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56937578 No.56937578 [Reply] [Original]

How would you react when Bitcoin reaches 100k?

>> No.56937628
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I achieve levels of smug that weren't even thought possible.

>> No.56937729
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>> No.56938329
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>> No.56938496
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>> No.56938519
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>> No.56938540
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How would you react when Bitcoin reaches 0.

>> No.56938542
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>> No.56939404
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>> No.56939425
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>> No.56939465
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>> No.56939479
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>> No.56939512
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>> No.56939572
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>> No.56939581

Probably won't care anymore by then because it took too long and I had to sell most of my btc to live off. If it had gone to $100k back in 2021 like it was supposed to, I would have half a million dollars, but a year from now I'll probably be down to less than 0.5 btc.

>> No.56939672

I deserve a woman exactly that beautiful who loves only me and will stay with me forever!

>> No.56939714
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>> No.56939738

I did some apsara sadhna last night . The space fairies told me we're reaching McAfee dick revival prices this time

>> No.56939751

Have you tried getting a fucking job?

>> No.56939755

Those two are on absolutely different levels

>> No.56939787

I'm teaching myself computer science so I can get a job one day, but it takes time and I'll probably be down to almost zero by the time I'm good enough to be employable. I refuse to work any kind of unskilled labor in the meantime and I will kill myself before I'm forced to ever do that again.

>> No.56939802

>I'm teaching myself computer science
>to get a job someday

>> No.56939871

What's the joke? There are like 70k open software engineering jobs on indeed right now.

>> No.56939876
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>> No.56939883

who is this????

>> No.56939891

Not for (You)

>> No.56939962
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>> No.56940325
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she's taken

>> No.56940346

>I refuse to work any kind of unskilled labor in the meantime

Why? Even part time would better than what you're doing, which is eating your seeds. You're going to kys in a few years when you have nothing left and could have DCA the whole time or at least not wasting it.

>> No.56940444
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He mentions not doing it again implying he's a burnt out burger flipper or shelfie. Plus he'd probably not be able to dca a whole lot doing shelfie if not living at home because he'd be spending it all on rent, fuel and utilities.

Popped a sex wee in her balloon knot. Twice. And she liked it.

>> No.56940473

>I sold generational wealth for peanuts so I could be a bum for a couple of years
You did it to yourself, faggot

>> No.56940485

Because being around stupid people fills me with a burning rage and I wouldn't be able to last more than 5 minutes doing it. And also because if I got a job, it would significantly extend the time I need to learn CS. I'm basically spending 40+ hours a week learning right now and it's still going to take me at least another year to get good enough to be able to apply for jobs.

>> No.56940490
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>> No.56940491

>generational wealth
I had something like 4 btc so it never would have been able to last me a lifetime anyway. Sooner or later I would have needed to learn a skill and have a real career.

>> No.56940495

Id just be happy to see the snail stickied with user was banned for this post so that he can finally rest

>> No.56940516

You could have sold one and just throw 1k in every shitcoin that was posted during meme season and you would have been a millionaire or even billionaire if you were really fast with your ahitcoin buys

>> No.56940523

Don't want to queef all over your bonfire but unless you have a degree in it or are brown, employers will just bin your application. You might be better off using the coding for something a more....

>> No.56940524

4 BTC is a retirement stack in 20 years, it's good that you sold, economy will function better without your dumb ass having control over those resources

>> No.56940531

What am I supposed to do for the next 20 years while I wait for that to happen?

>> No.56940579
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You guys don't really think it's only going to $100k this bull run, do you? It's going a lot higher than that

>> No.56940584

i'm going with under 1mill/ over 200k.

>> No.56940650
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It will never get to 100k! It died Jim!

>> No.56941229
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>> No.56941255
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>> No.56941275
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>> No.56941498
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>> No.56941746

Head blasting screaming because bruv this bear market has gotta be the toughest I've ever seen.

By then my most anticipated project Kimberlite would have done it's IDO launch and trading on CEXs, alongside bags like INJ, PYTH, OPTI, and few more.

>> No.56941803

Bitcoins actual value in 2017-18 dollars is about 22k dollars. It’s only marginally higher than the 2017-2018 high. Bitcoin is a terrible store of value. We should be at 90-100k right now and 300-400k in 2025 but we aren’t. Bitcoin is shit.

>> No.56941828
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>> No.56941856
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>> No.56941965

Only gonna react like this when my DUA, INJ, and NXRA holdings hit ATH. Not some BTC Marxist crap, Pajeet.

>> No.56941986
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>> No.56941996
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Kek, this sounds crappy, Noob. I'm not buying atm 'cause I snagged BTC last year at 16k. I'm heading into BrillionFi Open Beta now for a shot at some sick rewards.

>> No.56942010
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>> No.56942039

Inj is a solid pick, one of the tokens I'm holding, Anon. Gonna self-custody all my assets in NexeraID supported smart wallet once that bad boy launches. I need to stay ahead of the game.

