000 organisations for 1000 projects across 17 impact goals aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to help save the f**king world.

And that’s what I wake up to.

Get in touch if you want to learn more about Good Empire, join our community of good humans and organisations, look into booking me to speak at an event, talk to me about mentoring, or just say hi.

what the actual fuck

>> No.56940384

took him 5 years to start a shitty globohomo initiative after everything he did before failed?


>> No.56940402

None of this matters in crypto only narrative. Which is >>56939606

>> No.56940418

>he failed at everything else but you should be confident he will find a Messi equivalent to shill his worthless scam coin to do a 100x

Actually sounds pretty good to me. Just bought a bag. Thanks anon

>> No.56940423
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Stay poor /biz/ never change. If you were smart like me you would have bought at 60k mcap

>> No.56940487

Any other recommendations?

>> No.56940556
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true dat. reminds me when i made a 10x with that wozniak coin.

>> No.56940623


>> No.56940633

Nvm, site showed wrong for a bit. But it did just get to $0.01

>> No.56940758

yeah I'll imagine we reach $10m soon

>> No.56940774

Wow, the guy has been through so many start up. This is grifter tier shit, a conman.

Now he's starting some vanity project to catch some crypto profits. This has absolutely no use case at all, let alone a financial one.

>> No.56940780

Also this has a 5% buy AND sell tax. No serious project will want to have this.

>> No.56940781

100% correct. surely you can make money on this but be on your toes and sell/take profits.

>> No.56941088

Replying to myself here since I did some further reading. I thought the marketing firm that was mentioned was a bit of a meme, but it seems legit. They've propelled some project hard.

Still think the use case is bogus but I might pick up a bag solely based on the above.

>> No.56941213

I bought a bag of this right under a penny. I haven’t seen many doxxed projects on CMC under 1m mcap so fuck it. Also it has some pretty big VC backing I heard?

>> No.56941280

Bumping this because I wanna know what you fuckers think, is this the next 10-50x play?

>> No.56941307

well with a ~1M market cap, doxed white guy leader, feel-good narrative, if there's a good marketing push it sounds like a big winner from here

>> No.56941321

Jesus this thing is pumping hard right now.

>> No.56941325

Yeah it’s probably gunna go into price discovery with that VC backing

>> No.56941332

Also the CEO shills ICP/Dominic. My hero!

>> No.56941737

I think they do an AMA in 2 days or so when we can hopefully get some clarification

>> No.56941992

Who do you think just showed him ICP VRC? Bow down

>> No.56942022

Glad you actually have some humility these VCs have propelled projects to 100million plus also the buy and sell tax and integral to the mission

>> No.56942112

Another desperate fail of an idea from that guy to make free money............

Eikmeier’s supposed yearning to serve the universe is particularly risible beside his insouciance with the truth. He actually needed to leave Vinomofo in 2018 after his marriage to the sister of Vinomofo co-founder Justin Dry ended spectacularly....



>> No.56942121

Yeah a fail of an idea that just got a multi million dollar backing from a VC firm fuck off faggot

>> No.56942135
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Faggot. Faculty made an equity deal and it is their best interests to pump this to heaven

>> No.56942212

Elaborate Pump en Dump by a CEO that knows how to convince people to follow his fail fast money making schemes bordering bankrupcy and burning capital...... legit.
Can you make money? yes
Will this ever become someting? No
So maybe its perfect for biz after all.

>> No.56942217

If you’re faggot asses would have listens to be you’d be up 20x right now>>56940423

>> No.56942222

listened to me*

>> No.56942242

Thanks G anon. I got in off one of your other posts and am up 2x now. All going right 100m mc not too far away.

>> No.56942259

No problem I wanted to bring alpha back to /biz/ then I remembered why I stopped with faggots like>>56942212

>> No.56942320


>> No.56942332

'Project is charging excessively high buy and sell tax'

>> No.56942346

Stay poor

>> No.56942365

Lmao, imagine making such lazy scam you can't even evade automatic scam detectors.

>> No.56942591

Much too elaborate to be a scam. The quick cash grab rug kind at least. The guy who created it has been moderately successful in other endeavours. Sure the use case is questionable and literally no one will invest in it to save the world or whatever bullshit it claims to be, but you can't deny this has some momentum going on and that the mcap is tiny.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if a big boy exchange would list this for the brownie points they get for 'muh saving the world'. One way or the other, this will generate some attention.

>> No.56943543

"Moderately Succesful"

More like moderately delusional about his capabilities.
Claimed his wine selling website was gonna be the next Amazon then had to sell because his brother in law fucked up

Then tried to launch kind of a social netwerk that nobody uses with a lot of capital he flushed, now he tries to launch some cryptostuff that also is gonna go fast nowhere.

But yes, its gonna pump because he would sell his own shit and still manage to get enough retards to believe it is gold.....he is that good at selling air it can support a rocket to the moon.

>> No.56943557


>> No.56944208

Bump cause I want you guys to make money

>> No.56945087

Suicide stack?

>> No.56945310

Prob 100k

>> No.56946348


>> No.56947153


>> No.56947586


>> No.56947647


>> No.56947878


>> No.56948547


>> No.56948626

Wow the chosen coin

>> No.56948871
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>> No.56950681

This is a comfy hold