>> No.56942606
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I just had this weird dream where I got a job at Bethesda. They had this weird office policy where you had to wear sandals and your “desk” was minimalist. So it was a huge open floor and you could see everyone coding. At 2 PM Tod would come in on a Segway and run over people’s feet.

>> No.56943644


>> No.56943782
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>> No.56943796
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Stocksfag btw

>> No.56944045
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>> No.56944106
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>> No.56944393
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>> No.56944433

Get a fucking job like an adult.

>> No.56944478

And that's exactly what I'm trying to do by learning computer science. I have no delusions that I'm ever going to make it by just buying some asset and holding it anymore. I'm just living off the last of my crypto and hoping that the clock doesn't run out on me before I can learn programming well enough to get a job doing it. If it does then I'll probably just kill myself because this is my one and only last chance to do anything with my life.

>> No.56944591
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>BTC hits 100k or even higher
>promote from helpdesk monkey to system administrator
Life could see an improvement a hundredfold if things go according to plan. Could almost call it a personal bull run.

>> No.56944650

manual unskilled labour

>> No.56944820

Wind Turbine Technician

>> No.56944885

If you were a jobless NEET with no responsibilities it should have taken you no more than 6-9 months to learn enough compsci for an entry-level position, and you could have done a bootcamp and gotten certs or something if the lack of degree was an issue.

>> No.56944940

I started a month ago and bootcamps are not a way to learn real programming. I'm learning it the same way someone majoring in CS would learn it, through doing free online courses from top schools like MIT, Stanford, etc. They're pretty much just archived versions of classes actually taught at those schools. My goal is to be at the same skill level as someone who graduated from a top CS school. I'm also spending 40+ hours a week on it so I should be able to do it in a much shorter amount of time than a 4 year bachelor's degree.

>> No.56945063

Okay that sounds like a perfectly good way to do it, but out of curiosity what were you doing the full 2+ years before that when living off your btc?

>> No.56945144

Wallowing in depression while holding onto hope that the market would turn around any day and resume the bull run. It wasn't until a few months ago that I realized that crypto wasn't going to get me anywhere and that I needed to do something actually productive with my life.

>> No.56945200
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>> No.56945232
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That’s what I am doing, and it’s great. Had it another week without committing sepeku.

>> No.56945309

Posts like this reinforce my belief that it's all manic delusions and it will fizzle out.

>> No.56946212

anon unless the market dramatically improves, I have no idea how you will be able to get into the industry this way. You say bootcamps are not the way to learn, and I agree for the most part. They can help you learn how to get basic shit done, but they won't teach you how to think about the work. Anyways I'm telling you this for your own sake: Even if you manage to develop reasonable-ish skills which I'm gonna be honest I seriously doubt if you're learning by yourself, employers will not even look at your resume if you don't have a STEM degree. Doesn't have to be CS, but it has to be STEM. Only way around this is some kind of bootcamp and get lucky with connections, OR you're a woman / minority in which case you will get massively preferential treatment. If you're a white man, you're playing in insane mode.

>> No.56946908

>employers will not even look at your resume if you don't have a STEM degree
Yeah that sounds like bullshit. Only something like 1/3 of programming jobs require a degree. I would also argue that learning from the same courses that are being taught at top CS schools is better than the education the average CS graduate gets. I don't see any actual benefit to paying $100k for a degree when literally all the same courses are available for free online.

>> No.56947318

blessed thread

>> No.56947747
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>> No.56948592
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>> No.56950519
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wen 200k

>> No.56950701
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Verification not required.

>> No.56950781
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>> No.56950836

Probably the most retarded approach you could possibly take dude. Go get a job stocking shelves at the grocery store. You're burning precious time during the bear market when you should be stacking. You can focus on this possible pipe dream career shit after the bull market. I fucking busted my ass 40 hours/week moving furniture for the last 18 months stacking as much crypto as I could. Finally couldn't take that shit job anymore and quit, now I work at a gym. Hoping the bull happens next year so I can quit this shit and focus on an actual career, but I'm not missing out on the bear market to fuck around trying shit that may or may not work.

>> No.56952148
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hope you make it bruh

>> No.56952241
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Thanks, this cycle I will. And in response to your OP, mfw.

>> No.56952918

What are your holds?

>> No.56952932
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No reaction because I will take profit and buy my dream car. With 100K BTC, QANX will sure be above $1

>> No.56953099
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Dump it

>> No.56953204


>> No.56953471

You mean when it does 2x from here? fuck no!
>I bought RAIL instead, and I'll give a grim ripper reaction when it does 100x

>> No.56953544

Taking profit to reinvest it like I'm doing with my stables which are staked on SpoolFi is good, but taking profit to spend it off is bad for investment.

So you might need to get a job to sustain your self

>> No.56953549


>> No.56953557
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>> No.56953561
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>> No.56953612

Dump it and buy SUPRA with the money, not leaving money on the table when I can literally get in early on the next LINK.

>> No.56953628
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>> No.56953727

I can see some nice yields for staking ETH on that LSDFi protocol, and it's surprising to also see that it has a measurable risk management system which others lack